Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 144: Protector of the Emperor, Quanzhen Traitor

Chapter 144: Protector of the Emperor, Quanzhen Traitor (Please subscribe)
The sky was dimming, and snow began to fall again in the sky. Looking around, I saw the rustling snow falling, and the mountains and forests far and near were covered in white snow. Along with the howling wind, it made people feel the chill in their bones.

While Li Mochou and Lu Nianchou were practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra in the ancient tomb, more than 30 miles away from Zhongnan Mountain, Qingjing Sanren Sun Buer and Liu Chuxuan were heading towards the mountain gate.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to Chongyang Palace, their faces were all happy.

"If I hadn't gotten help from Senior Brother Qiu this time, I don't know when the remaining poison in my body would have been forced out. The Scarlet Lian Divine Palm of Scarlet Lian Fairy Li Mochou is indeed terrifying."

While using Qinggong to walk on the snow, Sun Buer said with emotion that going to Shanxi to fight Li Mochou this time was really thrilling.

After being hit by Chi Lian's divine palm, she was seriously injured. Even after swallowing the detoxification pill secretly made by Chongyang Palace, there was still lingering poison.

Originally, Liu Chuxuan wanted to take her back to Quanzhen to recuperate, but at this time, Jinlun Dharma King held a grand meeting in Dadu, and the two of them were forced to go to Dadu.

Because before the grand meeting was held, King Jinlun led many masters and deployed an army to lay a dragnet.

The Mingjiao left envoy Bujie monk, the four gates of heaven and earth, the four gates of wind and thunder, the five elements flag and other powerful men were all wiped out in one sweep. The entire top management of the Mingjiao was almost wiped out.

Except for Mrs. Miaoyu, the Right Messenger of Light, almost only a few low-level followers are left in the entire Ming Cult. Their strength and vision have declined sharply, and they can no longer pose a threat to the imperial court.

With the heads of Ming Cult members rolling, countless heroes throughout the North have become mute. They can only bow their heads and kneel down in front of the Mongols.

Jin Lun Dharma King completely unified the entire northern martial arts world and set various rules, thus making both the black and white factions become puppet thugs of the Mongolian royal court and lackeys for plundering resources and wealth.

Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer were forced to come to Dadu. Faced with the drastic changes in the situation, it was difficult for them to make a rebellion, let alone respond on behalf of the Quanzhen Sect.

The entire Quanzhen sect, starting from Ma Yu down, only gave the two of them one order, and that was to delay...

Because Qiu Chuji himself had a close relationship with Genghis Khan Temujin, the Quanzhen Seven Sons were inextricably linked with many high-ranking officials and nobles in Mongolia.

Therefore, Jinlun Dharma King did not force Quanzhen, but he also took this opportunity to let Huo Dou take action, hoping to knock down the mountain and shake the tiger, so that the Quanzhen Sect would know who is the master of this northern land.

But who would have thought that Huo Dou and his party would be completely killed at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain.

I don't know how many people in the newly unified Northland martial arts community are paying attention to this matter, both covertly and covertly. There are those who are secretly mocking, and there are those who are adding fuel to the flames, fearing that the world will not be in chaos.

It was under such circumstances that Qiu Chuji and Wang Chuyi hurried down the mountain and went to Dadu to meet with Jinlun Dharma King and the senior officials of the Great Mongolia to mediate the matter.

However, Huo Du was originally the second disciple of Jinlun Dharma King, and he still had the bloodline of the Jinlun family. Although it was only a branch lineage, he was still enough to be called a Mongolian prince.

The killing of such a person caused quite a stir in the Mongolian court, not to mention in the world.

Emperor Meng personally ordered that King Jinlun, who was in charge of the black and white circles in the north, must arrest the murderer and chop him to pieces in full view of the public, to serve as a warning to others and to calm the hearts of the world.

Under such a situation, Qiu Chuji and others' activities in Dadu fell into an extremely difficult state. The friendship they had established with Mongolian dignitaries in the past was of no use at this time.

Fortunately, Huo Du and the others were all killed at that time. Although everyone knew that this matter must be related to the Quanzhen Sect, Jinlun Dharma King was not a heroic figure who acted decisively and did not give evidence.

Instead of directly questioning the Quanzhen Religion, they sent people out to search for evidence in order to convince all forces, so that the Quanzhen Religion could be legitimately suppressed.

The four senior officials of the Quanzhen Sect who arrived in Dadu, except for Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi, Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer, were almost all under house arrest and found it difficult to leave Dadu.

Not long ago, Jinlun Dharma King had some occasional gains from his practice and practiced in seclusion, and the three of them were suddenly released.

Wang Chuyi and Qiu Chuji continued to stay in Dadu, while Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer immediately set off to return to Zhongnan Mountain.

Liu Chuxuan looked at Sun Buer and said with a faint smile: "Junior sister, why do you have to belittle yourself? The kungfu taught by Quanzhen is all about accumulation and accumulation. After this experience, your internal skills have improved even more."

"As long as I have the opportunity to connect with Ren and Du in the future, it will be a completely different world."

