Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 215: I personally change my clothes for my husband

Chapter 215: I personally change my clothes for my husband (please subscribe)

Lu Nianchou teased Cheng Ying for a while, until she blushed and begged softly, and then she was willing to stop.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Nianchou gently let go of the woman in his arms and said softly: "Jingshu, then I'm going to see my uncle."

Cheng Ying refused, holding his hand tightly and saying, "It's better to change your clothes first. Come with me quickly."

Lu Nianchou couldn't resist her, so he could only let her pull him and hurriedly ran to her boudoir.

When the two of them entered the room, Cheng Ying let go of his hand and said with a shy expression: "Sit down first and wait for me."

Lu Nianchou smiled slightly, let go of his hand, and then slowly looked around. Although the room was not very big, it was very clean and elegant, and had a light fragrance.

He just waited for a moment and saw Cheng Ying walking over holding a brand new white robe with silver embroidery in both hands. The look on her face was indescribably shy, "Nianchou, please try it on and see if this dress fits." does not fit."

Lu Nianchou still didn't understand that this dress must have been made by her own hands, and she had started it a long time ago, otherwise there would be no ready-made clothes.

He stepped forward and touched the delicate stitches of the clothes, but he only felt a little distressed. After all, sewing clothes is not as simple as embroidering handkerchiefs.

"Jingshu, did it take you a long time?" Lu Nianchou looked into her eyes, his tone was soft and full of pity.

"Don't worry, I'm just idle on weekdays anyway. I'm just taking the opportunity to find something to do for fun." Cheng Ying explained casually, then pulled him and urged: "Quickly change on and give it a try. See if it fits."

Lu Nianchou took the robe and said with a smile, "Do you want to change my clothes myself for my husband?"

Cheng Ying's face turned red, but this time he did not refuse as he thought. Instead, he said firmly: "We just returned to Jiaxing from the North. I was injured along the way and it was difficult to walk. You were taking care of me along the way. .”

"It doesn't matter if I serve you and change your clothes now, let alone..."

She raised her head slightly, looked at her sweetheart with clear watery eyes, and said softly: "What's more, we are about to get married. Serving you is what I should do."

Lu Nianchou was startled. He really didn't expect that she would say such a thing. She had always been gentle and polite, never breaking the rules. Even in front of the maids, she was afraid of being gossiped.

But now when the two of them got along in private, the silly girl was willing to change his clothes. Although she was indescribably shy, she didn't hesitate at all.

Lu Nianchou felt warm in his heart. The woman in front of him always gave him a sense of tranquility and peace of mind. He stopped moving and began to let her change his clothes.

Those slightly cold jade hands took off his robe slightly, and when the fingertips scratched his skin, he trembled slightly.

When Lu Nianchou was touched by her fingertips, his body felt like an electric shock. He was slightly numb and had indescribable effects.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yin Yang Heavenly Skill had been integrated with the Nine Yin Scriptures at this time and no longer had its previous flaws, otherwise, the innate Yang Qi in the body would have been restless and the desire would have been raging.

Although he was a little distracted at this time, he felt more warm and peaceful.

After Cheng Ying took off his coat, she didn't dare to look at the man's muscular upper body. Fortunately, he had pants underneath, otherwise she wouldn't know how to start.

Soon Cheng Ying put him in a brand new silk-covered silver robe. The clothes fit perfectly and were beautifully styled. There was a hint of freedom and ease in the elegance, making Lu Nianchou look more elegant. .

Cheng Ying tidied the hem and skirt of his clothes, then brought a jade belt, then knelt down, raised her pretty face, and tied the belt for him.

Seeing the jade-like beauty in front of him in such a posture, Lu Nianchou felt his mouth go dry. He subconsciously glanced at the jade flute hanging on Cheng Ying's waist, and moved his throat imperceptibly.

If it weren't for the wrong time, he would really have trouble suppressing the impulse in his heart.

