Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 190 Master, give it to me

Chapter 190 Master, give it to me (please subscribe)
"Old poisonous creature, let's go!" Hong Qigong looked at Yang Guo's disappearing figure, and his words were filled with silence. There are not many old friends still alive in this world.

Who would have thought that Ouyang Feng, the unruly and unruly Xidu, would die on the top of Mount Huashan.

Hong Qigong couldn't help but feel a little sad. He sighed slightly and stopped looking at Li Mochou and his disciples. He used Qinggong and went down the mountain in another direction.

Lu Nianchou didn't stop him. Hong Qigong spent his whole life wandering around the world. Whenever he encountered rough roads, he would draw his sword to help. He had done good deeds and saved countless lives.

Such a person should not die in his hands.

Moreover, he had no time to pay attention to these things in the outside world anymore. After penetrating the two channels of Ren and Du, he began to make crazy breakthroughs in the Nine Yang Magic Technique, the Quanzhen Heart Technique, and the Great Shift of the Universe.

"Master, help me protect the law!" Lu Nianchou said and fell to the ground.

Although Ouyang Feng was dead, the pressure and burden on Lu Nianchou after this fierce battle was unprecedentedly intense.

Now, not only was the true energy depleted drastically, but the body was almost exhausted, and the internal organs were severely damaged. If he hadn't penetrated the Ren and Du meridians at the critical moment and set foot on the innate, he would have fallen to the ground.

However, at this moment, as Ren and Du's two meridians were penetrated, he suddenly felt that all the potential hidden in his limbs and bones was gushing out.

The Nine-Yang Divine Skill operates on its own, running along the twelve regular meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians in a great cycle of heaven and earth. From the first volume of the exercise to the fourth volume, it runs extremely smoothly, in an endless cycle.

He finally completed the four-volume Nine Yang Manual, and the innate pure Yang Qi in his body was so powerful that it swept every inch of his body.

Lu Nianchou felt as if he was soaked in a hot spring. Both his body and mind felt indescribably relaxed and comfortable.

The hidden injuries and lost potential accumulated during past practice, including the injuries to the internal organs, are quickly being compensated and repaired, just like being reborn, reaching perfection.

At the end, the innate pure yang energy became more pure and powerful, and a wisp of purple energy actually appeared in the dantian.

This is also the change that will naturally occur after practicing the Nine Yang Divine Art to the state of perfection. Its name is the innate pure Yang purple energy, also known as the innate purple energy.

The innate purple energy is generated by the convergence of the human body's essence, energy and spirit. It contains the secret of the Great Sun and can be diffused to the internal organs, limbs and bones of the body at will, thereby possessing various magical effects such as invulnerability to weapons, water and fire, immunity to all diseases, and indestructibility. .

After the birth of the innate purple energy, the internal energy can be generated at an extremely fast speed, which is almost endless. Even ordinary boxing and kicking skills can explode with extremely powerful power.

The resulting Vajra Indestructible Body is even more capable of reacting in response to external attacks. It is Vajra Indestructible and has unparalleled defense.

As for the internal strength of being free from all diseases and poisons, healing wounds and nourishing life, and restraining cold poisons, these are just natural things.

If only the Nine Yang Divine Art was accomplished, Lu Nianchou would need to cultivate the innate purple energy for a period of time before he could gradually reach perfection. Finally, after enduring the pain of burning his body in fire and forging a body of pure Yang, he would be able to use this The practice of Juan Shen Gong is complete.

But at this moment, the Quanzhen Heart Technique achieved perfection at the same moment when it broke through the innateness. Lu Nianchou fell into an unprecedented state of enlightenment, and the Quanzhen Dao Song circulated on its own, with endless secrets of its own.

Lu Nianchou already understood the secret of Wang Chongyang's innate skill without the need for anyone to teach him.

When a human body comes into the world, breathing turbid air and eating whole grains will degenerate into the afterlife, and its lifespan will be exhausted. No matter how you maintain your health, you can only slow down this process. In the end, you will inevitably die from exhaustion of the essence in your body and your lifespan.

