Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 199 I am the king of Xiangyang

Lu Nianchou sat on the main seat, playing with the ancient Shen Yuan sword, not caring what the people below thought.

"Please tell me what the specific situation of the Xiangyang sub-rudder is."

He did not ask these people to stand up, but the three hall masters still knelt on the ground respectfully.

At this time, Guo Sheng was still rolling in pain. Li Buyi, as the person who knew the Xiangyang sub-rudder best, quickly raised his head slightly and reported all the conditions of the entire Xiangyang sub-rudder one by one, giving him the most intuitive understanding of the entire Xiangyang sub-rudder. learn.

Lu Nianchou secretly nodded. As one of the 36 branches of Mingjiao, the Xiangyang branch has developed the fastest in these years and has become the strongest among all the branches due to Guo Sheng's control of the Tangzhou army.

Qinglongtang has tens of thousands of Mingjiao members spread across all religions and streams. Although almost all of them are ordinary people, in these troubled times, their beliefs have become more and more pious, thus forming a very well-informed intelligence network.

Baihu Hall is headed by Guo Yong, Guo Sheng's nephew. He has carefully selected 300 people from among the ordinary members. They are wearing armor, carrying knives, and are good at using bows and crossbows. They are the most loyal force in Xiangyang Branch and Guo Sheng's. Guards.

The Suzaku Hall is mainly composed of masters who practice martial arts. There are hundreds of people who are proficient in assassinations and plots. They have been operating as a killer organization over the years, wandering around the world.

Xuanwu Hall is the money bag of Xiangyang branch. Under the control of Wang Fugui, it quietly opens restaurants, inns, casinos, brothels, pawn shops and other businesses to collect various materials and goods.

Although it is a separate helm, the structure is very complete. Coupled with Guo Shengming's apparent identity, it has developed into a behemoth-like existence to this day.

Even Li Buyi and Yin Jiu, who had always been unconvinced by Guo Sheng, recognized him as the helmsman because his apparent identity could bring huge benefits to their brothers.

Lu Nianchou met their gazes, his eyes were calm and calm, showing no emotion or anger: "From today on, I will be in charge of the Xiangyang branch... You don't have any objections, right?"

Yin Jiu was the first to hold up his hands and said respectfully: "I obey my orders!"

Several other people also reacted and quickly said: "I obey my orders!"

Wang Fugui even smiled and said: "Mr. Zuo Shi is wise and powerful. With your leadership, our Xiangyang branch will surely create great achievements!"

"Yes, with you leading our brothers, our Xiangyang branch will definitely be able to wipe out our decadence and become the number one branch in the church!"

The flattery was loud.

However, Lu Nianchou just glanced at him lightly, and his eyes fell on Guo Sheng, who had just stopped wailing.

Guo Sheng was so hurt by the severe pain that he couldn't even pass out. At this time, the poison slowly lurked and would not continue to take effect until some time later.

Seeing Lu Nianchou looking over, he trembled with fear and said in a weak voice: "We will obey all orders from Mr. Zuo!"

Things have reached this point, no matter what plans and ideas he had before, Lu Nianchou has the martial arts to overwhelm everything, and he is no longer able to compete.

"very good!"

Lu Nianchou nodded: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I am very happy that you can see the situation clearly instead of being those brainless idiots."

"I came to Xiangyang this time not to fight for power with you here, but because I have big things to do."

"You all already know that Guo Jing and Huang Rong are going to hold a heroes conference. Since others have already set up the stage, I, the Mingjiao, have to show my face at such a good opportunity."

"This heroes meeting is ostensibly to elect the new leader of the Beggar Clan. Its duty is to call on the heroes of the world to jointly fight against the Mongolian army."

"Therefore, a martial arts leader will be selected at the Heroes Conference to lead the heroes."

He paused slowly for a moment before saying softly: "I want the position of leader of the martial arts alliance!"

"My lord's martial arts skills are unparalleled. The position of leader of the martial arts alliance this time must belong to you." Yin Jiu said. This leader of the Suzaku Hall, who was decisive in killing and fierce in the past, seemed to be the most loyal bastard.

"Yes, with your strength, even Guo Jing and Huang Rong will not be your opponents. The position of leader of the martial arts alliance is already within your grasp."

"That's right, that's right... with your martial arts skills, who else in this world can be defeated?"

Everyone was buzzing with compliments.

Lu Nianchou raised his hand slightly, and everyone stopped knowingly, "My Ming religion was suppressed by the Song Dynasty court, and has always been called a rebel."

"But now the imperial court is ignorant and incompetent. It has ruined the great rivers and mountains of our Central Plains and displaced countless people."

"We, the Mingjiao disciples, are supposed to burn away the filth in the world and open up a new pure land."

"I am bound to win the position of leader of the martial arts alliance in this Heroes Conference. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me."

"At that time, as the leader of the martial arts alliance, I will fight against the Mongol army, kill the Mongol emperor, and spread the prestige of our Ming religion throughout the world."

He didn't hide his plan at all. This was a conspiracy. As long as he had force, everything could be unfavorable, and any conspiracy would be vulnerable.

