Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 23 The Seven Sons of Quanzhen, Don’t Worry About Poisonous Strategies (Please read and vote)

Chapter 23 The Seven Sons of Quanzhen, Don't Worry About Poisonous Schemes (Please follow up, please vote)
Lu Nianchou thought of all the martial arts in his previous life. Those truly peerless warriors eventually understood the principles of heaven and earth and created their own unique skills.

As for the protagonists who have acquired various magical skills and internal strength due to adventures, although their martial arts are strong, it is difficult to become the kind of grand master who established a school and swept away invincible.

The ups and downs of this can be seen.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking.

"Master, she has been able to gain a great reputation in recent years because she has integrated the ancient tomb school's swordsmanship, body skills, concealed weapons, and other martial arts obtained from other schools to create her own Fuchen martial arts."

"Although it is just a start-up, martial arts is advancing rapidly, and it is absolutely incomparable."

When Hong Lingbo said this, he was a little proud, and said: "I once heard from Master that there is a hard-to-find rare cold jade bed in the ancient tomb of Shimen, which can assist in the cultivation of inner strength."

"People who practice martial arts can often get twice the result with half the effort when they practice internal strength on this cold jade bed."

"But after master came down from the mountain, his martial arts progress was faster than before when he was in the master's sect."

"The root of this is that people who practice martial arts must understand the wonderful principles of martial arts, instead of blindly pursuing magical skills."

When Lu Nianchou heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little ironic. In the original book, Li Mochou wanted to go back to the ancient tomb and win the Jade Heart Sutra.

Seemingly sensing that he was a little disapproving, Hong Lingbo smiled and said, "Junior brother, do you think what I said is biased?"

"If it is far beyond the magical skills we have learned, then naturally we must seize it at all costs. The mysteries of martial arts contained in it are enough for people to enjoy endlessly."

"The swords and secret books of martial arts in this Jianghu are treasures that countless people are chasing after. It's just that we have a master to teach martial arts, so we can ignore most of the martial arts."

Lu Nianchou couldn't help laughing, "Senior sister, don't you mean that if you encounter martial arts that are comparable to or even inferior to what we have learned, just take a look."

"If you see a magical technique, then grab his mother!"

Hong Lingbo couldn't help but chuckle and said: "What you said is really vulgar, but the truth is right."

"Senior sister, don't worry. I understand. I will not sacrifice the good for the sake of inferiority in the future." Lu Nianchou said: "Master is still waiting for us. I will help senior sister get in the car first."

Hong Lingbo did not refuse. Her internal organs were injured. Even if she swallowed the Jade Dew Pill given by Li Mochou and suppressed it with her internal power, it would still take some time for her to recover completely.

Lu Nianchou carefully supported the beautiful senior sister. After fighting side by side this time, the relationship between the two invisibly took a further step.

When Hong Lingbo entered the carriage, Lu Nianchou glanced at the Dai family mansion and walked into it again.


Not long after, puffs of thick smoke came out, and then the monstrous fire roared high.

The huge house built by the Dai family, which spent countless manpower and material resources, was burned in the raging flames.

The smell of charred corpses filled the air, thick black smoke billowed up, and the wind and snow all over the sky were dispersed.

At some point, Lu Nianchou jumped into the carriage and drove slowly into the distance. The blazing fire and thick smoke, like a curtain, opened its teeth and claws behind her.

Such a big movement instantly alarmed the Mongols in the city, but when the patrolling soldiers came to check, all traces were burned by the fire.


The sky was covered with thick clouds, and the howling wind blew heavy snow falling as Lu Nianchou drove along.

In front of us was Taiyue Mountain. We didn't enter the mountain until nightfall, when it was completely dark.

The snow was falling heavily at this time, and the trees and ground in the mountains were covered with thick snow, making it difficult for the carriage to move forward.

The three masters and apprentices left the carriage and walked into the mountains.

Lu Nianchou took a look at the dark and lonely mountain forest. Due to the snow, there was no moonlight, which made people feel terrified.

The mountain road is difficult to walk, not to mention the heavy snowfall, and Hong Lingbo is injured, making it even more difficult to walk.

When Li Mochou saw this, she simply grabbed Hong Lingbo and used Qing Kung Fu to walk on the snow.

"Nianchou, follow!"