No matter how powerful a martial arts master is, it is difficult to escape the process of birth, old age, illness and death, and eventually turn into a handful of loess.

But Wang Chongyang realized the mystery of practicing the Three Treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen from Taoist classics, and created innate skills.

Thousands of years ago, what Taoists pursued was immortality and ascension to immortality. In order to achieve this goal, some predecessors and sages created the art of Qi training, which is also the source of internal strength in martial arts.

Wang Chongyang was a master of martial arts in the world. After his cultivation reached Xiantian, he discovered that his meridians were connected. After practicing his inner strength to a certain level, he could no longer make any progress and could not escape the shackles of life.

After reading through Taoist classics, he traced the path of heaven and man, and found that as early as thousands of years ago, there were Qi refiners who arrived in the realm of heaven and man. They absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and displayed the awe-inspiring power of heaven in every move they made.

But if the human body wants to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, it needs to open up a mysterious orifice, and only then can the mind and soul merge with heaven and earth. This is the gap between heaven and man, and it is a natural chasm that makes countless geniuses and heroes sigh in admiration before they die.

In order to be able to open up a mysterious hole, Wang Chongyang created the Quanzhen Heart Method, which is the Quanzhen Dao Song.

If you can understand the truth wonderfully, walking, standing, sitting or lying down for twelve hours a day, with your mind like Mount Tai, unmoving and unshakable, not confused by the external scenery, not disturbed by the inner demons, you can enter the realm of Taoism. .

Once you enter the Tao realm, you will be more in tune with heaven and earth, and it will be easier to understand the power of heaven and earth. It is like improving your own understanding, which is mysterious and unpredictable.

Practicing this technique requires a lot of accumulation. Although it is slow in the early stage, even if you have ordinary qualifications, you can understand the principles of heaven and earth in this Taoist realm, and thus achieve extraordinary achievements.

In the same way, if you have outstanding qualifications, understand the secrets of heaven and earth on your own, and improve your understanding of the Tao, you can also feed back your skills and skyrocket your own practice speed and progress.

In particular, the subtlety of the Quanzhen Dao Song is that the combination of Quanzhen swordsmanship and Quanzhen internal skills and mental methods is the real "Quanzhen Dao Song."

This cultivation method can be described as brilliant. As long as you practice swordsmanship, you can cultivate internal strength to a certain extent. It takes the path of combining swordsmanship and internal strength, and using the martial arts to guide both internal and external cultivation.

During practice, swordsmanship is used to induce the circulation of true energy to achieve the purpose of cultivating internal strength.

When encountering an enemy, he uses Qi to control his sword and increase the power of his sword to kill the enemy.

One inside and one outside complement each other, and they can not only practice enlightenment, but also protect themselves and kill enemies.

Later, Wang Chongyang used the Quanzhen Heart Method as the foundation and realized that various martial arts such as Jin Yan Gong, Lu Shuang Breaking Ice Fist, etc., can be integrated internally and externally, and have endless wonderful uses.

If the internal strength improves, the external strength can be improved; if the external strength improves, the internal strength can also be increased.

This laid a solid foundation for the founding of the Quanzhen Sect. This complete martial arts system was the main reason why the Quanzhen Sect could flourish in later generations.

Once you have perfected the Quanzhen Mind Method, you will naturally be able to understand the innate skill. The so-called innate skill is to transform the acquired nature into the innate.

Since the human body has its limits, and even one's own Qi can reach its end, then use Qi to nourish the mind.

Therefore, the so-called innate power is based on the innate true energy and cultivates the essence, energy and spirit, so as to be more consistent with the heaven and earth, and to be able to understand the great ways of heaven and earth more clearly.

From the Quanzhen Mind Dharma to the Innate Kung Fu, the goal from beginning to end is to make oneself more in tune with the world and understand the truth of the great truth.

