Chapter 12 Spiritual Power

Yunxi was awakened by the sound of mimi mimi.

She opened her eyes, only to feel that her eyes were covered with white. The white fur ball that had previously refused to come over was now anxiously swirling around her. After seeing Yun Xi wake up, the white cat jumped to Yun Xi's side. On her face, the paws heavily printed two plum blossoms on her face.

"I'm fine..." When Yunxi opened her mouth, she realized that her voice was extremely hoarse. She stood up and said to the cat beside her, "I made you worry."

Cat felt relieved when she saw that Yun Xi was indeed fine. She walked aside and ignored the dirt on the ground, sat down and looked at her seriously.

Yunxi felt the weakness of her body and asked Lanxing, "Didn't you say it won't affect my body? How could I faint?"

Lan Xing quickly sent an image to her mind, and only then did Yunxi realize that when she used that ability, she was not using the green life force, but another power emitting a shining blue light.

"What is this?" Yunxi was sure that she had not seen the blue light, and Lanxing also gave her the answer at this moment.

"This is the mental power that comes with this body. Just now you accidentally used your mental power, which caused your mental power to be exhausted. This was my mistake."

Lan Xing still had that metallic voice, but there was a trace of guilt in his voice.

"As long as your body is fine." Yun Xi didn't care. She was quite concerned about the mysterious feeling just now.

Yunxi looked at the land that was still dark just now, and saw that this piece of land had become a land that could be planted. She shook her body and got up to continue working. Before Lan Xing could speak, the white man beside her The cat was already meowing.

I saw the cat standing in front of Yunxi's hoe with a serious face, and let out a cry of "Mimi Mimi". Although Yunxi couldn't understand it, it was not difficult to see what it meant from its expression.

"Dabai, do you want me to take a rest?" Yunxi has been calling the cat Dabai in her heart for a long time. Before, she had some sense and didn't call out the name, but now she was so dizzy that she didn't even notice that she was facing the cat. Uncle Cat has changed his name.

The cat (Dabai) did not expect that this human being would give him such an ugly name. It instantly forgot what it wanted Yunxi to do, and started to protest like a cat while sitting there.

Yunxi is delirious now, seeing the cat so excited, she thought it liked the name.

"If you like this name, then I'll call you Dabai, hehehe, Dabai, let's go back to rest." Saying this, Yunxi ignored Dabai's objection on the ground, hugged it up, and swayed back step by step. residence.

When Yunxi returned to her residence, she looked at the food hanging here and finally felt the emptiness in her stomach. She glanced at Zhijian, but in the past two hours, she felt so hungry that she felt like she hadn't eaten all day. What does it look like?
Without thinking too much, Yunxi took down the three fish that were hanging to dry, threw them into the pot and started to simmer, while she squatted on one side with her eyes staring straight.

Just eating fish isn’t enough. I’ll have to think about how to improve the food in two days…

The fish in the pot was cooked quickly. Yunxi picked out a fish for Dabai, the great hero who woke him up, and he built the remaining two fish.

(End of this chapter)

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