Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 142 No one can take him away from me

Chapter 142 No one can take him away from me (please subscribe)

Li Mochou was successful in practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra's external skills, but Xiao Longnu was a little slower than her, especially because the foundation of Quanzhen swordsmanship was weak, and there were still many subtleties that she had not yet mastered.

After Li Mochou left, Xiao Longnu called Grandma Sun to perform the Jade Girl Sword Technique to help her understand the remaining Quanzhen Sword Techniques.

Lu Nianchou was particularly happy to know that Li Mochou had succeeded in practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, and wanted to start practicing the inner strength and heart method together with him.

"Master, time waits for no one. Let's start practicing as soon as possible!"

Li Mochou was a thin-skinned person, and whenever she thought of the two of them taking off all their clothes and being honest with each other, her legs and feet would become weak and she could hardly control herself.

Lu Nianchou looked at her expression, pondered for a moment, and said, "Master, we are here to practice the supreme knowledge of our sect passed down by our ancestor, mother-in-law, so why should we stick to appearances."

"If you have any concerns, then I will close my eyes while practicing. As long as you and I sit opposite each other, put our palms together, and help each other with the exercises, we can achieve something."

Li Mochou refused to believe him at all. This guy was always careless with him. If he was distracted while practicing, he would go crazy and become possessed, or his true energy would backfire and he would die tragically on the spot.

The more advanced the martial arts, the more dangerous it is when practicing, not to mention the unique skills of these two fellow practitioners.

"I have promised before that I will help you practice the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, so naturally I will not go back on it." Li Mochou looked at Lu Nianchou seriously and said.

"But this technique is complex and mysterious. When practicing, you must have a clear mind and no distracting thoughts. Otherwise, you will become possessed and harm others and yourself."

"You and I can give it a try first. If it doesn't work, we can only stop for now and think of other ways in the future."

Lu Nianchou naturally knew that there was a very suitable place outside the ancient tomb where the two of them could not see each other's bodies, but they could practice their skills together.

He could come up with many other solutions without even needing to find the place.

But Lu Nianchou had evil thoughts in his mind, so he was not willing to speak out. When he heard Li Mochou's words, he immediately agreed seriously: "Don't worry, Master, when it comes to our life and death, I will never make any mistakes, let alone I won’t think wildly.”

Seeing his clear eyes, Li Mochou still felt a little uneasy, but at this time she had no other better way, so she could only say: "In that case, I'll go take a shower and change clothes. In an hour, you can come to my room." .”

Lu Nianchou was happy in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm. He pretended to be solemn and said, "Yes, Master."

An hour later, Li Mochou's boudoir.

At some point, a gauze curtain was set up on the bed, and it was circled around. There was also a gauze separation in the middle, so that people could only see hazy shadows.

After Li Mochou took a bath, her hair was pulled up into a bun, her long skirt was tied around her waist, her face was beautiful, and there was a sense of majesty in her movements.

Just then she heard a voice and saw Lu Nianchou, wearing a loose white robe with his long hair hanging casually, walking into the door of the room.

Li Mochou sat on the stone couch and did not get up. She just glanced at him with a hint of pride in her brows.

"This is the method I just thought of. As long as it is separated by a gauze curtain, it can block the line of sight. I also made two holes in the middle so that our palms can meet."

At this time, the gauze curtain was hung up, and Lu Nianchou looked at the beautiful master who had just taken a bath. What caught his eye was the fair and jade-like skin and the touching body curves.

Especially the delicate and high breasts under the skirt and the long black eyebrows on the temples make her a mixture of enchantment and majesty, making people want to get close to her, but they don't dare to.

Lu Nianchou approached the stone couch. She was condescending. In addition, the neckline of her dress was not high, her shoulders were sharp, and the snow hills in the hollow were half-circle, looming.

Li Mochou noticed his gaze and scolded: "Get on the bed quickly. With your temperament, if you don't pull up the curtain, you are destined to harm others and yourself."

Lu Nianchou smiled faintly and did not refute. At this time, he got on the stone couch and sat down cross-legged.

Li Mochou stretched out a jade arm as clear as a white lotus root, lowered the gauze hanging on the hook, completely covering the two figures, and could only vaguely see two hazy figures facing each other. sit.

Lu Nianchou looked at the gauze in front of her, covering Li Mochou opposite her, leaving two holes in the middle for her palms to stick out.

If you look closer at this time, you can have a clear view of the beautiful scenery on the opposite side.

At this time, he didn't want to provoke Li Mochou anymore to avoid causing trouble, so he quickly took off his robe and said, "Master, I'm ready."

Although Li Mochou had already made preparations, she even pulled down the gauze curtain.

But when I think about that bastard boy right in front of me, and I have to take off all my clothes, I can't help but feel dizzy, as if a peony is blooming, and it's so beautiful.


Li Mochou pretended to be calm and agreed, and then there was a shuddering sound of clothes, making the atmosphere in the room even more subtle.

The moment after the group of people on her body completely receded, the infinite scenery was exposed. Her face was flushed and she felt so shy that she subconsciously squeezed her legs together.

