Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 108: 1 Echo, destroy the enemy

Chapter 108 One Call, One Hundred Responses, Destroying All Enemies (Subscribe)
With Li Zhihua on her back, Lu Nianchou cut the throat of the enemy in front of her with a sword, letting the hot blood splash on her face and body.

It didn't take long for him to become a bloody man, and the sword blade was covered with thick blood, dripping on the ground from time to time.

By the time they arrived in front of the main hall of Chongyang Palace, hundreds of Quanzhen disciples had already gathered here, fighting and colliding with hundreds of Jianghu people brought by Huo Du.

"Brother, come and take care of Master."

Lu Nianchou handed Li Zhihua to Wang Ye to take care of him in a hidden corner in front of the palace.

"Junior brother, be careful!" Wang Ye saw that his face was full of murderous intent, and his Taoist robe turned blood-red. He felt that this young junior brother was so strange.

Lu Nianchou just nodded silently, said no more, and rushed to a big tree in front of the hall.

"Quanzhen disciples, listen to my orders!"

He shouted loudly, and his voice was like thunder, resounding in all directions.

Most of the Quanzhen disciples present had seen him fight Guo Jing with a sword formation. The sword formation roared and was astonishingly powerful, and in the end he sealed his throat with a sword.

At this time, there were many enemies and they were in chaos. When they saw him coming forward, they felt certain in their hearts and shouted: "We are willing to obey orders!"

"Li Zhichang listens to orders!"

"Cui Zhifang obeys the order!"

"Fang Zhiqi obeys the order!"


As disciples of the third generation took the initiative to listen to orders, the disciples of the Quanzhen sect suddenly had a backbone, echoed loudly, and their momentum was high.

Zhao Zhijing had just been shouting in the crowd, but to no avail. Now when he saw Lu Nianchou giving an order, and the disciples in the sect responded one after another, they suddenly felt jealous and hateful.

It's just that at this time, the enemy is in front of him, but he has no choice but to watch that junior show off his might.

"Zhao Zhijing, Li Zhichang, Fang Zhiqi, Cui Zhifang, Zhang Zhiguang, Wang Zhitan, Chen Zhiyi, Qi Zhicheng, Shen Zhifan... each formed a Big Dipper Tiangang Sword Formation."

"Li Zhichang, Tianshu."

"Cui Zhifang, Tianji."

"Zhao Zhijing, Tianquan."


Lu Nianchou ordered thirteen third-generation disciples in succession, plus himself as a group, each formed a sword formation, and then gave an order to form the Big Dipper Formation.

"The rest of the disciples retreated and divided into three groups, fighting the fire, saving people, and blocking the mountain road."

"I'm going to kill all these thieves today, and never let any of them go!"


With a loud shout, he jumped down from the big tree and stood in his own star position, all the Quanzhen disciples roared angrily.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Seven kills in a row, the sound was heard hundreds of miles away, and the murderous aura soared into the sky, making hundreds of enemies present feel terrified upon hearing it.

98 Quanzhen disciples formed the Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation, their gray Taoist robes bared their teeth and claws amidst the sound of hunting, and their surging murderous aura roared as violently as the north wind.

The shouts of killing were loud, and in such an atmosphere, even if there was a wall of iron and steel, a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, these Quanzhen disciples would attack them without hesitation at this moment.

Or be smashed to pieces!

Or slaughter the enemies!

Lu Nianchou wants to kill someone!
These Quanzhen disciples are also murderous!
They had never experienced such tragedy and bloodshed, and some even felt their hands and feet weak.

However, after the extreme fear, when someone stood up and shouted, someone was able to respond to a hundred calls, and someone was able to kill the enemy with a sword formation, their fear was transformed into the purest killing intent.

Lu Nianchou tightly grasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand, his joints turning white from the exertion.

He tried his best to calm down so that his sanity would not be destroyed by impulsiveness, murderous intent and anger.

He must stay awake, operate the sword array in the most precise and effective way, to slaughter the enemy, to torture the enemy, to cry out the destruction of all obstacles at that time.

Let all enemies become dead bodies in front of the sword array!
However, it was difficult for him to calm down.

In addition to the anger and murderous intent that filled his heart, this kind of response to a hundred calls, the power in his hands, the sword pointed at him, the authority of the sword array to kill made people feel like drinking strong wine, and even made his face flush.

This feeling of having power was like adding fuel to a fire, making his anger and murderous intent even more intense!
Now he just wants to kill all the enemies in front of him, and then kill Huodu and Dalba together!
No matter what plans the enemy may have today...

No matter who is standing behind the enemy...

He will kill all his enemies today!
Lu Nianchou directly raised the horizontal sword in his hand and shook it violently, shouting: "The Beidou Tiangang changes, the seven stars hang upside down, kill!"

The sound is like the roar of a tiger, deafening!

The 98 Quanzhen disciples roared, their breathing became heavier, and their gazes were so hot that they stung the enemy's scalp.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Beidou Sword Formation started to move, and the cold sword light poured out vigorously like a flash flood.

Those people brought by Huo Du included Han people, Mongolians and people from various countries in the Western Regions. At this time, when they saw the enemies coming with swords like landslides and tsunamis, they could only bite the bullet and block them.

After all, they were outnumbered. There were nearly 400 people in total. They suddenly started running wildly, and the black mass was like a flood, rushing towards this direction. The momentum was extremely terrifying.

However, at the moment of the battle, the Beidou Sword Formation was like a meat grinder composed of sword blades, instantly tearing the enemy at the front into pieces.

