"Haha, these two thieves came here so easily, and sold their heads. Hahaha." A very abrupt laugh sounded in Yuan Shu's palace.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared, heading towards a palace very quickly.This person is described as handsome, with a slender figure, and exudes an aristocratic atmosphere all over his body.

It was Yuan Shu's younger brother and subordinate, the chariot general Yuan Yin.

This palace is where Chen Sheng is currently staying.Originally, according to Chen Sheng's intention, he just found a place to live in Shouchun City.

It doesn't matter how big or small it is, whether it's magnificent or not. [

But Yuan Shu was loyal and insisted on letting Chen Sheng stay in the palace to rest, euphemistically saying, this son-in-law is here, how can he let him live outside.

So, Chen Sheng pressed down in the palace.

Yuan Yin received Lei Bu not long ago, and Chen Lan and Chen Lan entered the city for fireworks. While making full preparations to hunt Lei Bu and Chen Lan, they were very happy to inform Chen Sheng.

"Da da da."

After Yuan Yin rushed into the palace, he immediately saw many elite soldiers wearing armor and holding spears.

Ordinary people would tremble immediately when they saw it.Yuan Yin was used to it, and rushed straight to the main hall excitedly.

In the main hall, Yuan Yin saw Chen Sheng.

Dressed in casual clothes, Chen Sheng was quietly kneeling and sitting on the front seat, holding a bamboo slip in his hand, and was watching seriously. There were still a mountain of bamboo slips on his case.

Next to him, Zhou Cang accompanied him.

The two are surprisingly harmonious together.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Yin suddenly felt guilty.The mountain of bamboo slips in front of Chen Sheng was actually a volume of official documents, all sent from various counties in Huainan.

These things should have been personally instructed by Yuan Shu.However, it goes without saying that Yuan Shu's virtue is lazy every day.

From time to time it will pile up like a mountain.

This also led to one of the reasons for Huainan's collapse.For example, a river in a certain place is flooded.Yuan Shu instructed to eat it, but failed to treat it in time, so the field grains were harvested.

As a result, there was no such thing, and the good people became refugees, or they were called bandits, or they went to Jiangdong.

And since Chen Sheng arrived.Yuan Shu wanted to marry a daughter, and wanted to offer Huainan to Chen Sheng, so he confidently handed over the mountain of official documents to Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng has been replying for two days in a row, and there is still a little half left to finish.

Seeing Chen Sheng's busy appearance, Yuan Yin naturally felt guilty.

However, Yuan Yin just felt guilty.The joy brought about by the news that Lei Bu and Chen Lan had entered the city was dissipated, and he stepped forward excitedly and said, "General Chen, I just received the news that Lei Bu and Chen Lan have already entered the city." Yes. Everything is as the general expected, these two people can't help being tempted." [

"Really? That's good." Naturally, Chen Sheng also saw Yuan Yin, and put down the bamboo slips first, and Chen Sheng also showed a real smile to Yuan Yin's delighted smile.

so good.

For the past two days, Chen Sheng has been dealing with official documents.But it was Bai Yuanyin with Yuan Yin, and Chen Sheng felt very motivated to deal with official documents.

Chen Sheng is such a person.For the newly acquired land and population, they all have extraordinary energy, and they will immediately turn into energetic superhumans.

Not to mention two days, even if he sits and approves for ten days, Chen Sheng will not feel tired, on the contrary, he is full of energy.

for.Chen Sheng was really happy about Lei Bu and Chen Lan's matter.

According to Ji Ling, there are [-] soldiers in Huainan.Among them, Yuan Shu can only control [-] people, and more than half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled.Among Yuan Shu's soldiers, Chen Sheng handed over to Ji Ling.

In these two days, Chen Sheng will also send Zhou Cang to check, and the result is very happy.Ji Ling successfully eliminated the old and the weak, and selected [-] of them.

Because of the sudden change of blood, the army has not yet been fully formed, but everything is moving in a good direction. I believe that after a while, they will be able to fight on the battlefield.

And now, Lei Bo and Chen Lan have arrived again.The remaining [-] elite soldiers can be integrated.Moreover, this part of the elite soldiers are all arrogant soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of ordinary elites.

With [-] troops assembled, it is not a problem to fight Cao Cao.

Chen Sheng was naturally happy.

"At this moment, Lei Bu, Chen Lan may have already arrived at the palace. I have already arranged for people to lead them into the main hall. Will General Chen go to see him together?"

Yuan Yin asked.

"It's okay to meet them." Chen Sheng didn't intend to meet these two people at all, after all, what's so good about seeing a dying person.However, after killing Lei Bu and Chen Lan, Yuan Yin has to be sent to take over the military power of these two people, so it's okay to go.So Chen Sheng got up and said.

Immediately, Yuan Yin, Chen Sheng and Zhou Cang left the palace together and headed for the main hall of the palace.

At this moment, Lei Bu and Chen Lan had already arrived at the main hall one step ahead, and the two were arranged to sit opposite each other by the attendants, that is, they were sitting at a distance of three or five feet, looking at each other.

It was the time when they stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, wishing to eat each other up.

"Da da da."

At this time, the footsteps of Chen Sheng, Yuan Yin, and Zhou Cang three people entered the main hall sounded, and the two turned their heads together, and they were immediately happy to see Yuan Yin.

