I have ascended the throne, why did my father rebel?

Chapter 8 Half-step Grandmaster, Shocking Taiqian Palace!The new emperor succeeds to the throne and

Chapter 8 Half-step Grandmaster, Shocking Taiqian Palace!The new emperor succeeds to the throne and bows his head to worship the Son of Heaven!
Sanqianyuan's words shocked the entire Taiqian Palace.


Lu Yin almost blurted out.

"The Black Armored Army has a total of 1 people, and they are well-equipped."

"Even if we gather all the forces in the imperial city, it will not be easy to suppress them!"

Lu Yin's eyes were fixed on Sanqianyuan. There didn't seem to be many majestic men in front of him, which made him doubt whether what the other party said was true.

"The [-] black armor troops have been ordered to wipe out by my [-] bad guys, leaving no one behind."

"Wang Yong's head is here, does your Highness have any doubts?"

Sanqianyuan said calmly.

"3000 people?"

When Lu Yin and others heard these words, their expressions changed again!

With 3000 people, take down nearly [-] Black Armored Army?
In their eyes, this is almost impossible!
"What others can't do, doesn't mean I, a bad person, can't do it."

"Where the heart of the emperor is going is where the blade of the bad guy is pointing!"

Sanqianyuan sneered, causing Lu Yin to clenched his fists.

"Bad people? What kind of force is that?"

At this time, there were whispers all around.

"I have never heard of it. Could it be that it was supported by the late emperor and another force besides the Dragon Guards?"

"But this bad guy can wipe out [-] Black Armored Army with a number of [-], and their combat power is probably even higher than that of the Dragon Guards!"

The dragon guards in the main hall were also quite shocked at this time.

As the left arm and right arm of the emperor, they are the first line of defense in front of the emperor when danger comes.

The Black Armored Army rebelled and once came to the capital.

As dragon guards and protecting the emperor, they naturally have a duty to protect the emperor.

But someone took a step ahead of them and solved all the problems for the emperor seemingly easily.

This method made them all feel ashamed!

"very good."

After Lu Xuan's voice sounded, the entire hall seemed to be silent for a moment.

He set his eyes on the two bloody heads in front of Sanqianyuan.

Immediately afterwards, a icy smile appeared on Lu Xuan's face that was as handsome as a fairy.

"However, Sanqianyuan, you made a mistake."

"The chaos of the Black Armored Army has not completely subsided, and there are still suspicious people hiding in the imperial city!"

In the next moment, Lu Xuan's eyes were like two sharp swords, stern and mighty, shooting straight at somewhere!
Seen by Lu Xuan's eyes, Xiao Meng's heart seemed to be frozen.

His mind went blank and he knelt on the ground instinctively.

The rough voice was trembling uncontrollably at this moment.

"Your Majesty, I am wronged!"

Lu Xuan smiled slightly, but it made people feel chilly.

"Injustice? Before the situation of the rebel army is clear, you are eager to let me give up the enthronement ceremony and leave."

"More and more, it is said that there are ministers in the imperial city colluding with the black armor rebels."

"Where did your intelligence come from? If you didn't collude with the rebels, why didn't you report it earlier?"

Lu Xuan spoke slowly and calmly, word by word.

But every time I say a word, it makes people feel cold.

Xiao Meng opened his mouth eager to defend at first, but when he heard the back, he knelt there like an ice sculpture.

Kong opened his mouth, unable to utter a single word!
"Your Majesty, this is a dereliction of duty."

After Sanqianyuan listened to Lu Xuan's words, his expression was also stern.

He kowtowed three times to Lu Xuan, then got up, looking at Xiao Meng from head to toe with icy eyes.

Xiao Meng suddenly yelled, got up and ran outside.

"Stop him!"

The commander of the six imperial guards shouted loudly before taking a step forward.

A black shadow flashed in front of his eyes.

While Xiao Meng took two steps forward, his head was like a kite with a broken string.

With a rain of blood, it fell into the hall!

Xiao Meng's body ran forward half a step, and then fell to the ground.

There was exclamation among the officials, and everyone subconsciously took a step back, away from Xiao Meng's existence.

Their gazes were either surprised or fearful looking at Sanqianyuan standing three feet away from Xiao Meng's body.

The long knife held by Sanqianyuan was shining brightly, not even stained with blood.

You can imagine how sharp it is.

But what shocked them even more was the agility shown by Sanqianyuan just now!

"So fast, even the afterimage can't be seen clearly."

"I'm afraid it's at least half the strength of a master!"

Half-step Grandmaster, everyone's hearts trembled when they thought of this.

The masters of the Grandmaster Realm, but those first-class forces, should be regarded as the existence of honored guests.

Putting it in a second-rate force, it is a proper suzerain.

With such strength, he is willing to be a dog and horse for others?

"Your Majesty, all the rebels have been killed."

Sanqianyuan seemed unaware of the gazes of the people around him. He leaned over and picked up Xiao Meng's head and walked to the front of the main hall.

He placed the three heads side by side, then knelt down again and bowed his head.

The main hall fell into dead silence again, including Lu Yin, Lu Zhao and others.

At this time, he was also captured by the breath of Sanqianyuan, and was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a while.

Lu Xuan glanced at the entire hall, taking in everyone's reactions one by one.

The corners of his lips slightly raised, and the next moment, the real dragon spirit on his body was released again!
This time, Lu Xuan unleashed the True Dragon Qi without reservation, covering the entire Taigan Palace.

Some ministers couldn't even withstand the majesty of the real dragon's energy and immediately knelt down!

"Congratulations to the emperor on his enthronement, long live my emperor!"

Sanqianyuan looked as zealous as a believer and knelt down in the direction of Lu Xuan.

Outside Taigan Palace, the three thousand bad guys kneeling outside seemed to be telepathically telepathic.

Shouting loudly together.

"Congratulations to the emperor on his enthronement, long live my emperor!"

"Congratulations to the emperor on his enthronement, long live my emperor!"

The momentum is so great that it shocks people's hearts!
Under the influence of such a shocking scene, some ministers who were not completely shocked by the real dragon's energy on the spot.

My heart trembled, and my knees softened involuntarily.

One after another, they fell to their knees on the ground.

Their hearts trembled, and they simply started shouting.

"Congratulations to the emperor on his enthronement, long live my emperor!"

The momentum was so great that it almost seemed like the roof of Taigan Palace could be lifted off.

Lu Yin and Lu Zhao, hearing the congratulations in their ears, had involuntarily ugly expressions.

But they couldn't resist Lu Xuan's true dragon spirit, so they could only kneel on the ground.

Bow your head and worship the Son of Heaven!
"From now on, except for the rebels who committed crimes today, I will pardon the world."

"In the imperial city, fireworks will be set off for three consecutive days to celebrate!"

Amidst the loud congratulations, Lu Xuan slowly got up, his voice was not loud, but it was as if he was piercing through stone.

Clearly passed into everyone's ears!

Amnesty to the world, which also represents the Dayu Dynasty, officially has a new emperor!
(End of this chapter)

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