Since Lu Nianchou set foot in the world, almost every time he was in a weak position, he had to stay low and be small, and he had to run away and plot in order to have a chance of survival.
He was tired of feeling weak.

Now he just wants to let go and go crazy!
This Beidou Formation is like two heavenly swords commanded by him, which can move vertically and horizontally, destroy everything.

He felt the boiling qi and blood in his body and the surging internal force in his veins. With a ferocious look on his face, he swung his long sword and reached the front while the formation was in motion. "You all die!"

The other six disciples who formed the Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation with it tightly protected it, and shouted in unison: "Kill!"

The entire Beidou Formation was like a steel chariot. Enemies rushing towards it like waves crashed into it and instantly turned into a bloody mud.

The sword formation kept moving forward, like a river breaking its embankment, gushing out.

"Ah... I don't want to die!"

"Devils, they are devils!"

"Escape, escape!"

"Get out of the way for me, don't get in my way."

Nearly [-] martial arts practitioners were killed crying for their fathers and mothers, and were even torn into two by the sword array.

One general is incompetent, exhausting thousands of troops.

The Quanzhen disciples were led by Lu Nianchou. Not only did the power of the sword array surge, but their morale also rose to an unprecedented peak.

Even a timid coward will turn into a fanatical warrior in such an atmosphere.

And those people in the rivers and lakes have no leader, do not know each other, have their own schemes, and are not of one mind.

Seeing that the enemy was so ferocious and almost unstoppable in the sword formation, he was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder burst. He immediately ran away, wishing that his parents would give him two more legs, for fear of falling behind others.

"The turkey and the dog are vulnerable!"

Seeing this, Lu Nianchou slashed an enemy to death with his long sword and shouted: "Beidou points, sword formation, kill me!"

As his words fell, the Big Dipper Formation separated and turned into fourteen sets of Big Dipper Tiangang Sword Formation, blocking and killing the enemy with higher efficiency.

Lu Nianchou and six other disciples formed a sword formation and rushed into the enemy group. The long sword in his hand turned into a line of snow that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye and passed over one person's neck.

A human head fell to the ground, and blood gushed from the headless chest like a rain of blood!
The cruel and bloody scene made these Quanzhen disciples thoroughly experience the baptism. They shouted and roared with increasing momentum.

Fourteen groups of sword formations rushed into the crowd and slashed and killed. In an instant, the dense crowd turned upside down one after another, completely breaking them down and fleeing in all directions.

He holds a long sword in his hand, and his Quanzhen swordsmanship has become the most precise human technique.

Come kill one,
Come two and kill a pair.
The enemy's head, arms, and remains flew up!
No one can slow him down!

Later, the other six disciples in the sword formation did not care about killing anyone, for fear that he would make a mistake, and they guarded Lu Nianchou tightly, blocking the open and hidden arrows from all around.

In this large-scale four-kill fight, there is no one-on-one fight, it's all about slashing and killing with swords.

As long as one party collapses, it will turn into a one-sided massacre!

With a sword in hand, Lu Nianchou only knows how to charge and slash.

The enemies are not ordinary people or soldiers in the army, they are all martial arts people, although their discipline and fighting skills are much worse.

But these people are able to hang out in the world, and they all have one or two unique skills, and when they are about to die, they will use them at all costs.

As far as the eye can see, there are enemies with ferocious and twisted faces everywhere, even thrown axes, thrown spears, even iron nets, throwing knives, poison darts, and lime powder have been used.

The entire Chongyang Palace was in chaos. Even if the Quanzhen disciples formed a sword formation, some people were poisoned by all kinds of tricks.

Just as Lu Nianchou killed an enemy with his sword, an iron caltrop came whizzing from the side, forcing him to swing his sword away.

Fortunately, he has the hard work of outsiders to protect his body, which can withstand most weapon attacks, so he can deal with such situations with ease.

He swings his sword!
Keep swinging your sword!
There is no need for too many exquisite sword moves at all, just the most basic chopping, stabbing, teasing, and wiping. As long as they are fast and hard enough, they can kill the panicked enemies.

Lu Nianchou no longer remembers how many people he killed.


There is blood everywhere.

The hair on his face was covered with blood and minced meat.

The Taoist robe turned blood-red.

By the time his sword flashed with lightning and killed the last Mongolian warrior, the area in front of him was empty and there were corpses everywhere.

There were only dozens of enemies scattered everywhere, running for their lives on the cliffs, in the woods, or on the rocks. Some even lost their footing and fell directly off the cliff with screams of terror.

"Stop me all!"

At this moment, a loud shout of surprise and anger rang out, and a dozen figures rushed out from the Chongyang Palace.

These people were very fast and moved freely. They single-handedly repelled several groups of sword formations and saved many Jianghu people.

"Huo Dou, you came just in time."

When Lu Nianchou saw the man who was leading the shouting, murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and he shouted, "Quanzhen disciples, obey the order, set up the Beidou formation, and slay the demons!"

In an instant, fourteen groups of sword formations gathered together again to form the Big Dipper Formation, locking Huo Dou and others in front of the main hall.

Headed by Huo Du and Daerba, and followed by more than a dozen masters who were no less capable of practicing Qi, they gathered together the remaining dozens of people in the world.

Seeing that the two sides were at war with each other and another bloody battle was about to break out, his eyes were cold and his face was ashen and he roared: "Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, is this what you want?"

"Are you guys trying to tear yourselves apart with our Mongolian Kingdom?"

(End of this chapter)

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