Hang up from apprentice Li Mochou

Chapter 92 Let me hug for a while (please subscribe)

Chapter 92 Let me hug for a while (please subscribe)

After a long while, Li Mochou managed to calm down. There was a hint of murderous intent in her words, and she said in an extremely cold tone: "For some reason, Ouyang Feng chased after him as if he was crazy, and he managed to catch up to Gu. In the tomb.”

"Master couldn't resist it, and almost broke the dragon stone and died with him."

"Fortunately, the engine was turned off at a critical moment, and the golden needles suddenly came out, which wounded Ouyang Feng. He said that when he felt the itching was unbearable, he touched his acupoints, making him unable to move."

"Master is kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and he doesn't want to hurt his life, but I refused to give up, so I stepped forward and slapped Ouyang Feng, intending to take Ouyang Feng's life."

"But I never thought..."

Li Mochou gritted her teeth, with unspeakable regret and pain on her face, "I slapped him, and Ouyang Feng untied his acupuncture points, jumped up, and instantly severely injured the master."

"He seemed to wake up a little from his crazy state at this time, turned around and ran away from the ancient tomb."

"How can I give up, I just thought that even if I risked my life, I would kill him to avenge my master, so I chased him out, but I was seriously injured by his palm and fell to the ground, and soon lost his trace. "

"I was suffering and unwilling, so I wanted to go back to the ancient tomb and obtain the Jade Heart Sutra, so that I could practice stronger martial arts and avenge my master."

"I can only hate my junior sister, Xiao Longnv, but insisted that I unlocked Ouyang Feng's acupoints and thus killed Master."

"With no regard for any feelings of being from the same sect, he opened various mechanisms in the ancient tomb and forced me out."

When Lu Nianchou heard this, he finally had some understanding of the grudges from the past.

The reason why Li Mochou was in so much pain was probably because even she thought that her palm helped Ouyang Feng unlock his acupuncture points, thus killing his master.

As for Xiao Longnv, he even regarded her as a murderer who would avenge his kindness and kill Master.

But they didn't know that Ouyang Feng first practiced the Ha Toad Kung Fu, and then practiced the magic skill of the Nine Yin Manual. Acupuncture kung fu.

This resulted in the tragic death of the previous head of the Ancient Tomb Sect, and also created a estrangement and hatred between Li Mochou and Xiaolongnv, a pair of teachers and sisters that would never be erased in a lifetime.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "Master, I have heard rumors from people in the Jianghu that I don't know whether it is true or not. It is said that the kung fu practiced by Xidu Ouyang Feng is an extraordinary kungfu and unique toad kungfu, which can move the meridians and acupoints." , not afraid of acupoints."

"In my opinion, when Ouyang Feng stood still at the beginning, he was probably practicing his kung fu to unlock the acupoints."

"Master's death was due to her compassionate heart. She didn't kill Ouyang Feng in the first place, but it has nothing to do with you, Master. Why should you worry about it and blame yourself?"

Li Mochou was startled when she heard the words, she quickly turned around and asked in disbelief: "What you said is true? Can Ouyang Feng really unlock the acupuncture points by himself?"

Lu Nianchou nodded and said, "How could I lie to you? Everything I said is true. If you don't believe me, we will go find Ouyang Feng together in the future."

"Whether he knows the Kung Fu of acupuncture, we will know once he tries it!"

Hearing this, Li Mochou seemed to have lifted a heavy burden, her body swayed slightly, almost falling to the ground.

Lu Nianchou quickly stepped forward and supported her.

Li Mochou's body was soft and boneless, she seemed to have lost all her strength, and regardless of the many taboos, she half leaned in his arms, crying and laughing, indescribably excited.

"Master, it's Ouyang Feng, he's the one who hurt you."

"It's not me, it's not me, it's really not me."

"Master, I will definitely kill Ouyang Feng to avenge you..."

Lu Nianchou held her in his arms, it was the first time for them to be so close, but he didn't have the slightest distracting thoughts or desires, only a touch of pity.

After a long time, Li Mochou gradually came back to her senses, only then did she realize that the master and apprentice were in such an intimate posture, she immediately wanted to break free.But this time, Lu Nianchou didn't let go, her two arms were like cast iron, no matter how much she struggled, they didn't move.

"Let me hold you for a while, okay?"

"It will be fine in a while!"

Li Mochou listened to his gentle and sad words in her ears, her sensitive earlobes turned red almost instantly, her pretty face became dizzy, and her whole body felt dizzy.

She froze completely, as if all her strength had been drained from her body, she let him hold her like a puddle of mud.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"You should know that we are masters and apprentices, and there can be no results."

"not to mention……"

Lu Nianchou clenched her hands tightly, and said domineeringly: "What about master and apprentice, I don't care, I just want you."

Li Mochou blushed instantly, from birth till now, she had never been so close to anyone, let alone heard such blatant confession.

Even when he was with Lu Zhanyuan at that time, he was only in love and not polite. He never broke the rules in his words and deeds, and he strictly abided by etiquette in his speech and conversation.

How can he be like this person, what kind of nonsense is he talking like crazy?
Although she was thinking this, Li Mochou felt an indescribable strange feeling, her heart was beating loudly, and she didn't even want to struggle anymore.

But after all, she still had a trace of reason, so she quickly started to use the Jade Girl Skill, and it took a long time for her to regain her clarity.

"Nianchou, let me go, okay?"

"I have something to tell you."

Lu Nianchou had never heard her speak to him in such a gentle and even slightly pleading tone, and as soon as her heart softened, she slowly let go of her, but both hands still held her tender little hand.

Being so obsessed with him, Li Mochou was really overwhelmed. She pretended to be calm and said, "Your master was killed by the western poison Ouyang Feng. That man's martial arts skills are unfathomable. If I want to take revenge, I will kill you." You must get the Jade Heart Sutra."

"It's just that your uncle, Xiao Longnu, is simple and stubborn. I'm afraid he won't listen to my explanation."

"I want you to lure her out, and then I will naturally find a way to restrain her."

Upon hearing this, Lu Nianchou asked, "Master, what do you want me to do? I'll just listen to you."

Li Mochou took advantage of his weak and boneless hands to break free from the shackles while he was speaking, quickly took two steps back, and said: "I want you to join the Quanzhen sect, and then I will find a way to conflict with the ancient tomb. Only in this way will there be a chance to lure out that uncle of yours."

Lu Nian frowned slightly, and asked, "Where is the need to be so troublesome? I'll go directly to the entrance of the ancient tomb to provoke, and I can lure the uncle and her out?"

Li Mochou saw that he stopped at the same spot and didn't continue to attack, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little bit disappointed, she managed to gather her composure, and said: "The stone door of the ancient tomb is tightly closed, and there are all kinds of secret passages inside, even if It is difficult to besieged by a large army."

"Your uncle is pure and stubborn by nature, and abides by the rules of the door. No matter how provocative you are outside the door, she probably won't come out."

"The entanglement between the Quanzhen Sect and the ancient tomb has some secrets in it. If you provoke her as a Quanzhen disciple, you may force her out."

Only then did Lu Nianchou understand her intentions. After thinking about it carefully, it will be the time when Huo Dou led people to besiege Chongyang Palace and Guo Jing brought Yang Guo to worship Quanzhen.

If you join the Quanzhen Sect before then, it may be the best time.

 I owed one chapter yesterday, two chapters the day before yesterday, and made up all of them today.

  Tomorrow, I will make up for the additions that everyone rewarded, but today is gone!
(End of this chapter)

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