Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 134 Does Master even have to take care of this?

Chapter 134 Does Master even have to take care of this? (Please subscribe)

After Lu Nianchou and Xiao Longnu came up from the pit of the trap, Xiao Longnu turned the mechanism again so that the huge hole was covered by the stone slab again.

Lu Nianchou carefully picked up Li Mochou and followed her.

"Where is the secret place you mentioned?" Xiao Longnu slowly closed the door of the ancient tomb.

"It's in the room where the sarcophagus is placed. As for the specific location, I'll tell you when I get there."

As the stone door closed, the entire tomb suddenly fell into darkness.

Lu Nianchou tightened his arms around Li Mochou slightly, feeling that this woman was so soft and boneless, making people feel even more pity for her.

He followed Xiao Longnu, turning one corner after another, and after a long while he entered a stone room.

Xiao Longnu pushed open the heavy stone door, took out a firebrand from her arms, started a fire, lit two oil lamps on the stone table, turned to Lu Nianchou and said, "Put Senior Sister here, this is the place where she once lived. , even if you wake up, it will still be familiar and tight, so there won’t be any problems.”

When Lu Nianchou heard this, he looked around the room and saw that there was only a stone couch in it, which was covered with a straw mat. Other than that, there was nothing else.

"No wonder Master can't bear the life in the ancient tomb. Even if she betrays the master, she will go down the mountain."

"Unless someone like Xiao Longnu has never gone down the mountain to see the prosperity of the human world, who can endure the silence and loneliness in this ancient tomb?"

Lu Nianchou sighed slightly, a little dissatisfied with Lin Chaoying's actions. She had seen all the prosperity of the world and experienced love and hatred, so she lived in this ancient tomb next to her beloved.

But he wants his disciples to be unable to leave this cold and dark ancient tomb for the rest of their lives.

As for the so-called rule that if you find a man who is willing to die for you, you can go down the mountain, it is like a joke.

Since you are not allowed to step out of the ancient tomb for the rest of your life, how can you find a man who can die for you?
Is it possible that I want to fall in love with the Taoist priest from the nearby Chongyang Palace?
But it happened that all the disciples of the Ancient Tomb Sect turned their backs on Wang Chongyang's portrait when they were apprentices.

Such rules are simply topsy-turvy and have no rationality at all. They are just a way to vent their anger and dissatisfaction towards Wang Chongyang.

He slowly placed Li Mochou on the stone couch, and after he was settled properly, he said softly: "Uncle and I are going out and will be back soon."

After that, he said to Xiao Longnu: "Let's go."

Without saying a word, Xiao Longnu took him out of the stone room and re-entered the dark passage. They walked for about half a quarter of an hour before they arrived.

When Xiao Longnu opened the stone door, she saw five sarcophagi placed side by side in an empty cave. The lids of two of the sarcophagi had been sealed, but the lids of the other three had only been pushed halfway up.

Xiao Longnu pointed to the first sarcophagus on the right and said to Lu Nianchou, "Grandma Grandma sleeps here." Then she pointed to the second sarcophagus and said, "Master sleeps here."

Lu Nianchou bowed respectfully and looked at the remaining three sarcophagi. Knowing that one of them was reserved for Li Mochou, he sighed: "Master, he still misses me after all."

Xiao Longnu understood what he meant and said, "After all, senior sister will always come back."

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "Uncle Master, please lend me the fire seal in your hand."

After Xiao Longnu handed it to him, Lu Nianchou walked towards the fourth sarcophagus, then turned over from the half-open coffin lid and lay down in it.

Under the light of the fire, he could clearly see sixteen large characters written on the inside of the coffin lid.

Jade Girl Heart Sutra, the skill surpasses Quan Zhen.

Chongyang is not weaker than others in his life.

These sixteen characters are written with thick ink and vigorous strokes. Just one glance can make people feel the arrogance and confidence of the calligrapher.

However, Lu Nianchou only felt that Wang Chongyang was really a tough talker. He and Lin Chaoying were obviously in love with each other, but he refused to bow his head and ended up harming others and himself.

After looking at it, he shouted softly: "Uncle, I have found it. Come in and have a look."

Xiao Longnu didn't know what he was talking about. Could it be that the so-called unparalleled magical power could still be engraved in this sarcophagus?

"This sarcophagus is narrow. You come out first, and then I will go in and check."

Lu Nianchou smiled and said, "Uncle Master, this sarcophagus is just an entrance."

"I wait for the children of Jianghu to be informal, not to mention you are my elder, come in!"

