Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 194 Junior brother, I want it too

Chapter 194 Junior brother, I want it too (please subscribe)


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In the early morning, the sun shines on the top of Huashan Mountain.

Li Mochou, master and disciple, were fighting in a group on the top of the mountain.

Lu Nianchou stood still, using the Golden Cauldron Technique and the Yin-Yang Heavenly Technique internally and externally, raising his defense to an unprecedented level.

He also didn't know how to use Yin and Yang swords to kill and Tianluo body skills. He only activated the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and the palm skills roared vertically and horizontally. The innate Yin and Yang Qi continued to grow in his body, and his whole person's aura was extremely tyrannical.

Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo were allowed to perform sword and martial arts, only using 18 palm moves back and forth. On the top of the mountain, the strong wind roared, as if there was a roar of dragons, and they single-handedly suppressed the two women.

The two innate yin and yang qi, one cold and one hot, rotate endlessly, nourishing the body from the inside out, complementing each other with the Golden Cauldron Kung Fu, allowing the already strong body to continue to transform in a subtle way.

Lu Nianchou could clearly feel that during the battle, when the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were activated, the faster the innate yin and yang energy flowed in the body, the better the tempering effect on his body.

Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo exchanged palms with him, or he deliberately missed and let the two women hit him, but they didn't feel any pain at all.

The two qi of yin and yang are activated in response, and without him having to think about it, the internal energy that the enemy has penetrated into his body can be consumed, and the energy can be rebounded back.

"Eighteen palms for subduing the dragon, Kanglong has regrets!"

The more Lu Nianchou fought, the happier he felt. The muscles, bones, skin and flesh all over his body were slowly but firmly changing under the wash of yin and yang.

He is already made of steel and iron, and he has perfected his horizontal kung fu to the extreme. He is invulnerable and extremely powerful. Coupled with the innate Yin and Yang Qi and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, he is truly unbelievably powerful.

The more Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo fought, the more they felt suffocated. This guy was invulnerable. If you hit him with [-]% of the force, you would get [-]% of the force back.

The long sword can even shoot out sparks on his body, and Chi Lian's poisonous palm is more like giving him a massage.

But the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms played by Lu Nianchou contained great power, and they could split mountains and rocks with the roaring wind of the palms. Even with Li Mochou's cultivation level, he was not willing to do it forcefully.

As for Hong Lingbo...

At this time, she was covered in sweat, her hands and feet were weak, and she was extremely embarrassed. Seeing a palm wind coming, she quickly stepped aside and did not dare to step forward again.

She couldn't help but feel extremely depressed. She said it was a competition between master and apprentice, but in fact she couldn't get involved at all.

Even if Lu Nianchou stood still, she would not be able to break through her defense, and would even be injured by the force of the rebound.

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

Li Mochou struck out with a palm and touched Lu Nianchou's shoulder, but his own palm was numb from the shock.

She used the Bird Catching Skill to quickly retreat, avoiding Lu Nianchou's palm, and said with a snort: "You are like an iron bull. If you weren't my disciple, I would use the Ice Soul Silver Needle to target you. Hit those two tricks."

"Let's see if you can still be so arrogant!"

Seeing this, Lu Nianchou slowly closed his palms. The yin and yang energy in his body gradually subsided, but it still flowed by itself under the rotation of the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram in his dantian, but at a much slower speed.

After practicing Hengfu to such an extent, there are no so-called barriers and flaws. Even these eyes are not a weakness.

As soon as the Ice Soul Silver Needle hits the target, Yin and Yang Qi will protect the body. Unless one force is reduced ten times and one's own defense is broken with absolute power, it will be impossible to hurt oneself.

However, he would not stupidly continue to compete with Li Mochou at this time. He just smiled and said: "Ice Soul Silver Needle is Master's unique skill, so I am naturally no match."

"The Yin-Yang Heavenly Skill that I created was a result of accidental collision and chance. I haven't fully understood its secrets yet, so it's difficult to teach it to you."

"However, Jinding Kung Fu is the most orthodox Taoist Kung Fu. It uses oneself as the cauldron, and it can complement each other with the internal strength practiced by oneself."