Therefore, Wang Chongyang's internal skills are different from other internal skills and mental methods in the martial arts. No matter how mysterious other skills are, they cannot get rid of the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians. After practicing to a certain level, it will be difficult to make progress.

But the inner strength and mental method created by Wang Chongyang is most fundamental to the understanding of the principles of heaven and earth, as well as one's own Taoist realm and Taoism.

The higher and deeper the Tao is, the more mysterious the skills will be. Below the innate world is the Song of the Perfect Dao, and in the innate realm is the innate gong. When reaching the realm of innate perfection and the realm of heaven and man, there will also be a natural transformation.

Although it has different names in different realms, its foundation is the Quanzhen Dao Song. It is based on internal skills and mental skills and Quanzhen sword techniques, one inside and one outside, without end.

"No wonder Wang Chongyang was able to master the art of sword control in the end and achieve the realm of heaven and man like a swordsman."

"From the time he created the Quanzhen Dao Song, as long as this person does not die, his Dao practice will become more and more profound, and he will step into the realm of heaven and man. It is just a matter of course."

"Even because he uses Qi to control the sword and uses the sword to refine Qi, the beauty of swordsmanship and the principles of swordsmanship have long been engraved in his bones. It is only natural to become a swordsman."

Lu Nianchou couldn't help but be filled with emotion. He truly admired the founder of Quanzhen Sect from the bottom of his heart.

From these martial arts, we can know that Wang Chongyang is really amazing and talented. No wonder he can defeat all the heroes with his skills. In the first sword debate at Mount Huashan, he subdued the Eastern Evil, Western Poison, Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar to become the best in the world. Central supernatural power.

"Other martial arts people only know how to compete for martial arts secrets. Even those martial arts masters only study hundreds of martial arts and create their own martial arts."

"But Zhenren Chongyang has been cultivating Taoism from the beginning. He has understood the principles of heaven and earth through internal swordsmanship. The longer he practices, the more profound his Taoism becomes."

"This person's ability to break through the realm of heaven and man is definitely not a fluke, but a matter of course."

All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Lu Nianchou suddenly understood the "Yuqing Visualization Technique", "Taiqing Alchemy Technique" and "Shangqing Sword Forging Technique".

These three volumes of skills combined into one are the magical skills of heaven and man after Quanzhen Daoge has been cultivated to the Quanzhen state. Wang Chongyang disassembled them and taught them to himself.

"Beidou Tiangang Sword Formation, Xiantian Kung Fu, Quanzhen Mind Technique, Quanzhen Sword Technique, Jinyan Kung Fu, One Qi Transforms Three Purities, and Great Big Dipper Seven Styles. These seven martial arts are combined into one, which is a swordsmanship that matches the innate Kung Fu. It can also be called It is an advanced version of the Quanzhen Sword Technique - Tiangang Sword Technique." "From the original 49 sword moves, it has evolved into 36 variations of the Seven Sword Techniques. Although the moves are more streamlined, they are becoming more and more exquisite."

"Cultivation of Xiantian Kung Fu and Tiangang Sword Technique to a perfect state is not inferior to any magical technique, but it can progress from shallow to deep, step by step, and has endless wonderful uses."

"After breaking through the heavenly beings, it will be the "True Explanation of the Three Pure Paths" and the "Beidou Sword Technique"."

Lu Nianchou was operating the Nine Yang Divine Skill and the Xiantian Skill at the same time, and all the Quanzhen Sect skills he had learned in the past were merged into one at this moment.

"Senior Wang Chongyang has divided it into three volumes and taught me the "True Explanation of the Three Pure Paths", but he did not teach me the corresponding killing technique "Beidou Sword Technique"."

"Similarly, the Mahavairocana Sutra that I obtained from the Buddha's bone relics only has methods for cultivation, but no techniques for conquering demons."

"The "True Explanation of the Three Pure Paths" and the "Dainichi Sutra" are both magical techniques of heaven and man, and they are immortal skills. I can understand their wonderful principles, but they are not suitable for relying on them to break through heaven and man."

