The Overlord of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 173 Attacking Runan

The alliance between Chen Sheng and Yuan Shu can be said to be a blatant closeness, and the other is eager for an alliance, so it can be said that they hit it off.

Then, Yuan Yin said loudly, "Your Majesty also has this intention, and is willing to establish a lip-to-mouth alliance with General Jianzhong." At that time, the two sides became allies.

"Hahaha, okay, east and west are one family, and we will fight against the strong Cao, Wu Sun." Chen Sheng laughed and said.Qiang Cao and Wu Sun are the current enemies of the two sides. Since the two sides have become fierce, they should help the other side to fight against their respective enemies.

"It should be so." In the current living environment, Yuan Shu is weaker than Chen Sheng, and Sun Ce is more aggressive than Cao Cao.Therefore, after listening to Chen Sheng's words, Yuan Yin agreed almost without hesitation.

Afterwards, Chen Sheng discussed with Yuan Yin some detailed rules of the alliance, after everything in Wancheng.Not only Chen Sheng was full of smiles, Yuan Yin was also beaming with joy, and the atmosphere between the two parties was unusually harmonious. [

"Since the alliance has been completed, I will take my leave first." Soon after, Yuan Yin said goodbye.

"Leaving so soon? Don't you live in Wancheng?" Chen Sheng was slightly surprised.

"My Majesty attaches great importance to this alliance, and is also eager to know the consequences. Therefore, I will not stay any longer." Yuan Yin said a little embarrassed.

This time, their side was really hungry and thirsty.

"I see." Chen Sheng was a little funny when he heard the words, but nodded in understanding.

Immediately, Yuan Yin left, and Chen Sheng ordered Fang Gu to send Yuan Yin out of the general's mansion.

After the two left, Chen Sheng did not leave immediately.Instead, he waited for Fang Gu to come back. He wanted to know how Huainan Yuan Shu's current strength was.

"Now the two sides are an alliance of lips and teeth, an offensive and defensive alliance. Then I will send troops to rescue Lu Bu and fight against Cao Cao. Then maybe I can also draw Yuan Shu's forces. If Yuan Shu is added, then the chance of my rescue success will increase a lot."

Chen Sheng had wishful thinking in his heart.

"Da da da." Soon after, Fang Gu turned back and was about to reply.Chen Sheng waved his hand directly and said: "Don't talk about gossip, let's talk about the current situation in Huainan?"

Fang Gu thought about the words, and then said: "General, the current situation in Huainan is not very good. Yuan Shu was already weak because he was besieged by the princes from all sides because he claimed to be emperor. Now Huainan is full of disasters. The magistrates of all cities and counties have already left their morality, and I'm afraid they won't be able to last for a few years."

"Yuan Shu has weakened to such an extent." Chen Sheng said thoughtfully.As recorded in history, Yuan Shu had already run out of fuel.

but.History could have been different.The alliance between me and Yuan Shu should give Yuan Shu a shot in the arm, so that the problem of centrifugal force can be alleviated, and maybe Yuan Shu can last for a few more years.


Chen Sheng's eyes gleamed with greed, as long as Yuan Shu can last for a few years.I will rescue Lu Bu first and seize Jingzhou. Maybe I can get my hands on the land of Huainan.

At this point, some judges are afraid that they will be confused.

Chen Sheng did not want to take Xuzhou, but wanted to get involved in Huainan.Isn't this a lost watermelon and want to pick up sesame seeds?actually.This is exactly Chen Sheng's consideration for not blindly coveting big profits, but proceeding from reality to obtain what suits his own interests.

It starts with where Huainan is. There are actually four situations in the name of the place in the Han Dynasty.One is the state, one is the county, and one is the county.This is what most people know.But a few people probably don't know that the Han Dynasty also had an administrative unit called the state.

This country is neither a county nor a county.It is a number of counties, or a combination of counties, and an area ruled by a vassal king in name, which is called a country. [

And Huainan.But it is neither a county nor a country.Huainan is just a general name. He is located in the south of Huaihe, including some places in Jiujiang County and Lujiang County.

This place used to be very rich, with a population of one million, which is the essence of Yangzhou.But since being occupied by Yuan Shu, it has plummeted.

At present, it is dilapidated and the population is not enough, not even comparable to Xuzhou.

However, the Huainan area has a geographical advantage.This place is located in the south of the Huaihe River. This is a natural barrier that can prevent the Central Plains cavalry from going south.

Moreover, Huainan is mountainous, and it is a very good place for defense.After all, such a complex terrain can make many ambushes, or something.

Very beneficial to the defender.

Compared with Xuzhou, Huainan wins in this place.If Chen Sheng captures Huainan, the north can guard against Cao Jun's cavalry going south and further expand its power.

It can also prevent Jiangdong Sun Ce from going north and expand Jiangdong's power.Moreover, this place is connected to Runan, if it is occupied, it can be developed into a large and powerful force.

In addition, according to the expansion of power, Chen Sheng will definitely conflict with Sun Ce.

If you occupy Huainan, you can go north to Jiangdong.If you occupy Jingzhou, you can go from east to Jiangdong.Surrounded on both sides, thus occupying an advantage.

For Chen Sheng, who has raised his ambition from destroying Cao to establishing a power and creating a king's business, this piece of land has a strange strategic significance.