"Master, you and senior sister can understand it, or you can help me find and fill in the gaps, and study the shortcomings together."

Li Mochou was a little moved, but she still shook her head and said: "Practice the hard skills of outsiders, and you will end up with big muscles, big waist, and muscles all over your body. I don't want to end up becoming neither male nor female."

When Hong Lingbo heard this, he quickly gave up the idea.

Lu Nianchou was speechless. As expected, women always care about appearance and figure.

"Master, the Golden Cauldron Technique I created is based on the Taoist Alchemy Cauldron Technique. It is designed to refine the human body's energy and spirit. The longer you practice, the more pure your energy and spirit will be."

"Although it is not possible to live forever and ascend to heaven, it can also prolong life and maintain good looks."

"Especially this skill can complement each other with the internal skills you practice. The internal skills and mental methods you practice are of the ancient tomb lineage. The longer you practice, the whiter your skin will be and the more flawless your appearance will be."

"I'm afraid it will be called the Jade Cauldron Gong by then!"

Before Lu Nianchou finished speaking, the eyes of both women lit up completely.

"Is this really the case? Hurry and teach me, I want to learn." Li Mochou grabbed Lu Nianchou and said impatiently.

"Junior brother, I want to..." Hong Lingbo clenched his hands tightly and stared at him eagerly.

When Lu Nianchou was stared at by two people like this, he felt that the yin and yang in his body were a little restless. On the one hand, he had just started eating meat, and his blood was strong, so he was easily provoked.

On the other hand, it is also because when the yin and yang heavenly skills are completed, the nine yang magic skills are perfect, but the internal power of the yin attribute is too weak. Instead, it relies on Li Mochou's Ice Soul Naked Body Skill and the Yuanyin of the two women, so it is left There are some hidden dangers.

He will be extremely prone to lust, and if it cannot be channeled, it will cause a riot of yang energy in the body.

But if a woman can practice double cultivation, it will not only be harmless, but will also be of great benefit to one's own cultivation.

Lu Nianchou couldn't help but ask the sky why he had unknowingly embarked on this road of stallion.

Is this the yin and yang heavenly power, or the joyful method?
But at this time, Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo were both new to their careers, and he was a man of steel. How could the two women withstand the torment.

He could only calm down and merge his mind with the yin and yang Tai Chi diagram at his dantian, and then he managed to calm down.

"If I meet Mrs. Miaoyu next time, I really don't know what the consequences will be?" Lu Nianchou couldn't help but flash this thought in his mind, "At that time, will I be seduced by that woman and lose my mind, or will I turn into a beast? , making that woman’s life worse than death.”

Just thinking about it for a moment made his body feel restless. He quickly suppressed his thoughts, coughed twice, and said to Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo: "Master, Senior Sister, we have been on Mount Huashan for two days."

"This mountain is deserted and even eating is inconvenient. Why don't we go down from the mountain first? I will teach you this skill on the way."

"That's fine." Li Mochou agreed.

The three masters and disciples set off as soon as they were told, and went straight down Huashan Mountain, and then rushed towards Xiangyang City.

On the way, Lu Nianchou taught the two girls the Golden Cauldron Kung Fu he had created and explained them carefully until they had no doubts.

After practicing this martial art, other effects will not be visible in a short period of time, but there is no doubt that the body recovery speed of the master and the disciple after being tortured is much faster.

Lu Nianchou couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw this. He felt the yang energy rolling inside his body and wished he could start a fight on the road, but was beaten away by Li Mochou.

"I want to kill you, and I don't even look at where this place is. Are you really going to be turned into a beast?" Li Mochou felt that after having sex, this guy became more and more unscrupulous, and his true nature was revealed.

In broad daylight, with the world clear, and still in this wilderness, his bestiality is unleashed. He is really a bastard.

But Lu Nianchou couldn't hold it in any longer, and the yang energy in his body was boiling. Although it was not as dizzy as when he was possessed, this feeling was by no means uncomfortable.

Seeing that Li Mochou didn't want to, he rolled his eyes and slapped Hong Lingbo's erection, saying, "Senior sister, follow me."

