I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 39 Suzerain Baishan's anger!You don't know anything about the power of Xuan Mingzo

Chapter 39 Suzerain Baishan's anger!You know nothing about the power of Xuan Mingzong!
Seeing Bai Shan's reaction like this, Lu Zhao secretly rejoiced in his heart, but felt guilty on his face.

"It's all my fault. At that time, Miss Fan insisted on entering the palace, but I stopped her to no avail, so I had to send her there."

"Who knew that my third brother was so audacious that he even dared to kidnap a descendant of the Xuanming Sect?"

"And he also colluded with the demon sect's witches."

"This led to Miss Fan being captured. I really feel ashamed of Xuan Mingzong for this matter."

Lu Zhao's acting skills are top-notch, and the heartbroken and guilty expression on his face is unbearable for anyone who sees it.

Seeing Lu Zhao's appearance, although Bai Shan's expression softened slightly, the cold aura in his body still did not dissipate.

"It has nothing to do with the second prince at this time. I'm just thinking that the previous emperors of the Dayu Dynasty have always been on the same page with Xuanming Zong and treated each other with respect."

"Although the new emperor has just ascended the throne, he should not be unaware of the purpose of the Xuanming Sect's existence."

"There may be some misunderstanding about Shi Yao's capture."

At this time, Baishan was not willing to easily believe that the new Emperor Dayu was actually a "self-willed degenerate" who was in company with the demon sect.

And people who don’t distinguish between black and white.

It was this idea that made Baishan hear about Fan Shiyao's capture.

Although he was furious for a while, he didn't explode on the spot.

Lu Zhao also did not expect that the capture of the descendant of Xuan Ming Sect would not make Bai Shan so angry that he lost his mind.

On the contrary, I am still thinking about whether there is any other hidden secret.

"The suzerain doesn't know something. When my father was in power, my third younger brother seemed quite dull and honest."

"So much so that my eldest brother and I thought he was a loyal and kind person."

"I usually take good care of him."

Lu Zhao said without blushing, without heartbeat.

"The emperor father chose the third younger brother to succeed him, and he should also have taken a fancy to the honest and responsible personality of the third younger brother."

"I hope he can adhere to the golden mean and stabilize the Dayu Dynasty."

"But who knew that after the third brother succeeded to the throne, his temperament would change drastically."

"Although the Black-armored Army rebelled, it was only because they were instigated by traitors, but my third brother, without any regard for the crime, ordered all the [-] Black-armored Army to be killed."

"There is also big emperor brother, he chose to rebel, of course he was confused for a while."

"But the third younger brother doesn't care about brotherhood, and wants to kill him and even the subordinates of the mother clan..."

Yunshan listened silently to Lu Zhao's words, and his eyes began to flash.

"Before I saw that the dragon energy of Daewoo's veins was chaotic, and the dynasty was about to fall into turmoil."

"But amidst the chaos, there is a purple-gold dragon energy, which emerges from the turmoil at the right time."

"I conclude that that dragon spirit is the true dragon emperor who can bring blessings to the people of the Dayu Dynasty."

"That's why I sent Shi Yao, who had been practicing in Xuanming Sect, down the mountain, and let her shoulder the important task of choosing the master for the world."

"I didn't expect..."

When Yunshan said this, he paused and took a deep breath.

It was as if he had made up his mind.

"I think there must be a misunderstanding about this matter. Shiyao has just come down from the mountain not long ago, and her ability to deal with the world is still shallow."

"Perhaps the matter of being captured is a misunderstanding between her and the new emperor."

"When I go to the imperial city in person and meet the new emperor, perhaps this crisis can be resolved."

Naturally, Bai Shan didn't have any good impressions of Lu Xuan, the new emperor whom he had never met before.

But he is not stupid, so he will not be easily provoked by Lu Zhao's words.

"Sect Master Bai..."

Seeing that Baishan actually wanted to enter the imperial city to talk with Lu Xuan, Lu Zhao couldn't believe it.

Just about to persuade Bai Shan again, the latter waved his hand.

"Second prince, there is no need to say too much. If this matter is just a misunderstanding, then it will be a good thing for everyone to turn hostility into friendship."

"But if the new emperor is really such a person who can't tell right from wrong, then Xuanmingzong..."

As soon as the words fell, the two suddenly heard what seemed to be coming from the foot of the mountain.

There was a loud noise!
"What happened?"

Baishan's eyes flashed and he looked at the Xuanming Sect disciple beside him.

The latter hurriedly ran out, but came back after a while, and his expression was full of panic.

"Sovereign Lord, at the foot of the mountain, many cavalry in silver and white armor gathered."

"They carried the banner of the Dayu Dynasty and claimed that they came on the orders of the emperor."

When Bai Shan and Lu Zhao heard this, they were startled.


Bai Shan showed a thoughtful look.

"Could it be that His Majesty realized that this was a misunderstanding and sent Shi Yao back?"

Lu Zhao also thought of this possibility, and his eyes became gloomy and uncertain for a moment.

"No, no, suzerain..."

Who knew that the Xuanming Sect disciple was even more panicked after hearing this.

"The leader is a white-haired man dressed in red. He claims that he is here to attack the Xuanming Sect."

"If the suzerain immediately leads all the disciples of Xuanmingzong to go out to greet him in person."

"And bow three times to the east to show my surrender to His Majesty."

"It can avoid an unnecessary disaster..."

Although he hadn't finished speaking, he could feel the volcanic anger on Bai Shan that was about to erupt.

The disciples of Xuanmingzong were still so frightened that their voices stopped abruptly.

"Daewoo new emperor, you are too deceitful!"

Bai Shan clenched his fists, his whole body was astonishing, he gritted his teeth word by word.

Lu Zhao's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that his third younger brother could really make his wishes come true.

Choosing to come to Xuanmingzong to challenge Baishan at this time greatly improved his winning rate.

"Sect Master Bai, there must be some misunderstanding..."

Of course, in order to portray his image as a good old man, Lu Zhao naturally looked like he wanted to persuade him at this time.

"Misunderstanding? The new emperor sent troops to surround our Xuanming Sect."

"He kept claiming that if he didn't beg for mercy, he would kill me, Xuan Mingzong."

"Did this action really put Xuan Mingzong in the slightest regard?"

At this time, Bai Shan had long forgotten that he had wanted to go to Beijing to talk to Lu Xuan just now.

There is only endless anger in my heart.

"Tell the troops at the foot of the mountain that anyone who dares to offend our Xuanming Sect will die!"

"He must not think that Xuan Mingzong is like a black armored army, and he can handle it at his discretion."

"I want this emperor to know today that he knows nothing about Xuanmingzong's strength!"

Bai Shan, whose eyes were red with anger, let go of such shocking remarks!
Seeing that the atmosphere had reached this point, Lu Zhao didn't try to persuade him any more, but quietly stepped aside.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At the foot of Xuanmingzong Mountain.

Under the order of Lu Xuan, Bai Yifei, the blood-clothed Hou Bai who came to subdue Xuan Mingzong.

Dressed in a red dress as bright as blood, he led an army of [-] from the north and stood alone in front of the army.

His eyes full of evil spirit were staring in the direction of Xuan Mingzong with a smile but not a smile.

"It seems that Xuan Mingzong is not willing to surrender."

"In that case, let's die."

Without any hesitation, Bai Yifei raised his hand and remembered the sound of brushing.

The countless soldiers in the army behind him raised their bows and arrows in unison and in unison.

Aim at the existence of Xuan Mingzong!

(End of this chapter)

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