However, this is all a few years away.At present, it is better to rescue Lu Bu first, and then occupy Jingzhou.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng put down the Huainan matter.However, thinking of this, Chen Sheng felt a little strange.He laughed at himself: "Sure enough, there are ulterior motives in people's minds. I have been thinking about Huainan since I formed an alliance with Yuan Shu."

Isn't it because they just formed an alliance and haven't warmed up yet?

Forget it, if you become a prince, you have to be tricky.Those heroes who occupy the city are all enemies.Allies have never really existed.

After being weird for a while, Chen Sheng eliminated the weird feeling.

When the location changes, the heart of the person changes accordingly.All the princes in this world, whether they are allies or enemies, are all the targets of Chen Sheng's elimination.

Anyway, in this way, the alliance between Chen Sheng and Yuan Shu was settled.Then, it was a process of waiting for Cao Cao to send troops to attack Lu Bu, and Chen Sheng sent troops to rescue.

However, among them, the plan to seize [-] or [-] cities in Runan is also being implemented.

On this day, the sky was gradually getting dark.Chen Sheng had dinner and was going to read a book.Then fell asleep.But Zhou Cang told him that Li Yan asked to see him.

"This coach who conquers Runan can't wait." Chen Sheng immediately understood Li Yan's intentions, and laughed.

"Go, go to the hall." Chen Sheng waved his hand and put down the scroll.Go in the direction of the hall. [


Zhou Cang promised and followed up.

Not long after, the two came to the hall, but Li Yan was already gone.At this moment, Li Yan is still ugly, but the lean aura all over his body is getting stronger.His eyes were full of spirits, and he was wearing armor, giving him a bit of might.

It's a lot different from the way it was back then.


Seeing Chen Sheng walking in, Li Yan saluted.

"Excuse me." Chen Sheng waved his hand to signal excuse.Then he went straight to the first seat and sat down.He smiled and asked: "Why, but I can't wait, I'm going to go to Runan."

Zhou Cang glanced at Li Yan, followed Chen Sheng up, and stood beside Chen Sheng.

"Reporting to the general, the general is impatient to make a contribution." Regarding Chen Sheng's question, Li Yan was single.He readily admitted it.

The spirit in the eyes was flying, and turned into an aggressive edge.

"What a Shu Han assistant minister Li Yan." Seeing this, Chen Sheng secretly applauded.Similarly, there is no reason to attack Li Yan.Therefore, Chen Sheng said with a smile: "Okay, I allow you to lead your troops to Runan tomorrow to join Liu Pi."


Seeing that Chen Sheng had agreed to go on the expedition, Li Yan was excited and promised loudly.The body trembled even more excitedly, and finally, it was time for the sword to be unsheathed.

I, Li Yan, want to show people from Jingzhou.I am not a petty official, I am a talent for great things.

Li Yan, who had been under pressure for many years, finally spoke his own voice in his heart.

"Then go down and get ready." Seeing Li Yan's appearance like a hungry wild wolf, wishing to eat meat and drink blood immediately, Chen Sheng became more confident.said with a smile.


Li Yan promised again, turned around and walked down.

"Finally we are going to open up Runan. Liu Biao, you want to use food to control me, but it is useless. And after occupying [-] or [-] cities in Runan, most of Runan is mine, and I can call myself the governor of Runan. This The title is really good." After Li Yan left, Chen Sheng said with a relaxed and cold smile.

"Yuan Jian, ordered Fang Gu, and Liao Hua to lead the soldiers and horses of the battalion. Tomorrow morning, they will assemble in the east of the city. I will personally lead the army to meet Cao Cao's general, Li Tong."

Chen Sheng ordered.

According to the previous article, there is also a Cao Wei general in Runan, Li Tong, who occupies eight cities in Runan and has [-] elite soldiers. In history, this person is as famous as Wenpin.Li Yan, Liu Pi, and Gong Du added up to [-] elite soldiers, and it would be no problem to capture those [-] or [-] cities.

But if Li Tong attacked the rear, I'm afraid they will suffer.

Therefore, to attack Runan, Chen Sheng had to attack Li Tong to contain Li Tong.

But Liao Hua and Fang Gu had nine thousand troops combined, which was more than enough.

"Promise." Zhou Cang knew Chen Sheng's plan a long time ago, calmly agreed, and went down to deliver the order.

In this way, following Chen Sheng's order, most of the troops in Wancheng were mobilized and ready to go out.

Early the next morning, in the east of Wancheng.Three armies were assembled, Wei Yan, Li Yan, and Fang Gu each led their own troops and horses, forming three square formations.

There are many soldiers, and the banners are unfurled, which is really chilling and mighty.

In front of the general's mansion, Chen Sheng got on his horse, surrounded by Zhou Cang and hundreds of guards, ready to go out.In front of the mansion, Wei Yan, Jia Xu, and Hu Che'er saw each other off.

"Wancheng will be handed over to you three." Chen Sheng raised his fist at the three of them and said.

"Don't worry, general." Jia Xu, Wei Yan, and Hu Che'er bowed down together. Jia Xu still had the same expression, while Wei Yan and Hu Che'er's faces were full of confidence.

He defeated Cao Cao twice in a row, and now Cao Cao is going south again.It makes them very confident.

"Okay." Chen Sheng smiled, and steered his horse towards the east of the city.

Soon after, Chen Sheng led Fang Gu, Zhou Cang, and Liao Hua with [-] soldiers to the city where Li Tong was located in Runan.And Li Yan led a thousand troops to Runan, Liu Pi and Gong Du.

Although they are all in Runan, one goes north and the other goes east. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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