After Hong Lingbo was slapped, his body seemed to be possessed by a demon. He couldn't help himself at all and followed him obediently.

"You bastard, what are you going to do..." Li Mochou was almost furious when she saw this.

"Of course I'm doing what I have to do!" Lu Nianchou chuckled, hugged Hong Lingbo in his arms, and found a hidden corner with a forest and a tall tree.

Soon I saw the big tree shaking violently, and the sound followed closely.

Li Mochou's body was trembling slightly, and she didn't know whether it was because of envy or anger.

"You bastard, you keep saying you love me, and you treat me like this?"

When she heard those voices, her body became weak. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She wished she could just leave now.

After a full hour, Lu Nianchou walked out of the woods with Hong Lingbo, who was all limp.

He felt refreshed and had a spring breeze on his face, but Hong Lingbo didn't even have the strength to walk.

Angry and ashamed of her own strangeness, she snorted and walked forward without looking back.

Lu Nianchou didn't try to coax her, he just followed Hong Lingbo with his arms in his arms. After finishing just now, the yin and yang energy in his body improved again, and his Jinding Gong also improved.

If we continue at this rate, we will be able to practice the Golden Cauldron Dharmakaya in at most one year.

The next thing to do is to understand the principles of heaven and earth, polish your mind and will, and pursue the great road of heaven and man.

Along the way, every two or three hours, Lu Nianchou would drag Hong Lingbo to solve the problem no matter where he was.

If it hadn't been for the Jinding Kung to restore her body, she would have almost died.

"I don't want to practice Golden Cauldron Kung Fu anymore. I want to rest. Master, please help me." After it was over again, Hong Lingbo couldn't bear it anymore and pulled Li Mochou to cry for help.Li Mochou was already feeling aggrieved by their mischief along the way. Without saying a word, she slapped Lu Nianchou and shouted sternly: "I'll beat you to death, you beast."

This time, Lu Nianchou didn't let her go. Taking advantage of his rough skin and thick flesh, he let her white and tender hands hit him. He wrapped his hands around her waist and locked her tightly in his arms, ignoring Li Mochou's fists. He kicked his feet and walked straight to a hidden place aside.

"Good Master, since you feel sorry for Senior Sister, then come and take her place!"

"You bastard, I am your master...ah..."

"But I'm your man!"

It took two full hours for the two of them to finish, but Li Mochou had already passed out.

"You two are really useless." Lu Nianchou said dissatisfiedly as he held Li Mochou in his arms and looked at the timid Hong Lingbo beside him.

Hong Lingbo cursed in his heart: "You bull, who can stand you?" But he didn't dare to say it out loud.

After all, they are children of the world and are not afraid of sleeping in the wilderness. Seeing that it was already dark, Hong Lingbo had already hunted some prey and lit a fire to barbecue while Lu Nianchou and Li Mochou were doing business. The aroma of meat could already be smelled.

"Junior brother, you are a little hungry too. Eat something quickly." Hong Lingbo obediently handed over the roasted meat, looking like a virtuous wife.

Lu Nianchou nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, senior sister, you are much better behaved than master. I will take good care of you in the future."

Hong Lingbo's legs went weak when he heard this. He really couldn't bear it, but he didn't dare to resist this man at all, let alone couldn't resist.

Lu Nianchou couldn't help but smile when he saw her looking like a frustrated little daughter-in-law. She sat cross-legged and integrated her mind into the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in her Dantian.

The whole person suddenly entered into trance, and the wonder of yin and yang between heaven and earth seemed to emerge in front of his eyes. The two qi of yin and yang in the body flowed by themselves, one was cold and the other was hot, and the internal and external skills were subtly improving.

Before I knew it, the night passed.

After daybreak, Li Mochou woke up and saw Lu Nianchou, who was ashamed but also filled with indescribable joy.

Along the way, Lu Nianchou would pull one of them to a hiding place from time to time.

Li Mochou couldn't save face at first, especially with Hong Lingbo standing nearby, and her master's majesty was simply lost.

But after being semi-forced by Lu Nianchou a few times, she became a little frustrated.

Since you can't resist, then...

