Chapter 40 Buying an Optical Brain
The white dress that the housekeeper gave her yesterday was the most popular household pajamas in the Federation. Although it can be worn outside, as long as people in the Federation see it, they will know what it is.

Yunxi thanked her, and went back to her room to change into this outfit.

I don't know if the clothes in the Marshal's Mansion are all in this straight style, but when Yunxi appeared in front of Ji Nanzhu in this small imitation military uniform, Ji Nanzhu reluctantly nodded.

Yesterday, because her hair was not easy to take care of, Yunxi cut her hair into shoulder-length hair. With her short hair and this straight dress, she looked a bit more sassy.

"Okay, let's go out."

Ji Nanzhu walked forward, Yunxi hurriedly followed behind him, she turned her head to look at the Marshal's Mansion, the kind butler bowed slightly, the guards behind her gradually blocked her sight, is this the Marshal?

Ji Nanzhu had work to do, and as soon as he entered the flying car, he went to the side to deal with the work, leaving Yunxi alone in the cabin and looking out the window, without the dazzling yesterday, looking carefully today, the world here looks like nothing but flying in the sky. The ones running on the ground, and the virtual advertisements are more realistic, and the others don't seem to be much different from the world she used to live in.

When Ji Nanzhu came back from work, what he saw was Yunxi tasting the nutrient solution bored there.

Seeing a row of nutrient solution in front of Yunxi, the lids of the nutrient solution have been opened, and a thin straw is inserted into each bottle, and every time she takes a sip of the nutrient solution that looks beautiful in color and tastes horrible, she shiveres , Taste it for half a day with a bitter face, and then go to the next one.

Watching Yun Xi masochistically finish drinking the most bizarre-tasting nutrient solution here, Ji Nanzhu finally walked forward.

"Seeing how vigorously you are drinking, I thought these nutrient solutions tasted good."

"I can't describe it as good or bad, I can only describe it as terrifying. If I didn't know that your taste buds are fine, I would have doubted whether you were poisoning yourself by drinking these nutrient solutions."


Ji Nanzhu glanced at Yunxi, but didn't give an answer.

Sometimes when his mind is too messy or he needs to boost his energy quickly, he will drink a nutrient solution with a strange taste. As a marshal, he needs a brain that is always awake, but Yunxi doesn't need to know the reason.

The spaceship slowly landed, and this was the federal government affairs hall.

Yunxi stepped out of the speeding car and looked at the tall building in front of her, which looked like a tower. The metal shell was matched with transparent glass, revealing a sense of alienation.

Yunxi looked here.I thought to myself, as expected of the future world, even a government affairs hall here looks so tall.

The two walked into the building, and the orderly scene inside refreshed Yunxi's impression. The receptionist in the government affairs hall was a small robot. After seeing Yunxi and Ji Nanzhu coming in, he quickly stepped forward and asked them what they needed to do. Business, and then guide them to the elevator, and leave after telling the floor, so people who come here to do business can quickly find the floor they should go to.

Looking at Yunxi's curious look, Ji Nanzhu introduced, "This kind of robot is a small robot for work, and there is another kind of home robot. In the Commonwealth, as long as you have your own residence, you can buy a home robot by yourself. Clean up your house."

Yunxi was very curious about this robot and said, "Then why doesn't your house have one?"

Ji Nanzhu looked solemn, and said seriously as if he had thought of something, "Because of the special nature of my profession, I try not to have too many machines at home. If possible, it is best to use human power."

Yunxi nodded, this is obviously beyond what he should understand, Ji Nanzhu must have his reasons for doing so.

They did not continue to ask, but looked at the process of everyone's work.

Facts have proved that even if the marshal comes here to do business, he still has to queue up.

Ji Nanzhu gave Yun Xi a number. Before he could say anything, the light brain rang. He gestured to Yun Xi and left.

Yunxi was sitting in the waiting area, and soon heard the call of the number.

When she walked to the office area, she was surprised to find that the person in front of her was not a human being, but a small robot. The robot's face imitated a human smile and said, "Hi, how can I help you?"

Just as Yunxi was about to speak, Ji Nanzhu, who had gone to the side to answer the phone just now, came back. He stretched out his hand, handed the little robot an ID card, and said, "Check her identity information."

Not knowing what Ji Nanzhu meant by this move, Yunxi sat there quietly like a chicken, watching one person and one machine do things.

The little robot took Ji Nanzhu's ID card and scanned it, then handed it back respectfully.

"Hello, Dear Federal Marshal Mr. Ji Nanzhu, your request has been accepted. I would like to ask if this lady is willing to accept the inquiry."

