Distress: Nilong Changming Knife is Invisible

Chapter 569 568 Arrival in Japan; Yuanhuang’s attitude

Chapter 569 568. Arriving in Japan; Yuanhuang’s attitude

"What's the matter?"

"The seal of the demon world has been opened, the demon lord has revived, and the mission of my subordinates has been completed. The queen has ordered me and Jiupan to return to the second hall, and my subordinates want to bid farewell to the demon lord."


Yan Mo Hanba couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this. It was the right time for him to employ people, but Nine Disasters wanted to take away two of his generals at once?

However, the boy who swallowed the Buddha is indeed a member of the second palace, and he is Jiuhui's confidant. Yanmo Hanba and Jiuhui have the same status. In terms of status, he is the leader of the demon clan, and Jiuhuo is the leader of the evil clan. They are also equal. , Nine misfortunes are coming back to my beloved general, and he can't stop him.

"Jiupan joined the First Palace."

"Demon Lord, what the Queen wants to do is to ask Jiupan to ask about the connection of the faults. Jiupan once used the demon fetus to cultivate Buddhism, which may be helpful to the connection of the faults."

Speaking of which, Yan Mohanba and Jiuhuo have quite different opinions on the issue of faults.

Yan Mohanba advocated unifying the Central Plains first, and then using the resources of the Central Plains to repair the faults.

Jiuhuo believes that if the fault line is not restored, the demon dragon will not be able to give birth to a demon general, and the elites of the evil and ghost tribes after the fault will not be able to recover. The demon world should not compete with the Central Plains with a incomplete lineup, but should keep a low profile first. Hibernating, connecting the faults, and then sweeping the world with absolute advantage.

As for the three halls in the demon world, the master of the first hall is going to war. If Yan Mohanba wants to launch a war, it will be difficult to stop the Nine Disasters.

If there is a co-leader of the three clans and the once strongest God of War in the Demon Realm, Nine Disasters can still try to influence that person and change the overall strategy of the Demon Realm.

Now, everyone can only do their own thing. Yan Mohanba is responsible for the battle, and Nine Woes are planning to connect the faults.

"Well, then you two can go."

"Thank you, Demon Lord."

Yijian Fengchan and Jianxue Wuming left the Flame Demon City and headed to the second palace. Just as Jianxue was about to ask what the second palace was like, he suddenly saw a thunder wolf carrying a silent figure, waiting in front.

Jian Xue glanced at Yijian Fengchan with an inexplicable expression, then stepped aside to wait.

"Pardon Sheng, you are really thoughtful of coming here to see me off."

"Why did you leave?"

"It's not about leaving, but about returning. After my mission is completed, I naturally have to return to my base to resume my duties."


"What you said contains too much. Pardon, you don't have to be scheming, but you can see it clearly."

"You and I will eventually have a battle."

"Then, before that, don't lose to anyone."

The boy who gave birth to Shesheng said no more, pulled the chain, and let the thunder wolf beast leave quietly.

After the figure of Shesheng Boy disappeared, Jianxue Wuming came over and asked via secret transmission, "You have a very good relationship with him."

"The boy who swallowed the Buddha came from the same school as his master, and they were both enemies and friends. But in fact, if it weren't for the issue of position, he would be a good friend. The devil is not ruthless, but all emotions are based on killing and conquest, missions and On glory.”


Jianxue Wuming remained silent, and with Yi Jian Feng Chan, he agreed that the devil was not without style, but its unchangeable aggression and killing made them with different stances only hostile.

"Tell me about the second palace."

"Actually, most of the territory of the Second Palace is behind the fault. The emergence of the fault has caused huge losses to the Second Palace. The talents of the Second Palace have withered. Only the Buddha Devouring Boy and Ren Shenfu can take advantage of it, but the Queen is Among the three leaders of the demon world, the one with the most delicate and deep thoughts is more cautious when facing her than when facing the anti-Buddhist cultivator..."

On the other side, above the vast sea.

After several days of sailing, the dragon boat escorting supplies from the Central Plains could finally vaguely see the coastline.

"Captain Feicun, in just one more stick of incense, the ship will arrive at the dock."

When the second mate came to the captain's room to inform, Dao Wuxiang had just finished discussing with the Zhengdao people, and after discussing with Wo Jiangzi and others, he issued an order to send troops to support the Central Plains and fight against the alien demon world.

Dao Futang put more energy here, and the trumpet of Osamu Feimura, who had been sleeping, came online again. He stepped on the wooden clogs and came to the deck. He could already see the port in front of him and the large camp behind the port from a distance.