"General Cheqi, Your Majesty ordered me to wait for whoever enters Shouchun first will be the Lord of Huainan. Now, I am the first to enter the city. What should I do next?" Lei Bu said first.

A pair of eyes stared like Tongling, full of anticipation. [

"You are talking nonsense with your eyes open, obviously I entered the city first." Chen Lan, who entered the city first, blew her beard and stared angrily, slashed at Lei Book, and then raised her fist at Yuan Yin and said : "General Che Qi, I was the one who entered the city first, and I ask the general to learn from you."

These two guys didn't even know they were about to die, and they were still fighting for power.Yuan Yin couldn't laugh or cry, and admired Chen Sheng's strategy even more.

Although it was not a brilliant move, it was used in the most useful place and wiped out the two traitors in one fell swoop.

"Haha." Zhou Cang also had the same idea as Yuan Yin, and couldn't help laughing.

"Who are you? So polite." The laughter was quite blunt, and at the same time, it made Lei Bu, Chen Lan and Chen Sheng look at the two behind Yuan Yin, Chen Sheng and Zhou Cang.

Immediately, Lei Book frowned and said angrily.

As expected of a fierce general, he has a bit of momentum under his anger.Unfortunately.He was facing Chen Sheng and Zhou Cang, but they were the ones who were going to challenge Cao Jun with blood on their blades.

"You guy is about to die, and you still dare to act fiercely. Yuan, no, Mr. Yuan can't help you. But it doesn't mean that our general can't help you. Listen carefully, our general is Chen Sheng in Wancheng. We formed an alliance with Duke Yuan. His Majesty Duke Yuan is trying his best to consolidate Huainan, so it is naturally impossible to go to Yuan Shao. The two of you have made a great Spring and Autumn Dream."

Zhou Cang didn't show any face to Lei Bu, and laughed unceremoniously.

Except it's funny.Zhou Cang also felt very happy.These two guys, each with strong soldiers, don't take Yuan Shu seriously.

As soon as his own general arrived, he immediately dealt with the two of them.

In the eyes of others, in front of his own general, the stubborn disease is just a matter of a dose of medicine, and the disease will be cured once the medicine is taken.Zhou Cang thought he was under Chen Sheng's command.Very proud of my general.

Chen Sheng found it interesting, not because of Lei Bu, Chen Lan and Chen Lan were interesting, their eyes were red because of greed, so naturally they felt a lot duller.

Lei Bo and Chen Lan's current fate is entirely their own fault.

What makes him find it interesting is that he first discovered his family's relatives.Has a talent for being funny.

Just now, when Zhou Cang uttered the word Yuan, he was a bit slow, he was afraid that he was talking too fast, and he almost mentioned Yuan Shu's second son.

Although he changed his words, there are still loopholes, and there is an extra word "no".Quite interesting.

"Chen Sheng? Chen Sheng in Wancheng? How could this happen?" Lei Bu and Chen Lan were still aggressive just now, and asked Chen Sheng who Zhou Cang was.

After listening to Zhou Cang's words.Immediately, like a rooster who has lost a fight, he stopped eating.

What kind of ambition, what kind of master of Huainan, disappeared in a flash.

For nothing else, the words Wancheng Chen Sheng and the fact that Chen Sheng formed an alliance with Yuan Shu are enough to explain everything.This Huainan Yuan Shu actually got the support of Chen Sheng.

This is Lei Book, which Chen Lan did not expect, otherwise the two of them would not have lost their heads and came to Shouchun on their own initiative to lead them to death.

You know, after Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, people all over the world avoided him.Chen Sheng, Chen Sheng in Wancheng is a hero who is brave and good at fighting, and has a general strategy, how could he have anything to do with Yuan Shu.

On the spot, Lei Bo and Chen Lan were dumbfounded.

However, no matter what the two of them said, they were the number one figures that Yuan Shu couldn't help but reacted on the spot.Among them, Lei Bo laughed and said: "It turns out that General Chen is in front. If he had known that General Chen and Yuan Shu were in an alliance, the last general would have led his troops to join him."

"That's right. The general's prestige is great, and all the heroes in the world respect him. The last general wants to lead his troops to join the general for a long time." Chen Lan also said cleverly.

The two of them already understood that their dream was shattered, and they were in Shouchun, with no soldiers around them, so it was difficult to fight against them.Then the best ending is to give up military power and become a rich man.

Although both of them are heartbroken about their own military power and their own troops.

"Hehe, I dare not accept you two." Chen Sheng said bluntly.These two guys are under Yuan Shu's command, but they support their own self-respect, no matter how brave they are, they are useless.

"General." On the spot, Lei Bo and Chen Lan turned pale.

"Come on, pull it down first, and wait to be dealt with." Chen Sheng ignored the two, but turned his head and gave orders to the guards who followed.

"No." Several guards promised, and pulled Lei Bo and Chen Lan out.Under such circumstances, these two fierce generals did not resist at all, and were pulled out like dead dogs.

"Hahaha, these two thieves are self-respecting and don't take their elder brother seriously, so they deserve this fate." Seeing this scene, Yuan Yin couldn't help but burst out laughing, very happy.

"General Yuan, don't let yourself go, the most urgent thing is to take the heads of Leibo and Chen Lan to seize the soldiers and horses of the two, and then frighten the rest of the generals, and forcibly gather the [-] elite soldiers to counter Cao Cao. use."

Chen Sheng was afraid that Yuan Yin would get carried away, so he said quite solemnly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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