When Cheng Ying adjusted his belt for him, Lu Nianchou's whole body felt slightly hot. He didn't dare to look at Cheng Ying's blushing face and delicate lips any longer, for fear that he would not be able to suppress the evil fire in his heart.

Little did Cheng Ying know that her actions would make the man in front of her almost become animalistic. She stood up, looked around, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Go look in the mirror and see if you like it."

Lu Nianchou followed her to the mirror, and after just one glance, he realized that he had changed from the wild and indifferent wanderer to the young master of a famous noble family.

"No wonder they say that people rely on their clothes. With my little wife taking care of things for me from now on, I am also a pretty boy who can eat and drink by relying on my looks."

When Cheng Ying heard what he said, she couldn't help but scolded: "What are you talking about? How can you talk about yourself like this?"

Lu Nianchou chuckled and said, "It's nothing. I won't say it again. What I mean is that the clothes you made really fit. The clothes in those tailor shops are far behind compared to the clothes you make."

"I think even the embroiderers in the palace are probably not as good as you."

Cheng Ying said sheepishly: "How can I compare to those female masters in the palace? Their craftsmanship is exquisite. I have never even heard of many techniques. I can't afford your praise."

"Okay, the clothes have been changed. You should go there quickly. It is not good to make uncle wait for too long."

"in addition……"

She raised her head slightly and looked at Lu Nianchou and warned: "These messy things just happened in Lujiazhuang, and Wushuang has suffered such a heavy blow. Both uncle and aunt must be in a bad mood."

"I know how you feel about me, but the matters between the two of us are not urgent at this moment."

"If we bring up the marriage now, I'm afraid it will make everyone look bad. Why don't we mention it again after a while? What do you think?"

Lu Nianchou looked at this silly girl who was always thinking about others. He couldn't help but stepped forward and took her hand and said, "You always think too much, and you often end up wronging yourself."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of discretion in this matter, just leave it to me to handle it."

When Cheng Ying heard this, he just smiled lightly and said nothing more.

"Then wait for me here. I have something to tell you after you come back from uncle." After Lu Nianchou explained again, he let go of her hand and turned towards the lobby.

When Lu Nianchou came to the lobby, he saw an anxious Lu Li Ding. His face was extremely ugly, and he was pacing back and forth in the lobby. None of the servants in the mansion were present.

As soon as Lu Nianchou arrived, Lu Liding rushed over and said in an anxious tone: "Nianchou, come and see, this damn girl Wushuang actually left a letter and ran away from home."

He said as he handed over a piece of letter paper.

Lu Nianchou took it and looked at it, and saw a short and scrawled sentence written on the paper.

"Dad, Mom, I want to go out to relax and go somewhere else. You don't have to worry about me, don't miss me."

Lu Liding's eyes were red with anxiety, "Wu Shuang is a girl. Something like this just happened, and she ran out alone."

"There's chaos outside, and she doesn't have much experience in the world. What should she do if something happens?"

"I have just sent out all the servants in the mansion, looking for Wushuang everywhere."

"Nianchou, I know you have a lot of ideas, and you have seen a lot outside these years. Please think of a solution quickly."

Lu Nianchou nodded and said comfortingly: "Uncle, don't worry. I practice a martial art and am very good at tracking and finding traces. In such a short time, Wushuang won't be able to go very far. I will chase her back right away."

Lu Liding's face suddenly showed a look of extreme surprise, "I knew you had a way, great, great, go and get that dead girl back."

"When she comes home, I will take good care of her. At such an old age, I will not worry about her every day."

Lu Nianchou gave a few more words of comfort, then no longer wasted time, directly used the Yin Yang Heavenly Skill, and chased after Lu Wushuang in the direction he left.

With his current Qinggong attainments, when he exploded with all his strength, even the famous BMW horse was not as fast as him. He was so fast along the way that he chased him out of Xiangyang City in a short time.

