I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 37: The 2 princes who fought the fire!Achievement, shocking martial arts!Immortal inheritanc

Chapter 37: The Second Prince of Fire!Achievements that shocked the martial arts world!Immortal inheritance, emperor swordsmanship!

About Fan Shiyao trespassing into the palace and being captured by the imperial guards, Lu Xuan did not deliberately conceal it.

Therefore, the next morning, it was not yet bright.

The descendant of Xuanmingzong made rude remarks to the emperor and the new imperial concubine because he broke into the palace without permission.

The news of being captured by the imperial guards spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the entire imperial city!

For a while, everyone in the capital was discussing this matter!

"Have you heard that the descendants of the Xuanming Sect came down to join the world with the intention of choosing the Ming Lord for the world?"

"In the end, he was accidentally captured in the palace!"

"I heard that it's this Xuanmingzong heir. I don't know where he got the news that the new imperial concubine is the heir of the Demon Sect."

"That's why I took the risk to enter the palace and tried to persuade His Majesty to think twice. However, I was arrested by His Majesty for offense and is now under house arrest in the palace!"

"Hiss... If this matter is true, then our Majesty's courage... really is big enough."

"Who says it's not? Xuan Mingzong is the number one power in Baidao. I don't know how many martial arts powers usually admire him."

"Even if it was the first emperor, he was polite to the heirs of Xuanmingzong at the beginning. How come the new emperor..."

Xuan Mingzong's prestige has obviously reached the point where it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this time, when I heard that Xuan Mingzong's successor was captured by the new emperor, there was a lot of discussion in the imperial city.

Everyone was a little confused for a while.

The successor was captured, if this news reaches Xuanmingzong, how furious the suzerain will be aroused.

What ambitions will he have for Daewoo’s new emperor!
And this news also reached the second prince's house immediately!

"Haha, Lu Xuan, this time it's true that if you don't go to heaven, if you don't go, if you don't go to hell, you will cast yourself!"

Upon hearing the news, Lu Zhao was a little disbelieving at first, and then he became ecstatic!

If this news is true, then Lu Xuan is really seeking his own death!
"It seems that our palace has overestimated this boy. He really knows nothing about the Xuanming Sect's strength."

Lu Zhao could not hide the smile in his eyes and face at this time, and the corners of his mouth were raised as if they were about to fly.

In Lu Zhao's opinion, even if he had ten guts to imprison the heir of Xuanmingzong, he would not be able to do it!

Because of Xuan Mingzong's detached status in the martial arts, it has been a faint and detached existence that can influence the direction of the dynasty for thousands of years.

Whenever the new emperor changes, as long as Xuan Mingzong clearly expresses which prince to support.

Even if the prince is an idiot, he can easily be supported on the throne!

When the first emperor was seriously ill, the eldest prince Lu Yin and himself both thought of visiting Xuan Mingzong to get support.

But Lu Zhao heard that the recording that was one step ahead of him hit a wall in Xuanmingzong, and he didn't even meet the suzerain.

He dismissed the idea.

Most of the time, Xuan Mingzong really looked disdainful to participate in the imperial court's seizure of the heir apparent.

But this time, it was Lu Xuan who took the initiative to commit suicide and blamed Xuan Mingzong.

Of course Lu Zhao doesn't mind adding more fuel to Lu Xuan's fire at this time!

"Pack your bags immediately. I want to go to Xuanming Sect in person to meet with the head of Xuanming Sect."

If it was before, Lu Zhao would not dare to go to Xuanmingzong rashly.

But now, with the news of the successor of Xuanming Sect, Lu Zhao believed that the head of Xuanming Sect must be extremely anxious.

Just pour a little more oil and add some firewood.

Lu Xuan will then know what kind of catastrophe his stupid actions will bring about!
In the palace at this time, Shen Wan also woke up leisurely.

The unfamiliar scene in front of her made her stunned for a moment, but then, what happened last night.

They came back in my mind one after another.

A blush appeared on her fair and jade-like face. Before she continued to think deeply, Shen Wan quickly stopped her memories.

"See the princess."

The maids responsible for serving Shen Wan's grooming also filed in after noticing that Shen Wan had woken up.

"What about Your Majesty?"

Shen Wan endured the faint feeling of shame in her heart and pretended to be nonchalant.

"For your information, Princess, Your Majesty left early in the morning."

The palace maid obviously respects Shen Wan very much, or perhaps, this respect is also because Shen Wan has become the wife of the emperor.

"Your Majesty has always had the habit of getting up early to deal with government affairs. At this moment, he should be handling political affairs in Taiqing Palace."

"I heard that the assassin who broke into the palace yesterday was also called for questioning by His Majesty."

The maid replied respectfully.

"Hmph, what cross-examination?"

Hearing Fan Shiyao's name, Shen Wan's face was suddenly covered with a layer of light frost that even she didn't know existed.

When the maids saw her like this, they seemed to understand something and secretly exchanged glances.

"Okay, get ready to freshen up."

Shen Wan said, suppressing the inexplicable complex emotions in her heart that even Shen Wan herself didn't understand.


The maids hurriedly hid the smile from the corner of their mouths, and stepped forward to wash Shen Wan up.

In Taiqing Palace, Fan Shiyao, who had not had a good sleep all night, was pressed into the main hall and saw the figure sitting on the dragon chair.

A cold and resentful emotion flashed across his eyes.

To her eyes, Lu Xuan didn't seem to care at all, his expression was still so shockingly indifferent.

"As a descendant of the Xuanming Sect, you must also be familiar with many of the Xuanming Sect's techniques."

"Hand over these exercises, and I may spare your life."


Hearing Lu Xuan's request, Fan Shiyao refused without thinking.

Then he looked at Lu Xuan with a complicated expression.

"Your Majesty, you still underestimate Xuan Mingzong's influence in the Dayu Dynasty."

"If the fact that I was captured by mistake this time is reported to my master, Xuan Mingzong will definitely not let it go."

Fan Shiyao's words did not shake Lu Xuan in the slightest.


The look in Lu Xuan's eyes made Fan Shiyao startled.

"That is just the influence on other weak emperors, including the late emperor."

"Do you think I captured you just to blackmail Xuan Mingzong?"

"I can tell you that what I want is just two results from Xuan Mingzong."

Lu Xuan's tone was light, but every word and every word revealed a domineering that made Fan Shiyao's heart tremble.

"Either, you and Xuanmingzong surrendered to me, or Xuanmingzong has ceased to exist since then."


The expression on Fan Shiyao's face finally couldn't bear the drastic change.

"Under the whole world, is it the land of the king, and now the Dayu Jiangshan is the one who is in charge."

"If Xuan Mingzong is not willing to be loyal, then there is no need to exist."

Lu Xuan said coldly.

"You will regret this."

Fan Shiyao only said this, and then Lu Xuanren took her away again.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the task of subduing the Holy Maiden of the Demon Sect and capturing the descendant of the Xuanming Sect alive. 】

[Add 5.00 points to the host's luck value, and increase the national luck value by [-]%. 】

[The host receives a reward, the Emperor’s swordsmanship! 】

[The swordsmanship of the Son of Heaven was created by the Immortal Li Chunfeng who spent his whole life learning before traveling to the Immortal World. 】

[With the Emperor Sword, the power is infinite. 】

[The host gets random summon permission once! 】

(End of this chapter)

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