Chapter 97 The Mercenary Group of Planet Y1
"Everyone, I'm really sorry. My younger brother is still young and ignorant. I, as the elder brother, must be responsible. Now I will let him and everyone apologize. We are all in the same market. We will never see each other without looking up. We can discuss anything later."

Unexpectedly, Judas looked tall and rough, but he was quite good at dealing with people.

Ju Er honestly apologized to everyone present. No matter whether everyone present really agreed or not, at least the gesture was very expressive, leaving Yun Xi and the others speechless.

Seeing that they didn't say anything, Judas smiled with satisfaction, and then took the dejected Juer back to re-educate.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Yunxi's frown was not loosened.

"They are now only verbally admitting their mistakes. But in fact their behavior is still not punished. Without us, other traders will be bullied."

But Yun Xi also knew very well that they would only stay here for a few days, and just a few days would not be enough for them to deal with these people.

"Huh? You don't have to worry, just leave these problems to us!" Maya said in a relaxed tone after hearing Yunxi's words, "It seems that we haven't introduced what we do yet, right?"

"Huh?" This Yunxi really didn't know. After all, she didn't have the habit of prying into other people's privacy. If Maya wanted to talk, she would listen to it. If she didn't want to talk, she wouldn't force it.

"My brother runs the largest mercenary group in the Federation on Y1 planet. 80.00% of the mercenaries on that planet are hired by us, so..."

Before Maya could finish her words, she saw Yun Xi looking at her with an indescribable expression.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Maya touched her face in doubt, then saw Yunxi shook her head, and said enthusiastically, "No, your face is clean, but I saw money from it shadow."

Yunxi's words made Maya laugh, and Maya said nonchalantly, "So sometimes we go out and buy a lot of food that can be stored, so that our mercenaries can eat better when performing tasks."

"Then you have found the right person. If nothing else, the things I make here can still meet your needs."

In addition to the normal grilled meat skewers, the meat that Wang Qiang and the others brought over also had a similar piece of air-dried meat that Yunxi had already made.

"This is meat that can be stored for a long time. It can be eaten directly as a snack, and it can be boiled in water for dinner."

She handed a piece of dried meat to Maya, and then to Ma Qing who was watching.

Neither of them was polite, they took the dried meat and took a small bite.

"Hmm... a little salty, a little hard." Maya took a bite and commented silently.

Yunxi didn't give any pointers, but just nodded, waiting for the next evaluation of the two.

"Hmm... um? The more you eat, the more delicious it becomes. Not only does it have the aroma of meat, but there are also other spices in it, but I can't taste it."

Maya took a few more mouthfuls and said, "It's amazing, I didn't have the unique fishy smell of meat after eating this thing, and I still tasted a faint burnt smell in it, not strong, but just enough to let the meat It has a unique taste."

Maya seemed to know a lot about eating, but she ate so much after eating a small piece of jerky. She gave the jerky to Ji Nanzhu and Shen Qiuling before, but only got two people, "Mmm, it's delicious." evaluation, and then crazily eating meat like a pig, which gave her no sense of accomplishment at all.

(End of this chapter)

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