"Instead, it is Xiantian Kung Fu, Tiangang Sword Technique, Nine Sun Magic Kung Fu, and the Great Shift of the Universe. These four magical techniques are the most suitable for my understanding and practice, and will eventually be fully integrated into my own martial arts system."

However, at this moment, Lu Nianchou's innate purple energy, which he had developed by practicing the Nine Yang Divine Art, contained the secret of the Great Sun, which made the innate ability rise by leaps and bounds.

The improvement of his innate skill made him more in tune with the world, making it easier for him to realize the Tao. As a result, Lu Nianchou fell into enlightenment.

The mysteries of the stars contained in the Tiangang Sword Art, the mysteries of the Great Sun contained in the Nine Yang Divine Art, the mysteries of Yin and Yang contained in the Great Shift of the Universe...

The innate skill is the foundation, which makes oneself more in line with the world, which is equivalent to improving one's own understanding, making it easier to realize Taoism and practice. The higher the level of innate skill, the higher the understanding.

The Tiangang Sword Technique, Nine Yang Divine Art and the Great Shift of the Universe can feed back the innate skills and speed up their practice.

The two complement each other and are endlessly mysterious.

At this moment, without any guidance at all, all the true energy in Lu Nianchou's body, including the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra and the Nine-Yang Magic Art, all flowed back to the sea, turning into huge waves, hitting his Dantian over and over again.

The innate true qi cultivated by the Xiantian Gong is like a ray of pure air, without any attributes, but all-encompassing, whether it is the true qi cultivated by the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, or the innate purple qi cultivated by the Jiuyang Divine Gong, and The universe has shifted greatly, and all the yin and yang qi that have been practiced are integrated into one furnace.

The jade girl's true energy was digested by the innate clear energy almost in an instant. The yin and yang energy of the great shift of the universe has not yet been completed. Although it is still being supported, it is also being gradually worn away.

Only the innate purple energy produced by the Nine Yang Divine Art was the most terrifying, and it collided extremely fiercely with the innate clear energy.

The entire dantian was shaken continuously by the impact, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering, becoming more and more violent.

Lu Nianchou's face became extremely ugly. Sometimes it was red, and sometimes it was blue and white. The yin and yang rotated, and he looked very scary.

Li Mochou didn't know what happened to him, and was worried at the side, "The energy in his body seems to be in conflict. If this continues, he may go crazy and explode to death."

"A Zhiyang Qi is rioting in his body. Only by suppressing it can we turn the crisis around."

"In this way..."

Her color changed suddenly, "The Bing Soul Chi Sheng Sutra I practiced is exactly the internal power of Zhi Yin Zhi Han, so it can help him."

"But if you use cold internal power to suppress it, if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

"When the time comes, both of us will go crazy due to the conflict of true qi. At worst, our meridians will be severed and we will become disabled, or at worst, our bodies will explode and die."

Li Mochou was in a dilemma. She wanted to help Lu Nianchou immediately, but she was also afraid that her own Qi would have the opposite effect, making the conflict between the Qi in her body even more intense.

"What should I do? What should I do?!"

At this time, Hong Lingbo also discovered that something was wrong with Lu Nianchou. After calming down his mind that was a little uneasy because of Yang Guo, he asked: "Master, junior brother, what's wrong with him?"

Li Mochou's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw her, and she quickly said: "Your junior brother, something went wrong in his practice, and he needs Yinhan Qi to help him suppress it. Please step forward quickly to help him."

The Jade Girl Kung Fu practiced by Hong Lingbo is soft and gentle. Although it is not as good as the Ice Soul Naked Body Kung Fu to Yin Zhi Han, it can be tried. If it is really effective for Lu Nianchou, it will not be too late for her to do it herself.

If it causes bad effects and Hong Lingbo's own skills are weak, she can make timely remedies on the side.

Although Hong Lingbo was a little confused, he didn't hesitate at all. He sat down cross-legged opposite Lu Nianchou, grabbed Lu Nianchou's hands, and the true energy in his body slowly poured in.

