Extraordinary little fairy doctor

Chapter 27 Don't Touch Here

Chapter 27 Don't Touch Here
Li Fan felt a gust of fragrant wind hit his face, subconsciously raised his hands at the same time, and made a gesture of rejection to push people!

However, Jin Yuting moved too fast. When she hugged Li Fan, she suddenly found that there seemed to be a pair of hands touching dishonestly in the middle of the contact between their bodies!
Jin Yuting looked down, and it turned out to be Li Fan's restless hands!

"Ah——! Li Fan! You molested me!"

Jin Yuting quickly let go of Li Fan, covered the wide neckline of the suspender shapewear with both hands, and said coquettishly, "Li Fan, you big pervert! I just want to hug you politely, but you touch me here!"

Hearing this, Li Fan frowned and explained: "Jin Yuting, don't get me wrong! I didn't want to hug you when I made this gesture! But you hugged me too quickly, and my hand was caught in the middle ! Just now I wanted to pull my hand out, it wasn’t a random touch!”

"Li Fan the pervert! I won't believe you! Besides, no matter what the reason is, you touched me! You have to be responsible for me!"

Jin Yuting said coquettishly.

"Responsible? What do you want me to be responsible for you? Why don't you touch mine too?"

Li Fan said, puffing up his chest.

"Okay! Just touch it!"

Jin Yuting responded, and immediately reached out and grabbed Li Fan's chest without ceremony.

"Oh, I'll go, you're really touching!"

Li Fan was taken aback, and immediately dodged away, saying, "Jin Yuting, don't make trouble! This is a market, there are many people, so be careful!"

"Cut! I'm just kidding you! It scares you!"

Jin Yuting suddenly smiled, changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Li Fan, I heard from our high school classmates that you and Zhao Xueyan applied for different universities after the college entrance examination, and then you two fell out and broke up. Is it true? Yes?"

"Don't believe the hearsay! We are both fine now, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Li Fandao.

"So are you married now?"

Jin Yuting asked.

"not yet!"

Li Fan shook his head and said.

"Oh! You two have been talking for so long, yet you're still not married? I've heard that the longer you've been in love, the lower the chance of getting married! I see, you two are probably going to be pornographic!"

Jin Yuting smiled pretty, revealing two sweet dimples, and asked, "In the three years of high school, I wrote you a total of 99 love letters, but you didn't reply to any of them! Since you and that village girl Zhao Xueyan are going to be pornographic, Now, why not throw yourself into my arms in advance! How about I let you touch it wherever you want?"

As she spoke, Jin Yuting pinched her waist with both hands, straightened her plump figure, raised her beautiful buttocks, and posed in a perfect "S" curve, with her long tongue still on her sexy red lips Licked around!

The uncle selling roasted sweet potatoes next to him stared at the extremely beautiful Jin Yuting, his eyes almost popped out!
I thought to myself, if I were 30 years younger and such a beautiful woman took the initiative to show her favor to me, I would definitely agree without hesitation and directly hug the beautiful woman to book a room!
What kind of stall is there!
Spring Night is worth a thousand dollars!
It's over!

However, Li Fan was unmoved when he saw Jin Yuting's graceful posture. He just smiled faintly and waved his hand: "Jin Yuting, stop joking! You are the daughter of the richest man in the county. You deserve better." Your boyfriend! If I, a small village doctor, fall into your arms, I will only lower your status!"

"Li Fan, you are wrong to think so! It should be that you have followed me, and I can raise your status, which is of great benefit to you and does no harm to you. Don't you really think about it?"

Jin Yuting asked with a wink.

"Not consider!"

Li Fan still shook his head, "I'm only thinking about where I should sell this honey peach!"

"This is not easy! Just sell it to me!"

Jin Yuting said very boldly, "As an old classmate, seeing that you are in trouble, I should reach out to help! I want all your peaches!"

"What? I want it all? Jin Yuting, I know you have money, but you can't spend it like this!"

Li Fan said in surprise, "Besides, you can buy all this car for me! But I still have several thousand catties at home, can you still buy it all? No! But, you can buy a few catties and go home to try it out. It's still possible!"

Hearing this, Jin Yuting pondered for a moment, thought for a while and said: "OK! I know how to help you! How about this, I will buy a bamboo basket first and try it in my hotel! If it works, I will buy a large batch of!"

Jin Yuting's hotel is called Hanjin Hotel, and it is the only five-star hotel in Qingyang County!

If the sales channel of Hanjin Hotel can be opened, selling two or three hundred catties a day should not be a problem!
Thinking of this, Li Fan suddenly smiled, took out a peach from the bamboo basket, handed it to Jin Yuting and said, "Okay! Thank you, classmate Yuting, for your help! You try one first!"

"I don't want to eat it! You think I don't know the season of peaches! As for your early-ripe peaches soaked in medicine, let those stupid and rich customers eat them!"

Jin Yuting disliked authenticity.

"I haven't sprayed these peaches with potion! Eat it without worry! It's delicious!"

Li Fandao.

"No need to explain! Get on your tricycle and follow me!"

After speaking, Jin Yuting put on her helmet and started the Harley motorcycle.

Li Fan quickly packed up the things in the stall, moved them to the electric tricycle, and drove away with Jin Yuting.

Seeing Li Fan leave, the man who sold roasted sweet potatoes breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "It's good to go! It's good to go! Otherwise, if the people from the Qinglong Club come, you may not know what kind of beating this young man will get!"

In fact, when Li Fan heard that Jin Yuting said she wanted to buy him a bamboo basket of peaches, and tried them out in the Hankin Hotel, he had already forgotten about the Qinglonghui group and didn't take them to heart at all!
Li Fan followed Jin Yuting to Hankin Hotel, moved a bamboo basket to the back kitchen of the hotel, weighed it, and found it weighed more than 100 kilograms. He gave it a small change and received 5000 yuan!

Afterwards, Li Fan drove his electric tricycle back.

But halfway through, Li Fan found two fruit shops, one called Chenxi Fruit Shop and the other called Xianhui Fruit Shop!
These two fruit shops are directly opposite each other on both sides of the road. There is no customer in the Chenxi fruit shop, but the customers in the Xianhui fruit shop are queuing up to buy!

There are peers but no benefits!

Li Fan thought to himself, since the honey nectar peach cannot be sold at a stall in the Poverty Alleviation Street, why not find a fruit shop to cooperate like selling coagulation ointment?
In this way, you can save time and worry, and achieve a win-win goal!
However, instead of choosing the Xianhui Fruit Store with many customers, Li Fan came to the front of the Chenxi Fruit Store with no customers.

"Beauty, is the boss of your Chenxi Fruit Shop here?"

Li Fan asked the saleswoman who was checking her cell phone at the door.

The young lady in a white T-shirt, black straight-leg culottes, and a red apron looked up at Li Fan, and asked angrily, "Am I not the boss?"

(End of this chapter)

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