Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 81 Dragon Elephant Wisdom (Subscription)

Chapter 81 Dragon Elephant Wisdom (Subscription)
"Golden Wheel Fawang?!"

"kill him!"

At this time, all the Mingjiao masters in the battlefield saw Jinlun Dharma King approaching and shouted wildly, and they all surrounded him.

"No!" Monk Bujie yelled angrily, and quickly stopped him.

It's a pity that it was already too late, Jinlun Fawang came stepping forward, and every step he took, his aura became stronger, and in the end it was like overwhelming mountains and seas, which was unbelievably terrifying.

The Five Elements Banner disciples roared, stretched out their bows and set arrows. Immediately, countless arrows roared and shot towards the incoming King Jinlun.

"Good come!"

Jinlun Dharma King practiced the supreme dharma protection skill of Tantric Buddhism, which is divided into thirteen layers.

Every time one level is refined, the power of the skill increases exponentially. The further you go, the more difficult it is to practice. When you reach the state of consummation, your physical body has the power of ten dragons and ten elephants. withstand.

Carrying a huge power that was so violent that it couldn't be compared to the world, the sleeves fluttered, and a strong wind was rolled up.

As soon as those arrows got close, they were blown away by the strong wind that seemed to be solid, and even shot back, killing a large number of Mingjiao believers.

Jinlun Dharma King's body was like a roaring dragon and hissing like a roaring elephant. When he chanted the Buddha's name, all his great power exploded.

As long as he dared to stand in front of him, no matter if it was the disciples of the Five Elements Banner, Heaven, Earth Wind and Thunder Sect, or the leaders and banner owners of the Ming Cult, they would all be blown away by the violent and domineering force.

Wherever Jinlun Dharma King passed by, blood splattered everywhere, and there were stumps and broken arms everywhere.

Amidst the endless screams, he was like a living dragon and elephant, moving back and forth, and under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, he was so arrogant that he pushed him horizontally.

"Golden Wheel Fawang, your opponent is me!"

Monk Bujie roared and chased through the air.

"Give me death!"

Monk Bujie suddenly broke out. He was wearing a golden bell, and his momentum was as powerful as a falling golden bell.

He raised the sacred flame across the sky and headed towards the King of the Golden Wheel.

"Mingjiao Holy Fire Order?!"

The King of the Golden Wheel stepped forward, his yellow monk robes flying, revealing his muscles and bones that looked like copper poured into iron. His golden wheel rotated rapidly, stirring up the air currents, and roared towards the enemy.

"Buddhist monk, your skills are lacking, and your hostility enters your head. Within ten moves, I will kill you!"

Monk Bujie gritted his teeth, feeling that the golden wheel was like the sun falling, and the terrifying momentum seemed to make the air burn, making it difficult to breathe.

His heart skipped a beat, and the hair on his body exploded. Suddenly, the Holy Fire Token roared into the sky, and the flames on it seemed to turn into reality, meeting the falling golden wheel.

Amidst the loud noise, Monk Bujie soared into the air and was directly knocked away.

"Second move!"

Jinlun Dharma King laughed, his golden robes rustled, he rose into the air, grabbed the golden wheel that had not yet landed, the dragon elephant exploded with great force, and the golden wheel roared away again!

"Golden Wheel Dharma King!"

Monk Bujie stood up from the ground, protected by a golden bell. He was not injured. He roared to the sky, and his true energy suddenly exploded. The Holy Fire Token trembled violently and struck dozens of blows. It was as if a sea of ​​​​fire was pouring out. Burn your enemies to ashes.

The Holy Fire Token collided with the Golden Wheel, setting off strong winds that roared in all directions.

"not good!"

At this moment, Monk Bujie was shocked all over, his heart was beating wildly, and he saw Jinlun Fawang approaching him at some point.

"Go away!"

He let out a wild roar, his whole body was filled with zhenqi, and the sacred flame was raised in a whistling manner, and he used several moves in succession to resist the enemy.