Xiao Longnu frowned slightly, feeling that her mind, which was as calm as the surface of a lake, had made more waves today than it had in the past ten years.

After thinking for a while, she turned over and entered the sarcophagus, lying down side by side with Lu Nianchou.

In this small space, they were suddenly crowded together, and they could even feel the temperature on each other's arms.

However, Xiao Longnu had no intention of paying attention to this. She raised her head and saw the big characters on the coffin lid at a glance.

"Uncle Master, there are some boys there, they should be left by Wang Chongyang, the founder of the Quanzhen Sect." Lu Nianchou pointed to the end of the coffin lid. Under the sixteen big characters, there were many densely packed small characters. .

"After the death of his ancestor, his mother-in-law, Wang Chongyang secretly sneaked into the ancient tomb to pay homage. He accidentally saw the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra left by his mother-in-law, and actually destroyed all the martial arts of the Quanzhen sect."

"That's why I deliberately deciphered the method of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra in the secret room under the sarcophagus. Future generations will know it if they have a chance to see it."

Xiao Longnu heard this and said: "I have lived in this ancient tomb for more than ten years, and I didn't even know that there was a secret room under this sarcophagus."

Lu Nianchou was groping around at this time and came across a mechanism beside him, but he didn't know how to open it, so he turned to look at the woman next to him and said, "Uncle, the mechanism to open this secret room is right here. place."

"Uncle Master, please tell me how to open it?"

Xiao Longnu said: "Let's go out first, otherwise this mechanism may not be able to rotate."

After the two of them got out of the sarcophagus, Xiao Longnu stretched out her arm to feel for the mechanism in the sarcophagus. After a few movements, she heard a clang and the stone slab at the bottom of the coffin was lifted up, revealing a dark passage.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Lu Nianchou's face showed joy. Although he had known this for a long time, he was still a little excited when he actually found it.

The two of them waited for a while, and when the foul smell in the stone room dissipated, Lu Nianchou slowly stood up.

He took an oil lamp in the room, smiled and said to Xiao Longnu: "Come on, uncle, let's see together the magical skills left by Master Chongyang."

Xiao Longnu had already believed what he said before, and she was also a little curious in her heart. She didn't know what kind of magical skills could make a martial arts master like Wang Chongyang say that he could break the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra.

The two walked from the bottom of the sarcophagus. Below was a row of stone steps. When they reached the end, there was a short passage. After turning a corner, they entered a stone chamber.

After entering the stone chamber, the two of them looked up in unison and saw that the top of the stone chamber was densely covered with handwriting and symbols.

On the far right are written four large characters - Jiuyin Manual.At the same time, Lu Nianchou suddenly heard a cold and mechanical system prompt.

The system prompts that a fragment of a peerless magical skill has been found. Do you want to enter it into the system?

He chose yes without hesitation.

After a while, the system light curtain refreshed.

Martial arts name: Jiuyin Zhenjing (remaining)
Quality: unique skill (magic skill)

Hang up experience: 30 points/h
Characteristics: The unparalleled magical skills that Huang Shang understood when compiling the Taoist collection "Wanshou Taoist Canon" were specially created to restrain Mingjiao martial arts. They contain the ultimate principles of martial arts and are the general outline of martial arts in the world.

It is divided into two volumes. The first volume is about the general outline and internal skills, and the second volume is about martial arts moves. If the two volumes are combined into one, you can practice the unparalleled magical skills that have passed through the ages.

(Note: This residual chapter of the Kung Fu method was refined by Wang Chongyang based on the gist of the Jiuyin Sutra and some martial arts moves, specifically for restraining the Jade Girl Heart Sutra)

Xiao Longnu just looked at it for a moment and felt that the martial arts written in it were really difficult and difficult to learn. She couldn't help but said: "I wonder what kind of martial arts this Nine Yin Manual is. Can it really break the Jade Girl?" Can’t you complete the Heart Sutra?”

Lu Nianchou shook his head and said with a smile: "Uncle, you don't know something. This Nine Yin Manual is a magic book that all people in the world dream of. It is known as the master outline of martial arts in the world."

"It was acquired by Master Chongyang decades ago, which triggered the first Huashan sword debate, and made peerless masters such as East Evil, West Poison, South Emperor and Bei Beg take notice of it."

"I don't know how many bloody storms and overt and covert battles I have experienced during this period, and I have even created countless grievances and hatreds and peerless masters. It really has incredible power."

"Although the Chongyang Patriarch left only fragments of the Nine Yin Manual, all of them are internal skills and moves to restrain the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra."

