Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 129 Uncle Master, I finally caught you

Chapter 129 Uncle Master, I finally caught you (please subscribe)
After Lu Nianchou and Xiao Longnu broke into the ancient tomb, as the stone door closed, their eyes suddenly fell into darkness.

There was no light from candles or sparks at all, it was completely dark and extremely silent, making people feel depressed from the bottom of their hearts.

Xiao Longnu has lived in an ancient tomb since she was a child. She has long been accustomed to this kind of darkness, and she knows the terrain very well.

The moment the tomb door closed and the light disappeared.

She then swung her waist and retreated like a puff of smoke, widening the distance.

Lu Nianchou didn't follow the sound. There were countless secret passages in this ancient tomb. If you were not careful, you would fall into a trap.

Even Li Mochou was not sure of forcing his way in, let alone someone like him who was completely unfamiliar with the ancient tombs. If he really relied on his martial arts to catch up, he would be dead.

"Uncle Long, I have no intention of becoming your enemy."

"It's just that there were many misunderstandings about Master's death."

"As long as I find the secret place in the ancient tomb, the original rights and wrongs and grudges will naturally come to light."

After saying that, Lu Nianchou turned around and groped towards the stone door behind him, trying to find out the mechanism and reopen the stone door.

Only by letting Li Mochou in, with her familiarity with the shape of the ancient tomb, could it be possible to capture the Little Dragon Girl, or find the stone chamber where the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra and the Double Ninth Festival inscriptions were located.

However, the moment he turned around, two bolts of white silk came through the air, striking at the back of his heart with wild force.

Do it right away, without a hint of warning.

The white silk was like a goddess scattering flowers, rushing in from all directions, covering Lu Nianchou's figure.

"Uncle Long, you are really cruel!"

As Lu Nianchou said that, he stabbed suddenly with his long sword. In the darkness without a trace of light, even the cold sword light was swallowed up by the darkness, and only the sharp sound of breaking through the air could be heard.

If he hadn't practiced Yuqing Visualization, his five senses and six consciousnesses were extremely sharp, and he could clearly sense the sound and direction of the wind caused by the whistling white silk, he would have suffered a big loss in such an environment.

Although Lu Nianchou could not see anything at this time, the white silk and strength of Xiao Longnu's attack could not be concealed from him at all.

"If you continue to be so aggressive, don't blame me for being rude."

As he spoke, he stepped suddenly, using his Qinggong and physical strength to explode in an instant. Following the direction of the sound of the white silk breaking through the air, he locked onto the little dragon girl's position and rushed out.

Under the explosion of exquisite Qinggong and extremely powerful physique, with a violent explosion of billowing wind, he covered a distance of nearly three feet in an instant.

Amidst the howling of the wind, his face was cold, and the sharp sword blade surged out like a tide, making it a violent and ferocious mess.

Although Xiao Longnu's white silk is made of ice silk and has a tough texture, there are tiny gaps between the threads.

If faced with other people, amid the dancing white silk, flowing true energy, and swaying golden bells, the so-called gap is insignificant and cannot be considered a flaw.

However, for Lu Nianchou, with his mind as clear as an ancient mirror, the gaps between the white silk threads became the best breakthrough point.

"Open it for me!"

The tip of the sword in his hand was like an embroidery needle, piercing a gap with extremely precise accuracy, and then suddenly exerted force.

Amidst the violent cracking sound of the silk, the long sword passed across, directly tearing the white silk into two pieces, and then slashed towards Xiao Longnu.

Lu Nianchou knew that if he could not capture Xiao Longnu at this time, the other party would not listen to his words at all, and all plans would not be carried out, so he took cruel measures.

Xiao Longnu put aside the torn white silk. Although the thick white ice silk was not broken, it was torn apart violently by the long sword.

Her sleeves danced, and several jade bee needles appeared in her jade fingers, which looked like they were carved from ice jade. There was a faint blue light on the needle tips.

This jade peak needle, which is as thin as a cow's hair, is extremely poisonous. Anyone who is hit will be poisoned by the jade peak poison. Big bumps will swell up on the body, causing pain and itching, making people miserable.

Especially in this dark and silent ancient tomb, such a hidden weapon can make people even more frightened.

With an undetectable buzzing sound, five jade peak needles hit Lu Nianchou's chest, arms and thighs respectively.

Lu Nianchou never expected that Xiao Longnu would suddenly display such a vicious hidden weapon.

