Chapter 64 Must Live
After a brief but intense quarrel, these elite Mongolian soldiers finally reached an agreement, all gathered together, and began to slowly retreat down the mountain.

Even when they were retreating, they were very cautious, forming a battle formation, with spears opening the way, and machetes at the side, ready to kill the enemy at any time.

"Sure enough, they are elite soldiers." Lu Nianchou hid in the dark, her eyes flickering, the Mongolian army was so elite, even under such a disadvantage, they were still able to retreat calmly.

Such a terrifying army, no wonder it was able to conquer the north and the south, and was invincible, almost sweeping the world.

He chased along the way, but the Mongolian soldiers never dispersed. Once they attacked and killed them, they would definitely be entangled, so they had to give up and continue chasing and killing.

You must know that he was not unscathed during the thrilling breakout and counter-kill that night, five or six hideous wounds were torn on his body, although he was bandaged reluctantly, blood was still oozing non-stop.

Moreover, after going through a long fight, his physical and internal strength were almost exhausted, and he was unwilling to give up only because of the hostility in his heart.

Lu Nianchou knew very well how dangerous the situation tonight was. If the captain had been more cautious and kept using those Mongolian elites to consume his physical and internal energy.

If he waits until the most critical moment to take action, he may not be able to escape with his life.

Or if there is another strong man at the level of a thousand captain, he and Hong Lingbo will definitely die here.

In this kind of army siege, ordinary soldiers only restrain and consume their physical strength, and only the masters in the army are the ones who really determine the outcome.

So far, the battle has not exceeded an hour, but it is as tragic as thousands of troops fighting.

Lu Nianchou carried Hong Lingbo on his back and took one last look at the enemy who was retreating down the mountain and getting further away. He used his body skills to the maximum and ran towards the place agreed upon by the three masters and disciples.

The two of them took a circuitous route to escape. If anyone was following them, they would be thrown away because of the dark night and woods.

After more than half an hour, Lu Nianchou had left the Sunset Clouds Valley, and found an abandoned Taoist temple among the trees.

"Senior sister, we are here!"


Sunset Valley entrance.

Li Mochou yelled loudly, and waved the fly whisk, pushing away the vajra pestle and spear that were attacking from left and right, and then struck together with Huo Dou's iron bone fan, making a clear sound that traveled far away.

Li Mochou snorted and took three steps back. She was seriously injured, and her injuries became more serious as she was constantly surrounded by enemies.

However, after she repelled the enemy, the whisks rose sharply, causing two Mongolian masters to fall to the sky and were killed on the spot.

Huo Du and other masters were horrified, and the offensive immediately slowed down. No one thought that Li Mochou, who was seriously injured, could still exert such terrifying lethality.

Li Mochou avoided Darba's vajra again, and after Fuchen swung the man who was attacking from behind to death, she looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry, "Huo Du, I want you to die."

The dust in her hand danced crazily in the air, a powerful cyclone rolled up like a tornado, and the dazzling silver threads immediately confused everyone's vision.

Huo Dou's eyes fell on Li Mochou's back, and saw that the place where he was wounded was continuously oozing blood, and the blood was stained black, he shouted happily: "This woman can't hold on anymore, her body The poisonous wound from her has exploded, be careful before she dies, she counterattacks with the ice soul silver needle."

Before he finished speaking, he had already withdrawn and retreated quickly, so as not to become the target of Li Mochou's counterattack before his death.

Other Mongolian masters and Dalba also slowed down their offensive, and the encirclement situation relaxed for a while.

A flush flashed across Li Mochou's face, her tone contained the venom and murderous intent of another person's scalp, she said coldly: "Huo Dou, I have written down the enmity of the siege."

It turned out that what she did just now was a bluff after all, making the enemy think that she was dying to fight back.

When he got the chance, he retreated without hesitation, his figure retreating like lightning.

The Mongolian expert who was guarding that position subconsciously stabbed out with a spear.


An icy silver needle flew out from Li Mochou's sleeve and nailed it to the man's eyebrow with great precision.

Huo Dou shouted: "Be careful that she escapes!"

This sentence was not finished yet, Li Mochou sneered, her originally swift movement became a little faster, she flew towards a nearby old tree with a 'swish' sound, and disappeared into the night after a few dodges .

Huo Du and Dalba quickly chased after them, but they had already lost sight of each other.

Despite this kind of injury, Li Mochou was still able to break through and escape. This result made everyone unbelievable.

A sneer appeared on Huo Dou's face, and he said in a deep voice: "What a Chilian Fairy Li Mochou has been hit by my poisonous nail. Let's see how far she can go."

"You chase him for me. You want to see him alive, you want to see his body dead. You can never let him go."

"Follow your orders, Your Highness." A group of Mongolian masters took the order, and then chased in the direction Li Mochou left.


At this time, in the depths of the barren mountain, Li Mochou passed through a forest and came to a pile of rocks. She couldn't hold on any longer, and she rolled directly to the ground.

She rolled on the ground twice and lay on her back. If her chest wasn't still rising slightly, people would have thought she was dead.

Li Mochou was lying on the ground panting violently, she couldn't move for a while, she was poisoned, and her internal energy was exhausted, especially the piercing pain from her back.

If this continues, there is no way to escape.

"I never thought that I, Li Mochou, would end up in this situation one day."

She glanced at the dim moon shrouded in clouds, and for some reason she thought of Lu Zhanyuan and He Yuanjun who were buried together.

"You have to be buried together even when you die, so what am I?"

Li Mochou felt a sting in her heart when she thought of this, which was even more unbearable than the wounds on her body. Her originally pale face became a bit ferocious.

"I can't just die like this, even if I'm under the Nine Springs, I won't be reconciled."

"Lu Zhanyuan, your son said he wants to marry me!"


She smiled and shed tears, and said in a cold tone: "It's really ridiculous."

"He actually said he would marry me in ten years, hahaha!"

"I must live on. After ten years, he will really fall in love with me."

"I'll kill him myself!"

The expression on Li Mochou's face was particularly gloomy at this moment, which made people feel creepy, "Hehehe, father's debt is repaid, I can't be reconciled until he dies..."

Thinking of this, she seemed to have forgotten the pain in her body, and a surge of strength surged from her bones, barely supported her body, and staggered towards the depths of the mountain forest.

(End of this chapter)

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