Chapter 1 The vision of heaven descending
In the scorching heat of Cuckoo City, the high temperature orange warning was upgraded to a red warning.

Mu Cang slid away the preview window that popped up on his phone, closed the screen, and put it in his pocket. Then he flipped through the items in the shopping cart and estimated the weight.

Eggs, millet, cheese, dragon fish, straws, kitchen paper... It seems to be complete.

She just turned the shopping cart around and walked towards the self-service checkout counter, but she didn't expect her phone to vibrate again in her pocket.

After answering, Xiao Zhileng's indifferent voice came, "I've already signed the divorce agreement, and I'll send it to you by courier in the same city today."

Then, the phone was hung up.

Mu Cang hummed lightly, as calm as water.

Suddenly, two chubby hands hugged her arms and shook towards the shelf next to her, "Mom, cement mixer truck."

Mu Cang hurriedly pulled the shopping cart away from the shelf, "No, there are too many toy cars at home, so I can't buy any more."

Moreover, the toy packaging box is so big that it is very difficult to carry.

When Xiao Zai heard this, he pursed his lips, crossed his arms over his chest, and said with a sigh: "Zai Zai is angry!"

Mu Cang rubbed his son's fluffy little curly hair, and suggested: "That boy, take a second look and think about it, maybe you can dream about it."

She pushed the shopping cart to the self-service checkout area to scan the code to pay.

Xiao Zai was sitting in the shopping cart, holding a huge shopping bag in his little chubby hands. He watched her scan one, and he pretended to be the same. The mother and son cooperated very well.

Mu Cang is 26 years old this year, and his son is two and a half years old.

Four years after she graduated from college and started working, she first missed the most important job opportunity because of her pregnancy, and then "voluntarily" left her job because of the crisis due to childbirth.

On the bifurcation road of her life, without even a chance to hesitate, she became the one labeled "full-time mother" in the college classmate group, and became the "love brain" that was gradually drifting away in the mouth of her friends.

Is it worth it?
She reminisces about her dull past, which is extremely boring.

So far in life, the most passionate decision is nothing more than asking Xiao Zhi for a divorce.

He should be relieved.

Mu Cang held his son in one hand and carried a big shopping bag in the other. As soon as he walked out of the supermarket, his phone vibrated in his pocket again.

"Mucang! Are you crazy! What can you do if you are divorced? Do you still want to take care of the children by yourself? Let me ask you, how do you take care of the children? What to eat, drink, where to live? Do you have any savings? Do you have any? Do you want to work during your time? Have you considered the real issues? You are sick if you just want to leave! Zaizai doesn’t need his father! What a big deal, you want to divorce! You have a problem in your head!"

There was a burst of roaring from the phone, it was Mu Cang's eldest sister, Mu Xi.

Mu Cang took his son to the corner of the entrance of the mall, put down the shopping bags, and sat on the small steps against the wall with his son in his arms.

Her tone was calm and she promised, "Sister, I will work hard to live a better life, really."

Mu Cang never thought that this second sister, who was usually well-behaved and clever, would get divorced without saying a word. He was furious on the other end of the phone, "I mean Mu Cang, Xiao Zhi has made some unforgivable mistake. You have to divorce." ? As a housewife, how are you going to survive a divorce? How are you going to go to work? How are you going to get married again in the future? Don’t you think about these issues in your head? "

"Sister." Mu Cang handed the water cup to his son, took out the straw for him, and suddenly fell silent again. After waiting for a long time on the other end of the phone, and after a few feedings, she continued, "Sister, mom, she is Aren’t you very disappointed? In the past three years, I have been... just an ordinary housewife. Do you think she is very disappointed? "

Mu Xi on the other end of the phone seemed to be lost in memories. After a long time, he sighed leisurely and said in a loud voice: "At that time, when I was angry, my mother just said that. How can I rely on you to honor our ancestors? Besides, the three of us have Sister, as long as you are smart, she has high hopes... A strong person like her is bound by her family, so..."

Mu Su's words came to an abrupt end, then he came back to his senses and shouted: "We are talking about your affairs, so don't change the subject! Tell us about you, a jobless homeless person, how will you live your life in the future?"

Mu Cang pulled his son into his arms, kissed his forehead, and seemed to be saying to himself, "What kind of homeless person am I..."

There are no unemployed people who need to work 24 hours a day. There are no holidays or performance bonuses. Day and night are reversed from time to time, or they may stay up all night.

How could she not deserve the respect she deserved?

Xiao Zai spat out the straw, and he could hear his aunt scolding through the phone.

"Is it because Mom and Dad are officially separating, so Auntie scolded you?"

He also specifically emphasized the tone of the word "formal".

Before the divorce, Mu Cang explained the meaning of divorce to Xiao Zai, and now the little boy pretended to be a serious adult, patted her on the head, and comforted her: "I can't see you twice a year, don't bother me. ah."

"Xiao Zai! Who do you say can't see you twice a year? What about me?"

Mu Su yelled on the other end of the phone.

Xiao Zai stuck out his tongue and puffed up his little bun face playfully. He held his little ears with his chubby hands and made a face at the phone.

Mu Cang burst out laughing and explained: "Sister, Zai Zai is talking about Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi and I don't see each other twice a year."

"Aren't you all in Juancheng? Why don't you see him twice a year? Does he have a woman outside?"

On the other end of the phone, the eldest sister was still preaching. On the other end of the phone, Mu Cang looked at his son's grimace and felt soft and warm in his heart. It was worth it and all the effort was worth it.

"Mom, look, mom! It's snowing! Black snow!"

Xiao Zai pointed to the road outside the glass door.

Mu Cang turned his head and narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

How can it snow in the middle of summer?Still black snow...

Outside the polished glass doors of the shopping mall, a sudden blizzard fell down, dark brown, like catkins, very abrupt under the scorching sun.

Where is the fire?

Snow falling in June is not a strange thing, but snow falling when the temperature exceeds [-] is incredible. Besides, there are no snowflakes that are dark brown.

By chance, a dark brown snowflake the size of a petal fell in the wind and stuck end to end on the glass door.

Through the transparent glass door, she could see clearly. They were not black ash from smoke, nor fluffy willow catkins. They were really hexagonal flakes of ice crystals like snowflakes. The moment they were pasted on the glass door, they melted into water vapor and disappeared. trace.

"Is this really snow? It's so weird..."

Mu Cang frowned and wondered if there was any large chemical plant nearby.

"Mom, mom, is it snow?"

Xiao Zai pressed his chubby face against the glass door, extremely excited.

"It's not snow."

Mu Cang raised his head, looked at the scattered black dots in the sky, and conjectured that even he didn't believe it, "Maybe...the garbage is being burned somewhere."

"Oh!" Xiao Zai nodded with confidence.His mother is very powerful and knows everything.

Mu Cang frowned, panicked for no reason, now that environmental protection is so strict, how could someone burn garbage in the business district?

(End of this chapter)

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