Chapter 4
Hearing the sound, Huang Xiuying and Yang Chunhua raised their heads and turned to look at Li Fan.

"Xiao Fan! Where are you going?"

Yang Chunhua asked.

"Go to the city to buy some medicinal materials! Mrs. Chunhua, do you need to buy something? I'll bring it for you!"

Li Fan asked politely.

"I don't need anything, why don't you bring me a box of mosquito coils! There are no more small shops in the village! There are a lot of mosquitoes at night!"

Yangchun flower arrangement.

"Okay! No problem!"

Li Fan responded and asked Huang Xiuying, "Aunt Xiuying, what about you? Do you need to bring anything to buy?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiuying looked disgusted and snorted coldly: "Smelly cripple, don't get close to me like this. Your marriage to Xueyan is out of the question. I advise you to give up the idea as soon as possible!"

"Hey! Aunt Xiuying, yesterday you called me a smelly and disabled person and I admit it! Today you call me a smelly and disabled person and I don't admit it! Thanks to your daughter, my legs are fine!"

After finishing speaking, Li Fan got off the electric tricycle, jumped twice, then walked in front of Huang Xiuying and Yang Chunhua, rolled up his trouser legs, rolled up his sleeves, and practiced a set of military boxing!

Huang Xiuying and Yang Chunhua stared straight at Li Fan's wonderful performance!

Unexpectedly, Li Fan, who was sitting in a wheelchair yesterday and couldn't stand up, turned out to be alive and kicking today, full of vigor and vigor, with the heroic demeanor of a soldier!

When the two of them were in a daze, Li Fan saw a big herring swimming by the river. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and stretched into the water, and caught a herring weighing two catties!

"Sister-in-law Chunhua, I'll give you this big herring. Go home and improve the food at noon!"

Li Fan said as he put the big herring into Yang Chunhua's washing tub.

"Okay, okay, thank you!"

Yang Chunhua replied with a face full of surprise.

"Okay! I'm leaving! You guys wash slowly!"

Li Fan returned to Dian Sanlun and yelled towards the gate of Zhao Xueyan's house, "Xueyan, wait at home! I'm coming back from the city and I'll bring you a hamburger!"

Zhao Xueyan, who was still sleeping in the house, heard Li Fan's shout and quickly opened the window and shouted back: "I know! Brother Li Fan! Slow down on the road!"

"Okay! I'm leaving!"

Li Fan shouted.

On the way, when Li Fan met people in the village, he stood up and told them that his legs had healed. Some people were surprised and some blessed him. Li Fan felt so happy!

On the other side, Huang Xiuying was so angry that she kicked over the wash basin and cursed: "This Li Fan, what are you doing when your legs are healed? How dare you think about our Xueyan, a poor boy! If I let Xueyan Marry him, and I will take his surname! Poor boy, be a bachelor for the rest of your life!"

"Aunt Xiuying, you can't scold Xiaofan like that! Even if he and Xueyan have no engagement, the young couple can fall in love freely!"

Yang Chunhua advised.

"Free love is bullshit! If you think that wild boy is good, marry him! I think you two are quite suitable for the stinky widow and the wild boy together!"

Huang Xiuying said angrily, "It's just, don't kill that wild boy again before consummating the marriage!"

Hit people without slapping their faces, and swear without exposing them!
Huang Xiuying was picking on Yang Chunhua's shortcomings and scolding her. She called out a stinky widow and killed a man without consummating the marriage. It sounds really harsh!
"Aunt Xiuying, you're going too far! Wash it yourself! I'll go home and stew the fish!"

Yang Chunhua said, picked up the laundry tub, and went home angrily!
Huang Xiuying was still angry, looked at Yang Chunhua's back, and shouted: "If you eat the fish caught by that wild boy, don't you get pregnant! The child born will have no father!"

Yang Chunhua's lungs were going to explode, but she was alone, without a man to support her, and Huang Xiuying's husband was the village head, so Yang Chunhua didn't dare to scold her, so she had to swallow the bitterness silently, feeling extremely wronged , went home and lay on the bed and cried bitterly!

Li Fan drove an electric tricycle and traveled through mountains and rivers for more than two hours before arriving in Spring City!

Spring City is the capital city of the province, nearly [-] kilometers away from Shibali Village!
When he arrived at the outskirts of the city, the electric tricycle ran out of power. Li Fan found a fast charging place to charge the electric tricycle. Then he bought a shared bicycle and pedaled to the "Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall"!
Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall is a famous Chinese medicine hall in Spring City!
The name of the boss is Chen Demin, he lives to help the world, and is known as the "Master of Chinese Medicine"!
When Li Fan was studying at Chuncheng College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chen Demin, as the honorary vice principal of the school, once taught them an open class!
Li Fan still remembers the theme of the open class: "Medical skills are the root, and medical ethics are the foundation. High skills convince people, and high morality convinces the heart."

Li Fan feels that only Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, which has both moral and technical skills, is qualified to sell the miracle blood coagulation ointment he developed!
Those Western pharmacies that engage in commercial promotions of "free eggs for purchases over 99" will only tarnish the medical value of coagulation cream!
Walking into Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, Li Fan came to the counter and asked a young female pharmacist in a white coat: "Hello, is Teacher Chen here?"

The female pharmacist glanced at Li Fan and saw that he had a sullen look and looked like a country boy. She asked in confusion, "Who are you? What do you want from my dad?"

"It turns out you are Teacher Chen's daughter. You are so handsome! My name is Li Fan, a past graduate of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Teacher Chen has taught us before! I came to him to sell medicine!"

Li Fan replied.

"Selling medicine!? Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall does not accept medicinal materials dug from the mountains by rural retail investors. You should sell them to medicinal material purchasers!"

The female pharmacist refused.

"I'm sorry, you misunderstood me! What I sell is not medicinal materials, but a magic medicine developed by myself that can stop bleeding quickly, blood coagulation ointment!"

Li Fan explained, "With my blood coagulation ointment, even if it is a large-scale organ transplant operation, there is no need for needles and sutures. You only need to apply it, and the wound will heal quickly!"

Hearing this, the female pharmacist's face darkened, and she had already made a conclusion for Li Fan: This countryman is a liar!Even if he deceives those square dancing aunts into buying fake medicines, he actually deceives her to come to Xinglin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall!

Guan Gong is playing big swords in front of him, and he is overestimated!
The female pharmacist smiled coldly and asked, "How do you sell your magic medicine? Bring it here and show me!"

Hearing the question from the female pharmacist, Li Fan thought that she really wanted to buy medicine, so he put the handbag on the counter, took out a bottle from it, and introduced: "It's the first time we open, I'll give you a 1000% discount, [-] A bottle of [-] yuan! This is the lowest price, it can’t be cheaper! This blood coagulation cream, I will open it for you and show it..."

However, before Li Fan finished speaking, the female pharmacist suddenly reached out, snatched the handbag, and said angrily: "Liar who sells fake medicines! I won't let you succeed! Your fake medicines, Xinglin Chinese Medicine Tang confiscated it! You hurry up, or I will call the police!"

Li Fan was immediately confused, and his mind was full of questions!
She actually regarded me as a liar selling fake medicine? !

Are you going to confiscate my coagulation ointment? !

You want me to get out of here quickly, or call the police if I don’t? !

(End of this chapter)

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