After a long while, he managed to calm down, and then he stretched out his white and slender palms, passed through the hole in the sand tent, and said in a soft tone: "Let's get started!"

"it is good!"

After Lu Nianchou saw that she was ready, he sat on the short couch and concentrated attentively. He stretched out a pair of palms and put his fingers together to start practicing formally.The moment the palms of both sides touched, he felt as if he was touching the warm mutton-fat jade, which was delicate, smooth, and slightly cool, making people unable to put it down.

However, his mind only wavered slightly, and he quickly regained his composure.

The first step in practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra is to put away distracting thoughts. Only if the mind is still, can it be extremely quiet and wise, and the true energy in the body can be circulated in an extremely subtle way.

This step stopped many people, because after most people sat down, they were full of distracting thoughts and upset, and could not calm down at all, let alone other things.

That is to say, only human fairies like Xiao Longnu, who have lived in ancient tombs since childhood, have the foundation of Jade Girl Kung Fu, and whose soul is like ice jade and do not disturb the slightest dust, can easily enter into tranquility.


Lu Nianchou smiled softly, and the mantra of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra was flowing in his heart. He closed his eyes slightly, pinched the seal in his hand, and started using the Jade Pure Visualization Technique. He watched the sky and sat quietly without thinking about anything else.

Gradually, as time goes by, the six senses fade away, and the entire world seems to be stripped of all colors and sounds, leaving only the purest tranquility.

The heart is as clear as ice, and calmness arises from concentration.

The first level of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra seems to be extremely difficult for others, but Lu Nianchou has successfully practiced the Yuqing Visualization Technique, and he can do it as easily as eating and drinking.

At this time, Li Mochou's body was completely naked, her pretty face had a red glow, her black hair was scattered, and her flawless jade body had moving curves and undulations, which was really charming.

Her hands were pressed against Lu Nianchou's, and she felt the wisps of true energy surging, and she also started to use the method of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra.

As her practice gradually got on the right track, all her original distracting thoughts gradually dissipated. The foundation of her internal skills over the years allowed her to enter into tranquility after a quarter of an hour.

Although it is not as clear as Lu Nianchou and can enter the tranquility of space and darkness, it is still enough for practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

At this time, the true energy uses both palms as a bridge, connecting the twelve main meridians of the two people, and flowing through the eight extraordinary meridians that have been opened.

One in and one out, one yin and one yang, yin advancing and yang retreating, the mysteries are endless.

Two quarters of an hour later, the expression on Li Mochou's face changed, and her body began to tremble slightly.

After starting to practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, as the technique started to work, the seven emotions and six desires in one's subconscious began to be amplified, and began to turmoil one's heart like ripples.

The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra is a unique skill to stimulate one's own soul and potential. Through two people practicing together, the minds and hearts are united, allowing the seven emotions and six desires to surge, and one's own heart is unwavering, just like a bright jade.

The reason why this technique is called Jade Girl Heart Sutra is because of this. The heart is like a bright jade, and the desire is hard to invade, so that the mind can be seen clearly, and the deeper potential of the body can be glimpsed and stimulated.

There is no doubt that although the Jade Girl Heart Sutra can be completed in a hundred days and seems to be extremely simple to practice, in fact it has extremely high mental requirements and countless risks.

As the practice progresses, more emotions and desires will be aroused in the subconscious, and this tendency will even be amplified ten to a hundred times.

As long as you are not careful, you will sink into the sea of ​​desire, and even directly cause turbulence and backlash of the true energy, which will lead to extremely dangerous consequences.

Countless thoughts emerged in Li Mochou's subconscious. She saw the body of the man opposite her through the gauze curtain, and she couldn't move her eyes away.

"This brat is so young, he has a strong body, and even his face is handsome and handsome. In terms of appearance, he is much stronger than his father."

"Lu Zhanyuan, that heartless person, changed his mind and left me."

"But his son is devoted to me and even wants to marry me."

In the past, those ulterior thoughts could only be buried deep in my heart without any divulgation, but now due to the operation of the technique, they were suddenly stirred up and burned like flames, taking over all thoughts.

Li Mochou's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of water, and the palms that were attached to Lu Nianchou seemed to be trying hard to pull the handsome young man opposite him into his arms.

"Lu Zhanyuan has harmed me all my life and made my life worse than death for ten years. He even caused the master to be beaten to death by Ouyang Feng."

"If a father pays his debts to his son, I should let that boy take care of me for the rest of my life."

"But...he still has a fiancée..."

Li Mochou's expression was gloomy and uncertain, her jade-white cheeks were mixed with blue and red, and she was obviously on the verge of going crazy.

"It doesn't matter if he has a fiancée, he likes me, and no one can take him away from me."

"I've already felt abandoned once, and I don't want to experience it a second time in my life."

"If he dares to abandon me, then..."

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

As the thoughts in her mind stirred up, Li Mochou's delicate body became hot unknowingly, her cheeks were red, and her face was covered with red. The burning was stronger than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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