When he saw Lu Wushuang's figure, it was in a pavilion on a lake outside Jiaxing City. However, to his surprise, Lu Wushuang was not the only one present.

And there was Wen Yunting, who somehow managed to survive from the successive battles.

This person was originally just a pawn in the hands of Ancestor Sunflower. A killer trained in the palace, he was not a big shot.

The reason why Lu Nianchou didn't kill him on the spot was because he knew that this man was Lu Wushuang's lover, so he spared his life and wanted to set up a trap to let Lu Wushuang see his true face and break free from his love network. .

But there were too many things that happened one after another last night, including a battle between heaven and man, the death of Patriarch Sunflower, Dugu Qiufei's ascension, and many other major events.

In addition, Wang Chongyang took him away directly to explain various matters of the Taoist sect, so Lu Nianchou temporarily put this person's affairs on hold.

I didn't expect this guy to be so able to find opportunities to find opportunities. He accidentally met Lu Wushuang again, and he met in private.Lu Nianchou's face gradually became covered with a layer of frost, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "I should have killed this person with one knife last night."

He didn't hide his figure at all, and strode towards the two of them.

Lu Wushuang and Wen Yunting also noticed his figure at this time, but they still stood motionless, and the expressions on their faces were very strange.

Lu Wushuang was wearing a long red dress today, with a necklace hanging from her belt, and her waterfall-like black hair held up Feiyun's temples. Compared to the past, her whole person was less lively and active, and more indescribably calm and indifferent.

"So you are really from the palace?"

Lu Nianchou heard their conversation from a distance.

Wen Yunting's face showed bitterness, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Not bad."

Lu Wushuang then asked: "So you are not a eunuch at all, but a eunuch in the palace?"

Wen Yunting lowered his head. He was obviously taller and taller, but now he seemed a bit shorter. He didn't dare to raise his head at all, and whispered: "Yes."

"Haha, I really didn't expect that I was kept in the dark by a eunuch from the beginning to the end." Lu Wushuang clearly sneered, but the affection on his face did not change at all, as cold as ice.

"When you were exposed by Brother Nianchou in Lujiazhuang, what you said were just to survive, right?"

Wen Yunting didn't speak again, just clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

Seeing him like this, Lu Wushuang felt angry and unspeakably uncomfortable for some reason. She suppressed the overwhelming feeling in her heart and took a deep breath.

"Wen Yunting, let me ask you one last question. Was it really a coincidence that you saved me from Zhou Jing?"

Wen Yunting opened his mouth, but without speaking, he saw Lu Nianchou walking in front of the two of them.

He closed his eyes, regained his cold look on his face, and said in a tone that was cold to the bone: "Since you already know the answer, why do you need to ask again?"

"How could there be such a coincidence in this world? It happened to be my hero's turn to save the beauty and save you at such a critical moment."

"Let me tell you the truth, the reason why Zhou Jing dared to set up the trap in the first place was because I was advising him behind the scenes. I even gave him the medicine he gave you."

"Otherwise, with his pig head, how could he have made such a thorough layout."

When Lu Wushuang heard this, her body was trembling, and her mind went blank. She never thought that the man she had so happily thought of as God-given turned out to be a complete liar.

From the beginning to the end, he had been hiding it from her, fooling her like a fool and toying with her applause.

Lu Wushuang could only feel her heart bleeding. If she hadn't wanted to show any weakness in front of this man, she would have almost fainted.

Quietly, she dug her nails into her own flesh, almost drawing blood, with a cold expression on her face.

Lu Wushuang drew his sword out of its sheath, and a sharp flash of light flashed through the sword. With a pop, blood spattered, and one arm fell to the ground.


Lu Wushuang sheathed his sword and never looked at Wen Yunting again. He turned his back to him and said, "You set up a trap to harm me and even plotted against me, Lujiazhuang. It was I, Lu Wushuang, who was blind and fell into your trap."

