Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 3 Silver Bird Suppresses Lingbo

Chapter 3 Silver Bird Suppresses Lingbo

Lu Liding, his wife, and Wu Sanniang were already alarmed by the children's fights.

Hearing the sound at this time, everyone looked up and saw a young girl in Taoist robe standing by the eaves.

She looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and the moonlight reflected on her face, making her look even more fair and pretty. Behind her was an ancient sword with a sheath, and the blood-red sword sash fluttered in the wind.

Lu Liding originally thought it was Li Mochou who had arrived, but when he saw it was a young girl, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a deep voice, "I'm coming to Lu Liding, are you from Li Mochou's sect?"

That girl was Li Mochou's disciple Hong Lingbo, at this time a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she said: "It's all good if you know! Quickly kill your wife, daughter, servants and servants, and then kill yourself, lest I go to extra trouble. "

These few words were spoken lightly, neither slow nor fast, and did not pay attention to the people present at all.

When Lu Liding heard this, he was so angry that his whole body trembled and said, "You...you..."

Originally, he wanted to rush up and fight the enemy directly, but the opponent was only a teenage girl, so it would be inappropriate for him to make a move.

He was a bit pedantic, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"What a big tone, you are worthy of destroying my Lujiazhuang?"

While hesitating, Lu Nianchou had already yelled coldly, jumped up, and landed on the eaves after a few ups and downs.

"You are Li Mochou's disciple Hong Lingbo, you are not very capable, but your tone is very arrogant."

"I'd like to see how capable you are!"

As Lu Nianchou said, she put her palm on the sheathed sword behind her back.

This short knife is called Yinque, which was left by his father Lu Zhanyuan. It is about two feet long and is made of sunken silver and cold iron under the sea. It is a rare precious knife.

Since his father passed away, this knife has fallen into his hands and has been cared for by him day and night, but these years, he has never had a chance to get out of its sheath... See blood!

"I think there is really no one in Lujiazhuang. It's ridiculous to let a yellow-haired kid like you stand out."

"Alright, I'll take your life first, and then cut off the heads of others."

While speaking, the long sword behind Hong Lingbo's back was unsheathed with a clang, and under the cold moonlight, he charged towards him like a stream of light.

Lu Nianchou narrowed his eyes slightly, he was not an ordinary person in his previous life, he had been slaughtered before.

Although I haven't done anything in this life for many years, the bad breath in my chest has not dissipated, but has become more pure, just like a vicious tiger trapped in a cage.

Once it breaks out of the cage, it will choose someone to eat!

Clang! !

Like a silver bottle exploding and water slurry bursting out, a flash of silver sword light turned out to be brighter than the bright moon in the sky at this moment.

The Silver Sparrow Saber was as thin as a cicada's wings, and it made a buzzing sound in the night.

It was as if a silver sparrow flapped its wings, tearing apart the dark night sky in an instant.

Seeing this, Hong Lingbo's originally indifferent face suddenly changed drastically.

You must know that she has good aptitude, and she also studied under Li Mochou, learning advanced martial arts, although she is young, she has already begun to penetrate the acupuncture points not long ago.

Although he hasn't cleared the first rule yet, in terms of strength, he can already gain a foothold in the arena and be called a master.

But he didn't expect that the young man in front of him, who was much younger than himself, had such sharp sword skills.

It is not inferior to those swordsmen who have practiced swords for decades, and even surpasses them in terms of subtlety.

She no longer dared to underestimate her in the slightest, and the sword technique of the Ancient Tomb School inherited from Li Mochou immediately unfolded, and a murderous aura rushed over her face.

Lu Nianchou was unmoved in the slightest. Although the opponent's internal strength was a little bit higher than his, fighting in martial arts never only depends on the realm of martial arts.

If this is the case, during the martial arts competition, one only needs to show one's own realm, and those with low cultivation will kill themselves, so there is no need to fight.

The cultivation base and realm of internal strength are only part of strength. Martial arts moves, internal strength mentality, lightness kung fu, weapons and armor, even on-the-spot performance, and the mentality of facing the enemy all affect the outcome.

