Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 14 The Conflict between Master and Disciple (please read and vote)

Chapter 14 The Conflict between Master and Disciple (please read and vote)

The carriage moved forward slowly, and with the city gate in sight, Li Mochou suddenly spoke.

"Nianchou, the Yun Family of Datong Prefecture, together with Heishizhuang, Murongshanzhuang and Jindaozhai, wants to discuss with me the ownership of that valley in the ancient city of Pingyao."

"It's nothing more than trying to bully the few with more, and suppress others with power!"

"I have already prepared to break up with them. It's just a fight."

Li Mochou's tone was very flat. Ever since she left the ancient tomb, she was always accompanied by blood and blood, and the killing never left her body.

"The three great families in Shanxi don't have any decent masters, but the few guys at the head are cautious and won't show up easily."

"I wanted to kill them directly several times before, but I never found a chance."

"This time you go first into the city, go straight along the avenue at the city gate, and stop when you see a mansion made of black stone."

"That is Blackstone Villa's house in Pingyao City, also known as the Iron Tower Dai Family."

When Lu Nianchou heard this, his pupils shrank, and he pressed the handle of the knife with his right hand and asked, "Master, should I go alone? Do you mean... to lure the snake out of its hole?"

Li Mochou chuckled and said softly: "You kid is really smart. I'm too lazy to negotiate with them."

"Ling Bo and I, they both know your face, but they can't recognize you."

"Go and challenge us to make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the better. It's best to lure out the three old guys Dai Wei, Yun Zhenshan, and Murong Jiu."

"At that time, Ling Bo and I will sneak attack and assassinate them, beat them all to death, and then kill them all throughout the house, so as to save trouble."

When Lu Nianchou heard this, his scalp went numb and he thought to himself: "What a murderous intention!"

Li Mochou looked charming and charming, but her murderous nature and ruthless methods were few in the world.

He completely regards human life as worthless, and has never had the slightest scruples and soft hands.

Who would have thought that this beautiful woman could say such bloody words in the softest voice.

Lu Nianchou's thoughts fluctuated, but her response was quick, and she said without hesitation, "I obey."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the bamboo hat he had used to keep out the rain from the shaft of the car, and put it on his head to cover his appearance.

Then he thought for a while, lifted Ke Zhen'e's iron staff, and jumped off the carriage.

How could Hong Lingbo have thought that Li Mochou would suddenly have such thoughts, seeing that the magic star he hit was going to fight alone, his heart suddenly became anxious.

"Junior brother, stay here."

She has traveled north and south with Li Mochou over the years, and she knows very well that the people in the north are tough and the people are fighting for years. In this environment, a large number of masters emerge one after another.

Although most of the strong men of the older generation died in the chaos of war, none of them survived.

Whether it is martial arts, methods, or resourcefulness, they are far beyond ordinary martial arts people.

Among them, the most famous one is the head of Jindaozhai, known as the king of Northern Yandao, who suppresses the rivers and lakes in the northwest, and vaguely has the tendency of the leader of the northern martial arts.

According to rumors, Beiyan Sword King Yan Xingyun has mastered the Kuangsha Sword Technique to a great level. With one strike, it is as if the sun is rising and the sky is full of yellow sand, which is extremely terrifying.

Next are the heads of the three major aristocratic families, Dai Wei, Yun Zhenshan, and Murong Jiu.

They are also great masters who have cultivated their family's unique skills to great success, martial arts masters, and they are all ruthless characters who have been on the battlefield. They have countless lives in their hands, and they are absolute heroes.

Far better than some martial arts seniors who practice martial arts silently in the mountains!

It is impossible for Beiyan Saber King to sit in Jindao Village, and it is impossible to leave easily, but the heads of the three great families are likely to have gathered in this Pingyao City.

Hong Lingbo bit his lips slightly, resisting his fear of Li Mochou, turned around and said: "Master, Junior Brother is a beginner in martial arts, and he rarely fights with others, so it's probably too dangerous to fight with people from the three great families."

"If we are not careful, we will be in danger. When the time comes, we will have to be cautious and restrain our hands."

"In my opinion, since the enemy has already expected our arrival, he will definitely be more careful and cannot be easily fooled."

When Hong Lingbo said this, a trace of cold murderous intent flashed across his face, and he said in a cold voice: "I'll simply kill the Dai family together and have a bloody fight with them. Even if Dai Wei's three old guys can stop us, Others in their house can’t stop it.”

"When the time comes, I will threaten the lives of Dai's family and children, so I won't be afraid that they will not give in."

Before the words were finished, there was a slap, and a blood-red palm print suddenly appeared on Hong Lingbo's fair and pretty face.

Her fair and tender cheeks immediately turned red and swollen, looking horrifying.

Hong Lingbo was stunned by the beating all of a sudden, he covered his right half of his face in a daze, and murmured: "Master?"

Li Mochou's cold voice came from the carriage, "When will it be your turn to make decisions for me? If there is another time, it will not be a slap in the face."

"If he falls into the enemy's hands, then he is incompetent and unworthy to be my disciple, Li Mochou."

"Either he kills himself, or I send him on his way myself."

"Heh, how could I be threatened by those trash?"

"Where is the need for you to be troublesome? I think you are in a state of turmoil. You don't know your identity anymore, and you don't even remember the status of master and apprentice?"