After the little robot finished speaking, she looked at Yunxi. Yunxi thought that this was a world where the marshal had the final say, but she didn't expect to ask for her own opinion. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes."

The little robot said gently, "Please stretch out your hands so that we can check whether you have bound your personal information."

Still have such ability?
Yunxi raised her eyebrows, thinking it was funny, and then she stretched out her hands, exposing her slender arms in front of Ji Nanzhu, but the conspicuous scar on her left wrist caught the attention of the robot and Ji Nanzhu.

The color of the eyes of the little robot changed slightly. It glanced at Yunxi's wrist for a while, and then concluded, "The inquiry has been conducted. The left wrist of the inquired person has obvious scars. After testing, it is basically determined that the scar here is picked out by a gene chip." As a result, there is no queryer information in the gene bank, and a new identity card can be bound for the queryer."

What the little robot said was cloudy and misty. She looked at Ji Nanzhu and hoped that he could give her an explanation. Ji Nanzhu nodded to the robot and said, "Give her a new ID."

After speaking, Ji Nanzhu saw Yunxi's eyes full of curiosity.

Looking at Yunxi's expression, Ji Nanzhu said with some headaches, "I'll explain to you later." I thought she was an orphan living in a garbage star, but I didn't expect that there would be a story about her.

Yunxi nodded, not worrying about this problem. The little robot pulled Yunxi's hand, and Yunxi felt a tingling pain in her fingertips. When she looked again, a drop of red blood appeared on her finger. The container on the table contained her blood, and the robot took a small instrument to test for a while, and then said, "The test is complete, and the information entry is successful."

Then the little robot routinely asked for Yunxi's personal information. When he heard that Yunxi's age was 16, Ji Nanzhu was dumbfounded.

"Are you already 16?" The kid looked like he was only eleven or twelve years old.

"Well... Yunxi nodded and said, I may be a little malnourished so I look smaller, it's okay, I will grow up when I am full."

Ji Nanzhu nodded noncommittally. These are not problems. He was just shocked by Yunxi's age. He originally planned to put her in the lower grades, but it seems that he has to reconsider now.

After Yunxi's information was entered, the little robot returned to its workroom. Green numbers flashed across its eyes for a while, and it continued to enter something. Ji Nanzhu was talking to Yunxi and did not notice. The little robot's eyes flashed with garbled characters, and when he looked again, they had returned to normal.

"The entry is complete, this is your ID card, please keep it safe."

The little robot handed over a chip as he spoke.

Yun Xi saw that the chip in his hand was different from the one Ji Nanzhu just handed to the robot, and asked curiously, "Are our chips different?"

Ji Nanzhu nodded and said, "This is my work chip. My personal chip is the same as yours."

As he said that, he turned on the optical computer, looked around and said, "I will take you to buy an optical computer now, without an optical computer, there are many things you cannot understand."

Yunxi finally remembered what she lacked in this world. It turned out that she lacked an optical brain to understand the world. She hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, okay."

There was a shop selling out brains not far from the Government Affairs Hall. After Ji Nanzhu took Yun Xi inside, he said to Yun Xi, "You can pick the one you like."

Yun Xi nodded and looked at the optical brain on the wall.

Is the optical brain here stealing money? !
The optical brain on the wall starts at 5 yuan, looking at Yunxi feels despair, he is just a kid who just found a job, where can afford such an expensive thing.

She retracted her eyes and asked the clerk, "How much is the cheapest optical computer here?"

Yun Xi's words made Ji Nanzhu look at her with some confusion. Did he not make it clear that he wanted to buy one for her?

The clerk looked at the two people entering the room in front of her, and thought that some rich people came here to spend money. She thought that she could earn a big commission, but she didn't realize it all at once, "What did you say?"

Yunxi didn't expect that the clerk's hearing was bad, so he repeated, "I said, please bring me the cheapest optical brain."

The clerk looked at Ji Nanzhu, and his eyes revealed, "No, no, if you bring your child to buy things, you should buy her the cheapest one!"

Ji Nanzhu really wanted to cover his eyes at this moment, as long as he didn't look into the clerk's eyes, he could pretend that he didn't know anything.

In fact, he just lowered his head, turned around and said, "Chef Lin's salary is 10 star coins a month, and your salary is a little higher than hers, which is 15 star coins during the probationary period. After three months, it will rise to 20. I can pay you part of the salary first, and you can buy a better optical computer."

Ji Nanzhu, who originally wanted to buy an optical brain for Yunxi, suddenly changed his mind. He wanted to see what this girl was thinking.

Yunxi was shocked that her salary was so high, no wonder that Chef Lin was reluctant to leave the Marshal's Mansion, who would be willing to let it go!
(End of this chapter)

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