Chapter 43 Making a living

The owner of the shop hurriedly came out to grab the puppy that barks, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, barks don't usually do that." Yunxi waved her hand indifferently, and her attention was all caught by the "barking" dog. Wang Wang pet shop" attracted by the small shop.

"There is actually a pet shop here!" Yun Xi looked at Ji Nanzhu in surprise. This was such an unexpected surprise.

Ji Nanzhu didn't know why Yunxi was so excited. Before he could speak, he saw Yunxi dive into the pet shop.

The moment Yunxi entered the pet shop, the whole pet shop was boiling. The pets in the pet shop were as docile as before, cats, dogs, and birds were screaming instantly, and their target was only one person.


The store manager also stared blankly at the girl who attracted the attention of all the animals just by her appearance.

Yun Xi smiled, this is the attitude that animals should have towards themselves, so Dabai's love for him is so hard-won.

Looking at the pets' reactions to Yunxi, Ji Nanzhu suddenly understood why, she was so pampered, and it was clear that there was a reason for this.

The purpose of Yunxi's coming here is not to shock her ears. She raised her throat and hurriedly said to the stupid store manager, "Please show me your best cat climbing frame here!"

The store manager couldn't control the yelling pets, so he had no choice but to ask Yun Xi out of the door to find peace.

"You want a cat climbing frame, right? I'll go in and find some advertising pictures for you, but don't come in." The store manager would rather fail to do this business than suffer the devilish noise in his ears.

Yunxi has long been used to this scene, she lay on the glass outside the store, sucking cats through the glass.

The beautiful long-haired cat in the store was licking its fur leisurely. It suddenly felt cold all over. When it raised its head, it saw Yun Xi who was looking at him like a pervert outside the glass. The long-haired cat's hair was all covered with fur. When it was about to stand up, it made a "hissing" sound towards Yunxi, and then ran to the depths of the store.

"Meow, I'm telling you, there's a pervert outside..."

When the shop owner came out, he saw a disappointed Yun Xi. Combined with the behavior of the long-haired cat in the shop just now, it was not difficult to guess what just happened here.

The shop owner held back a smile and said to Yun Xi, "This is an advertising picture of the cat climbing frame in our store. You can choose the style you like. If it is suitable, we will fly it directly to your home after you buy it."

Yun Xi took over the advertising picture, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

This kind of cat climbing frame that can climb the entire wall at home is still a cat climbing frame with a transparent backing where you can see the blooming feet!
Looking at the picture of the advertisement, Yunxi couldn't help laughing. Her smile gradually changed, making Ji Nanzhu shiver uncontrollably. For some reason, he always felt as if he was being watched for a while. aversion to cold.

"How much does this cat climbing frame cost? I bought it." Yunxi asked excitedly, pointing to the cat climbing frame on the homepage.

The store owner didn't expect this to be a big customer. He looked at the cat climbing the frame and said hurriedly, "This costs 1 star coins. If you purchase the full amount, you can get a cat litter box and cat toys as a gift."

"Okay! That's it!" Yun Xi poked Ji Nanzhu's back with her elbow excitedly, "I want to buy this, please pay!"

Ji Nanzhu looked at Yun Xi's generous move and said with some confusion, "You think 5 for an optical brain is expensive, but 1 for a cat climbing frame, you think the price is appropriate... Do we have different understandings of prices?" "

Yunxi shrugged and said, "You don't understand. My things can be fooled, as long as they can be used, but Mao Mao's things can't be used! You must use them well! It's true, it's all about you How many years has it been at home, and you don't arrange some toys for it, you, the master, are really..."

Ji Nanzhu wanted to say something else, but the shop owner had already opened the optical brain's payment method.

The tips of Ji Nanzhu's ears turned red when he saw Yun Xi's actions and her confident words.

Does this person know what she's talking about!
By the time Yun Xi returned to the flying car, her mood had improved a lot. Thinking of Dabai's excitement when she saw the cat climbing the frame, she couldn't help but smile obscenely.

At that time, Dabai will not be moved enough to let his own sauce~
Ji Nanzhu really didn't notice. When he saw that Yunxi's mood had stabilized, he pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Do you know the information about your origin?"

Yun Xi knew why he asked, but she didn't know anything about her body. She hesitated and said, "I don't remember either."

Ji Nanzhu took a deep look at Yun Xi. Regardless of whether what she said was true or false, since she didn't want to admit it, there was no need to force her.

He nodded and said, "The gene chip is one of the important means for the federal people to verify their identity. If a person has not registered their identity since birth, then her wrist will not be planted with a gene chip. From today's you Looking at your gene chip, I can basically conclude that you should have had an identity before, but, for some unknown reasons, your gene chip was picked out."

Yunxi understood that the co-author of her black household was acquired, but this little girl didn't have this party in her memory, so she didn't know about it.

