Doomsday housewives: the head of the family does not bow down

Chapter 40 There are corpses on the ground

Chapter 40 There are corpses on the ground
Mu Cang took a breath, closed the car door, and said to Xiao Zai: "Zai Zai, sit in, mom."

"No." Xiao Zai shook his head, "Zai Zai helps mother push."

Mu Cang smiled very relievedly, "It's okay, when you get tired later, remember to sit in. Your extra thirty catties is nothing to my mother."

She bent her arms, revealing her lean and slender arms. The slightly protruding muscle lines on them really looked very powerful. I can hug it!"

Xiao Zai was so amused by his mother.

The mother and son pulled, pushed, and dragged the rickety camper into the gate of the maternity hospital.

Outside the outpatient hall on the first floor, a thick pvc magnet partition curtain hangs down. Looking from a distance, the inside is empty, and there are only some scattered A4 printing papers on the ground.

Mu Cang lifted the partition curtain and pulled the camper into the car.

She whispered: "Zai Zai, come ahead and hold the corner of mom's clothes."

Xiao Zai nodded, swung the small robot hanging on his chest behind his back, and then ran to the front of the camper in two steps, grabbing his mother's clothes tightly.

It was chilly inside the building, with no wind, and the temperature was about ten degrees lower than outside.

Mu Cang only took two steps, and a small piece of goose bumps had already appeared on his arm, and his son Xiao Zai also rubbed his arm, shivering.

Mu Cang glanced back at Simian in the camping car. He was sleeping deeply, curled up in a baby's position. The bandage on his body was no longer soaked in blood. He didn't know whether it was scabbed or there was not much blood left.

The swivel wheels of the camper are designed to be silent, and there is no sound on the smooth tiles, but there is a rustling sound when it is pressed against those A4 printing papers.

Mu Cang had a crossbow arrow tied to his left arm, and a broken watermelon knife in his right hand.

She put Simian's sharp dagger back into his hand.Once she is lost and killed, she will not survive, and she will not be able to protect him. She only hopes that he can "pretend" like he did just now and have self-defense weapons to protect himself.

The mother and son dragged the camper van and went around the consulting rooms and examination rooms on the first floor one by one. They found neither zombies nor doctors or patients.

Xiao Zai saw his mother rummaging through boxes and cabinets at the nurse's consultation desk and asked, "Mom, is the hospital closed down?"

Mu Cang shook his head, "No, the latest date on it is June [-]nd, that is, the day when it snowed heavily, and four patients were seen on that day."

The patient who made an appointment at nine o'clock is a member number, Chen Guibing, female, 42 years old, and she is linked to the obstetrics and gynecology department, and the ring is taken;

Eleven o'clock is a temporary patient, Wang Yanyan, 19 years old, obstetrics, abdominal pain during pregnancy, with signs of premature delivery;
At three o'clock in the afternoon, it was a member's appointment. Yu Sheng, 30 years old, had an appointment for a surgery, private part tightening surgery;
The last member, Lin Meng, 35, who was also a scheduled member of the hospital, had a routine prenatal check-up at 37 weeks.

After that, no patients were received.

So, where did everyone go?

The gate of this building was not locked, and the doors of the consultation rooms and examination rooms showed no signs of violence. Although the materials were placed in a mess, there were no signs of fighting.

This reminded Mu Cang of the situation in the Dingzhi Research Institute, which was also empty, but hundreds of zombies were blocked on the first floor.

So, will the zombies in this hospital be blocked artificially?

Seeing his mother flicking through the file folder, Xiao Zai froze, and gently tugged at her sleeve, "Mom, shall we go upstairs and look for it?"

Mu Cang nodded, "Yes."

I can only take risks and search layer by layer.

Even if no surviving doctor can be found, they still have to stay in this hospital until Si Mian wakes up.

Si Mian is a student of the University of Medical Sciences, so she must know more about medical theory than she does.

Once Si Mian wakes up, the cure rate of waiting in the hospital is definitely higher than that of staying by the roadside.

Mu Cang dragged the camper, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

I don't know if this hospital has run out of backup power or has not been turned on. In short, all the equipment that can use power are just decorations.

For example, elevator.

Mu Cang camel Simian out of the camper, and then taught his son how to fold and store the camper.

This camper weighs less than three kilograms, which is lighter than Xiao Zai's scooter. As if to show off his ability, the little guy grabbed one side with one hand and dragged it upstairs.

Mu Cang called out softly, "Wait for Mom."

Like an old cow, she carried the unconscious Simian on her hump, holding on to the armrest and heading to the second floor.

The higher you went up, the more obvious the dark and damp smell became, and there was a faint rancid smell in the air. Mu Cang became alert, grabbed his son, and signaled him to pause.

She first placed Simian on the flat ground at the corner of the stairs, pointing to reveal the five-finger-wide crack in the door, and said to her son: "Mom, take a look first, you support Brother Si Mian, be quiet."

Xiao Zai nodded, hugged the camper, squatted beside Simian, and supported his tilted head.

Mu Cang first opened the door slightly, then turned sideways and looked inside.

The corridor was very dim, there was no lighting, and everything was indistinct, but only from the outlines, it seemed that several people had fallen on the floor.

She withdrew, took out the flashlight with tooth marks from Si Mian's pocket, squeezed back into the crack of the door again, held the light of the flashlight in the palm of her hand and adjusted it to the weakest mode, and only then nervously shone on the figure on the ground .


Is there someone missing?

She remembered that just now, there was one lying beside the chair, why is the chair empty now?
Mu Cang's heart trembled, and the flashlight he held also trembled.

Now within the range of the corridor that can be illuminated, there are four human figures lying down, all motionless. Two of them have a puddle of dried blood under their bodies, and the other two cannot be seen clearly.

Mu Cang brightened the light of the flashlight again, but still did not cause any abnormalities.

She turned off the flashlight and went back to the corner of the stairs.

Xiao Zai quickly asked: "Mom, is there a doctor on the second floor?"

Mu Cang shook his head, "I don't know, the second floor is not as clean as the first floor."

Xiao Zai asked again: "Then shall we go back to the first floor?"

Mu Cang still shook his head, but his tone was firm, "There must be survivors in this building, but I don't know where they are hiding."

Holding his cheeks, Xiao Zai imitated his mother and began to meditate. Suddenly, his stomach gurgled, and then Mu Cang's stomach also gurgled.

She looked at her watch, and it was already 09:30 in the morning. From last night to now, she had been working hard, but she hadn't eaten a bite, and the tension did not dissipate. This sudden hunger.

Xiao Zai clutched his flat stomach, "Mom, I'm not hungry."

Mu Cang rubbed his head and fled in a hurry. Their backpacks were left in the research institute. Apart from the knife and wounds, they had nothing to eat.

"Wait here, mom goes upstairs to take a look, just a look." As she said that, she gently closed the door at the stairway, stuck the folded camper behind the door panel as a warning, and then quietly walked towards the door. Walk towards the third floor.

(End of this chapter)

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