Chapter 76 Come to Life


So delicious.

He has never eaten such delicious food. It is said that he has eaten fresh food in Liujie in recent years, but compared with the food cooked by Yunxi, there is a huge difference!
Seeing Shen Qiuling eating, everyone who was already a little anxious became even more anxious.

It's over, the saliva is about to come out, no matter how much they have, they have to eat quickly!

Yun Xi could clearly see that everyone was cooking faster. She smiled slightly. Now that Ji Nanzhu had completed the task assigned to her, she was one step closer to the big deal between herself and Ji Nanzhu.

She looked at the latest column of the Blue Star side mission, and returned to the Marshal's Mansion to grow peppers.

He looked at the soldiers who were working hard to cook here.

The war here should be over soon.

This night was an extremely unforgettable night for all the soldiers. It was their first time to cook and they also felt the difficulty of cooking for the first time.

Someone successfully made the ball of noodles into the shape of noodles, which was envied by everyone, but the noodles disintegrated into a pot of porridge within a few minutes of cooking.

Some people didn't even make it into strips, and just used a few crooked noodles to satisfy their stomachs.

When Ji Nanzhu came, what he saw was that a group of people were already eating noodles, and another group was still struggling with the flour.

He took a brief look at the people who had already eaten, and saw that there was a little bit of life in their bowls, and then he ate the noodles Yun Xi made for him with confidence.

It can be seen that as long as some of the food is cooked by Yunxi, they can enjoy the bonus of vitality.

Shen Qiuling, who was enjoying Yunxi's food alone, saw Ji Nanzhu eating the food cooked by Yunxi naturally. He then breathed a sigh of relief and felt much more at ease.

The noodles he just ate were firm and chewy, and the marinade mixed in made them taste even better.Naturally, it was incomparable to their soft noodles, so he could only be shameless and accept the envious and jealous looks from several people.

After everyone had finished eating, Ji Nanzhu finally ordered, "Attention everyone, enter the combat preparation mode tonight."

Hearing Ji Nanzhu's words, everyone who was still laughing looked serious. In the past few days, Yunxi had almost forgotten the purpose of their coming here.

"The cargo is expected to arrive on the planet tonight, and the enemy will rob it when it arrives. Our goal is to protect the cargo from arriving safely and eliminate the star robbers at the same time."

This group of star thieves is extremely vicious, and the planets they plundered have suffered heavy casualties, so there is no need to be soft when dealing with this group of people.

"Yes!" The soldiers on the scene responded, making Yunxi's heart a little excited.

After they all led their teams to leave, Ji Nanzhu said to Yunxi, "The milk tea in the back will be hard work for you."

Yunxi shook her head, milk tea is easy to make, but there are so many people, there must be enough bottles...

Before Yun Xi finished thinking, he saw Ji Nanzhu's guards driving in in a speeding car.

"Here is a sufficient number of bottles, and my guards will also be used by you. I will work hard for you later."

Yunxi didn't expect this man to be so thoughtful, she looked at the pile of bottles and said, "Leave it to me! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Didn’t all the rewards given to her by Blue Star come in handy?
Yun Xi walked into the kitchen by himself and took out bucket after bucket of milk from the space.

Then he poured the tea leaves that he had prepared long ago into the pot.

She greeted Shen Qiuling, "Qiuling, come to work!"

(End of this chapter)

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