I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 18 Shocking Yunshan, the new emperor actually has a master master!Step flying sword, one bla

Chapter 18 Shocking Yunshan, the new emperor actually has a master master!The hundred-step flying sword cuts the throat with one blade!
"If they really dare to go to Changqing Hall, then His Majesty will have a great gift waiting for them."

Chi Lian said with flickering eyes.

Long Xiu, Bai Yu and the others didn't hear Chi Lian's words, and watched Yun Shan lead Lu Yin straight to the direction of Changqing Palace.

They are also distraught.

"The eldest prince is definitely going to assassinate His Majesty, and we must not let him succeed."

"Dragon Guard, follow me to rescue him!"

Long Xiu shouted.

But Yun Shan, who is in the realm of a master, is so fast.

After a few ups and downs, they had already disappeared from their sight.

But Song Senmiao and others don't know where the strength comes from at this time.

As if desperate, he rushed towards them.

It looks like they are desperately trying to drag them here!

Even though Long Xiu and the others were impatient, they still couldn't break through the defenses of Song Senmiao and other imperial guards!

Changqing Hall.

Along the way, Lu Yin's ears were filled with whistling wind.

Yunshan's speed was so fast that he, who was a congenital master, was also shocked.

"After I kill Lu Xuan, inherit the throne, and absorb the energy of the earth vein dragon."

"I must be able to break through to the realm of a master like a master before the age of 30!"

Thinking of the fact that he would reach Yunshan in the future, Lu Yin also clenched his fists secretly.

"This is your majesty's temporary resting place, no unauthorized entry is allowed!"

Seeing Yunshan and Lu Yin landing in front of the Changqing Palace, the guards shouted and stabbed them with their guns.

Yun Shan snorted coldly.


There is no need to raise your hand, just release your energy outward.

Then these guards, who were only second-rate masters, were sent flying!
"Go ahead, my master will be behind you to sweep the formation for you."

Yun Shan patted Lu Yin's shoulder with a deep and authentic tone.

Lu Yin nodded.

With Yunshan backing him, he can be said to be unscrupulous at this time.

Even if Sanqianyuan came back, Lu Yin was confident that Yunshan would stop them during this period.

It was enough to kill Lu Xuan by himself!

"Now let's see who can stop me!"

Looking at the closed gate of the Changqing Palace in front of him, Lu Yin smiled smugly.

With [-]% strength, he slapped the door heavily with his palm.

With a bang, most of the wooden door was shattered.

It looks stunning!
"Haha, third brother, the eldest brother is here to send you off today!"

Lu Yin let out a long laugh and strode into the hall.

Yun Shan, who was standing with his hands behind his back, also walked into the hall.

Unexpectedly, the hall was very quiet, and there was no one there.

Lu Xuan, who was dressed in a dragon robe, looked calm and elegant like a fairy, and was sitting on the dragon chair in the Changqing Hall.

Calmly flip through the book in your hand.

Seeing Lu Xuan's unhurried look, Lu Yin frowned for no reason.

"Why do you have to pretend to be calm, third brother?"

But soon, this uneasy feeling was swallowed up by blind self-confidence.

Lu Yin stepped forward step by step, his eyes fixed on Lu Xuan.

"The eldest brother looks fierce but has a weak heart, but he still brags. It looks a bit pitiful."

Lu Xuan put down the book and looked down at Lu Yin.

There are no other too many words, but just such an action, such a look.

This made Lu Yin inexplicably feel as if he was as low as the dust in front of Lu Xuan.

This feeling made Lu Yin extremely disgusted!


Lu Yin looked at the people on the dragon throne, his eyes gradually filled with madness and jealousy that he didn't even know he had.

"This position should be mine, so what qualifications do you have to sit on it?"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yin sent out a saber aura in the air.

Slash directly in the direction where Lu Xuan is!

"go to hell!"

Lu Yin yelled frantically.