Sun Buer sighed softly, but said nothing. It was so difficult to penetrate the two channels of Ren and Du. Even now, she still doesn't have any confidence.

At this time, Liu Chuxuan looked at the official road extending in front of him, which was completely submerged by the wind and snow. He felt a little depressed in his heart and whispered: "I don't know why, I always have an ominous premonition. I hope it's me." Be careful!"

Sun Bu'er had always been convinced of this senior brother's intelligence. He was shocked when he heard this, frowned and thought, "Senior brother, are you afraid that Jin Lun Dharma King's people will deal with us?"

Liu Chuxuan slowed down and nodded: "King Jinlun was ordered by Emperor Meng to investigate the tragic death of Huo Dou, but now it has passed, and nearly two years have passed, but nothing has been found."

"The prestige of the newly established Northland Martial Arts Alliance has been greatly damaged. It has almost become a joke. Even Jinlun Dharma King is secretly laughed at by many people."

"A person who cannot even protect his own disciples is not qualified to be the leader of the Northland Martial Arts Alliance, let alone conquer the heroes."

"I learned from Senior Brother Qiu that even Emperor Meng was dissatisfied with Jinlun Dharma King and issued an oral edict to beat him a few days ago."

"Jinlun Dharma King suddenly went into seclusion, and we were released right after. Don't you think this is too strange?"

Sun Buer stopped in shock and asked, "Is Jinlun Dharma King's retreat fake?"

Liu Chuxuan shook his head and said: "I don't know if King Jinlun is really in seclusion, but this time we were suddenly released. Everything is weird, and there are some key points that I can't figure out."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. He heard footsteps in the woods not far behind him. He suddenly put his hand on the hilt of his sword, turned around and shouted: "Who is it?"

Sun Buer's heart trembled, and he quickly drew his sword out of its sheath and looked at the woods covered by the wind and snow.

After a while, a person walked out of the woods. He had a sinister face, a tall body, and a high and curved nose. He did not look like a Chinese person.

Sun Buer's body trembled slightly, with an extremely solemn look on his face, and he said, "It's Nimoxing, the protector of the Emperor Meng."

Liu Chuxuan naturally recognized this person, and a chill rose in his heart.

Nowadays, there are eight masters under the throne of Emperor Meng who serve as personal guards, and Nimoxing is one of them.

This man practices the Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Kung Fu. He has ruthless martial arts and is good at using a snake-shaped iron whip. He is the most terrifying martial arts master in Tianzhu today, unrivaled by anyone in Tianzhu.

Later, he joined the Mongolian army and made great achievements in battle. He became one of the five masters in the army. He was also favored by the Mongolian emperor and took him under his command, becoming one of his personal guards.

It is said that when the Jin Kingdom was destroyed, an old antique from the Wanyan family led the army's masters to assassinate Emperor Meng.

A total of 37 people entered the royal court, but they were all killed on the spot by the eight masters guarding Emperor Meng's seat. They all died cleanly and no one could escape.

Those 37 people at the beginning were the most powerful people in martial arts selected by the Jin Kingdom's military, internal affairs, and civilians, and each of them had unique skills.

However, he was still beaten to death by those eight people, and he had no resistance at all. His strength was evident.

Anyone who knows about this past event will be frightened by the eight masters under Meng Huang's throne, and they will become irritated whenever they are mentioned.

"Why did he suddenly appear here?"

Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer quickly exchanged glances, both seeing the heaviness and worry in each other's hearts.

Nemoxing's appearance here is by no means an accident. The two of them were released this time, and they must have fallen into the enemy's plan.

Although they don't know the conspiracy, they may be in danger this time.

"Why are the two Taoist priests leaving in such a hurry?"

Nimoxing did not stop because Sun Buer and Liu Chuxuan stopped, but instead rushed towards them faster and faster. "Qiang!"

Liu Chuxuan drew his sword out of its scabbard and said in a cold tone: "Nimoxing, I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in recent times. I wonder what the purpose of your visit is?"

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the avenue ahead laughing.

This man looked like a zombie. He rushed towards Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer with a mourning stick, swinging away the wind and snow in the sky. The weapon in his hand hit Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer.

"You two guys should have died a long time ago, but they are still struggling to death. Why don't you wipe your own necks and save the two of us from doing anything."

When Liu Chuxuan saw this person, his pupils shrank and he secretly complained in his heart.

The person who appeared later was named Xiao Xiangzi, and he was originally a martial arts star from the Xiangxi lineage. In terms of strength and prestige in the world, he was no less than the Iron Palm Floating Qiu Qianren back then.

It was only later that this person suddenly disappeared. It was not until the Wanyan remnant assassinated Emperor Meng that the world learned that this master of the Xiangxi lineage had actually become one of the eight guards under Emperor Meng.

This man practiced the ancient Taiyin Refining Record of Western Hunan, and used a pure steel mourning stick containing arsenic sand, which had frightened countless martial arts heroes in the Central Plains.

This person appears together with Nemo Star, and the result behind this is self-evident.

