Distress: Nilong Changming Knife is Invisible

Chapter 1166 Yama enters the earth

Chapter 1166 1165. Yama enters the earth
Saint Yama did not give up chasing Feng Feisha and Moon God.

First destroy the Ziyao Celestial Dynasty, and then destroy the Immortal Realm. Saint Yama's ambition and self-confidence have expanded to a sufficient level.

In addition, the Yekou Alliance wants to fight against the demon world, and the righteous heroes want to put an end to the chaos in the Central Plains. It is very likely that there will be something wrong with the invisible sword.

Saint Yama no longer intends to let go of any daughter of God.

Of course, he would not let go of any of the remnants such as Priest Ogi and the Four Extraordinary Human Beings.

When he was chasing Huangfu Dingtao and Nuwa Empress, he had already issued an order to mobilize the Hell Island army to hunt down the whereabouts of Yueshen and others.

But within three days, the Hell Island army had everyone moving.

Saint Yama received a report from the spies that Feng Feisha and Priest Odi were exposed and moving towards a certain valley.

Another spy reported that he found a person suspected of being a three-mouthed sword, and the three-mouthed sword was also moving in the direction of the valley.

Saint Yama immediately concluded that the valley was the hiding place of the remnants.

Saint Yama frowned slightly, but he still didn't think too much. No matter what problems he had, I, Lord Yama, will first use the Heavenly Holy Light!

Without Huangfu Dingtao on the other side, there was no need for Sheng Yanluo to use the human sea tactic and bring along experts such as Jue Shichen just to be on the safe side. He thought that he alone would be enough.

But suddenly!
A strong holy light flew over, blocking the light pillar of the Heavenly Holy Light. The figure in the light, with his jade palm slightly raised, actually caught the ultimate move of Saint Yama in an understatement!
"Jiu Zhu Xuan Hua! Are you not dead?!"

The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with only one long and narrow passage. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it is difficult for the army to enter. However, Saint Yama led a large army to surround it, just to prevent the remnants from escaping.

What else is there to say? Gather the army and attack in one wave!

However, he saw the three immortal gods, the three remnants of hell, and a Yan Gui man waiting in the open space. There was no sign of the Moon God or Feng Feisha.

"It's you! Feng Feisha! How could you inherit divine power!"

Saint Yama was filled with disbelief, and even faintly felt a trace of panic. Then, the panic was suppressed by anger.

Saint Yama was full of confidence, no, it was over-inflated. Without thinking much, he led many masters directly across the surrounding mountains and into the valley.

Saint Yama is not without vigilance, but is very vigilant about cannon pipes. He is full of true energy, and many masters also have front row shields for defense.

"Heavenly Holy Light!"

Saint Yama brought many masters, and as more and more sects surrendered, the army became stronger and stronger, came in a mighty manner, and surrounded the valley.

Even if Feng Feisha inherits divine power, it is impossible to fully control it, so what does Hell Lord have to fear!
"The punishment of Yama!"

Saint Yama waved his hand and asked the masters to disperse and surround him. He shouted loudly, urging his true energy to attack with extreme force!
However, he saw that no one on the other side was fighting back, as if they had given up resistance and were waiting for death.

When Saint Yama saw the light dissipating and revealing the figure of Empress Nuwa, he couldn't help shouting in surprise!
"Holy Yama, thanks to your grace, my empress has passed away, and Feng Fei Xuanhua is about to seek justice!"

Saint Yama shouted again, his true energy rushed out, and suddenly dark green light bloomed all over his body, and he unleashed his ultimate move with all his strength!

"Yinyu Shamang!"

Feng Feisha also used her extreme moves to retaliate. It could be seen that she was still a little unfamiliar with her moves, but her holy power was too strong to resist!
As the saying goes, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. The Empress Nuwa's life was extended due to the Xia Xue lotus seeds, and the Nuwa's divine power in her body was nearly 30% stronger than her limit. Why can Feng Feisha destroy the Holy Light with just a wave of his hand?
Those were Nuwa's divine power that she couldn't absorb at all, that is, the Yuan Gong that could have increased the foundation of her body, but she directly released it.

At this time, the energy output of the wind and flying sand was even stronger than that of Xi Mie Tian Lai, and not inferior to Pingshan Lian Emei and Si Lian Yi Yi Shu. With their extremely powerful attacks, they easily gained the upper hand!

The extreme moves collided, exploded with a bang, and even more than half of the energy was left to fly back, causing Saint Yama to fly backwards, vomiting bright red at the mouth!
"Pfft! This is impossible!"

Saint Yama was frightened and angry, but more importantly, he could not suppress the panic at all!
How could this be? How could this be? !

Saint Yama couldn't believe this situation at all, but he didn't know that he was clearly on the way to this end from the beginning, but he never saw it.

"Holy Yama, accept your sins completely! Nine Heavens Divine Glory!"

As frightened as Saint Yama was, Feng Feisha was at ease. Seeing Saint Yama's appearance, she knew she was sure!

Feng Feisha let out a light scold, activated all her divine power, and used the most powerful move she had mastered to end Saint Yama in one fell swoop!

How could Saint Yama accept his fate? With a wild roar, he pushed his body to the limit, unleashed his strongest move, and made a last-ditch effort!
"Dark World Heavenly Flame!"

boom! ! !
The torrent of darkness collided with the divine punishment, and a terrifying impact suddenly broke out!
The whole valley shook, the surrounding mountains exploded, the earth cracked, sand and rocks flew, it was like a scene of doomsday catastrophe!
The result of the confrontation was naturally a crushing victory like wind and flying sand!
Feng Feisha's whole body was filled with holy power that could not be restrained. At this time, he blasted out all his true energy, directly destroying Saint Yama's ultimate move. The backlash forced him back. People also rushed towards Saint Yama and pressed down with his palm. In his heart!

Sheng Yanluo fought back with all his strength, and then Feng Feisha added a palm. The violent force passed through his body, and the clothes on his entire back exploded!
Saint Yama stared at Feng Feisha in horror. He couldn't even shout out his unwillingness and resentment, and just died!

Feng Feisha took a deep breath, and his expression flashed with excitement.

Madam, all tribesmen, Feng Feisha has sought justice for you!

She quickly calmed down, and when she looked around, she saw that the Four Extraordinaries and others who were watching the battle were all blown away.

Fortunately, they were well prepared, retreated in advance, and took the initiative to fly away to absorb the impact. None of them were injured.

But the masters on Saint Yama's side were in dire straits. Feng Feisha's ultimate move affected everyone. Mu Tianzhou and more than 30 masters were directly exploded. Jueshichen and the remaining masters were all seriously injured and scattered in panic. flee.

Feng Feisha jumped up slightly and flew into the air. When he saw the dense Hell Island army outside the valley, he immediately said with force, "Saint Yama has been killed, you still won't retreat!"

Feng Feisha's figure shimmered in the air, her voice spread far away, and masters such as Jue Shichen fled in embarrassment and showed up to speak out. A commotion quickly broke out in the Hell Island army, and soon the trees fell and the hozens dispersed.


As soon as the wind and flying sand fell, the three immortal gods came over and bowed.

The three people from Hell Island went to Saint Yama.

"I finally sent him to the Immortal Mountain... Third uncle, fourth uncle, why don't I feel happy?"

Master Si Fei patted the shoulders of his fourth brother and nephew who looked lonely, and sighed, "After all, he was our respected eldest brother and your adopted adoptive father."

"Forget it, I raised him to such a big age after all. If he dies, everything will be over. Third uncle, fourth uncle, let's bury him."

(End of this chapter)

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