Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 7 Apprenticeship with Li Mochou

Chapter 7 Apprenticeship with Li Mochou

Li Mochou froze completely, and all the scenes when she and Lu Zhanyuan were together ten years ago flashed through her mind one by one.

She looked at the young man in front of her and felt like her heart was twisting in a knife.

I wish I could beat him to death with one palm.

But it seemed as if he saw the man he loved deeply.

"Lu Zhanyuan, even if you die, I will never make it easier for you!"

Her body trembled slightly, she was obviously a peerless beauty with jade skin and graceful figure, but the expression on her face was extremely ferocious.

"I want to raise him up, teach him martial arts, and then become a fearsome and murderous devil in the world."

"Don't you hate me killing people the most?"

"Not only do I want to kill people, but I also want to make your son an executioner, so that you will have no peace under the nine springs."

Li Mochou suddenly felt extremely happy when she thought of this, and even her painful and distorted mood due to Lu Zhanyuan's death somewhat eased.

"Kneel down for me, and from today onwards, I will be your master."

Lu Nianchou knelt down without hesitation, and after three bows, she stood up and called out, "Master."

Li Mochou was in a daze when she heard him call that, she felt that all the love and hatred in the past were like clouds, as if it happened a long time ago.

She looked a little pale, waved the whisk in her hand, and said: "Ask what love is in this world... It's ridiculous, you follow me!"

When Lu Nianchou heard this, she immediately knew that Li Mochou's murderous intentions were gone, and the lives of everyone in Lujiazhuang were saved, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he is still young, he has not even started writing.

After Lu Zhanyuan died of illness three years ago, He Yuanjun also committed suicide, leaving only Lu Nianchou as his only son.

He knew that he would face a formidable enemy like Li Mochou in the future, so he simply changed his name and secretly adopted a pseudonym.

This is the opportunity for Lu Nianchou to shake Li Mochou's mind with his name and character today, and save the entire Lu Family Village.

Lu Nianchou's thoughts turned, and she glanced at Wu Santong and Wu Sanniang who were supporting each other, and Ke Zhen'e who fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

He pursed his lips, and said to Li Mochou: "Master, that Wu Santong is a villainous villain, he has a great hatred for me, and he even broke open my parents' grave and stole the corpse not long ago."

"As a son of man, I must avenge such deep hatred."

"I should have killed him with a single blow, but this old guy has been poisoned by Master, so he has no strength to fight back."

A cold light flashed in Lu Nianchou's eyes, and she said in a cold voice, "Master, please give me the antidote and let me save him once."

"In the future, when I learn advanced martial arts under my master, I will naturally seek revenge on him in person."

"Although Master Yideng is an expert, I believe that his martial arts skills are not inferior to others. As long as I am willing to practice diligently, there will be a day when I can take revenge."

When Li Mochou heard that this child compared herself to the Southern Emperor, one of the five wonders in the world, her words were bold and heroic, not like a ten-year-old boy at all.

She couldn't help but stared at him blankly, thinking of Lu Zhanyuan when he was young.

Although the father and son are very similar in appearance, their temperaments are somewhat different. Lu Zhanyuan was born in an official family, and he has the bearing of a noble son. In addition, he has studied literature since childhood, which makes him quite refined.

But the young man in front of him was a bit more courageous and courageous, as if he was a green man who had been hanging out in the world for a long time.

She thought about it, but she didn't refuse. She took out two black pills and handed them over.

"Thank you Master."

Lu Nianchou stepped forward, gave Wu Sanniang the antidote, and watched the two take it.

"Wu Santong, you and your husband gave up your lives to save me today, but I also saved your lives."

"The kindness between you and me is canceled out, and all that remains is hatred."

"See you tomorrow, either you die or I die."

Lu Nianchou's words were sonorous, and after she finished speaking, she turned around and walked behind Li Mochou without looking at them again.

Seeing this scene, Wu Sanniang showed bitterness on her face, and she just sighed: "What a fate, no matter what, you saved our husband and wife today, what face do I have to be your enemy again?"

After saying that, he turned to look at Wu Santong and asked: "Husband, where did you put the dug body? Return it as soon as possible."

After Wu Santong took the antidote, his whole body seemed to be a little crazy, he let out a long roar, and ran away into the night regardless of his injuries.

Ke Zhen'e, who was lying on the ground beside him, was only wounded in the chest by Li Mochou's palm, but he was not poisoned. At this time, he adjusted his breath for a while, and finally got up.

He has always been a person with a strong personality and a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. Hearing what Lu Nianchou said to Wu Santong, he couldn't help feeling very fond of him.

"Boy, although you are young, you are a good boy."

"I hope you can take the right path in the future and stop following Li Mochou in killing innocent people."

"Otherwise the next time you and I meet, the iron rod in my hand will not recognize anyone."

"Beating you to death directly is better than giving up your life today to save a wolf cub."

When Lu Nianchou heard the words, she remained silent, but felt quite helpless in her heart.

This flying bat Ke Zhen'e really doesn't know how to live or die. He dares to speak such nonsense in front of Li Mochou. Do you really think that this devil dare not kill anyone?

Come to think of it, if he hadn't been worried about Guo Jing and Huang Rong, this blind old man would have been beaten to death countless times.

Li Mochou had long disliked Ke Zhen E, but now her figure flashed with lightning, and she waved the fly whisk in her hand, hitting Ke Zhen E head first again.

"My apprentice, I don't need you to teach me a lesson."

Before he finished speaking, the silver threads of the whisk rolled back like a waterfall and entangled the iron staff.

Then she let out a soft drink, her inner strength surged, and above the dust whisk, the strength and softness changed, making Ke Zhen'e let go of his weapon as if his hands were struck by lightning.

"Hmph, aren't you going to beat my disciple to death with this iron rod?"

"Today I will take away your iron staff, and see how you have the face to speak big."

"Nianchou, continue!"

Li Mochou said, Fuchen rolled up the iron staff and landed in front of Lu Nianchou.

With a bang, the iron staff fell to the ground, shattering the bluestone ground and sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

When Lu Nianchou saw this scene, he felt horrified.

He didn't dare to disobey Li Mochou's order, ignored the flying dust, approached the iron staff that hit the ground, squatted down, tried to pick it up with both hands, but felt his arms sinking, almost lifted Can't get up.

"What a heavy weapon!"

You must know that he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Although he is only ten years old, his arms already have considerable strength, which is not inferior to that of ordinary adults.

This iron rod is so heavy, it probably weighs at least sixty or seventy catties.

Lu Nianchou took a deep breath, circulated her internal energy slightly, gave another light drink, and then lifted the iron rod.

This iron rod is five feet and eight inches long, it is made of refined iron, the whole body is deep and deep, and it is also densely covered with patterns, which looks extremely extraordinary.

He couldn't hold the stick with one hand, so he could only hold it up with both hands, walking slowly step by step in front of Li Mochou.

"Ke Zhen'e, if you want to get back the weapon, come and find my apprentice in the future!"

Li Mochou sneered, then walked towards the gate, "Lu Nianchou, come with me."

At this time, Lu Liding saw the catastrophe of extermination in the whole family disappear, and suddenly felt that the boulder that had been weighing on his heart fell to the ground, but seeing that his nephew was about to be taken away, he finally couldn't help it.

Although he is mediocre in martial arts and somewhat pedantic, he kept his promise the most, thinking of entrusting his only son to himself before his elder brother died.

How can I just watch my nephew being taken away by Li Mochou, the devil at this moment.

"Wait a minute, Nianchou..."

(End of this chapter)

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