"It is said that the Mongolian prince Kublai Khan made great achievements not long ago, and the Mongolian emperor gave him Nimoxing and Xiaoxiangzi for his protection."

"It seems that Emperor Meng was dissatisfied with Jinlun Dharma King's delay in taking action, and handed over the handling of Huo Du's death to Prince Kublai Khan."

"Could it be that Kublai Khan came in person this time?"

Thinking of this, Liu Chuxuan suddenly shouted: "Kublai Khan, since you are already here, why are you hiding? I know you are here, come out!"

The words echoed in the wind and snow, and before they dispersed, an indifferent voice sounded, "You are not worthy of Your Highness the Prince personally spending time and energy."

I saw the person who spoke, wearing a white monk's robe, with a handsome face, thin body, and fairer skin than an ordinary young lady from a wealthy family.

He had been standing in the wind and snow not far behind Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer, but he seemed to be completely integrated with the falling snowflakes, and was not noticed at all.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to speak, Sun Buer and Liu Chuxuan seemed to have completely ignored this person.

"Liu Bingzhong, it's you?"

When Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer saw this person, their faces showed signs of shock and anger at the same time.

This man was originally a disciple of the Quanzhen Sect, but for some unknown reason, he suddenly apostatized and became a monk. He became a disciple of Zen Master Xu Zhao, the abbot of Daning Temple, with the Buddhist name Zicong.

This incident is a scandal of the Quanzhen Sect, which involves overt and covert fighting between the Buddhist and Taoist families. It is not known to outsiders, so most of the disciples are unaware of it.

Master Zicong's reputation has become more and more popular over the years, but Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer never expected that he would appear here.

"Could it be that you have also taken refuge with Kublai Khan?" Liu Chuxuan's face was extremely pale, and he scolded sternly: "Traitor, what is your purpose of coming here today?"

"Do you still want to kill the master yourself?"

Master Zicong, the former Liu Bingzhong, was a disciple of Liu Chuxuan when he was teaching arts in Quanzhen.

Seeing this rebellious master and disciple again, Liu Chuxuan suddenly couldn't control himself. His usual calmness and calmness were all gone at this moment, and there was only unspeakable anger in his heart.

Master Zicong was unmoved, and the expression on his face did not change at all. He just said lightly: "The Quanzhen Sect has violated the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River. It has disrupted the government of Mongolia many times and even killed Prince Huodu. This crime cannot be forgiven."

"Emperor Meng has ordered Prince Kublai Khan to investigate the matter thoroughly five days ago."

"It's just that Prince Kublai Khan has a big responsibility and cannot escape from it, and I have some connections with the Quanzhen Sect, so I was assigned full authority to handle this matter."

When Sun Buer heard this, he sneered and said: "You are really relying on others' power. I have never heard of the master teaching his disciples. This is the first time I have seen such a rebellious disciple who wants to bring other outsiders to kill the master."

"You are simply crazy, a beast worse than a beast!"

Master Zicong allowed the two of them to scold him without any retort. He just said lightly: "Although I used to teach arts in Quanzhen, times have changed and the grievances in the past have long been settled."

"Why do you two keep talking about master and traitor?"

Sun Buer saw Liu Chuxuanqi's body trembling and his eyes bloodshot. He knew that this senior brother was suffering from unbearable shame and humiliation, so he took the initiative to step forward.

"Liu Bingzhong, if you still have any humanity left in you, get out of my way immediately."

"I don't want to mention the past disputes, but what are you doing today?"

"Do you really want to kill the master?"

The white robe on Master Zicong's body made a sound in the wind and snow. "The Quanzhen Sect killed Prince Huodu, and the crime was not small. Since Prince Kublai Khan trusted me, he allowed me to handle this matter with full authority."

"Then I must give him an explanation."

"Don't worry, starting from Ma Yu, all the so-called Quanzhen Seven Sons will be indispensable."

Sun Buer used to have a strong personality, and when he heard such words, he would definitely draw his sword and fight to the death with the enemy.

But she really didn't want to see her senior brother fighting with his former disciples. Such a scene would be too painful and torturous.

Therefore, she suppressed the anger and murderous intention in her heart and scolded: "What evidence do you have that it was our Quanzhen Cult who killed Huo Dou?"

Master Zicong said lightly: "I think it was you who killed him, so it was you who killed him. Where is the need for any evidence?"

"Ha... Okay, very good!" Liu Chuxuan laughed angrily, laughing so hard that tears almost flowed out. His long gray hair was fluttering in the strong wind.

"I, Liu Chuxuan, have truly taught a good disciple. My painstaking teachings that day were not in vain."

"Not bad, good, hahaha..."

He made a clanging sound, pointed his sword diagonally, and strode towards Master Zicong.

"Don't you want to kill me?"

"Come on, do it yourself!"

"I want to see how you have improved over the years?"

Master Zicong stood on the same spot without moving even half a step. He just put his palms together and chanted the Buddha's name, and then said calmly: "Please two seniors, please take down these two people."

"If there is resistance..."

He paused and said softly in an indifferent tone: "Kill without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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