Distress: Nilong Changming Knife is Invisible

Chapter 1184 Chapter 1183 Evil Lord vs. Ghost King

Chapter 1184 Chapter 1183. Evil Lord vs. Ghost King
"Ru Yueying, the fighting outside is going to be devastating. Let's leave now. It's still too late."

"Xiaocao, my destiny is coming."

"What destiny! I've heard enough now! I don't believe it..."

Amakusa Twenty-Six wanted to persuade Kisaragi to stay away for a while, but when he heard Kisaragi's unchanging words, it was destiny, he suddenly felt irritated.

But before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt strong heart palpitations. He couldn't help but soften and fell to the ground. A layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he breathed.

"Xiaocao, don't worry."

Ru Yueying slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand to wipe away the cold sweat of Amakusa Twenty-six, and said gently, "There is no end to destiny, only the endless cycle and continuation."

"Ru Yueying, I never care about destiny, I only care about you."

Amakusa Twenty-Six was panting violently, but his heart palpitations were not relieved. He couldn't help but think that he didn't know whether Ru Yueying's destiny would come, but he himself was really close.

He couldn't help but hold Ru Yueying's hand, looked at Ru Yueying and said, "Whether it's life or death, I will be with you. This is enough..."

But suddenly, the overbearing poetry trumpet sounded, and a sword light instantly cut through the sky, hitting the double flow of Qi!
The two sword lights collided with each other and exploded together, stimulating countless tiny turbulences!
Then, a dark red light flew towards him, turning into an invisible sword wearing the Evil Lord's armor. In his hand, the ghost dragon Jinghong slashed the king of the demon world with one finger, "Silver, Zhuwu, this road is blocked."

But before he finished speaking, his vision went dark and he fainted.

"Qi Shuangliu·Yue Xiange Chaotic Trend!"

"I am the only one in heaven and under heaven!"

Its target is none other than Mo Chenyin, who is the eye of Xuanzong's Four Strange Formations!
Seeing the Ghost King's eyes locked on Mo Chenyin, the ultimate move of Qi Shuangliu was about to penetrate the formation and go straight towards him!

In the distance, the battle between Xuanzong's Four Strange Formations and Tianmosuoshenguan, Baofeng Candao, Huayan Wudao, Xiao Zhongjian, Wuming and others also intensified.

"Then come on, Qi Shuangliu·One Cut Fengyue!"

Fate is really unpredictable. Amakusa Twenty-six's heart palpitations stem from his fateful involvement with Kisaragi Shadow. No one knows why there is such an involvement, but it just happens.

Here, Ruyue Ying guards Amakusa Twenty-Six, calmly waiting for his destiny to come.

And just as Yueying said, his involvement with Amakusa is the end of him and the beginning of Amakusa's new life.

Ru Yueying hugged him, put him gently on the ground, and said softly, "Xiaocao, you won't die, because my destiny is the continuation of your destiny. Instead of me, you will be wonderful in this world." Just live."

At this moment, there was a sudden ripple in space, and a peerless aura soared into the sky.

Tao Zhi Yao Yao, on the side of the water, silver and gun drums, killing all over the world.

Yin Zhuwu has the Yelong Demon Horse on his crotch, and the Heavenly Flame Slashing Fengyue Divine Sword in his hand, the peerless God of War has arrived boldly!

"The sword is invisible. Your true body is suppressing your own demonic energy and evil spirits in the Chaos Rock Pool, and you only sent your incarnation here. Is it too much to say this to me?"

“Whether it’s too big or not, you’ll know once you try it.”

Yin Zhuwu shouted loudly, opened the pupils of the ghost king between his brows, and urged the Holy Demon Yuan. His left palm brushed the Sky Flame Slashing Fengyue Blade, and the two flows of Qi brewed dual moves, and he slashed with the dual energy of wind and water!

Yin Zhu Wu shouted loudly, urging the Holy Demon Yuan, but instead it violently sucked out the Qi of the surrounding heaven and earth like a black hole, and used the double flow of Qi move without any reservation!

Yin Zhen Zhu Wu originally wanted to act, but Dao Xiang Xiang said no, Yin Zhu Wu wanted to see how much Dao Xiang Xiang had improved, and actually said this to him.

