Chapter 8 Never eaten meat
That night, Mu Cang curled up on the small breastfeeding sofa behind the door, sleeping unsteadily, the scenes in her dreams were grotesque, she died time and time again in various tricky and terrifying desperate situations.

When I opened my eyes, I was sweating profusely, and saw that the clock on the wall pointed to exactly six o'clock.

His son Xiao Zai was curled up in a small crib, covered with a long gown, sleeping soundly, with a flushed face.

Mu Cang found the small can of milk powder in the locker, used a disposable paper cup, mixed the cup according to the feel of the hand, and drank it all in one gulp.

It's okay, not sweet or bland.

She gave her son two more cups according to this ratio.

Xiao Zai has followed her around a lot since he was a child, never recognizes his bed, and has a typical happy-go-lucky temperament.

After being woken up by his mother, he didn't cry. He rubbed his eyes and after seeing his surroundings clearly, he took his mother's hand and started to drink milk.

After drinking two cups of milk, I went to pee in the small toilet, and then washed up. Everything was in accordance with the rhythm of the house, orderly, as if life was still as calm as usual.

Mu Cang pulled out the small sheet from the crib, wrapped his yawning son in his arms, and pocketed it.

The sheet is crossed from the shoulders and neck, around the waist, and then tied with a slip knot.

This trick is a way of holding a baby that she learned from a sister-in-law of a minority ethnic group when she forgot to take the braces when she went back to Weicheng.

Xiao Zai felt very comfortable and safe being held in her arms by her mother, so she happily described it: "Kangaroo mother, kangaroo mother."

"Baby kangaroo, shhh!" Mu Cang tapped Xiao Zai's nose, "Mom, turn it on to the minimum volume."

Xiao Zai nodded in understanding, covered his mouth, his big eyes flickered, and stopped making any sound.

Holding the bolt cutters in one hand, Mu Cang opened the door of the mother's room a crack, first listened carefully, then poked half of his head out to look outside.

The corridor outside the door leads to the men's and women's restrooms in the mall. It is designed to be winding and deep. In the dim light, it is quiet and quiet, as if there is nothing unusual.

She carried her son in her arms, walked out of the room, and walked quietly out of the corridor.

To go downstairs, there are no more than three kinds of escalators, straight ladders, and walking stairs.

The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses that I met yesterday chose to take the fire escape staircase, but I don’t know if they got home.

In addition, the escalators were running normally, but the escalators in this mall were very steep. Once they were intercepted on the way, she would be in a dilemma.

The escape route she had thought about early on was to go to the sightseeing elevator, which was the set of transparent glass elevators opposite!
It was only a quarter past six, and there were no survivors or zombies around.

With his son in his arms, Mu Cang walked up and down very quickly in small steps, and rushed steadily to the glass ladder opposite, and pressed the button.

A glass staircase rises up from the underground parking lot on the second floor.

She stood at the door holding the bolt cutters, taking a deep breath and getting ready for an attack.

If there are a group of zombies inside, she turns around and runs, if there are only one or two zombies inside, she is ready to fight.

The elevator slowly rose, and from a distance, she noticed something was wrong.

The originally transparent glass staircase was painted with something and became very dim, making it impossible to see whether there were any zombies inside.

Her palms began to sweat, and her feet subconsciously took a step back.


When the elevator arrived, the two glass doors that were supposed to be translucent were covered with blood stains, painted over and over, and tightly sealed.

The door opened, and in an instant, the smell of blood rushed to her face, making her vomit, but strangely, there was no one inside.

These bloodstains were artificially smeared in the elevator, and they were spread very evenly, and palm prints and fingerprints could be seen in many places.

Mu Cang stood at the door blankly, until the elevator door started to close again, she didn't realize it, and rushed in.

The key areas were not painted, as if the other party had only painted the light-transmitting parts, and it was not all blood. In some places, the kind of opaque white paint used to mark lines in underground parking lots was used.

Mu Cang's original plan was to go to the underground parking lot, but after hovering her finger on the keyboard for two seconds, she chose the first floor.

The elevator came up from the underground parking lot, and these deliberately smeared stains couldn't possibly be done by zombies.

She raised her head and looked at the traces of smear on the ceiling of the elevator, knowing that the other party must have spent so much time on it for a special purpose.

If that person was not dead, then when the elevator moved, he might have known that someone would come down later.

I don't know whether the other party is a good person or a bad person.

If it was a bad guy, would he use her and her son as bait to lure the zombies?

Don't dare to think about it, in short, she is a weak woman, so she must be guarded against others.

It was dark inside the elevator, and Mu Cang couldn't see what was going on outside. He felt as uneasy as a drum beating in his heart.


As soon as he stopped, Mu Cang heard a wheezing sound.She jumped sideways with the child in her arms and hid on the side of the operating panel.

The glass door covered with dried blood opened to both sides, and there happened to be a pair of rickety zombie sisters outside.

Like the auntie cleaner on the roof, the two of them had no trauma on their bodies, and they were neatly dressed in dresses of the same color, but their spines seemed to have softened, and their bodies were bowed like shrimp.

Awakened by the sound of the elevator, the two sisters raised their heads. They had a dead face in blue-grey, with black and bulging eyeballs, no whites, unblinking, and bloodless lips.

Both of them were very clean, with no blood stains on them, as if they had never eaten meat.

Mu Cang lightly covered his son's mouth and nose, and held his breath himself.

From the perspective of the sisters Hua Zombie, they couldn't see Mu Cang and Xiao Zai in the elevator.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, the two men suddenly took a step in, and then the elevator door opened again!

That is, the moment they poked in, the two beautiful beauties' heads, like cartilaginous creatures, turned their heads 180 degrees, and their eyes met each other, looking at the corner where Mu Cang was.

She even heard the whirring in their throats, the grinding of their teeth.

Mu Cang twisted his body and squeezed out of the gap between the two of them like a loach, and then sprinted for [-] meters again!

A thought flashed through her mind, and she somewhat understood why someone painted the elevator to look like that.

The zombie sisters were chasing after them. Their high heels were nailed to the ground, making a clicking sound like a gong. Although they were not as fast as Mu Cang who was wearing sneakers, the sound of their high heels made everyone near the mall hear the sound. The zombies woke up with a start.

Mu Cang saw a familiar scene happen. An anxious zombie jumped directly from all corners of the fifth, fourth, third, and second floors in various postures and angles towards the first floor where she was, and even fell down. With a broken leg, he crawled towards her; more seriously, he didn't find the right position, and sometimes his body and head were separated directly.

Mu Cang glanced at the nearest arcade and rushed in!

As soon as she locked the door, she saw a zombie wearing a peaked cap rushing toward her. The smell of blood in his mouth made her pick up the bolt cutters and hit her hard!
The force of this smash was not small, it dented the head of the zombie wearing a hat, but he didn't feel any pain, and his dirty hands grabbed Xiao Zai who was in Mu Cang's arms again!

(End of this chapter)

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