I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 47: Born Martial Arts Master, Li Longxiang!The Baidao uprising puts the Daewoo Dynasty in da

Chapter 47: Born Martial Arts Master, Li Longxiang!The Baidao uprising puts the Daewoo Dynasty in danger!
"Don't worry, second brother, everything you told me has been done."

"The envelope with the whole story of Xuanmingzong's downfall has been placed in the back mountain of Xuanmingzong."

Hearing the other party's words, the last big stone in Lu Zhao's heart finally fell to the ground.

He nodded and looked at the jade-faced young man in front of him.

"Well, of course I feel relieved when you do things."

The jade-faced son in front of him is Lu Zhao's cousin in his mother's clan, named Li Yu.

Li Yu was very smart. In these years, Lu Zhao lived in the capital and competed with Lu Yin for the throne.

He couldn't return to his fief often, and Li Yu took care of most of the competition.

He also trusted Li Yu very much.

Hearing Lu Zhao's words, Li Yu also grinned.

"The second brother's words are going to hurt my younger brother."

"Everyone in our clan believes that the second brother is the true Dragon Emperor."

"No matter which way the second brother chooses to go, we will support you."

Li Yu's words also touched Lu Zhao's heart very much.

He stood up and patted Li Yu's shoulder.

"Don't worry, when I become a great treasure, I will definitely not forget you and my mother clan."

Li Yu smiled again when he heard Lu Zhao's assurance.

"But second brother, are you really sure that the master of Xuanming Sect will take action?"

Hearing Li Yu's question, Lu Zhao smiled confidently.

"Before his death, Bai Shan, the leader of the Xuanming Sect, mentioned to me that there was a hidden master in the Xuanming Sect."

"Just sleeping for some reason, but he woke up recently."

"Once he wakes up and finds out about the destruction of Xuanming Sect, he will definitely not let go of Lu Xuanshan."

"No matter what attitude that master has towards us, an enemy's enemy is a friend, that's the truth."

After hearing Lu Zhao's analysis, Li Yu also nodded.

"The battle is imminent. In the past few days, I will leave it to you to select the grandmasters and innate masters who can fight from the mother clan."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhao said to Li Yu again.

Li Yu nodded without hesitation when he heard that.

"Don't worry, second brother, our Li family has been keeping a low profile these years just for this moment."

Speaking of this, Li Yu couldn't help but sneered.

"Back then, the eldest prince just worshiped a master master as his master, and he acted like he was invincible all day long."

"I don't put you in the eyes at all, but I don't know the truth of shooting the first bird."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Lu Zhao's mouth.

The Li family not only made great military exploits, but also a family with a long tradition of martial arts.

It's just that in the beginning, in order to support Lu Zhao's fight for the throne, the Li family has been hiding their strength.

The reason is that one day, he can catch his opponent by surprise!
"Now our Li clan already has three masters in the master realm."

"No top-notch force in the Daewoo Wulin dares to confront us head-on."

"Including other martial arts masters who are willing to join forces with us, the number of grandmasters should be about fifty."

"Innate and acquired masters, there are even tens of thousands of them."

"Even if the master never shows up, these troops alone are enough for us to defeat the Imperial City."

"Second brother, you are firmly on the throne."

Li Yu always thought that he was cautious enough compared to Lu Zhao, a bold and careful genius.

But unexpectedly, Lu Zhao just shook his head after hearing what he said.

"You underestimate Lu Xuan too much. This person is a hundred times more troublesome than the first prince."

"I can tell you with certainty that it was because of my own arrogance that Brother Dahuang died at his hands."

"But no matter how cautious he is, he won't be wronged at all if he loses to Lu Xuan."

"Until now, I'm not sure how many chips Lu Xuan still has hidden in his hands."

"Facing this person, even with 12 points of caution, it is not an exaggeration."

This was the first time Lu Zhao spoke to Li Yu in such a cautious tone.

And Li Yu, who had always believed in Lu Zhao's words, was terrified to see Lu Zhao being so cautious.

Immediately putting away the contempt in his heart, he nodded.

"By the way, second brother."

"Xiao Si heard the news of your return, and has been pestering me for the past few days, saying that he wants to see you."

"He also said that if you prepare to attack the capital, he will accompany you and help you."

When it comes to Xiaosi, Li Yu looks like he has some headaches, but he doesn't know what to do.

Not only him, Lu Zhao also frowned after hearing this.

The little four in Li Yu's mouth is also his cousin in the mother clan, named Li Longxiang.

Li Longxiang was born with great strength and talent since he was a child.

Even a master of martial arts needs to be at the level of a grand master, in order to have a powerful blow that can rival a thousand catties.

The upper limit of an innate master is often only a few hundred kilograms.

But when Li Longxiang was three years old, he could lift heavy objects within a hundred catties.

When he was seven years old, even the strength of an elephant could not match him.

It can be said that he is a natural martial arts master!

But Li Longxiang was born with dementia, and he was also very stubborn.

If you accidentally provoke him and hit him with a punch, even if you don't die, you will still have half your life.

In the entire Li family, Li Longxiang only listened to Lu Zhao.

In Lu Zhao's absence, only Li Yu spoke, and he could barely obey him.

Apart from that, it is difficult for anyone to use him.

"Second brother, Longxiang is almost as powerful as a master now."

"And he has always listened to you, why not let him be the pioneer of the Xuanjia Army."

"It can also clear the obstacles in front of you as soon as possible."

Li Yu thought about it, and gave Lu Zhao his suggestion.

Lu Zhao frowned, thought for a long time, and then nodded slowly.

"Well, let's do as you say."

Thinking of putting Li Longxiang by his side to watch, the possibility of causing trouble should be very small.

In this way, he could get another grandmaster-level help, so Lu Zhao also agreed to Li Yu's suggestion.

"The war is imminent, you have to be careful in everything you do, and don't be careless!"

When everything seems close at hand and at your fingertips.

On the contrary, Lu Zhao became more cautious.

Five days later.

A piece of shocking news swept through the Daewoo Dynasty.

The new emperor is benevolent, not only greedy for beauty, but also imprisoned the successor of Xuanmingzong, the first white Taoist holy place in the martial arts.

He even sent a large army to kill Xuanmingzong regardless of whether it was indiscriminate or indiscriminate!

This move also aroused the dissatisfaction of countless Bai Dao forces in the Dayu Wulin.

But the second prince Lu Zhao, who loves the common people, was framed by the courtiers under the new emperor for treason.

Casting a cold arrow severely injured the second prince, forcing the second prince to return to his own fief and not to return to the capital.

Coupled with the cruel actions of the new emperor in the past, the Wulin Baidao forces deliberated.

Decided to rise up, support the second prince Lu Zhao, and overthrow the regime of the new emperor Lu Xuan!
Let the True Dragon Emperor return to his throne!
(End of this chapter)

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