Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 58 Breakthrough in Cultivation (Please read and vote)

Chapter 58 Breakthrough in Cultivation (Please read and vote)

Lu Nianchou had already heard their conversation clearly outside the thatched hut, and now she saw Huo Dou leave with her own eyes, and then entered the house.

"Master, I see that Huodu's so-called grand gathering in Dadu has clearly opened a net to catch all the martial arts people who disobey the rule of the Mongolian royal court."

"If we go to Dadu, in other people's territory, there are countless masters sitting in command, we may not be able to escape."

"If they ask us to submit to the Mongolian royal court, and if we don't obey, we will die, what can we do?"

He said in a cold tone: "I think that Huo Dou is clearly harboring evil intentions, no matter what, he will never go there."

Seeing her two disciples getting so excited, Li Mochou calmed down instead, took a taste of the tea that Hong Lingbo had sent her, and then said in a calm tone: "I'm not that foolish enough to throw myself into a trap and risk my life and death." in the hands of others."

"You just have to practice martial arts with peace of mind these days and confuse the lackeys who are monitoring the valley."

"After seven days, the time for the Dadu Grand Conference is getting closer and closer. Whether it is Huo Dou or other masters, they will go to Dadu."

"We just need to break out of the siege, and they won't have the time and energy to chase us down. Even if there are some small people, they can't do anything to us."

"Master is wise!" Lu Nianchou breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

It has to be said that Li Mochou's response is really old-fashioned. If she breaks her face with Huo Dou now, she will probably face a siege immediately. Even if she escapes by chance, there will be a steady stream of pursuit.

But delaying in this valley for a period of time, until the time for the Dadu grand meeting is getting closer and closer, and Huo Dou and others will return to Dadu, then is the best time.

However, if the delay is too long, Huo Dou and others may take the lead, and then they will lose the opportunity. Therefore, the heat and proportion need to be grasped just right.

"After seven days? That's fine!"

The three masters and apprentices discussed it again, and after confirming all the details, they returned to their rooms.

For the next seven days, everything was calm every day, except that there seemed to be more and more people watching outside the valley.

Lu Nianchou followed Li Mochou to climb the cliff to practice lightness kung fu every day, and finally learned all the unique skills of lightness kung fu of the ancient tomb school.

Martial Arts Name: Bird Catching Kung Fu

Quality: unique skills

Hang up experience: 20 points/hour
Characteristics: Lin Chaoying acquired the unique lightness kung fu from an adventure, because Wang Chaoyang created the top-level lightness kung fu Golden Goose Kungfu, so it was renamed the Sparrow Catch Kungfu. In terms of changing body shape and moving around, it is unparalleled in the world.

"The lightness kung fu of the unique level is only [-] points of experience per hour. I can't imagine how terrible it would be if it was replaced by the inner kung fu."

Lu Nianchou was a little yearning. Compared with other martial arts, inner strength and mind method can provide more hang-up experience, and help to open up acupuncture points and improve the realm of martial arts. Compared with other martial arts that increase combat power, it is more important.

It was almost dark now, and by midnight, it was time for the three masters and apprentices to break out of the encirclement.

He didn't choose to sit and wait, but crossed his knees and closed his eyes, running his inner strength and mental method, and transferring his inner strength.

The first meridian he developed was the Lung Meridian of Hand Taiyin, and the second meridian was the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, and now only the last acupoint is needed to completely penetrate the second meridian.

Time passed slowly, and the sky became darker and darker. When it was completely dark, the internal energy in Lu Nianchou's body surged, like a river, constantly hitting the Yingxiang point.

There seemed to be a roar in his ears, and the internal energy that had been blocked here suddenly rushed through, surging back and forth in the two meridians that had been connected.

Lu Nianchou opened her eyes with a happy expression on her face.

"It's finally done!"

With a thought in his mind, he opened the system panel and made final preparations before the war.

Host: Lu Nianchou
Internal Strength: Third Level of Tongqiao
Qualification: Elementary (156 points/h)

Comprehension: Beginner (total score 57)

Hang up 1: Lu family swordsmanship, level 7, 56 points/h
Hang-up 2: Jade Maid Skill, Level 3, 60 points/h
Hang up 3: Sparrow Catching Skill, Level 2, 40 points/h
Status: Fusion of martial arts (21%)

Martial arts column (11.8 points/h) (total score 48)




Today, he has completely accomplished his family's saber techniques, his internal skills are top-notch skills, his body skills are peerless light skills, and the number and level of martial arts in the martial arts column have taken shape.

Compared to a month ago, Lu Nianchou's strength has improved terribly, his internal strength has been further improved, his sword skills are great, his lightness skills are peerless, and he has practiced horizontally.

Today, he has no shortcomings!
"The time is still too short. Give me more than a month. I can achieve small successes in both internal and light skills, and the six basic martial arts can also be fused into two major secrets."

"But it's barely enough for now..."

"After all, those enemies outside the valley can't hold back anymore."

Lu Nianchou stood up. At this time, he was dressed in a black dress, his long hair was casually loose, and the silver sparrow knife was hanging on his waist, and he stepped out of the room.

When he was let into Li Mochou's room, Hong Lingbo had already arrived. The three master and apprentice were all dressed in black robes, with weapons in hand, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

Li Mochou held the fly whisk in her hand, her face was extremely serious, and she said in a cold tone: "Let me explain again, later, you two will use lightness kung fu to rush up the cliff and retreat according to the route we have discussed in advance."

"I will stop the enemy in the valley for a while, and when the time is almost there, I will go to join you."

"No matter how many enemies there are in the future, you can't turn back and go as far as you can."

"Did you hear me?"

Hong Lingbo's eyes were slightly red, "But Master, how can I leave you to fight alone and escape by yourself?"

"Junior brother, he is still young and has not experienced too much fighting. Let him go first. I will stay and accompany the master to kill the enemy."

Hearing this, Li Mochou immediately reprimanded slightly angrily: "It's already this time, and you're still saying such foolish things?"

"With your skills as a three-legged cat, do you want to stay and die?"

"Give me all the nonsense and stop talking, and everything will act according to the previous plan."

She took a deep breath, looked at Lu Nianchou and Hong Lingbo carefully, and said with a slightly gentler tone: "With my strength and Qinggong, those people can't do anything to me. You retreat first, and I will go and fight with you later." meet."

"Don't hesitate!"

After explaining it again, Li Mochou turned around slowly, and walked out of the room, "I'll go and attract their attention first, and when there's the sound of killing, you will act immediately."

After she said that, she walked out of the room slowly, and the cold wind blew her robe and long hair.

At this moment, Lu Nianchou felt that her figure was too thin, as if she would be blown away by the strong wind at any time.

Especially in this vast night, people always have an ominous premonition, as if once she leaves, she will disappear into the darkness and never be seen again.

"Master..." Seeing that Li Mochou's figure gradually walked away, he couldn't help but yelled.

Li Mochou paused slightly, but did not turn around.

Lu Nianchou opened her mouth, she obviously had a thousand words to say, but she didn't know what to say at this moment.

"Take care of yourself!"

Li Mochou waved her fly whisk as a signal, and then walked slowly towards the entrance of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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