It's just that Lu Nianchou wanted to try flying together again several times, but the master and apprentice resisted desperately, so he could only give up for the time being.

"The training has not been successful yet, the apprentice still needs to work hard!"

This stop-and-go, coupled with the fact that the journey sometimes took half a day, made the walk very slow. It took more than half a month of walking before the three of them arrived at Xiangyang City.

Xiangyang has been an important military town since ancient times and is a veritable battleground for military strategists. It is surrounded by Wudang Mountain, Jingshan Mountain, Funiu Mountain and Tongbai Mountain, and is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

It is connected to the Nanyang Basin in the north, and faces Fancheng across the Han River in the west. The barrier of mountains and rivers makes this place easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In addition, Xiangyang City guarded the main road between the north and the south. Whenever large armies attacked the south, Xiangyang City was a battleground.

Nowadays, the Mongolian Great Khan Wokuotai has gathered more than 50 troops from Mongolia, Jurchen, Xixia, Bohai and other tribes. The troops are divided into three groups to attack the Song Dynasty court, hoping to bring peace to the world.

Among them, the middle route army led by Kuo Chu, the third son of Wokuotai, pointed directly at Xiangyang, an important town in Jinghu.

There is no doubt that the city of Xiangyang was turbulent at this time, not only because of the heroes of Guo Jing and Huang Rong, but also the martyrs who spontaneously gathered in Xiangyang to fight against the Mongols.

Since it was during the war, the defense of Xiangyang City was very tight. Even the people in the rivers and lakes needed to be interrogated to find out where they came from. As for those who came to Xiangyang from the north, they would be temporarily detained until they were sure that they were not Mongolian spies. will be released.

The entire city of Xiangyang is armed to the teeth, and patrolled and guarded day and night. Even people with great dexterity skills can hardly get into it.

But this is not a problem for Li Mochou and Lu Nianchou, who are almost unparalleled in the world in Qinggong. Their Qinggong and body skills are already superb, but to such an extent, they are even better than the five unique ones in their body skills.

Hong Qigong can freely enter and leave the palace, so the Xiangyang city wall will naturally not be a problem for them.

Lu Nianchou held Hong Lingbo in his arms, and the three masters and disciples took advantage of the dark night and found a remote corner, and used Qinggong to sneak in like phantoms in the wind.

The soldiers guarding the city wall only saw a wave of shadows shaking, and in the blink of an eye there was nothing, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

"Am I dazzled?" The soldiers guarding the city looked at it again and again, and after careful inspection, they still found nothing, so they gave up.

By the time they arrived in the city, a curfew had already been enforced to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to cause chaos.

Li Mochou and Lu Nianchou had no choice but to find a corner and meditate all night, waiting until the curfew was lifted before they dared to take action.

Although they are not necessarily afraid of those officers and soldiers, if there is a conflict or even being chased by the court, it will be detrimental to subsequent actions.

Not to mention that Li Mochou's face was not very good-looking. She had always been unscrupulous when walking around the world. Not to mention a mere patrolling soldier, even the imperial government did not take her seriously.

But now she had to avoid those losers, so naturally she felt unhappy.

Lu Nianchou also felt a little aggrieved. If a hero like Guo Jing, who was famous all over the world, came, I am afraid that the guards of Xiangyang City would rush to see him.

Although he is now highly skilled in martial arts, he is powerless and is even wanted by the court as an envoy of the Ming Guangming Zuo.

If you just hang out in the world, you can naturally have no taboos, but if you want to do something big, you must have enough fame, otherwise how can you convince the public.

Indeed, as the sky grew brighter, we saw many beggars gathering together in the city, and they all mentioned the Heroes Conference in their conversation.

"This time Gang Leader Huang summoned all the disciples of my Beggar Clan to re-elect the gang leader. In my opinion, this time the position of leader of the Beggar Clan actually belongs to Elder Lu."

"Elder Lu is highly respected. Today, Gang Leader Huang is not here, so he is in charge of the affairs of the gang. It is natural for him to accept the position of leader of the Beggar Clan this time."

"These are the matters of the gang elders. What do they have to do with us, the lower-level disciples? I would like to meet Guo Jing, the hero. I wonder if he will come with Gang Leader Huang this time."

