Chapter 40

Na Laifu was shocked when he heard this and screamed: "Ah! Are you going to use this evil magic to harm me?"

Ergou said: "Don't talk nonsense, how can I harm you! Don't be misled by the name of this magic. There is no distinction between good and evil in magic. If it is used by a righteous person to save others, it is a righteous method, and if a treacherous person uses it, it is a righteous method." If it harms people, it is a witchcraft. In the world of martial arts, people use the art of making animals to harm people and make profits, so it has a bad reputation. In fact, the source of this magic is both righteous and righteous."

When it comes to the most disgusting evil arts in the world, the art of animal creation is definitely among the best.

Those evil people often abduct women and children, use drugs to make them dumb, and turn them into cattle, sheep, donkeys and dogs by making animals, and then sell them to others for money, and even sell them directly to butchers. They harm people's lives and seek money, so they are often shamed by the world.

Talk about a rather scary practical question.

We all know that in ancient times, no matter which dynasty it was, the imperial court would always prohibit people from slaughtering cattle privately. In most cases, the number of cattle in the countryside would be registered. However, if a cattle died suddenly due to unknown reasons, the blame must be asked. The crime and the punishment are so severe that killing a cow is almost the same as killing someone.

The reason is that in the social environment of the classical era, cattle were almost the most important means of production in human society besides land, and were related to the basic basis of human beings' most basic food production.

Especially during the Northern Song Dynasty, the lack of the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and the northwest frontier resulted in a shortage of livestock in the Central Plains. Therefore, in order to maintain social stability, the Northern Song Dynasty court had the most control over farming cattle in history.

This caused the price of beef to remain high throughout the Northern Song Dynasty. Even the families of wealthy scholars and bureaucrats could not eat beef. The scarcity is no exaggeration.

So here comes the problem, since beef is so scarce, the Liangshan hero described in "Water Margin" will eat ten catties of sauced beef with wine whenever he falls into a store.

Where did his soy beef come from?

Could it be that they had the audacity to slaughter them secretly?

This is of course impossible, but all private farming and cattle are registered, and the government controls them extremely strictly.

To put it bluntly, you may kill a person and the government will not care about it, but if you slaughter a farm cattle, believe it or not, before the beef is put into the pot, your sea arrest documents will already be flying all over the sky.

Then there is only one other possibility, and that is beef fraud.

And the method of counterfeiting beef falls on the art of making animals.

Even if the animals created by humans die using the art of making animals, their bodies will not appear directly. They can only return to their original shape after being soaked in clear water.

Therefore, those wild shops slaughtered the cattle made by the man, but they were not too watery. They were cut directly, rubbed with salt, marinated into sauced beef, and then boiled for sale. The fat ones were cut into yellow beef and sold as buffalo beef. .

Mo Dao said the beef was fake and tasted almost like real beef.

People in the world only know that Erniang Sun at Shizipo and Li Li at Jieyangling are used to plundering people, cutting stuffing and selling them as cows, but they don't know that wild shops in the world are black and there is no place where there is no innocence.

When old Jianghu people come to a store, they only open their mouths to ask for beef. If the owner offers beef in sauce, he will know that this store is a black shop, and he must be more careful when staying in such a top-notch store.And the owner of the shop heard that the guest wanted beef, so he should understand that the guest is a veteran of the rivers and lakes, so he should restrain himself from his casual tricks.

The most fearful thing is those stupid people who are half-informed. Sooner or later, they are destined to be drunk.

It is precisely because of these filthy and evil things that everyone in the world who knows something about the Jianghu affairs hates this art of making animals.

Er Gou said to Lai Fu: "The art of making animals that has been handed down in the rivers and lakes is just a small and incomplete art that harms people. It is nothing. My method of using animals to replace the shape is a serious method. It has roots and origins, and it can change people. Luck, instead of calamity, can even give the recipient a small supernatural power, how can it be compared with it!

By undergoing this method, you will not only change your own fortune and hide your fate, but also gain the same form-changing technique. You can transform into a hound at any time. Your abilities are the same as those of a serious hound. If you want to return to your original form, you only need to drink Some water can undo the changes. "

Lai Fu heard this, but he was dubious, his heart moved, he turned over and rolled on the ground, and turned into a hunting dog again.It stretched out its nose and sniffed the air, walked around Ergou again, and said, "What Engong said is indeed true, but I smelled your sister-in-law's smell on Engong, it really is true." To the end."

Er Gouxu kicked Lai Fu, and said angrily: "Get out! Hugh come to me for wildfire! Change back quickly!"

Laifu jumped and went to the well to drink the clear water again, and turned into a human again.

Ergou entrusted him: "Just one thing you have to keep in mind, the change should not exceed one hour a day, otherwise the dog's nature will infect human nature, and your temperament will become like a dog instead of a human after a long time."

Laifu was taken aback and said, "I didn't expect this technique to be so harmful. It is undoubtedly an evil technique."

Ergou said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense! There is no magic in the world that is flawless, so how can it be like this? You should know that the source of this magic is the divine dog under the throne of Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch. "

Laifu was surprised and said: "I have never heard of it. I should listen to my benefactor's explanation."

Ergou explained the origin of this spell in detail.

But speaking of the origin of this Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, his secular family name is Yang Mingjian, and he is the second in the family, so he is also called Yang Erlang.Yang Erlang's mother was originally the fairy Yunhua, the younger sister of the Emperor of Heaven. Because she had an affair with the mortal Yang Jun and gave birth to children, she was offended by the sky.

The Emperor of Heaven punished Fairy Yunhua to suppress Taoshan, and punished Yang Jun with five thunderbolts, and his soul was scattered.

It's just that Fairy Yunhua had predicted before the failure, she deliberately found a Xiaotian god dog and caught it, took its skin and practiced the method of borrowing animal form, and used the god dog to die instead, while Yang Jun turned into a dog and escaped. robbery.

After that, Yang Jun used the body of a god dog to protect his children from the catastrophe under the pursuit of the Emperor of Heaven several times.

Some people may disagree with this and think it is a lie.

But they don't know that god dogs are generally born with intelligence and wisdom, and know how to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

If it were a real dog, when the Emperor of Heaven sent his heavenly soldiers and generals to hunt down the Yang brothers and sisters, he would be foolish enough to get involved in such a desperate act.

Don't say that the god dog is loyal, it is a loyal bird, ordinary dogs know how to jump over the wall when they are in a hurry!

After all, only my own mother and I can protect our children risklessly, without even flinching even in the face of death.

What's more pitiful is that because Yang Jun has lived in the form of a dog for a long time, his humanity has gradually been infected by the nature of the god dog, and finally he really thinks he is a roaring dog.

Later, some suspicious people couldn't help suspecting that the reason why the Emperor wanted to kill the Yang brothers and sisters was actually to deliberately force Yang Junsheng, who was suspended animation, to be harmed by the animal. When he really turned into a dog, the so-called "chasing and killing" "It became nothing.

Probably the Emperor of Heaven's idea is that when you, Yang Jun, were human, Yunhua was willing to love each other, but when you turned into a dog, let's see how Yunhua could continue their relationship.

When Na Laifu heard Ergou's story, he was surprised and said: "I didn't expect there to be such strange things in the world. I just don't know if the things about the Emperor of Heaven, Yunhua, Divine Dogs, Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals actually exist?"

The dog said to himself: "How do I know this? I still want to find someone to ask!"

(End of this chapter)

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