The invisible sword has indeed improved a lot, but the invisible sword is not used, which is not the strength. It's about money making ability.

"Yin Yang Ji·Yin Yang Bu Wu!"

He saw the sword slashing out in an invisible way, but it was less than 70% of the power of the Qi Shuangliu Jue Style. The extreme moves collided and exploded, with more than 30% of the remaining power to force him back!
The knife is invisible but does not dodge or dodge, just stand up and take it hard!

The force hit the Evil Lord's armor firmly, but there was no scratch at all!

Yin Zhen Zhu Wu suddenly had the urge to roll his eyes. It turned out to be such a useless thing.

OK, I want to help you test the quality of your iron shell.

Like many masters before him, Yinquan Zhuwu was also a little dissatisfied with someone's lack of martial ethics. He pressed the saddle with one hand and suddenly rushed towards the invisible sword. In his hand, Tianyan Zhanfengyue was filled with true energy, and he slashed hard!
Dao Wuxiang naturally understood the look in Yinquan Zhuwu's eyes, and said in his heart that he was about to use the strongest magic weapon in the demon world to try the quality of the latest version of the armor.

He simply put away the Ghost Dragon Jinghong Slash, left palm and right fist, and fought with bare hands.

Ding Ding Ding!
In an instant, the swords were billowing, and fists and palms were connected. In just a few breaths, the two of them fought for more than a hundred times, causing a series of crisp sounds!
It turns out that the quality of the Evil Lord's armor is really extraordinary. He was slashed over a hundred times by the strongest magic weapon in the demon world, but it only left a knife mark less than half an inch deepest!
I really don't talk about martial ethics... Yinquan Zhuwu was forced back by the invisible palm of the sword, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But then I thought, since you are willing to be a punching bag, then don't blame me for giving you a good beating.

The corner of Yin Zhen Zhu Wu's mouth curled up slightly, followed by a loud shout, and he suddenly increased his speed to the limit. He rushed in front of Dao Invisible and slashed hard again. For a while, Dao Xiang Xiang was surrounded by Yin Zhu Wu's figures, rolling around. The sword light enveloped him like a cocoon!
Ding Ding Ding!
Suddenly there was a series of long-lasting stirring sounds, and Dao Invisible's armor was slashed until flames burst out like fireworks!
Yin Zhen and Zhu Wu couldn't even count how many times he had slashed. He only felt that his hands were numb from the chop, so he stopped.

I saw that the Evil Lord's battle armor had been chopped hot, and some parts were faintly glowing with red light. The battle armor was covered with dense knife marks from top to bottom, and the joints were the most seriously damaged. Some places looked like they were... It's about to break.

Yin Zhen Zhu Wu felt a little sweaty on his forehead and felt a sense of accomplishment. Although he was a little tired, he was able to recover 70% to 80% in the blink of an eye by running the Nazhen Divine Art.

But just when he was about to talk.

They saw the Evil Lord's armor scattered and disintegrated, revealing his invisible figure.

But immediately afterwards, Dao Wuxiang put away the suit of armor and immediately replaced it with a new one.

Dao Xiangxiang said that if you have money, you can be so willful. There is not just one set of Evil Lord's armor, but three sets in total. Plus the previous iterative versions, it is even more like an old sow with bad omens, one set after another, how much does it cost? How many sets are there?

The sword is invisible. Do you know how to write the word martial virtue?

When Yinquan Zhuwu saw someone's rogue behavior, he didn't want to fight.

But the fight must continue. Only when the two fight are inseparable can Yin Zhen and Zhu Wu be able to escape and return to the demon world.

Only by hating the wind can one sneak into the demon world safely.

A different world.

Hen Changfeng sneaked into the demon world passage, entered the demon world, and soon found a secret path.

The space in the Xenokai is extremely weird, staggered and stacked. It is very possible to go directly from the first hall to the city of morning dew.

And among them, there are many secret passages hidden.

And among these secret passages, six out of ten were opened when Bu Jian Que Xian's balls hurt.

The path that Hen Changfeng took was a direct passage to the Heavenly Demon Pond.

(End of this chapter)

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