"And what you have to do is to continue to infiltrate the Northern Army for me. I want the entire Northern Army of the Song Dynasty to be filled with followers of my Ming Cult."

"After I killed the Mongol emperor, I issued an order and tens of thousands of people responded. They followed me to capture Xiangyang, expel the Tartars, and sweep across the Central Plains."

"I don't care what you think in your heart. If you behave obediently and cooperate with me to achieve great things, you will enjoy endless prosperity, wealth, high officials and generous salaries in the future."

"If you dare to do something secretly, once you are discovered by me, don't blame me for being ruthless and ruthless."

Lu Nianchou glanced at Guo Sheng when he said this, "Of course, if you think you can avoid my pursuit by hiding among the army, you can try it too."

Guo Sheng's face was pale, but his eyes gradually gained brightness, and he kowtowed: "With Master Zuo Shi's martial arts, no one in the world can match him, and with the help of my Ming Cult followers, we will definitely be able to create a great cause."

"My subordinates are willing to follow the leader, through fire and water, no matter what."

If Lu Nianchou was just here to suppress them and take back their power, although Guo Sheng would be afraid of giving in because he was afraid of death, he would not be willing to do so deep down.

However, Lu Nianchou's wild words just now made him feel extremely excited.

If he could follow the Zuo Envoy and conquer a vast territory, why should he surrender to the Mongols?

At this time, Li Buyi also surrendered and said: "With your martial arts, even if the ancient overlord is reincarnated, it will be nothing more than this."

"I have disciples of the Ming Cult all over the world, and with your martial arts skills such as yours, which is unparalleled in the world, I can expect great things in the future. I am willing to do my best for you."

Wang Fugui did not hesitate at all and said directly: "The troops and horses have not moved yet, the food and grass go first. As long as you give the order, all the wealth and materials in Xuanwu Hall will be at your disposal."

Yin Jiuxin's hair was tight. If it were just among the Ming Cult, elite masters like Zhuquetang would undoubtedly play a vital role.

But when it comes to conquering the world, Guo Sheng's army, Li Buyi's intelligence system, and Wang Fugui's means of gathering supplies and large amounts of assets can all play a vital role.

On the contrary, the importance of their Suzaku Hall will be drastically reduced. After all, Lu Nianchou's martial arts is now invincible and he does not need their protection at all. If he wants to kill someone, who can escape from this person who is doing it? The Lord's pursuit?

"From now on, Zhuquetang will be your lord's flying eagle lackey. We will kill whoever your lord tells us to kill!" Various thoughts flashed through Yin Jiu's mind, but at this time, he did not dare to hesitate at all.

Lu Nianchou nodded and said: "The next thing you have to do is to completely control the Xiangyang City Northern Army as soon as possible."

"When the time is right, we will directly launch a mutiny and capture the entire Xiangyang City as the foundation of our Ming Cult."

At this time, Guo Sheng said: "Sir, there is an urgent matter that may affect your layout."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Lu Nianchou asked.

Guo Sheng said in a solemn tone: "My subordinates have always had a grudge against Yang Qian, the magistrate of Tangzhou. This man secretly reported to Zhao Fan, the magistrate of Xiangyang, that I was planning to rebel a few months ago."

"I will go to the magistrate's office tomorrow morning. If Zhao Fan takes away my military power, I will be in big trouble."

"My own death is not a pity, but if it affects your master's plan, my subordinates will die hundreds of times to atone for their sins."

Lu Nianchou said in a calm tone: "These are just trivial matters. I will personally take action and go to the magistrate's office." A glint flashed in Li Buyi's eyes and he said: "Sir, according to my subordinates' opinion, It is best for Zhao Fan to be seriously injured and unconscious, but not to lose his life immediately."

"After all, once something happens to this person, the imperial court will definitely send someone else to take over Zhao Fan's position."

"It would be better to let this person stay in bed. In this case, the entire Xiangyang City will be leaderless. In addition, there is a Mongolian army besieging him outside, and people will be in turmoil."

“Whatever we want to do will then become more logical.”

Lu Nianchou glanced at him and said, "That's fine. Leave Zhao Fan to me. You must start taking action to infiltrate Xiangyang City's northern army as soon as possible."

Guo Sheng hesitated for a moment and said: "Sir, the Southern Army and the Northern Army have always been at odds with each other. Once we take control of the Northern Army, what should the Southern Army do?"

Lu Nianchou said in a calm tone: "From now on, under my Mingjiao command, there will only be the Pingbei Army, and there will be no distinction between the Northern Army and the Southern Army."

"If you can win over, win over those who are stubborn. If you are stubborn, let Suzaku Hall assassinate them directly."

"I don't care what method you use, whether it's kidnapping their family members, coercing them, assassinating them, or any other method."

"In short, the whole of Xiangyang will be divided into rudders, and all the officials will take action for me to infiltrate the Northern Army and win over the Southern Army. As long as I give the order, I will let the entire Xiangyang City be planted with the flame flag of my Ming Cult."

"Do you understand?"

"I will obey your orders!" Everyone present shouted in unison.

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "In that case, let's take action now."

"Even if I make Zhao Fan seriously injured and comatose, if he fails to wake up, the court will definitely send someone else to take control of the overall situation."

