I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 35 [Shocking question!With the ambition to control the world, Xuan Mingzong's successor

Chapter 35 [Shocking question!With the ambition to control the world, Xuan Mingzong's successor was captured!
"Fan Shiyao?"

Shen Wan's eyes froze when she heard the voice from outside the palace!
After all, as a member of the Demon Sect, she is naturally no stranger to Xuan Mingzong's identity.

Especially when she is the saint of the demon sect, and the other party is the heir of Xuan Mingzong.

The relationship between the two can be said to be incompatible enemies!
"Hmph, I want to see what she wants to do..."

Shen Wan was about to use lightness kung fu and went out to confront Fan Shiyao.

Who knew that as soon as she got lucky, she felt that the blood in her meridians was not flowing smoothly, and her mind was almost spinning.

"You... sealed my skill?!"

Shocked, Shen Wan looked at Lu Xuan.

It was the only explanation she could think of.

"This is a side effect that hasn't disappeared after you were hit by the Dao Heart Demon."

"For the next hour, you won't be able to use your skills."

Lu Xuan, on the other hand, looked like he was taking it for granted, which made Shen Wan's teeth itch with hatred.

The beautiful face with a somewhat seductive look made it even more charming.

"Don't worry, you are my imperial concubine now, even if Xuan Mingzong really wants to do something to you."

"I will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Seeing Shen Wan's expression, Lu Xuan was also happy to tease her.


Shen Wan heard Lu Xuan's words, but before she had time to be surprised, there was strength and temperature coming from her waist.

A blush of embarrassment appeared on her face.

"You... let go!"

Shen Wan wanted to break free from Lu Xuan's hand, but she was struggling in Lu Xuan's arms in vain without any skill.

The unprecedented intimacy with a grown man also made her feel ashamed, angry and at a loss.

"Go out and see."

Lu Xuan didn't care about Shen Wan's thoughts, he led Shen Wan outside the palace.

It faced the snow-white figure on a palace directly opposite the bedroom.

"Sure enough, he is the heir of Xuanmingzong."

Shen Wan, who was still about to struggle, stopped immediately when she saw Fan Shiyao on the roof.

His expression also became a little dignified.

And when Fan Shiyao saw Lu Xuan walking out with Shen Wan in his arms, there was also a gleam of chill in his cold eyes.

In her opinion, she might have arrived a step too late.

The new emperor has probably been bewitched by this witch.

Thinking of this, Fan Shiyao's eyes also fell on Lu Xuan.

At this glance, Fan Shiyao's calm heart felt a ripple of surprise, rising up in circles.

Among the people she met this time down the mountain, the second prince, Lu Zhao, was undoubtedly the most dragon-like existence among people.

Although in Fan Shiyao's heart, he can rule the world, there is still a big gap between the real dragon emperor who will bless all the people.

But to Fan Shiyao, Ruoxin Emperor is really a fool who is obsessed with women.

She would consider whether to support the second prince.

But this time when he saw the legendary new emperor of Dayu for the first time, Fan Shiyao found that the other party had an extraordinary aura.

Between her brows, there was no sign of decline that she recognized as a faint king.

This naturally surprised Fan Shiyao.

Or maybe, this new emperor is not as overwhelmed as she heard from Lu Zhao before?
Thinking of this, Fan Shiyao also became much less hostile towards Lu Xuan.

"My descendant of the Xuanming Sect, Fan Shiyao, came to the palace to pay homage to His Majesty because of..."

Just when Fan Shiyao wanted to explain to Lu Xuan the intention of coming.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan just glanced at her lightly.

"Xuan Mingzong?"

An inexplicable but icy chuckle resounded from Lu Xuan's mouth.

For a moment, both Shen Wan and Fan Shiyao felt a freezing cold around them.

"A descendant of a martial arts force dared to break into the palace without notification."

"And asked to see me directly, what a big air."

As Lu Xuan said, he let go of Shen Wan who was still a little unresponsive.

Sitting in the grand master's chair that the dragon guard immediately brought for him.


Hearing Lu Xuan's words, Long Xiu and Bai Yu immediately knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty to Lu Xuan.

"This is my fault, please forgive me!"

Lu Xuan didn't say a word, nor did he say anything to forgive the two.

His eyes were just staring in the direction of Fan Shiyao, with such cold eyes that there was almost no emotion at all.

It even shocked Shen Wan and Fan Shiyao who was so watched by him.

But Fan Shiyao was not only shocked, but also faintly displeased.

For thousands of years, Xuanmingzong has been the holy place among the martial arts and Baidao forces of the Dayu Dynasty.

As the successor of Xuanmingzong, she is admired and respected by thousands of people no matter where she goes.

In the past, when emperors met the heirs of Xuanmingzong, they often treated them with three points of courtesy.

But the new emperor, in words, did not show any respect to her.

"This is Shi Yao's inappropriate thinking, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

But thinking of the purpose of entering the palace tonight, Fan Shiyao still suppressed the displeasure in her heart.

She bowed to Lu Xuan to express her apology.

"But this time Shi Yao entered the palace without authorization, and it was also for His Majesty's sake."

"Because Shi Yao learned that the concubine His Majesty wants to accept today is the successor of the Demon Sect and also the saint of the Demon Sect."

Fan Shiyao's cold eyes swept over Shen Wan who had a cold expression.

"People from the Demon Sect have always had bad intentions, and they love to use extraordinary methods to confuse people's hearts."

"This time when the witch enters the palace, I'm afraid that what she wants to do will be unfair to His Majesty and even Daewoo Jiangshan."

"Shi Yao was worried that His Majesty would not know the identity of the witch and be bewitched by the witch, so she ventured into the palace."

"I sincerely ask your Majesty to think twice before accepting a concubine."

"As for Shi Yao's offence, she will naturally ask His Majesty again."

Fan Shiyao believed that her words had taken the overall situation into consideration.

Even Lu Xuan couldn't find any fault of his own.

But unexpectedly, after hearing what she said after revealing Shen Wan's identity, Lu Xuan's expression was not the slightest bit surprised.

"You said, my beloved concubine is a witch, and she entered the palace to confuse me and control my country?"

Lu Xuan raised his eyes, and locked his eyes on Fan Shiyao again.

"Then you, the descendant of the Xuanming Sect, who is known as the world's choice of master, isn't what you are doing to subvert the world?"

When he said the last sentence, Lu Xuan's voice had completely turned cold!
"His Majesty……"

Fan Shiyao's expression changed slightly when she heard Lu Xuan's questioning.

In Fan Shiyao's heart, it has always been a supreme honor for the successor of Xuanmingzong to shoulder the task of choosing the master for the world.

But when Lu Xuan said it, there was a suspicion of rebellion.

But before Fan Shiyao could explain, Lu Xuan waved his hand.

"Xuan Mingzong's traitor broke into the palace without authorization, and even tried to interfere with my decision."

"Take it."

With an order, Long Xiu and Bai Yu, who were kneeling on the ground, and countless forbidden soldiers.

They all burst out like lightning and rushed towards Fan Shiyao.

"According to the order!"

Fan Shiyao, who was surrounded by groups, felt the terrifying martial arts aura in all directions.

No matter how calm she was, her expression could not help but change this time.

"This emperor..."

I didn't expect that Lu Xuan would not enter, but let himself fall into danger.

Fan Shiyao immediately planned to leave.

"Can you go?"

At this time, a chuckle sounded from behind Fan Shiyao.

Then, a whip struck like lightning!
(End of this chapter)

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