"With his martial arts attainments and magnanimity, if he says he can break the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, there's no way he's lying."

At this moment, Xiao Longnu paused slightly and landed on the secret of acupuncture points written on the top of the room.

After just a brief look, he understood the truth and murmured, "I didn't expect that there are such incredible and exquisite martial arts in this world that can relieve acupoints on their own."

Lu Nianchou looked over as he spoke and sighed: "When the Five Jue Huashan was discussing swords, Ouyang Feng also learned the Nine Yin Manual by chance."

"Master and Grandmaster didn't know that Ouyang Feng had such miraculous skills in resolving acupuncture points on his own, which led to the original disaster."

"Now you should believe what I say."

Xiao Longnu just nodded slightly and did not continue to speak. A past thing that had been worrying about her heart was relieved. She felt that her mind was clear, and even the Jade Girl Skill seemed to be a little better.

"If that's the case, then our agreement has been reached?" Lu Nianchou looked at her and said.

"Of course!" Xiao Longnu replied.

A smile appeared on Lu Nianchou's face. After carefully writing down the ancient tomb diagram on the roof of the room, he said, "Uncle, I want to take care of Master, so I will leave first."

Xiao Longnu was currently immersed in the martial arts mysteries of the Nine Yin Manual and ignored him.

By the time Lu Nianchou fumbled around and finally found the stone room where Li Mochou was, she had woken up from her coma and was meditating on the stone couch.

When she heard Lu Nianchou's footsteps, she slowly stopped her exercise and slowly opened her eyes.

"Master, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" Lu Nianchou felt a little relieved when he saw that her complexion had recovered a little and was no longer as pale as before.

Li Mochou had a arrogant personality. Although she knew there was some misunderstanding between the two, she calmed down and would not take the initiative to explain.

"Lu Zhanyuan is dead, and some things should be let go."

"But he is just a child, and what he said is just because he is young and ignorant."

"Not to mention there is a fiancée at home!"

Thinking of this, she was even less willing to explain, and just thought, "Maybe it's okay to let him misunderstand. In a few years, she can settle down and return to Jiaxing to get married."

Although I was thinking this, I felt inexplicably depressed and a bit bitter for some reason.

Li Mochou didn't want to let herself think too much, and she didn't dare to think too much. She quickly collected her mind and deliberately asked with a straight face: "What's going on between you and Xiao Longnu?"

"Even me, a senior sister, she didn't allow me to set foot in the ancient tomb in the past."

"I forced my way in several times, but she used all her strength to beat me out using secret passages."

"Have you only met her a few times? How could you enter this ancient tomb so easily? Even move around at will?"

"What happened between you and her?"

Li Mochou could not figure out why her cold and aloof junior sister had undergone such earth-shaking changes in such a short period of time.

Lu Nianchou was originally going to explain to her the agreement with Xiao Longnu, but when he thought of her "Zhan Yuan" before she fell into coma, he felt a little unspeakably annoyed.

So when the original words came to her lips, they suddenly changed their appearance, "Uncle Long, she and I hit it off right away, and after a duel, we started to cherish each other, so the two of us agreed that she would not drive us away again until she beat me. .”

When Li Mochou heard this, she was slightly startled. Based on her understanding of Xiao Longnu, she would never believe that her junior sister would do such a thing.

But if that wasn't the case, she couldn't think of any other possibility, and thought to herself: "Could it be that these two people really hit it off at first sight? After all, it's hard to explain the relationship between a man and a woman clearly."

"Perhaps it is my cold junior sister who has fallen in love with this silly boy for some reason?"

Thinking of this, she felt a little tight in her chest for some reason, and her face was a little ugly. She said in a stiff tone: "You still have a fiancée at home, and she is still your uncle. If you dare to have any evil thoughts, I won't interrupt you. legs."

Lu Nianchou snorted coldly and said, "The love between children and the love between men and women are my own business."

"What? Master, does he even have to take care of this?"

Li Mochou felt like her teeth were itching and she wanted to beat him up, but at this moment she couldn't think of any other reason to dissuade him.

You can't say, didn't you promise to marry me in ten years?
Just when this thought flashed through his mind, Li Mochou felt his heart pounding, and even his body became hot and unspeakably strange.

She quickly used her inner strength and mental skills to suppress the complicated thoughts in her heart. She coughed twice and said coldly: "I can't care about other people."

"But your uncle, absolutely not!"

 Thank you to finally have time, Xiao Life, Little Monster Fights Ultraman Little, and TheGypsyKing for their rewards. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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