"And the Mongolian army is still besieging Xiangyang City. Once there is a riot in the city, they will not give up this opportunity."

"Our time is limited, I only give you one month."

"In one month, I will change the situation in Xiangyang City and completely change its owner."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone bowed their heads in response.

After Lu Nianchou finished explaining, he continued: "Find me a secluded house and arrange some maids and women to cook."

"I will live there for a while and report anything to me in time."

"Okay, Yin Jiu will stay, and the rest of you will go do your work now."

Everyone agreed and saluted before respectfully getting up from the ground and slowly exiting the door.

Lu Nianchou looked at Yin Jiu and said, "The martial arts you practice should be evil arts that burn your own potential and lifespan!"

"Your Excellency, you have great eyesight. I was born in poverty, and by chance I acquired an evil skill. Although I know there will be endless consequences, if it weren't for this skill, I would have been quartered before I was seven years old." Yin Jiu said.

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "If you are in this situation for another seven or eight years at most, you will die at the end of your life."

"I don't care what your purpose is for supporting me, but since you have done so, I will give you a chance."

"In this month, you have kept them on my radar, from Guo Sheng to several other hall masters, including some important figures in Xiangyang City."

"I can't trust these people. I want you to detail everything every day. Find out exactly where they went, who they met, what they said, and what they did."

"If you do well, one month later, before the incident, I will teach you a martial arts that can make up for your own potential. Although it is impossible to completely restore your life span, there is no problem if you live to be six or seventy years old and die. .”

"Would you like to?"

For the first time, Yin Jiu's face showed an extremely excited look, and she said in disbelief: "Sir, do you really mean what you say?"

As soon as the words came out, he reacted again and hurriedly explained: "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that over the years, I have been searching everywhere for various martial arts secrets that can make up for my own potential."

"But whether it's those from well-known sects or those from martial arts families, although there are endless ways to kill people, there are only a few techniques that can save lives, heal injuries, and make up for potential."

"Not even as useful as those doctors."

"I have asked around, and I am afraid that only the Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin Temple may be able to make up for it. However, the Yi Jin Jing of Shaolin Temple has never been spread to the outside world. I have already given up hope."

Lu Nianchou looked at him and said, "Come over to me and don't resist."

Yin Jiu stood up without hesitation and knelt down in front of Lu Nianchou. If Master Zuo wanted to kill him, it was just a matter of raising his hand, and there was no need to use any calculation at all.

Lu Nianchou stretched out his hand and pressed the Baihui point on the top of his head, and the pure and powerful innate pure Yang energy poured in from the top of his head, flowing into his limbs and bones like a waterfall.

Yin Jiu's meridians and internal organs, which were originally riddled with holes due to practicing evil arts, were like the desert encountering sweet rain, wildly devouring all the innate pure yang energy.

His whole body felt as if he was soaked in a hot spring. He was so comfortable as never before that he almost groaned.

After Lu Nianchou stopped, Yin Jiu felt a strong sense of reluctance in her heart. She felt that her whole body was empty, as if her bones had been removed.

"I have practiced the Great Shift of the Universe passed down from generation to generation by our Mingjiao leader, and I have also obtained the Taoist true method and the unrivaled magical power of Buddhism that is not inferior to the Yi Jin Jing."

"If you want to make up for your lost potential, others can't do it, but it's not difficult for me."

"As long as you work hard, you will see the results in a month." Lu Nianchou retracted his hand and said in a calm tone.

Yin Jiu could clearly feel that due to practicing evil skills, his cold internal organs would usually sting, but at this moment he actually felt a hint of warmth.

Although the short moment of effort just now was not enough to completely heal his injuries.

But there is no doubt that with Master Zuo's skill, it only takes a while to fully recover the loss.

At this time, he no longer had any doubts. He kowtowed three times in a row and said categorically: "From now on, the lives of my subordinates belong to you."

"I will personally keep an eye on Guo Sheng, and I will tell all the brothers in the Suzaku Hall. If there is any trouble, I will report it to you as soon as possible."

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "Let's do the work!"

After Yin Jiu kowtowed, he quickly stood up and left.

It didn't take too long from beginning to end. Lu Nianchou cut through the mess quickly and relied on his peerless martial arts to deal with everything decisively.

He is originally the envoy of the Ming Cult of Light and Left. With this status, coupled with his invincible martial arts and the blueprint for hegemony to pacify the world, he was able to initially subdue the Xiangyang Branch in such a short period of time and let them operate according to their own will. .

But in order for everything to move smoothly next, it is inevitable to take action personally and remove all obstacles one by one.

In this case, on the one hand, the operation can proceed smoothly, and on the other hand, it can also be a deterrent to everyone in Xiangyang Branch.

After a long time in the future, suppress a group of people, win over a group of people, and cultivate a group of his confidants, and naturally he will be able to completely control these people.

Lu Nianchou didn't bother to put too much thought into it. With his strength, he had the capital to be willful.

"Prefect of Xiangyang, Zhao Fan!"

At this time, the sky was already dark, and while he was murmuring, his whole figure had disappeared into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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