The distance between the two sides was now less than ten feet. After all, it was difficult for him to see anything. His mind and ears had just detected the hidden weapon, but it was already too late to dodge.

He yelled angrily, but he didn't even dodge, and charged forward extremely violently.At the same time, the Golden Body Skill and Iron Armor Skill were pushed to the extreme, and the robes on his body shook violently like water waves.

In an instant, his hands, feet, and chest felt a slight sting. The needle tip barely broke the flesh, and then it was bounced away and fell to the ground.

Lu Nianchou didn't care, he slashed with his long sword, and with the raging wind, he blasted out the Big Dipper Sword he had initially comprehended with all his strength.

The sharp sword light was like a continuous wave, whipping up a raging wind, and with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, it suddenly enveloped Xiao Longnu.


Seeing the sword light coming like a surging tide, murderous intent is hidden in the complexity.

Xiao Longnu's eyes seemed to reflect the starlight, and she seemed to be able to see everything in such darkness.

Under the light of the sword, she refused to dodge, her body trembled and swayed, her newly formed zhenqi penetrated into the gold and jade woven gloves, and her arms suddenly exerted force, twisting like a dragon and snake, trying to clamp the long sword.

"Aren't you going to break my sword? I'll help you!"

Lu Nianchou flicked his wrist, and the sword light flowed down. In an instant, he slashed out seven swords in succession, just like a sword array, one move after another, echoing each other, advancing layer by layer.

Amidst the sound of gold and iron clashing, fists and swords collided, and the sword light all over the sky suddenly dissipated.

Xiao Longnu's body trembled slightly, she consumed most of the energy in her body and paid a heavy price. Then she managed to catch the seven swords with both hands and grasped the blade.

This was because Lu Nianchou's Big Dipper Seven Star Sword had lost its innate skills and it was difficult to completely set up the sword formation.

Otherwise, no matter how exquisite Xiao Longnu's palm skills and body skills are, and no matter how indestructible the golden and jade woven gloves on her hands are, she will still be unable to block the Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation falling from the sky.

However, all this was due to Lu Nianchou's plan. Xiao Longnu had just grabbed the sword with both hands and tried to break the sword with all her strength.

He had already thrown away the hilt of the sword, lunged forward, and made a big slam of the monument, with the sound of wind and thunder, which was much more powerful and domineering than the Big Dipper Sword just now.

With both internal and external skills, and strong physical strength, the Big Stone Slammer suddenly burst out with unbelievable power, and even the air was knocked out with an explosion in front of his downward-drawing arm.

Xiao Longnu subconsciously put aside her sword and struck out with a palm.

The fists of the two collided, making a loud noise. Xiao Longnu's arms went numb, and her body felt like it was struck by lightning. She stepped back three steps in a row.

However, Lu Nianchou was unyielding and was unwilling to let Xiao Longnu take the opportunity to retreat into the darkness. When the time came, he would have no choice but to stop when faced with the countless secret passages and mechanisms in the darkness.

From the beginning, he had only one goal, to get close to Xiao Longnu's body, and then...

Take it down!

At this moment, he struck out with a palm, followed the force of his palm, and drew a semicircle in the air, slashing directly at Xiao Longnu's retreating figure.

next moment,
Xiao Longnu dodged one after another, swaying her waist slightly, and the attacking fist hit the stone wall, making a roaring sound. There were even cracks in the wall, and gravel shot out in all directions. .

Lu Nianchou's big monument slammer was so powerful that it was unimaginable that even though Xiao Longnu kept dodging to avoid it, she was still hit three times in succession.

Her arms were numb and she was really frightened. If it weren't for the golden gloves to relieve her strength, she would have been beaten to death.

But even so, Xiao Longnu could feel numbness all over her body, and even her body bones were weak.

She used Qing Kung Fu to try to get away. In just a short moment, her body shape changed dozens of times. She tried to retreat and avoid, but she was tightly entangled.

Lu Nianchou blocked all her escape routes, and the two of them fought close to each other, fists and palms colliding fiercely.

In the end, Xiao Longnu was hit so hard by a series of stone-throwing stones that her body became slightly stiff, making it difficult to move for a while.

Since I couldn't see in the dark, I couldn't accurately find the acupuncture points on Xiao Longnu's body.

Lu Nianchou seized the opportunity and did not dare to neglect. He attacked her from behind and captured both of her arms with one hand. The other palm turned into a claw and locked her throat.

"Uncle Master, I finally caught you."

"Let's see how you run!"

(End of this chapter)

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