Lu Nianchou didn't dare to neglect him. In this deep mountain and old forest, once he lost his way, even with martial arts skills, it would be very dangerous.

He followed Li Mochou closely, speeding all the way, and waited for an hour before he arrived at the place.

This is a deep valley surrounded by mountains, with only a crack in the canyon leading to the outside world.

The snow had stopped at this time. Lu Nianchou looked around and saw a small river flowing through the canyon. The cliff to the north seemed to be a waterfall, but now it was covered with ice.

The valley is relatively flat, and there are old trees on both sides of the river, all of which are covered by heavy snow at this time, leaving a vast expanse of whiteness.

"This is it, follow me." Li Mochou was walking ahead. Under a cliff near the river, there were several thatched houses.

Perhaps it was covered by woods and cliffs, but it was not crushed by the wind and snow, but the walls looked a little broken, and there was a cold wind blowing in.

The three masters and apprentices entered the house. Lu Nianchou took out the flint and lit the candle brought from the carriage, so that the originally dark room had a dim light.

At this time, Hong Lingbo was extremely tired due to his serious injury. After entering the door, he sat cross-legged on the thatched couch to recuperate.

Li Mochou swept away the dust on a wooden chair, then looked at Lu Nianchou and said, "Nianchou, we are living here during this period. There are silverbait at the bottom of the river. As long as we dig out the solid You can catch it on ice.”

"The flint trees in the forest bear fruit in winter, and now is the time when they are prosperous. They are delicious and can replenish internal energy and blood."

"Enough for our daily needs."

She paused slightly, and continued: "From now on, every seven days, you will go out of the valley, go to a nearby town to buy some supplies, and inquire about news along the way."

"Ling Bo was originally doing these chores. Now that she's injured, it's difficult to travel during this period, so I'll leave it to you."

Lu Nianchou quickly agreed: "I understand, Master."

Perhaps at night, the three master and apprentice were in this small thatched hut again. Under the dim light, Li Mochou's face softened a lot, and even her tone of voice seemed gentle.

"This time I went to Dai's house. You did a great job. Practice Tianluo Diwang Shi. When you become proficient in it, I will teach you more advanced martial arts."

She praised him and then said: "You must not slack off during this period. Dai Wei gave birth to three sons and a daughter, and his youngest daughter became a disciple of Sun Buer of the Quanzhen Sect."

"Although I am not afraid of Sun Buer, the Quanzhen sect is not easy to mess with. It is very likely that people from the Quanzhen sect will come to seek bad luck after a while."

"When you leave the valley, you must pay attention to find out if there is any news that Quanzhen has sent someone."

Lu Nianchou couldn't help shrinking her pupils when she heard the Quanzhen School.

In the original book, Guo Jing took Yang Guo to Zhongnan Mountain to learn art from a teacher. At that time, Liu Chuxuan and Sun Buer, among the Seven Sons of Quanzhen, were in Shanxi.

Later, Sun Buer and Liu Chuxuan were unable to take down Li Mochou, and even suffered a lot of losses, and even provoked Qiu Chuji, Wang Chuyi and others.

I am afraid that the dispute among them is caused by this incident.

At this time, Li Mochou took out another token engraved with a snake shape, handed it to Lu Nianchou and said, "One more thing, every time you go out, come to me to pick up some gold and silver, take it to Sihai Tower .”

"Sihai Tower?" Lu Nianchou asked strangely, "What is this place?"

"Sihailou is not a Jianghu organization, but the name of the restaurant. The owner behind it seems to be inextricably linked with the Song court."

Li Mochou's eyes flashed brightly, and she said: "The restaurants are all over the river, both sides of the Yellow River. Although they don't participate in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, they are the most well-informed."

"I bribed the big boss of Sihailou a year ago and asked Sihailou to secretly release the news."

"According to the agreement, as long as you show this scarlet training token and give enough money, they will almost continue to spread the news."

Lu Nianchou asked suspiciously, "Master, what news are we going to spread?"

Li Mochou couldn't help but sneered, and said in a low tone: "I want all the demons and monsters in the Jianghu to know that March 24 next year will be your uncle's birthday."

"At that time, she will have a martial arts competition to recruit relatives. If anyone wins Xiao Longnu, she will not only commit herself to marry each other, but also give away all the rare treasures and martial arts secrets from my Ancient Tomb Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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