Hong Lingbo couldn't lift her head up when she was reprimanded by such harsh words, especially the phrase "spring heart commotion" made her want to die of shame and indignation.

Which good family's daughter can endure such humiliation?
And yet again, he was exposed so ruthlessly in front of his sweetheart, and he felt extremely depressed.

Hong Lingbo was furious for a moment, and with a clang, he drew his sword out of its sheath and without saying a word, wiped it towards his own neck.

"not good……"

Lu Nianchou could tell at a glance that Hong Lingbo was not pretending at all, but really didn't want to live anymore. The cold sword sharply cut towards his neck.

His complexion changed, and he rushed over in an instant. He used the Tian Luo Di Net Power and the Jade Belt Kung Fu at the same time, cutting horizontally with his palm, and accurately hit the sword body.

The long sword was sent flying by Lu Nianchou's palm, and it slanted into the ground, buzzing.

"Senior Sister, are you crazy?" Lu Nianchou grabbed Hong Lingbo, "Why are you here, why are you here?"

"Nie Zhan, are you trying to piss me off?" Li Mochou didn't expect that Hong Lingbo would be so stubborn, even if he didn't agree with each other, he would wipe his neck and kill himself.

Although she was merciless in her words, she actually had some affection for this disciple who had raised him single-handedly and taught him everything he could.

Seeing that he didn't value his life so much, she couldn't sit still any longer. She walked out of the carriage and scolded angrily, "Your wings are stiff. I've said a few words to you, but you're going to threaten me with death." What a big temper."

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have saved you in the first place. I would have killed you with one slap."

Hong Lingbo burst into tears, fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, hung his head and said nothing.

Li Mochou's body trembled with anger, and she clutched the fly whisk tightly with both hands, "What a curse, what a curse!"

Seeing that the battle was approaching, Lu Nianchou couldn't help but have conflicts among the three masters and apprentices.

He walked to Hong Lingbo's side, knelt down on the ground together, and begged: "Master, I will soon face a bloody battle. If there is internal strife at this time, I'm afraid those enemies will die of laughter."

"Sister, I have good intentions. I am worried that I am young and have low martial arts skills, so I will miss Master's important event."

"But she didn't know that the master had a plan and was far-sighted. He would never gamble with his disciple's life."

"This matter is just a misunderstanding, please master to calm down."

"Senior sister, apologize to Master quickly."

As Lu Nianchou said, she grabbed Hong Lingbo's arm and exerted a little force, signaling her to bow her head temporarily.

Normally, Hong Lingbo respected Li Mochou and obeyed what he said, but now for some reason, he became stubborn and knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Li Mochou's face turned pale, and the fly whisk in her hand was shaking. If it had been someone else, she would have been struck down with a palm at this moment, killing her alive.

"Nie Zhan, your wings are stiff, I can't control you anymore, right?"

Hong Lingbo raised his head, the right half of his cheek was red and swollen, showing a clear slap print, his face was covered with tears, and he said in a choked tone: "My life was saved by Master. If Master wants to kill or cut, I will do as I please."

Seeing her distressed and pitiful appearance, Li Mochou's heart softened after all, she simply turned around and went back to the carriage, out of sight and out of mind.

Lu Nianchou also had a headache. He quickly helped Hong Lingbo up from the ground and comforted him: "Sister, please don't cry. Master is just angry for a moment."

"You see, in this world of masters and apprentices, one must always hold back, fearing that the apprentice will surpass the master."

"But Master has taught you everything he has. Even the most exquisite Ice Soul Silver Needle has been passed on to you. Don't you know this kind of intention?"

"Even mothers and daughters can get angry. Senior sister, you and the master have been dependent on each other for these years. Mother and daughter are not better than mother and daughter."

"Why should you hurt your love for a little thing?"

Hong Lingbo gradually calmed down at this time. When he heard these words, he remembered the way Li Mochou clumsily took care of her daily life when she was a child, and her eyes turned red again.

Immediately throwing away Lu Nianchou, she knelt down on the ground and kowtowed three times, even her forehead was broken.

"Master, this disciple is wrong."

Li Mochou also heard Lu Nianchou's words clearly. Although she was a wicked person, she also had a soft place in her heart.

In the original work, there is a hint of maternal love for Hong Lingbo, Lu Wushuang, and later Guo Xiang.

Although he was equally soft-hearted at this time, his tone was still cold, and he said lightly: "Now that you know your mistake, why don't you get up and catch the car."

When Hong Lingbo got on the shaft of the carriage, another porcelain vase was thrown from the carriage, and landed precisely beside her.

"Treat your wounds. If you look like this, those who don't know will think how unbearable my disciple Li Mochou is, being bullied like this."

When Lu Nianchou saw this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. The master and apprentice were in a quarrel just now, but now they were calm and even concerned about their injuries.


Seeing that the two of them were fine, he immediately raised his iron staff and said, "Master, senior sister, I will go to the city first to see how mysterious the martial arts of the three major families in Shanxi are."

Hong Lingbo opened his mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only whisper, "Be more careful..."

Lu Nianchou chuckled and said, "Don't worry, senior sister."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to the carriage, and then, holding an iron staff and a treasured knife at his waist, he walked towards the gate of the city alone.

(End of this chapter)

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