Chapter 78 Evacuation
It has to be said that the opponent's attack was still effective, and Dabai clearly felt the difficulty.

And when the leader of the Star Bandits drank the third bottle of forbidden medicine, his mind was already a little unconscious.

"The energy stone should have arrived. Is there any mistake?"

A woman wearing glasses in Star Thief asked the driver beside her.

"Did you see the cargo ship?"


The woman looked at the appearance of the star thief leader and the scene of the battle outside the spacecraft, and finally realized something was wrong.

"No, Ji Nanzhu's state is not right, Jiu Lie... Jiu Lie lied to us, we were played by them, everyone heard that there is a change in the world, leave here immediately!"

Before the woman's voice fell, the star thief leader completely lost his mind.

"Ji Nanzhu, I will fight with you!"

He stumbled to the door cabin of the spacecraft, and was about to rush towards Ji Nanzhu's command spacecraft. The woman frowned and asked the people around to stop him, but found that the power of the star thief leader was beyond their control.

Seeing the star thief leader disappear before their eyes, the few star thief who didn't stop him said to the woman in fear, "Sister..."

"It's okay." The woman looked thoughtfully at the direction the Star Bandit leader left.

"Everyone obeyed the order and left immediately. As for the boss, he has already gone down to stop the enemy for us. Let us thank the boss for his selfless dedication."

After saying these words, all the Star Thief spacecraft instantly changed direction. They cut off the contact with the Star Thieves outside, closed the doors and cabins, and left in the opposite direction.

Seeing that the large team had been retained, the woman smiled slightly and said, "As the leader of the Star Thieves, huh, isn't it possible for anyone to be the leader?"

"They are leaving." Ji Nanzhu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the direction of the Star Thief's movement, but when he saw the man speeding down from the Star Thief's spaceship, he knew that the owner of the elephant's spiritual body was coming. .

And this man's mental state is obviously different from ordinary people.

"Everyone obeyed the order and immediately returned to the spacecraft and left quickly."

Although the soldiers who were in high spirits were reluctant after hearing Ji Nanzhu's words, they still very obediently stopped the attack and quickly returned to their own spaceship to prepare for evacuation.

At the same time, the star pirate leader was getting closer and closer to Ji Nanzhu's command spacecraft.

Ji Nanzhu looked at the other party's loss of control and said to Shen Qiuling, "Qiu Ling, take Yunxi out of here quickly, the other party's condition is not right."

When Shen Qiuling heard Ji Nanzhu's words, his face was almost wrinkled. As soon as he heard Ji Nanzhu's words, he knew what he wanted to do, and this man planned to bear everything by himself again.

But... He looked at Yunxi who had no ability to protect himself, and still had to obey orders and said, "I know."

Ji Nanzhu didn't have time to chat and laugh with him, Dabai had already gone out to fight, and at this moment he was on par with the opponent's offensive.

He walked to the side of the ship and opened the spare small combat ship.

"Then I'm going, you hurry up and evacuate."

Yunxi silently took out the milk tea she packed and handed it to Ji Nanzhu.

She is not a fool. When the current situation is not a time for acting heroic, she can just quietly be a backup force.

Ji Nanzhu looked at the big bucket of milk tea, smiled slightly, nodded his thanks to Yunxi, and got on the spaceship.

Shen Qiuling controlled the spaceship to prepare for the return trip after Ji Nanzhu left.

Yun Xi rubbed her arms. Ji Nanzhu must have been prepared. Lan Xing didn't give any hint at this time, so she shouldn't have to worry...

(End of this chapter)

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