"Does this affect me?"

"If you were alone, there might be, but your ally now is me." Ji Nanzhu laughed, "No matter what you say is true or not, for you now, identity is a dispensable thing." s things."

Yun Xi nodded and smiled, "Then let Yun Xi and Ji Nanzhu have a happy cooperation."

The two smiled, but there was a bit of calculation in the smile, and both of them were as bright as a mirror.

The speeding car drove all the way, and it was already afternoon when she got home. As soon as Yunxi reached the door, she jumped off the speeding car and ran towards the house. She wanted to see if the cat climbing frame she bought had arrived.

The speed of delivery is much faster than Yunxi thought. When she entered the house, the butler had already brought the decoration staff to decorate the cat climbing frame. The moment she saw you, the butler showed a professional smile .

"Miss Yun, your cat climbing frame has been installed."

Yunxi was quite curious about this, "Aren't you going to ask if the marshal bought it?" Yunxi didn't know Ji Nanzhu's identity before, so he didn't have any obstacles in front of his subordinates. Now that he knows his identity, no matter what No matter how he is outside, at home he still has to address Ji Nanzhu by his honorific title.

The housekeeper smiled slightly, hiding his merit and fame. It was impossible for their marshal to buy these things, and he would not even do these unnecessary things. It was only Miss Yun who did not know the inside story that made her do this. Very understanding.

Yunxi saw that the entire wall of cat climbing frames had been installed, and then he was eager to go to Ji Nanzhu's room and steal Dabai out.


Dabai got out from nowhere, it glanced at the butler, and the butler saw a hint of resignation in its eyes, he laughed, and left with the workers, since the adults don't care about these things, there is no need for him to go further Say something.

The moment he saw Dabai, Yunxi's eyes lit up. As the first animal not afraid of himself, Dabai deserves it. Dabai should have the face it deserves.

She found the cat teasing stick from the pile of toys given to her. She would see if she could get Dabai to play with the cat teasing stick.

Dabai, who was originally lazy, went completely crazy the moment he saw Yunxi take out the cat teaser.

"Meow meow!" Yunxi was not very skilled in playing, but Dabai had obviously never seen such a scene, and obviously wanted to be reserved, he threw himself on the cat teasing stick, and Ji Nanzhu followed them Behind him, looking at his concrete body with a cold face, is his heart so lively?

Yunxi just teased for a while, Dabai's attention was attracted by the cat climbing frame, Yunxi didn't stop, and after seeing it went to play by itself, he said hello to Ji Nanzhu and went back to the room.

As soon as she returned to the room, she looked at Lan Xing deep in her consciousness.

Lan Xing still walked around leisurely like that, as if he was tireless.

When she was on the speeding car, she heard Lanxing make a sound, just because she was afraid that she was too involved, Yunxi didn't go to see Lanxing, now that she came back, she could see what kind of tasks Lanxing had issued for herself.

Above the blue star, there was a gleaming task column, which read "Earn 5 star coins within 10 days. Reward: HP +5, open the blue star portal."

The moment she saw the Blue Star portal, Yunxi fell silent. If this is really what she thought, by opening the portal, she can go to Blue Star anytime!
It's it that simple?She glanced at Lan Xing with some hesitation, what the hell!No matter what harsh conditions there are, being able to turn on teleportation is already the best thing.

Yunxi took a look at her HP, and although she can still do it right now, it would be difficult for someone to earn 5 in 10 days.

Ji Nanzhu's salary for herself was 20,'s not the time yet, and it seems that it's not good for her to advance her salary in advance.

She hesitated and turned on the optical brain.

"How to earn 5 star coins in 10 days."

I saw that the first article of Guangnao said "All the ways to get money quickly have been written in the criminal law, please don't know the law and break the law!"

Well, the federal government’s legal awareness is pretty good.

She looked back again and saw that the next few answers were obviously money-scamming answers. "As a mother, how did I earn 5 star coins in 10 days? Let me share mine below." Experience, please add my account ******, just move your little hands and you won’t have to look at your husband’s face anymore.”

Well, it seems that the interstellar people will also be tortured by these parents.

Yunxi looked around, and saw a useful message at the end of the answer.

"The nutrient solution is so bad. The recent live broadcast dishes are all boiled, and there is nothing new. I beg the Chefs Association to start a live broadcast! We ordinary people also want to see how powerful the Chefs Association is!!"

Um?live streaming?

Yunxi knows this kind of work, but she has never been in contact with it before, so she doesn't know much about it. She turned on the optical brain and searched for various preparations that need to be made for the live broadcast, and found that the live broadcast seemed very simple.

All you need is an optical brain to solve all problems.

She smiled, live broadcast cooking, isn't that her strength!
(End of this chapter)

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