Jin Lun Dharma King suddenly closed his five fingers, formed a fist seal, and pressed down on the enemy!

Astonishingly, it is the large mudra of the Vajra Gate of the Tantric Sect!


Monk Bujie's pupils narrowed in vain, and he felt an extremely terrifying force, as if a mountain suddenly fell down.

After all, he is a master who has been in the rivers and lakes for decades. With a roar in his heart, the Holy Fire Token is like a flaming dragon, piercing the enemy's overwhelming punch.

Jinlun Fawang's face was indifferent, and the powerful fists of the dragon and elephant pressed down, and the holy torch in the hands of the non-disciplined monk flew up, and even more forcefully smashed on the chest of the non-disciplined monk.

"Ho ho!"

Monk Bujie's eyes widened with anger, and his face was full of shock and unbelievable expression. His twelve-fold golden bell was actually broken, and a large bloody handprint appeared on his chest.

"One punch actually seriously injured me?!"

His throat rolled, and he smiled miserably, knowing that the ten moves Jinlun Dharma King said were by no means empty words.

This great master of esoteric religion is really not a great master that he can rival.

Thinking of this, Monk Bujie's eyes flickered, and he flew back without hesitation, and fled towards a cliff in the valley.

"In front of me, you also want to escape? It's too late!"

Jinlun Dharma King chased after him without hesitation. The golden wheel in his hand was like the sun rising, and he smashed towards his back.

The Bujie monk was hit in the back by a blow, and his body fell suddenly, and a mouthful of scarlet blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth.

However, he didn't care, he just picked up the Holy Fire Token that had just been thrown to the ground, turned over, and continued to run away crazily.

Mongolian soldiers surrounded him from all directions to block his retreat, but Monk Bujie never dodged the incoming swords.

The sword and sword shadow tore apart the white monk's robe on his body, and the exposed bronze skin shone with a metallic color. The twelve-layer golden bell was invulnerable, and it was definitely not something that these ordinary people could break.

Monk Bujie's brows and eyes flashed with a cold light, and the Holy Fire Order killed all the enemies in front of him, destroying everything in its path, causing people to overturn and quickly approach the cliff.


Just as Jinlun Fawang and Monk Bujie chased and fled, this deserted and lonely valley instantly became a bloody killing field.

Thousands of Mongolian soldiers, led by Huo Dou and Daerba, completely surrounded the entire valley in all directions. Arrows rained down and spears pierced, continuously shrinking the encirclement.

Although the number of the Ming Cult is much smaller, only 300, they have more masters than their enemies.

Under the leadership of monk Bujie, the commander of the four gates, and the master of the five-party flag, they headed towards the exit of the valley to the east.

As Jinlun Dharma King took action, he stopped the monk who was not disciplined. Although the remaining Mingjiao believers fought tooth and nail, they were still scattered with corpses killed by the enemy's powerful bows and crossbows, and were completely defeated.

The two masters Huodu and Darba led more than 20 martial arts masters gathered by the Mongolian royal court to completely block the enemy into a circle of encirclement, leaving them in a situation where they were unable to fight back.

The Mongolian side has a careful layout and planning. Both in terms of the use of tactics and timing, they are all superb. It is obvious that they are controlled by people who understand the art of war.

Under the strong attack of the enemy, the congregants of Tiandi Fenglei Simen and Wuxing Banner were quickly cleared, corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed like rivers.

 Thanks to lro627 for the [-]-coin reward, and thanks to finally got time, Bujian Xiqing, and mosbygreen for the reward. I will follow the update rules and update two more chapters the day after tomorrow. Thank you all.

  When this book was put on the shelves, it had more than 3000 collections, but the first order was only over 800. To be honest, such a poor result was unexpected and quite a shock.

  Today, I have been conceiving the detailed outline during the day, hoping to write a more exciting plot.

  We will continue to update more today, thank you all for your support!
  I also hope that qualified readers can support genuine subscriptions, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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