Just when the saber light was about to hit Lu Xuan, a sword light flashed behind Lu Xuan.


A bad premonition suddenly appeared in Yunshan's heart, and he rushed forward with a stride.

But it was too late, the sword light shattered Lu Yin's saber energy, and counterattacked on Lu Yin's body.

Lu Yin let out a heartbreaking scream, blood splattered on his body, and he fell to the ground.


Yunshan rushed to Lu Yin's side and saw that Lu Yin's right arm was completely cut off and his right arm was now empty.

My eyes were splitting in an instant!

"Entering His Majesty's resting palace without notification is a crime."

"Before entering the hall, going up to the hall without disarming the weapon is the second crime."

"Attacking Your Majesty by attacking your Majesty, this is the third crime, and it is also a capital crime!"

A cold and indifferent voice sounded, and an indescribable pressure slowly spread across the hall.

"Who are you?!"

Yun Shan raised his head abruptly, staring at the black figure behind Lu Xuan with red eyes.

"Gather and disperse quicksand, Wei Zhuang."

A tall figure dressed in black with gold patterns slowly walked out from behind Lu Xuan.

The cold and disdainful eyes enveloped Yun Shan's figure, and the sense of coercion in it made even Yun Shan secretly frightened!

"Dare to hurt my apprentice, suffer death!"

But at this time, Yunshan saw that his beloved disciple was seriously injured, and he had the urge to fight for his life.

With a flash of his figure, he rushed towards Wei Zhuang like lightning.


The corner of Wei Zhuang's lips twitched, and the next moment, the sword light flashed!

Blood flowed from Yun Shan's arm, and he had already been repelled by several feet.

He staggered back to stabilize his figure, his pupils widened in shock, and looked at Wei Zhuang.

"You are...a grand master?!"

I originally thought that entering the palace tonight, even if Lu Xuan had a thorough plan.

With himself as a great master, Lu Xuan would definitely be powerless.

But who would have thought that there would be a master beside Lu Xuan!
In this way, the situation was reversed in an instant!
"It doesn't matter if you are a master, is this old man afraid of you?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Yunshan's forehead, and he stared at Wei Zhuang, his momentum raised to the peak.

"Those who come within three feet of His Majesty will die."

Wei Zhuang took a step forward, and with a strange and fast movement, he came to a foot in front of Yunshan and stood still.

Confronted with Yunshan far away.

He pulled out the specially shaped shark teeth from his waist, and the sharp blade was as fine as a comb, which made Yunshan's eyebrows twitch uncontrollably.

"Suffer to death!"

Yunshan struck first and struck Wei Zhuang with a thunderous palm filled with true power!

"You think that just because you are in the Grandmaster realm, you can do whatever you want?"

"Let me show you what the true master realm is!"

Wei Zhuang smiled coldly, and poured his inner energy into the shark's teeth, forming a black dragon-shaped shadow formed by sword energy.

Slowly formed from the surface of shark teeth.

Exposing one's inner strength to the outside is the sign of an innate master.

But the internal power released by master masters is far more than that simple!
The swords and palms intersected, and the entire hall seemed to shake amidst the roar.

Wei Zhuang's white hair was flying wildly in the strong wind, but Yunshan's body was knocked away.

In a blink of an eye, it landed outside the hall.

"Pfft...cough cough, cough cough..."

When in your life have you been so embarrassed?
"The old man is fighting with you!"

He knew that if he lost, there would be no chance of survival, including Lu Yin.

Yun Shan forcibly mobilized his Qi and blood, raising his aura to its peak.

At the cost of losing the lifespan of essence and blood, he sent out the strongest blow in his life!
"Let me show you the difference in the master's realm."

Wei Zhuang curled his lips coldly, pointed the shark's teeth forward, straight as if it were an extension of an arm.

In an instant, man and sword merged into one, making it difficult to separate each other.

The sword intent on his body is constantly rising.

"Hundred-step flying sword, cut throat with one blade!"

(End of this chapter)

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