Chapter 338 The Queen's Death
The federal troops were nervously vigilant for a long time, but found that there was no more movement in Yunxi.

Yun Xi: Hehe, it's impossible to attack. My main goal is to get in with all my strength.

Thinking about it, Yunxi even turned over and exposed her belly to make it easier for them to fight.

The federal army didn't care about any conspiracy theories. They only knew that they would kill him while he was sick!

With the continuous efforts of the federal army, Yun Xi's body no longer had a good piece of meat. She felt her body condition, and it was obvious that she had more air coming out and less air coming in...

Ji Nanzhu, please change us back quickly!If I don't go back, I will be beaten to death by my own people! !
Seeing Ji Nanzhu's cruel methods towards the Queen and Bai Ye, she couldn't help but complain crazily in her heart.

Fortunately, Ji Nanzhu really understood the queen's thoughts. When Yunxi almost couldn't hold on, the change of transportation finally began.

Along the way, Ji Nanzhu listened quietly to Yun Xi's words. When he heard that she had been enduring the attacks, Ji Nanzhu couldn't help but feel sad for a moment. He frowned slightly and said, "My plan will be next time." More thoughtful.”

"It's okay, it's okay. I really don't feel any discomfort. After all, most of the medicines they use to deal with the Zerg have strong anesthetics. It can be said that I feel almost no pain."

Ji Nanzhu glanced at Yun Xi, then lowered his head slightly and said with a smile, "Okay, I understand."

I don't know whether it was because Yunxi Road led them well or because the Queen really had no power to resist. There were almost no Zergs coming to disturb them along the way, and the federal army behind them couldn't help but marvel.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the nest where the queen lived. When he saw the burnt-yellow grass in front of him, Ji Nanzhu was still a little surprised and said, "I didn't expect that she would hide here."

The moment they heard Ji Nanzhu's voice, the advance troops in the cave poked their heads out of the cave.

"Marshal! You are here!"

Seeing his silly subordinates, Ji Nanzhu finally showed a smile, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, so what's the point? This Zerg Queen is completely different from what we imagined. She just lies there like a fool and lets us beat her. When she reacts, she wants to fight back. , hey, guess what, we’ve knocked it down hahahahaha!”

Standing in front of them, the "idiot" Queen Yunxi looked at them with a resentful look on her face as she listened to the gate's nonsense, and the murderous aura in her eyes was about to turn into reality.

Ji Nanzhu wanted to laugh but didn't dare, for fear that Yun Xi would let them know who was the boss in his anger.

"Hey, boss, why do I feel a little cold?"

One of the advance team members shivered and asked in confusion.

Ji Nanzhu laughed and said, "Okay, don't talk so much. Let's go in and see what's going on."

After hearing what Ji Nanzhu said, those people suddenly became interested.

"Boss, I've been waiting for your words!"

They used their weapons to push aside the grass to reveal the cave entrance, and then several people entered together.

Yunyue could still hear some tiny sounds in the dark cave. Looking at this familiar environment, Yunxi had no expression on her face. Just now, Lan Xing had returned to her mind, and she heard Lan Xing's voice again. The sound made her feel relieved. With this big bug, she had nothing to fear. She could just wait until the queen was solved this time, and then she could continue her happy pastoral life.

In such a distracted situation, Yunxi finally walked in front of the Zerg Queen, and saw that the Queen, who was so huge and terrifying in her eyes, no longer seemed so oppressive at this moment. "So, what is she?" Looking at the wounds on the queen's body and her weak appearance, everyone still didn't understand.

"Ji Nanzhu!!! Yunxi!!!" Yunxi felt a harsh voice in his head, which was the angry roar of the Zerg Queen. Unfortunately, this group of humans did not understand this Zerg's unique roar.

Compared to the queen's collapse, Yunxi's reaction was much lighter.

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, it's better to accept your fate."

"Accept my fate! How could I accept my fate! I have worked hard for so many years, and Qi can be defeated by a bunch of you guys!"

"That's such a pity. You were defeated by a group of minions like us that you look down upon." Yun Xi smiled heartlessly. "My Lady Queen, let's just say goodbye. Let them leave the past matters to them." Go over there."

After Yun Xi finished saying this, she took a step back and looked at the Queen quietly without saying anything.

Ji Nanzhu stepped forward, a burst of white light flashed, and Dabai walked slowly to the queen's side.


It looked at the queen, then at Ji Nanzhu, and then understood everything.

"Meow." Then I took action.

"No!!" Seeing Ji Nanzhu's unfaithful expression, the Zerg Queen finally panicked. She screamed loudly. This time, she spoke in human language, and everyone around her could understand what she was saying. .

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I can surrender or submit! I just ask you not to kill me!"

It's a pity that after so many years, people no longer have the slightest trust in the Zerg.

"Do you know how many compatriots we lost in this battle alone? You don't know. Of course, even if you knew, you wouldn't care, because you are the queen of the Zerg and the leader of the Zerg. You have not been the one to see it for a long time. Xiaorong will shed tears and scream when there is a little blood."

"You did nothing wrong, it's just that our positions are different. If possible, I hope you can become a real human being in the future."

"Jin Nanzhu! I'll kill you!" The Queen finished her words, and before everyone could react, she suddenly transformed into a woman. With blood and tears on her face, she stared at Ji Nanzhu, as if she wanted to kill him. Eaten alive.

It's a pity that this is Ji Nanzhu's home field. The moment she transformed, Dabai had already dodged and rushed forward, hitting her vitals and killing her with one blow.

"He..." The queen's eyes widened, and blood flowed down her neck, instantly dyeing her clothes red. She looked at the indifferent Ji Nanzhu and wanted to say something, but could no longer say it. A little noise.

Seeing the queen fall down in front of them, everyone present didn't know what to say for a moment. They looked at each other in confusion, and after a long while, they said tremblingly, "We succeeded?"

Ji Nanzhu took a deep breath. No one knew how much pressure he was carrying from the attack just now.

He looked at the dark cave and felt peaceful in his heart.

Father, mother, this is revenge for you, have you seen it?

(End of this chapter)

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