Starting from Xiao Li Feidao

Chapter 63 The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes

Chapter 63 The Plan Can't Keep Up With Changes

In the end, Sanqi was still planning to leave this broken place and stop looking for Ah Fei!
What are you doing with that idiot?Not to mention thankless, it is easy to provoke a show.

What's more, even without him, Ah Fei would come out by himself...

Until then, let's get him to be a thug again!Right?
What's more, although this beast doesn't want to admit it, he is still a little afraid of Lin Xian'er in his heart.

Sometimes, Sanqi really admires these girls in the ancient world. Look at Lin Shiyin, she has Li Xunhuan, who has always protected her...

As for this Lin Xian'er, there is also A Fei who has been protecting her personally!
This is completely impossible to start wow.

Uh~~ Don't get me wrong, Sanchi doesn't have any covetous intentions towards those two girls!His so-called attack...

In fact, it is just a self-protective action taken by both parties when there may be a conflict of interest.

Take Lin Shiyin for example, Sanqi has a conflict of interest with her.Because of "Lianhua Baojian"...

Fortunately, that girl was so cunning that she accidentally got herself into a trap.

Another example is Lin Xianer, Sanqi also has a conflict of interest with her.

Not to mention the purpose of this beast coming here this time, the current situation is that even if he doesn't cause trouble for Lin Xian'er... that bitch has already set her sights on him!
What will happen to the guys who are targeted by Lin Xianer?

Moreover, if Lin Xian'er wanted to win him over...

That's troublesome - that girl only has one method, but Sanqi doesn't like her face, and she doesn't want to have so many "comrades" appear inexplicably!
However, if Lin Xian'er wants to deal with him...

That's even more troublesome - that girl will use her unique method to win over a large group of people and launch a fearless attack!

Sanqi is not afraid of this.

But if, every time, he could only silently fight those "little monster sales" that Lin Xian'er recruited, but he could only let the culprit roam around...

It's so frustrating!

What?You said you killed Lin Xian'er together?
Hehe, you can hack one now and try it!Look at that silly boy, Ah Fei, is he crazy?
Of course, at Sanqi's level, he was no longer afraid of Ah Fei.

But the question is, how lethal would a crazy Ah Fei be?
It’s hard to measure it with common sense, right?

It's over, even if he worked hard to subdue Ah Fei...

Could it really be possible to kill him?

As mentioned before, Sanqi's favorable impression of A Fei is greater than his favorable impression of Li Xun Huan!

He always felt that Li Xunhuan was a little unpredictable...

The most important thing is, do you still remember what he is going to do?

He is here to do good things!

Although this beast has some small ideas of his own, he really wants to save A Fei!

Then, do good deeds go as far as this?
Just hack the person being helped to death?
Sanqi is not the group of Alphas in the White Bear Country!
In short, now that I know that Lin Xian'er may have bad intentions towards me...

After thinking about it, the animal decisively chose to leave here.

The worst thing is to find a nook to nest in for a year. After a year, he can almost walk away!However……

However, Sanqi had a beautiful idea.

However, what do you mean by "the plan cannot keep up with the change"?What do you mean by "people's calculations can't catch up with heaven's calculations"?

Which bastard is it, saying that he is "surpassing the son of heaven"?

Come~ come~ come!You stand up!Stand up and let me see!

I want to see what kind of virtues this guy who is so "victorious over the world" has developed into?

Early the next morning, Sanqi, who had already made up his mind to run away, looked at Ah Fei walking towards him, and his inner sorrow and anger were simply beyond words!
Ah Fei, still the same Ah Fei.

Because Sanqi recognized him at a glance!
With big eyes and a straight nose, Ah Fei still looks so handsome, even more handsome than before.Because that silly boy knows how to dress up!
He combed his hair to be smooth and smooth, and his clothes were also a new and clean blue shirt.

But Ah Fei is no longer the same Ah Fei as before.because……

Because that silly boy didn't know this before?
But Sanqi remembered clearly, the first time he met Ah Fei, that silly boy was dressed in rags, and wanted to snatch his straw rope!

Of course, the reason why he said Ah Fei was not the Ah Fei before, nor was it entirely because of the silly boy's clothes.

After all, Sanqi's own clothes are also different from before.

When he met A Fei for the first time, he was not much better than A Fei in the clothes he wore at that time...

What makes that silly boy really different from before is his temperament!
The former A Fei was rebellious and aggressive!

In the past, A Fei was like a wolf, walking alone in the ice and snow, refusing to accept help from others!

Once upon a time, Ah Fei's sword was as fast as the wind and lightning, making all the heroes in the world tremble with fear!

