Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 147 Become your slave and be at your mercy

Chapter 147 Become your slave and be at your mercy (please subscribe)

Li Mochou sat on the edge of the bed, her charming expression just now gone, and she regained her cold demeanor, even more so than before.

Lu Nianchou seemed to have been accustomed to her changeability. After getting off the bed, he put on his own clothes, then walked straight to the dressing table and looked at the letter that Granny Sun had just sent.

After a brief inspection to make sure there were no traps or toxins, I opened the letter.

However, as the contents of the letter unfolded, Lu Nianchou's eyes gradually narrowed.

After reading all the contents, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he handed the letter to Li Mochou and said, "Master, come and take a look!"

"This letter says that Senior Sister Lingbo went out and met Master, your former enemy, and was besieged in Heartbreak Valley."

"The person who sent the letter claimed to be a fellow disciple of Quanzhen who admires my character. He found out that his martial arts was low after the attack on my senior sister, so he sent the letter to ask for help."

Li Mochou picked up the letter with her bare fingertips, glanced at it, and said in an indifferent tone: "The place where we were attacked is quite interesting. The entrance to the Broken Heart Valley is narrow. After entering, as long as someone blocks the exit, It’s hard to escape even with wings.”

"I didn't know that Ling Bo could be so capable. She was trapped in the Heartbreak Valley and could still wait for me to rescue her calmly."

Lu Nianchou said in a deep tone: "I'm afraid this is a conspiracy. It's clear that they want to use senior sister as bait to get you to take the bait."

"Master, what do you want us to do?"

Li Mochou exhaled his true energy from the palm of his hand, and the letter paper in his hand immediately turned into pieces, falling to the ground like snowflakes.

"Since you are kindly invited and your senior sister's life is on the line, how can we not go?"

"Not only are we going, we are going with a big fanfare."

"Just leave me a message outside the door, saying that in three days, I, Li Mochou, will go to Broken Heart Valley in person to save people."

"If my disciples lose a hair, I will kill them all."

When she spoke, her tone was still soft, but the cruelty from the bottom of her heart, her disregard for human life, and her confidence in her own strength made Lu Nianchou feel a little cold in his heart.

"Master, please rest first. I'll come back tomorrow." After saying this, he bowed, turned around slowly, and left the room.

It wasn't until he left the door that Lu Nianchou's expression gradually turned gloomy.

Ever since Li Mochou started practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra with him, it was as if she had become a different person.

When practicing the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl, she was charming, charming, and even boldly showed her love, letting him do whatever he wanted.

But after a period of time after the luck is over, she will become cold and ruthless again, even more indifferent than before. That look in her eyes makes people feel chilled in their hearts.

Lu Nianchou was a little surprised at first, thinking that his beautiful master was teasing him.

After practicing the exercises, he deliberately tried to take advantage of her. He even opened the gauze curtain between the two of them and feasted his eyes on her, hoping to make her admit defeat.

But he didn't expect that Li Mochou really let him manipulate her, without any resistance at all, and even looked and acted with great enjoyment.

And then the change from obsession to indifference was also very abrupt, as if he was a different person.

Lu Nianchou carefully tested her several times, even thinking that she was going crazy during her practice, but she didn't expect that Li Mochou knew everything about her.

"I didn't become obsessed with practicing Qigong." After Li Mochou regained her indifference, she said in a calm tone: "I just used Jade Girl Kung Fu to suppress my lust."

Lu Nianchou immediately frowned, "Master, you are playing with fire and burning yourself by doing this." "Forcibly suppressing one's seven emotions and six desires with exercises is like blocking the flood. The longer it takes, the stronger the accumulated desires will be."

"One day you will no longer be able to suppress it, you will be completely overwhelmed by lust, lose yourself, and become a puppet and slave of lust."

"Do you know what the consequences will be?"

Li Mochou was not moved at all, as if she had already considered everything clearly, and said in a calm tone: "It's nothing more than becoming your slave and being at your mercy. Doesn't this just follow your wishes?"

"What's more, I may not reach that point. If I can cut off the love thread with a sword before the Jade Girl Skill cannot suppress my lust, I will completely forget about you, or let go of you."

"Then my own spiritual will and Jade Girl Skill will immediately break through and enter an unprecedented realm."

Lu Nianchou did not expect that Li Mochou would choose to deal with their relationship in such an extreme way, either becoming his slave or severing the love thread with a sword.

No one knows what the final result will be!
At this point, Lu Nianchou was unable to stop her. He could only deliberately tease her while she was practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra and encourage her lust, thus completely destroying her will to resist.

"Do we really want such a proud woman to completely lose all her persistence and self-esteem and become a slave who can be played with by others?"

He is really a little depressed. Is Li Mochou, who was reduced to a slave after her rationality was destroyed by lust, really still her original self?

It's like a withered flower, like it has lost its soul and has an empty skin that can be manipulated by others.

"How can I make her forget her love and let her forget about me from now on?"

He sighed quietly, "This woman really posed a problem for me!"

"Either become a slave or behead her. She is really cruel."

But by this time, there was no room for turning things around, and we could only take one step at a time.

"I don't know whose handiwork it was, but he actually wanted to set up a trap to surround and kill my master."

There was a faint light in Lu Nianchou's eyes, and walking in the dark and silent ancient tomb made people feel a bit eerie and scary.

"In three more days, after practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, Master Mochou will be able to completely penetrate the Ren and Du channels."

"Furthermore, the perfection of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra will greatly improve one's own combat effectiveness. Whether it is light kung fu or movement speed, there will be earth-shaking transformations."

"Before I broke through, my master used his four special skills of whisk, quick palm, light kung fu, and hidden weapons to dominate the world for ten years. Very few people could rival him."

"When the time comes to understand Ren Du and possess the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, I can't imagine how horribly her strength and lethality will be improved by then."

"Those people..."

Lu Nianchou shook his head slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You really don't know how to live or die."

Thinking of this, he no longer wasted any time and soon left a reply with a dagger on the stone wall outside the gate of the ancient tomb.

Glancing at the night outside the ancient tomb, he saw mockery in his eyes. Without trying to find out who was behind the plot, he turned around and slowly returned to the ancient tomb.

"It doesn't matter who it is. In the face of absolute strength, those so-called traps are simply ridiculous."


(End of this chapter)

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