As Jade Girl's true energy enters the body, it naturally triggers the innate purple energy to suppress it.

The innate Qi in Lu Nianchou's body suddenly got a chance to breathe. With a turn of Qi, it swallowed up the Yin and Yang Qi that had been refined by the Great Shift of the Universe.

The innate pure Qi rotates like a yin-yang Tai Chi diagram, firmly suppressing it in the center of the Dantian, making it difficult for the innate purple Qi to riot.

Although the innate purple energy is still rioting crazily, as if it is about to overthrow the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Rabbit at any time, it is much better than the previous state where it was about to explode and die at any time.

Li Mochou saw that Hong Lingbo took action and Lu Nianchou's condition improved a lot. At this time, she no longer hesitated, walked behind Lu Nianchou and sat down, placed her palms against him from behind, and poured the Ice Soul True Qi into the gas continuously. influx.

The innate yin-yang Tai Chi diagram at Lu Nianchou's dantian rotated, suppressing the ice soul energy and innate purple energy that poured into the body into the yin and yang fish eyes respectively.

Li Mochou's expression suddenly changed slightly. It seemed as if the ice soul energy in her body had been taken away forever. The energy in her body became weaker and weaker, and her skill continued to deplete.

Only when he noticed that Lu Nianchou's breath gradually improved, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

"not good!"

However, just half an hour later, due to the loss of too much skill, the yang poisonous energy that was suppressed at the Yintang point between her eyebrows began to boil, like a poisonous snake, rushing into Lu Nianchou's body along with the ice soul energy.

Li Mochou wanted to let go, but the innate purple energy in Lu Nianchou's body violently rioted, swallowing up the poisonous energy like fire, and instantly turned into a great sun, shining in all directions.

The Nine-Yang Divine Skill swallowed up the Yang Poison Qi, and the Innate Skill robbed the Ice Soul Qi, making Li Mochou unable to stop even if she wanted to. Her face turned pale, and she felt as if all her energy and spirit were about to be taken away. The whole person will be completely hollowed out.

As time passed, the Nine Yang Divine Art was completely cultivated and perfected, and its power skyrocketed.

When you reach the final stage of practicing Nine Yang Magic, you must endure the pain of self-immolation due to heat all over your body, open up hundreds of acupuncture points all over your body, and break through dozens of mysteries all over your body before you can truly practice Nine Yang Magic.

At this time, the Nine Yang Sutra is operating on its own, and the innate purple energy in the Dantian is like the rising sun, emitting the terrifying heat of the Supreme Yang.

Lu Nianchou suddenly felt that his mouth was dry and his head was dizzy. The innate purple energy in his body had swelled to the point of bursting. If he could not control the extremely fierce energy in his body, his meridians would burst and his body would explode to death.

What's even more terrifying is that the yang poisonous energy in Li Mochou's body entered her body. Although it was refined by the Nine Yang Divine Art, it stimulated the lustful thoughts in her body that had been suppressed for more than ten years.

Lu Nianchou felt that the blood in his body was boiling, his blood was gushing, his lower body was like fine steel, and he couldn't help but go crazy for it.

He felt Li Mochou's aura behind him and the ice soul energy that was cold to the bone and made him feel slightly comfortable. He couldn't hold it back any longer, so he stood up and pressed Li Mochou under him.

Lu Nianchou's eyes were blood red, and he gritted his teeth with his last remaining sanity and said, "Master, give it to me!"

At this time, Li Mochou's body had lost a huge amount of energy. Faced with Lu Nianchou's overbearing oppression and his steel-like body, he was like a pile of mud, unable to move at all.

Seeing the painful look on Lu Nianchou's face, she felt only pity in her heart. She kissed him gently on the face with her moist lips and sighed.

"Nianchou, Nianchou, my enemy!"

"I resigned to my fate..."

She slowly closed her eyes and whispered in a voice that sounded like babble: "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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