The former Ah Fei...he kicked Sanqi once!This matter cannot pass!
Sanqi, a broad-minded beast, will remember this for the rest of his life!

But now A Fei, his eyes have been lost, and the power that seemed to be able to shock people in the past can't be seen on his face, the aloof and fierce expression of the past...

His eyes actually became extremely peaceful.

This made him look like a peasant boy who had never seen anything in the world!
Of course, this does not mean that he has learned how to restrain his edge and hide his strength and bide his time. His realm has also reached the level of returning to the basics.

totally not!

Because of the peace in Ah Fei's eyes... the peace is almost dull!

Of course Sanqi is quite familiar with this.

Before he came to this world, the image he showed to others...

Anyway, when he is calm, he basically has this virtue.

But the problem is, at that time, he was recognized as a "fool" in the eyes of others!

Of course Ah Fei is not a fool!

But it's just not stupid...

His eyes are calm now, but it is difficult to focus.

It seems that he is so careless about everything, but in fact, it is because...

He had no choice but to concentrate!
We all know that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

For a normal person, some of his emotions, and even some desire to forget, can be reflected in his eyes.

But Ah Fei's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water!
His eyes are no longer as agile as before!

By the way, I and this silly boy have been separated for less than a year.In terms of days, he and Lin Xianer only spent a few months together...

How many sleeping pills did that bitch feed him every day?
Sanqi smacked her lips. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should go up and say hello to A Fei...

But Ah Fei, after all, is Ah Fei.

When that silly boy bumped into Sanqi head-on, his dull eyes seemed to flash a light suddenly...

He was a little surprised at first, and even this surprise made his expression look a little dazed!
Finally, A Fei slowly squeezed out a smile on his face...

Ouch~~ Damn it!Can this silly boy laugh?
Sanqi was a little bit slanderous.

He still couldn't forget that when he and Ah Fei met before, that stupid boy never treated him well!
However, reach out and don't hit the smiling face.

Ah Fei finally gave me a good face...

Suddenly, I was a little flattered!
He quickly returned a, bigger smile.

"Let's go! Let's go drink, I'll treat you!" Sanqi grabbed A Fei's arm and dragged him towards the small wine shop.

Ah Fei struggled a bit, "I won't go. I've given up drinking. Drinking too much alcohol is always bad for your health."

Sanqi was silent for a moment, then turned around and said, "Then if you don't drink alcohol, you can't also eat meat, right? Wait!"

After all, the animal went into the wine shop.

In a short time, he brought out two jars of wine and a large piece of cooked beef...

Ah Fei was sitting on the roof of the small wine shop, slowly eating beef, while Sanqi was also sitting on the roof of the small wine shop, slowly drinking wine...

This place, of course, was chosen by Sanqi.

Ah Fei started chatting with Sanqi about his current life.

For example, one day he caught a fox and sold it for ten taels of silver in the town!
For example, one day he beat a wild wolf, and he sold it for more than a dozen taels of silver in the town!
For example, one day he actually saw a lynx and almost caught the beast...

Sanqi responded casually, and at the same time was thinking wildly.

He vaguely remembered that A Fei would be tricked by Lin Xian'er.

But he never thought that A Fei would become like this!
So, what is it that makes that unruly young man become so arrogant?

Could it be loneliness?

For the old Ah Fei, that silly boy probably didn't care about loneliness. He didn't have this concept!

After all, this wolf-like boy who grew up in the wilderness, hunger, loneliness... These are things he has gotten used to, and even has to get used to.

Who cares about those things that he has long been accustomed to?
But since living in seclusion with Lin Xianer, A Fei has changed...

This seclusion is naturally necessary to live the life of ordinary people.

But the life of ordinary people...

Sanqi really didn't know how A Fei slowly adapted and gradually started to get used to it.

Come to think of it, Lin Xian'er should have contributed a lot in this, right?

Therefore, many times, this beast can't figure out whether Lin Xianer tricked A Fei or helped that stupid boy more?

After all, when Ah Fei just made his debut, with his temper at that time, his personality at that time, his almost completely unsophisticated way of dealing with the world, and his mentality of eager to become famous...

If we let him go and dive headlong into the big dye vat of Jianghu, it would be strange if that stupid boy didn't get a bloody head!
There are many people like Zhao Zhengyi and Tian Qi in the Jianghu, and they can't tolerate them the most, a stunned young man like A Fei!

Ah Fei could kill one or two, how could he still kill everyone?
Therefore, his ending will definitely not be too good!
It may not be long before he is ruined by those old gangsters and everyone calls for beatings...