No matter how high the internal strength is, if you don't know how to use it, or don't know how to kill people, you are just a reckless man with great strength.

Meeting a real "executioner" is like a pig meeting a hungry wolf, and the ending is already doomed.

In the on-hook system, the practice of Neijia Kungfu is divided into six stages, foundation building, Qi nourishing, orifice opening, Zhoutian, Xiantian, and Tianren.

At the age of ten, Lu Nianchou has cultivated Qi for three years now, and he is only a few feet away from opening up.

The so-called Tongqiao is actually the process for people in the martial arts to get through the Twelve Classics. Many disciples of the big schools and powerful people in the world are often trapped in this for their entire lives, and it is difficult to penetrate the Twelve Classics, forming a weekly cycle.

As long as the internal force penetrates the twelve classics and circulates around the sky, it will immediately become famous in the world, become a famous martial artist, and a hero.

"It's a pity that my on-hook system needs more and better martial arts to show its magical effect."

Although Lu Nianchou is still one step away from opening his mouth, and his explosive power is not as good as Hong Lingbo's, but the gap between the two sides is not that big, and it's not like they don't have the power to fight.


The moment the swords collided, Lu Nianchou followed the sword, like a sparrow fluttering its wings, soaring and changing above the eaves. The light of the sword was as fast as lightning, and each sword was faster than the other. In a blink of an eye, Hong Lingbo was enveloped.

"it is good!"

Seeing this scene, Lu Liding couldn't help applauding excitedly, his martial arts was taught by his elder brother, although he has never faced an enemy before, his vision is not weak.

Although my nephew Lu Nianchou's internal strength is still weak, but this set of Lu family's saber technique is quick and nimble, and the blade's light is sharp, and it has already entered the room.

Vaguely, it is even higher than his saber skills.

Lu Liding knew that his martial arts qualifications were mediocre and that he would never reach a high level of martial arts in his life. Since his brother's death, he was afraid that the Lu family's swordsmanship would fall into disrepair in his hands.

At this time, seeing my elder brother's son, who has practiced the Lu family's saber technique to such a level at such a young age, I just feel that the sky has eyes.

For a moment, his eyes were red, and he secretly made up his mind that even if he tried his best, he would let his nephew escape.

"As long as Nianchou can escape, our Lujiazhuang will be considered a successor!"

When Lu Liding was sentimental, Lu Nianchou's silver sparrow knife was criss-crossing in his hand, each knife was faster than the other, the light of the knife was like the waves of the sea, and the blade was like a silver sparrow, dancing in the waves.

For the first time since he practiced martial arts, the silver ring that tied his long hair exploded, his black hair danced wildly, and he let out a long roar.


"Happy! Happy!"

"Hong Lingbo, I want to see how much you can block me?"

Lu Nianchou's eyes were cold, and there was a beast-like madness in the depths of his pupils, and the Silver Sparrow Saber in his hand slashed out one hundred and eight times in a row.

When the saber light fell again, Hong Lingbo finally lost his long sword. He tilted his head slightly, and was unexpectedly slashed across the side of his face by a saber light, and a strand of long hair slowly fell from the air.

Lu Nianchou rolled the Silver Sparrow Knife in her hand, and the strand of black hair fell into her palm immediately, and said with a sneer, "Next time, the knife in my hand will cut more than just hair."

Hong Lingbo's face was blue and red, it was really embarrassing to be defeated by a boy who was much younger than himself.

Her pretty face was dizzy, and she scolded: "You are Lu Zhanyuan's only son Lu Nianchou, right?"

"I don't care about you either. When my master comes, I'll see if you can still speak hard."

As he said that, he stretched his body, jumped off the eaves, and retreated into the night.

It's just that no one expected that Hong Lingbo seemed to be retreating, but the moment his figure fell, he shot out several silver needles with a flick of his fingers, and they hit Lu Wushuang, Cheng Ying and Lu Liding as quickly as light in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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