"I will cut off your arm today, and all the grudges between you and me will disappear. We will part ways in the future, and we will never have any contact with each other again."

"You do it yourself..."

As she spoke, she slowly walked out of the pavilion. When she passed by Lu Nianchou, she paused for a moment.

"Brother Nianchou, I'm sorry."

Lu Nianchou was stunned. This was the first time Lu Wushuang apologized to him since he was a child.

This girl has always been hard-spoken and soft-hearted. No matter how big a loss she suffered, she would always refuse to admit defeat.

"I won't go far. I just want to relax alone around Jiaxing City. You don't have to worry about me."

Lu Nian frowned slightly, "If you do this, your uncle and aunt will be very worried about you."

"Just think of me as begging you, okay?" I don't know when Lu Wushuang had two lines of tears left on his face. He just turned his back to Wen Yunting to prevent him from seeing it, and even more so, he was holding on to prevent himself from crying. The tone seemed weak.

Lu Nianchou looked at the pleading and pain in her eyes, and could no longer say no in any case.

"Why don't you come with me, leave Jiaxing, and go to Xiangyang City with me."

"The Song army and the Mongolian army are fighting over there. Haven't you always wanted to be a heroine? What you did in Jiaxing City in the past was just a child's play house. I'll take you to see what's going on, just to relax. .”

"in addition……"

A gleam flashed in Lu Nianchou's eyes, "Huang Rong, Huang Nuxia, the leader of the Beggar Clan you admire the most, has arrived at Dasheng Pass not far from Xiangyang City with Guo Jing and Guo Daxia."

"This time they summoned the heroes from all over the world and organized a hero meeting. On the one hand, they wanted to re-elect the next leader of the Beggar Clan, and on the other hand, they wanted to select a martial arts leader from among the Jianghu people in the world to lead the various factions. The heroes fought together against the Mongol army."

"Whether you want to go out to relax, or you want to leave Jiaxing, Xiangyang City is turbulent now, and it is a good place for experience."

"If you are willing, please leave with me this time."

Lu Wushuang paused for a moment. He originally felt lonely and helpless. He just wanted to hide in a corner and cry bitterly, without seeing anyone or listening to anything.

But after hearing what Lu Nianchou said, especially when he heard him talking about Huang Rong, he suddenly changed his mind for some reason and nodded in agreement: "Okay, brother Nianchou, I will go back to Xiangyang with you."

"But you have to promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Lu Nianchou asked.

Lu Wushuang said without looking back: "Keep him alive. Killing him will only dirty your hands."

"I know that the reason why he told those truths was because he still wanted to live quietly."

"He should be very afraid of you. He doesn't even dare to hide or deceive me even a little bit. Instead, he wants to completely stop me from thinking about you."

"I'm not a fool, I can see..."

Neither Wen Yunting nor Lu Nianchou expected Lu Wushuang to be so sober.

"But after all, he is the man I once fell in love with, and I don't want him to die in your hands."

After Lu Wushuang said this, he slowly left without waiting for Lu Nianchou's reply.

Lu Nianchou waited until Lu Wushuang's figure had gone away, looked at Wen Yunting, and said softly: "You are a smart man, are you going to end it yourself, or are you going to let me do it myself?"

Wen Yunting fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, kowtowing and begging for mercy, "Young Master Lu, please spare my life."

"I have other uses for you. I know many secrets in the palace, as well as the secrets of my ancestors. I even know a lot of news about the official family."

"As long as you spare my life, I will obey my master's orders from now on."

Lu Nianchou turned his eyes and suddenly thought of Mrs. Miaoyu. This woman had been hiding in the palace before and had other identities in the palace.

"This may be a way...but it's a pity..."


A blood-stained head flew up, and Wen Yunting's eyes opened wide, his pupils filled with fear and unwillingness.

"Why do I have to use you!"

(End of this chapter)

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