Ouch~~ Damn it!Why is this process so familiar?
Sanqi thought about it and suddenly took a breath of air--isn't this my personal experience?I am such a good person, and my reputation is now... so bad that I have a bad reputation for several miles?
However, I have a system master, I can treat them as "weirds" and beat them!I can get stronger as I fight!

What's up with A Fei?That silly boy...

Hey~~I’m going!That silly boy, he has the aura of the protagonist!
Gu Dashen personally admitted that in this world, A Fei is the protagonist!But, that Jiu Mengzi accidentally let Li Xunhuan steal A Fei's limelight...

Ahem!Then it'll be fine.

However, no matter what, Ah Fei is a little bit "human" like he is now, which is much better than being like a "wolf" before!
At the very least, with his previous virtues, he will definitely not be able to become the famous "flying swordsman" in the future...

However, in everything, if there is a good place, there must be a bad place.

With the "human" spirit, there will naturally be "human" troubles, and there will also be "human" loneliness!

Ah Fei, of course, will also feel lonely...

If you think about it carefully, Lin Xianer, although on the surface, cared about him in every possible way.

But these two guys don't have much time to get in touch.

Ah Fei had to go hunting during the day to support his family, but finally at night, he went to bed very early again!

And unlike Lin Xian'er, that girl has plenty of people to contact...

So Ah Fei, who can he go to in this shabby place where he is unfamiliar with his life?

This silly boy, when he can only be bored, he counts the leaves on the tree!
So, of course he would be happy to finally see a guy he was familiar with!
Otherwise, how could he give Sanqi a good face?
People used to look down on that animal at all!

Sanqi thought about these things, and for a while, he didn't know how to face Ah Fei.

You say you sympathize with that silly boy, but right now, his face is filled with happiness!
Say you envy that silly boy... Ha~~ Bah!Who is so envious of him?That's all an illusion!
Ah Fei was there and talked for a long time about himself and his life recently.

Then, he suddenly turned his head to look at Sanqi, "I remember, Brother Li used to like to drink too... Judging by your appearance, you should also drink every day...I used to drink some too. But now, I really I don't understand, what's so good about this wine?"

Thirty-seven and one stunned.

Yeah, what’s so good about this wine?

In his previous life, he couldn't afford to drink.He can't afford to drink in the main world either!
This world... damn it!Since when did Lao Tzu never leave his hand with alcohol?

Sanqi hugged the wine jar in his hand, and pondered for a long time without moving...

This matter is all Li Xunhuan's fault!

After Lu came over, the first person he met was Jiu Mengzi!

But you can't tell Ah Fei this!

So, the animal thought about it again, and then said, "Of course wine is nothing to drink, but people like us don't drink wine at all... What we drink is loneliness!"

That's right, even though the first guy I met was Li Xunhuan, the culprit who really made me drink... was that Mrs. Bai!

Thinking of this, Sanqi couldn't help becoming silent.

"Lonely? Yes, loneliness..." Ah Fei let out a long sigh, and then said again, "I don't know how Brother Li is doing now..."

"Him? He's very good! He stays by his beloved woman's side all day long, what's wrong with that?" Sanqi shook her head.

He finally realized that all the bastards around him were lovers!

Ah Fei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Yeah, it's an extremely happy thing to be by the side of my beloved girl! By the way, I also have a girl I like..." A Fei was full of excitement, but suddenly he seemed to think of something, and said suddenly , "Did you tell me a fortune teller before?"

Sanqi rolled her eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Ah Fei had a serious face, "I once said, if you don't calculate correctly, I will kill you... You are indeed wrong! But, now, I won't do anything to you."

"If it wasn't for you, maybe we wouldn't have gotten to know each other so smoothly, right? There is indeed a word 'immortal' in her name, but she never tricked me, and she even saved my life!"

Apart from drinking, what else could Sanqi do at this time?
He could only perfunctoryly say, "I know, the number one beauty in the martial arts world... It's spread all over the world! It is said that you kidnapped her!"

A Fei's expression changed.

Obviously, this silly boy thought of some not-so-good things...

After a moment of silence, he finally continued, "I know, you just came from Brother Li. I don't know what Brother Li told you... Yes! Xian'er's reputation is not very good. But she is really, really a very good person!"


hehe!Although she is so, so, and so, she is really a good girl!

What the hell, I can't answer your words!
Enduring the toothache, Sanqi was silent for a long time, and then slowly said, "Actually, my reputation is not very good now..."

Ah Fei's eyes lit up!
When this silly boy heard this, not only did he not mind it at all, but he thought that Sanqi would definitely understand Lin Xianer.

You two have a bad reputation!This is all slandered by others!You don't think you're a bad guy, do you?
"Let's go! I'll take you back to my house!" A Fei was so excited that he grabbed Sanqi's arm...

(End of this chapter)

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