"Haha, Gang Leader Huang and Hero Guo Jing have always been inseparable from the weight, and the weight has always been weighed. Since Gang Leader Huang is here, Hero Guo Jing and Guo must also be here."

Lu Nianchou and Li Mochou are both masters. Even though they are far away, you can understand the words of those Beggar Clan disciples, and you also know a lot about the news about this Heroes Conference.

"Master, Huang Rong has summoned Beggar Clan disciples from all over the world to Dasheng Pass this time to hold some kind of hero conference. Although it is said to be to elect the leader of the Beggar Clan, judging from her attitude, this matter may not be that simple."

Lu Nianchou, Li Mochou, and Hong Lingbo were walking on the street. The master and the apprentice were all carrying weapons, and they seemed to have extraordinary temperaments at first glance. The passers-by avoided them and did not dare to approach them at all.

Li Mochou waved the fly whisk in her hand and said calmly: "No matter what kind of plan she has, with our current strength, we can conquer the entire world."

"Now that Guo Jing and Huang Rong have set up a stage, you should show your skills in front of the heroes of the world, whether you want to be the leader of the Ming Cult, the leader of the martial arts alliance, or you have a bigger plot."

"This is a very good opportunity."

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "In order to allow all the disciples of the Beggar Clan to arrive, Guo Jing and Huang Rong have chosen the time in early February next year, which is still three or four months away."

"It's still very early, and there's no need for us to go to Dasheng Pass now. It's better to find a place to settle down first."

After a while, the three chose a nearby inn.

After entering the gate, Lu Nianchou found that there were many people in the world, including five or six people who were dressed as military officers and looked like generals from the garrison in Xiangyang City.

"That bastard Zhao Jing has gone too far recently. Not only did he withhold food and wages, he even took away the brothers' soldiers and armor, and only sent some rusty junk."

A burly man seemed to have drunk too much and was full of complaints. As he talked, he suddenly took a sip of wine and his eyes were red.

"Lao Wu, his mother, died of illness on the bed two days ago because she had no money for medical treatment."

"There is also Lao Xu. His wife was taken away by Li Meng of the Confederate Army. That bitch actually said that she remarried. Who doesn't know that he just thinks that Lao Xu has no future in the Confederate Army?"

Someone on the side also echoed: "The officials said it nicely at first, but Zhao Fan and Zhao Jing's group didn't regard our brothers in the Northern Army as human beings at all. When Prince Yue was here, our life in the Northern Army was a little easier." .”

"Nowadays, they are even worse than animals. Only when there is a war, we are allowed to go up and take our lives."

"I fled all the way from the north to Xiangyang. I just wanted to join the army to serve the country, fight on the battlefield, and one day be able to return to my hometown. But damn, those bastards are enjoying themselves every day and enjoying delicacies from the mountains and seas, but our brothers can't even drink a sip of porridge. Not full.”

The burly man punched the table, "Last time Brother Yue killed a thousand captain, but that bastard Zhao Jing took the credit directly on himself because he was Zhao Fan's nephew."

"He went to get promoted and make a fortune, but he only rewarded us with a small amount of money. This drink was really frustrating."

A thin young man dressed as an officer on the side glanced around, grabbed his arm, and shouted softly: "You don't even look at where this place is. After drinking some wine, are you going to go crazy?"

This young officer seemed to have a high prestige among the people. The burly man was obviously feeling aggrieved, but after being stopped, he stopped talking and just kept drinking.

Lu Nianchou was far away and heard the words of these officers. He sighed secretly in his heart: "Now that the Song Dynasty and Mongolia are at war, these filthy things are still happening in the army."

"Under such circumstances, it would be damned if we could defeat the Mongols."

At this time, the three masters and apprentices walked into the hall. When some people in the world saw Li Mochou, their pupils shrank and their expressions changed slightly.

Lu Nianchou practiced Yin Yang Heavenly Skills, his mind became more and more sharp, and he could see the reactions of everyone in the away battle.

Among them, two ordinary people without any martial arts skills glanced at each other, and then pretended to be nonchalant and shouted for payment.

(End of this chapter)

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