I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 44 Shock of the Holy Demon 2 Dao, Great Master Master!Those who obey me prosper, those who o

Chapter 44 The shock of the Holy Demon and the Great Master!Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!

“The real rise and fall?”

Hearing Fan Shiyao's words, Shen Wan seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes instantly froze.

"Your Majesty, I have heard Master mention it."

"Xuan Mingzong has always been a detached force in the Daewoo Martial Arts for thousands of years."

"But apart from carrying the banner of choosing the master for the world."

"Although the strength of the Xuanming Sect leaders in the past generations is indeed tyrannical, they have not reached the level where they can control the martial arts world unscrupulously."

"She also thought about this issue when she was young, and during that time, she frequently fought against Bai Shan, who would take over the Xuanming Sect in the future."

"That is to say, when the two sides repeatedly confronted each other, Master once discovered it by accident."

"There may be an extremely terrifying existence in the Xuanming Sect."

Shen Wan said to Lu Xuan.

"You mean, there are other masters in Xuanming Sect?"

After listening to Shen Wan's words, Lu Xuan's expression did not change at all, he looked in Fan Shiyao's direction.

The latter also nodded.

"Yes, since I started practicing martial arts, my master taught me to sit quietly in the mountains every day and learn how to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turn it into my own use."

"And when I realized something on this path, I accidentally discovered that there is an extremely powerful aura hidden deep in Xuanmingzong."

"The tyranny of this breath, if compared with my master, is like the light of the sun and the moon, like the brilliance of fireflies."

"I was so frightened that I didn't dare to disturb this breath. From then on, when I practiced, I also restrained myself from absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

It seemed like a very long time ago, but when Fan Shiyao recalled this past event.

In her expression, there was a look of fear that she didn't even notice.

Obviously, this incident caused quite a psychological shock to Fan Shiyao, who was still very young at the time!

Shen Wan was quite shocked when she heard Fan Shiyao's words.

Even Lu Xuan showed a thoughtful expression.

"Baishan's cultivation base is in the middle stage of the master. Such a cultivation base is already a very important existence among the warriors of the Dayu Dynasty."

"But in front of that aura, Baishan's cultivation is so worthless."

"I'm afraid that aura is at least at the Grand Master level."

As soon as Lu Xuan finished speaking, the expressions of Shen Wan and Fan Shiyao were also shocked!
The Grand Master is an existence that even they have only heard of.

Even if I just heard it, there was an invisible feeling of horror in my heart!
Fan Shiyao took a deep breath.

"Indeed, I have always had this doubt in my heart."

"At the beginning when I noticed this aura and asked my master about it, he was also vague and concealed what he wanted to say."

"Until some time ago, when I was ordered by Master to go down the mountain to carry out the Way of Heaven, Master did not reveal anything to me."

"The aura I felt at the beginning was a senior person with a transcendent status hidden in Xuanming Sect."

"It's just that he was seriously injured before and was in a deep sleep, plus I am the heir of Xuanmingzong."

"That's why even though I accidentally discovered him, senior didn't do anything to me."

Fan Shiyao's words fell, and the hall fell into silence.

"Senior of Xuanming Sect."

Shen Wan's eyes flickered, half surprised, half shocked.

Bai Shan is so evasive, the identity of that senior must be very complicated.

Thinking of Xuan Mingzong, there is actually a master at the level of a grand master, Shen Wan felt a little suffocated for a while.

"Furthermore, Master mentioned that the senior has been sleeping for many years in order to accumulate enough heaven and earth spiritual energy to heal his wounds during his sleep."

"But counting the time, his recovery should have been in the last few years."

Fan Shiyao glanced at Lu Xuan with extremely complicated eyes, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Although she didn't say the next words, the meaning was self-evident.

If it is true as what Fan Shiyao said, the transcendent master hidden in Xuan Mingzong has awakened.

Facing the downfall of Xuan Mingzong, he will inevitably carry out a bloody killing and revenge against Lu Xuan next!

In addition to other martial arts and Baidao forces that follow Xuan Mingzong, let alone Lu Xuan.

Even if the entire Daewoo Dynasty is overthrown, it is very possible!

After Fan Shiyao finished speaking, Shen Wan quickly thought of this level, and her expression suddenly changed!
She couldn't help but look at Lu Xuan, but saw that the other party didn't show any panic at all.

Although I don’t know if Lu Xuan has a way to deal with it, it seems to be what Lu Xuan said before.

Calmness is the best tranquilizer to soothe all emotions.

Shen Wan's heart seemed to be a little more at ease at this moment.

But Fan Shiyao was obviously not optimistic about the outcome of this battle on Lu Xuan's side.

"New Emperor, this is what I have to say. If you want to kill or behead, please do as you please."

Thinking of the death of the master and the collapse of the sect.

Fan Shiyao's face was full of sadness and despair, and she also lost the idea of ​​survival in her heart.

At this time, she just wished that Lu Xuan could treat Bai Shan and other Xuanming Sect disciples the same way.

Order yourself to be executed!

But Lu Xuan just glanced at her.

"You still have many secrets of the Xuanming Sect."

"Before everything is clear, I will not let you die so easily."

With a wave of his hand, Lu Xuan asked the guards to take Fan Shiyao away.

"Your Majesty really loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade."

Watching Fan Shiyao's figure disappear behind the main hall door, Shen Wan looked at Lu Xuan with a strange expression.

Although the tone has a seductive meaning, it also has an indescribable complex meaning.

"It seems that I have been too tolerant of you at ordinary times."

Lu Xuan stretched out his hand and gently scratched the tip of Shen Wan's nose. Such an intimate gesture made Shen Wan feel a little shy.

"But it seems that compared to how to deal with Fan Shiyao."

"Your Majesty still think about how to deal with the troubles that will be brought about by the downfall of Xuan Mingzong."

Soon, Shen Wan adjusted her mood and said to Lu Xuanda.

Shen Wan felt a little scared when she thought that Xuanming Sect had a powerful person with the level of Grand Master.

Such an existence, even the entire Demon Sect, would not dare to provoke it easily.

"Why, Aifei is still worried about me at this moment."

"Doesn't my beloved concubine have no idea of ​​escaping for her own life?"

At this time, Lu Xuan was still in the mood to joke with Shen Wan.

"Oh, those righteous people always like to say that people from my Demon Sect are heartless and unjust, but they don't know what I, a girl from the Demon Sect, will think of once I do it."

"Then it will never change for the rest of my life."

After Shen Wan finished speaking, she seemed a little embarrassed, left the ink note and left.

A faint smile flashed across Lu Xuan's expressionless face.

Just this smile, and then spread an endless chill.

"What about the great masters and masters? Those who obey me will prosper, and those who disobey me will perish!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar prompt sounded in Lu Xuan's mind.

[Congratulations to the host, for destroying Xuanmingzong and achieving the achievement of shocking the martial arts. 】

[The host gets 150 points of luck, and the value of national luck increases by [-]%. 】

[The current national luck value has exceeded 30.00%, from the level of 'precarious' to 'turbulent'. 】

[The host has innate dragon energy, and the emperor's air has been greatly improved. 】

[The host receives a reward and has a chance to enter between life and death. 】

[The host obtains a random summoning authority! 】

(End of this chapter)

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