Such important supplies must of course be guarded by a special camp, and the highest officer of the camp, one level higher than Colonel Himura, is Major General Ikeda of the Kamikaze Battalion.

After a long time, the ship docked. Colonel Feimura asked Rightonosuke to arrange the loading and unloading of the goods, and then went to the camp tent himself.     "I refer to you as the Major General."

Colonel Himura suppressed his disgust and saluted Major General Ikeda who was kneeling in the middle of the tent. He said that when he figured out the situation, he would be the first to kill you.

"Well, Colonel Feimura has worked hard, but this is a critical moment for the empire to prepare its plan to conquer China. You must not slack off at all. There is a task waiting for you now, and you only have one hour to rest."

"My subordinates serve the country and do not need any rest time."

"Very good, the untouchables of Kono Country have launched a Toichikui attack. You lead the troops to suppress them."

An uprising was called an uprising. An uprising launched by ordinary landowners was called a uprising called Tu Yikui. An uprising launched by a daimyo against the shogunate was called a national uprising.

Colonel Himura was stunned when he heard about Kono Country. Kono Country and its neighboring White Fox Country are both coastal cities with a prosperous shipbuilding industry. The two sides are quite at odds with each other, and they are constantly fighting overtly and covertly.

This time, Tu Yikui might have been initiated by bandits hired by the White Fox Country from the Kono Country.

Of course, with the pressure from the Iwado Shogunate and the Kamikaze Camp, the two countries were limited to small-scale friction, far from the level of a national war.

This time, Tu Yikui might have been a bit too noisy, so Kamikaze Camp decided to intervene personally, maintaining stability while also giving some secret warnings.

In someone's memory, this White Fox Kingdom, its leader, White Fox Junyu Inuwakamaru, is very interesting, and someone feels that maybe they can do something with it.

Just when Colonel Himura took Unosuke along with his troops and went to quell the rebellion.

On the other side of the sea, China.

Tan Wuyu came to Yiliu to visit Beichen Yuanhuang.

You can see that Yuanhuang has a majestic demeanor and a powerful aura. Although he is no longer an emperor, he still has the appearance of a heroic overlord.

Moreover, his subordinates are also very strong, and Tan Wuyu has seen three masters with very good Qi skills, at least one with solid strength.

This is the third of the four saints of Yiliu Pavilion. All three of them have been persuaded or subdued by Beichen Yuanhuang and joined his command.

Plus the Awakening Evil One who is not here.

Talking about Wuyu couldn't help but make her mind change rapidly.

"Tan Wuyu, this Pope's time is precious, so you might as well tell me your purpose."

"The Pope is quick to speak, and Tan Mou said it bluntly. This trip is just for the general trend of the world."

"The small sect of Yiliu lives in a corner, and may not be able to participate in the world's disputes."

"The Pope's words are wrong. Nowadays, the alien evil disaster is sweeping the world, and no one can stay away from it."

"Of course I will pay attention to the world situation, but I don't think this is the time for Yiliu to enter the market."

"The demon world has transformed the Glazed Fairyland and extracted the earth's energy. The frequency and number of demon soldiers are increasing sharply. If we continue to sit back and watch them grow, the Pope may permanently lose the opportunity to enter."

"I believe that the alliance between the Central Plains and Yekou can resist the demonic power very well."


"Talk about Wuyu, no need to say more. I have made up my mind. Yiliu will only adopt a wait-and-see attitude. As for the favor you owe Mu Shaoai, please tell him that during the period when Yiliu was fighting with the devil in the Central Plains, I won’t take action against him, which is enough to offset his favor.”

That's enough... Tan Wuyuxin said, if it weren't for Mu Shaoyi, the only person sitting here would be Nangong Shenyi, and how could you be as majestic as Beichen Yuanhuang.

But he also knew that the emperor was ruthless, and even more unjust when he was strong. It seemed that without sufficient exchange of interests, it would be impossible to drag Yin down.

What's even worse is that Yiliu and the Demon Realm unite, which will definitely make the situation in the Central Plains even more dangerous.

Tan Wuyu had no choice but to ask Beichen Yuanhuang to think carefully again, and then left with full of thoughts.

"It seems that the Pope has also made a decision."

As soon as Tan Wuyu left, Ji Xiaoshuang, one of the Four Saints, said this.

Beichen Yuanhuang transformed into a letter from the alien demon world, his expression changed, and he fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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