Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 89 Advance by leaps and bounds, strength soars (subscription required)

Chapter 89 Advance by leaps and bounds, strength soars (subscription required)
Before I knew it, it was already March.

Li Mochou and Lu Nianchou, master and apprentice, have stayed at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain for a long time.

Li Mochou and Hong Lingbo's injuries had completely healed, and Lu Nianchou had improved by leaps and bounds during this time.

Not only did the first layer of Qiankun Danuoyi and the remnants of Yinshan Holy Fire Kungfu be thoroughly practiced, but also the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming was opened up, and the third meridian was penetrated.

The basic external skills collected originally were all fused into secret skills, and the strength of the whole body was raised to an unprecedented peak.

On this day, the system light curtain in front of Lu Nianchou suddenly refreshed the notification.

System prompt: Iron body skill, iron arm skill, and iron leg skill have been integrated.

System prompt: You have obtained a new superior martial art, please name it yourself.

"Let's call it the Golden Body Technique!"

With a thought in his mind, the system light curtain in front of him changed.

Martial Arts Name: Golden Body Kung Fu
Quality: Excellent

Hang up experience: 9 points/h
Features: The body training method is a fusion of nine basic external hard skills. Although there are deficiencies in subtleties and slightly inferior defensive power, there are no flaws and barriers.

"System, combining golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt, and stone body skills."

Seeing that the fusion of these three martial arts was completed, Lu Nianchou began to integrate the remaining three secret martial arts.

After finishing all this, he opened the system panel to check his current attributes.

Host: Lu Nianchou
Internal strength: the four levels of Tongqiao
Qualification: Elementary (220 points/h)

Perception: Intermediate (total score 174)

Hang up 1: Sparrow Catching Skill, Level 4, 80 points/h
Hang-up 2: Jade Maid Skill, Level 4, 80 points/h
Hang up 3: Jade Girl Swordsmanship, Level 4, 60 points/h
Martial arts column (22 points/h) (total score 174)

Unique Skill (Rating 81): The First Level of the Great Shift of the Universe

Top Martial Arts (Score 27): Remnants of Yinshan Sacred Fire Kung Fu



Now he has mastered all martial arts to a minimum level, and there are two top martial arts and one unique martial art on the hang-up seat, and the martial arts column is even more luxurious.

This kind of martial arts background is not inferior to many famous Jianghu masters, and even surpasses it.

"Junior brother, come out!"

At this moment, Hong Lingbo directly pushed open the door of his room and walked in without any shyness.

After getting along for this period of time, their relationship has become more and more harmonious, and there is a bit of dependence among relatives.

"My swordsmanship has improved again, come and try the trick with me." She grabbed Lu Nianchou's sleeve and walked into the yard impatiently.

Lu Nianchou was also a little helpless, since he paid homage to Hong Lingbo during the sparring some time ago, this senior sister has come to him to compete with him every now and then.

He also didn't want to be merciless, causing Hong Lingbo to have the illusion that his martial arts were strong enough, allowing her to do it with all his strength every time, and then defeating him head-on.

But when they arrived in the yard, the two stood facing each other. Hong Lingbo was wearing a red dress, and under the sunshine of spring, he was full of vigor and vitality.She drew the long sword out of its sheath in her hand, and solemnly stared at Lu Nianchou who was not far away.

Hong Lingbo knew very well how astonishing his junior brother's martial arts progress was, and now he was no longer his opponent.

But the stubbornness in her bones made her unwilling to give up. She practiced harder and harder on weekdays, and her swordsmanship, internal strength, lightness skills, and hidden weapons were all getting better and better.

But no matter what method she used, she would be defeated head-on every time, and the result was almost depressing.

"Junior Brother, today I won't hold back my hand, I will use the Ice Soul Silver Needle, you have to be careful." Hong Lingbo stood in the distance holding the sword, and moved after speaking.

The Jade Maiden swordsmanship unfolded, and the flowers and willows were divided into one stroke, and the moment the long sword stabbed, the tip of the sword trembled, as if left and right, changing indefinitely.

Lu Nianchou didn't draw her sword, but just performed light body exercises, changing her steps, and easily dodged the sword.

Hong Lingbo took advantage of the situation and slashed his sword horizontally, using a colored brush to draw eyebrows. The moment the sword fell, it changed quickly. The sword shook and covered Lu Nianchou's upper body.

Lu Nianchou didn't dodge any more at this time, she drew her sword out of its sheath with a clang sound, the sword light fell like raindrops, and accurately intercepted the opponent's long sword, making a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

However, after the fierce collision, Hong Lingbo's sword force suddenly stabbed at the enemy's lower abdomen with the help of the strength of the long sword. This blow was very sudden and extremely fast.

Like a comet hitting the moon, the light of the sword was sharp, and the distance between the two of them was very close, and the sword pierced through his body in the blink of an eye.

However, Lu Nianchou seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and performed a wandering style, slashing straight down, standing on the blade of his sword, under the violent impact, sparks burst out.

Just in the midst of this flash, three ice soul silver needles bloomed from Hong Lingbo's left fingertips, and within a flash, they sank into Lu Nianchou's robe.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother, you've been fooled!" Hong Lingbo retreated, couldn't help but smiled triumphantly and said, "You've been hit by my Ice Soul Silver Needle, if I quenched the poison on the needle, you'd be dead now .”

Lu Nianchou nodded and said with a chuckle: "Senior sister, your swordsmanship has become more and more sophisticated during this period. When you use it, it changes all the time. It seems imaginary but not imaginary. It seems real but not real. In conjunction with the hidden weapon skills of the Ice Soul Silver Needle, , is really hard to guard against.”


He opened the shirt on his chest a little, revealing his bronze-colored skin, and saw that the three ice soul silver needles were stuck on the robe, which didn't even pierce the epidermis of his skin.

With the golden body skill and the three secret hard skills to protect the body, coupled with the great teleportation of the universe, it is impossible for Hong Lingbo to hurt Qi Fenhao.

But in terms of the jade girl's swordsmanship, he was indeed inferior to Hong Lingbo, so he found a chance to use his hidden weapon.

But this is only because he has some reservations, no matter it is the Lu family's saber technique, the big throwing stele hand, and the Yinshan holy fire skill, all of them are not used.

Otherwise, it can be killed with at most three moves.

At this moment, Hong Lingbo saw the three silver needles on Lu Nianchou's robe and the uninjured body, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, and cursed secretly, "Pervert!"

Lu Nianchou smiled slightly, turned around and looked at Li Mochou who walked out of the room at some time and was watching the battle, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

Now that his strength has improved greatly, he can't wait to know how big the gap is between himself and Li Mochou, who has cultivated true qi.

He raised his sword, cupped his fists, saluted, and said to Li Mochou, "My apprentice has improved in martial arts. Please give me some advice from the master."

Li Mochou reached the arena with a little tiptoe, waved the fly whisk gently in her hand, and said, "Okay, we have to plan a big event next, so I can try your martial arts."

"You go ahead and do it with all your strength, let me see your means."

 Thanks to Shi Fuyun and Xiaozi Zhenshuai for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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