Extraordinary little fairy doctor

Chapter 58 Breaking into the Mandarin Duck Bath

Chapter 58 Breaking into the Mandarin Duck Bath

Huang Xiujuan originally came from Chuncheng in Chen Chusheng's Mercedes-Benz, but Chen Chusheng committed suicide by cutting his wrist because of his blind date Zhao Xueyan, so scared that he drove away. In the village!

Zhao Fugui stood at the gate and took a peek at Huang Xiujuan, smiled coldly, and scolded in a low voice: "Stinky bitch! It's so quick to change your face! Seeing that we are richer than you now, I feel jealous and want to borrow our money." Money! Look at your stupid grandson, you must have borrowed it and never paid it back! You want to cheat us of the money, bah!"

Although Zhao Fugui cursed so much, he turned around and went back to the house, pretending to be a good old man, and asked Huang Xiuying, "Xiuying, shall we let your sister go back to Spring City like this? Shall we go see her off?" send her?"

"Give me a fart! No! She's not my sister! When we built the house the year before last, I borrowed 5000 yuan from her, but she refused to borrow it. Now she wants to borrow 50 yuan as soon as I ask, with a big face, How dare she speak!"

Huang Xiuying said angrily, "When we didn't have the 300 million, she kept showing off in front of me how virtuous her daughter-in-law is and how much her son can make money in a state-owned enterprise! How cute her little grandson is! When we had 300 million, things changed suddenly. She was crying poor, and her daughter-in-law was getting divorced. She can really make up things! Let her fend for herself! She won’t be my sister in the future!”

"Okay! Then leave her alone, she can't choose to walk back, she will definitely call and ask someone to pick her up!"

Zhao Fugui said.

"Don't worry about her! Let's count the money! See if it's more than 300 million!" Huang Xiuying counted the money in piles, stopped suddenly, and asked with a frown, "Fugui, I suddenly feel flustered! What do you think?" This wild boy doesn't have much money for his retirement allowance, and the villagers usually don't give him much money when they go to see a doctor at his place. When Li Guaizi died, he didn't leave him any inheritance, so where did this wild boy get so much money? Ah? It can't be..."

Huang Xiuying deliberately didn't finish her sentence, so as not to become a prophecy, but Zhao Fugui already knew what she wanted to express, and felt that Li Fan's 300 million cash came from a wrong way!

"When you say that, I suddenly feel a little flustered! Don't count, hide the money quickly! Don't expose the money! Don't let anyone else in the village know that our family has 300 million, or people who come to us to borrow money , don’t break the door!”

Zhao Fugui said in a panic.

"Right, right! Hide the money in a hidden place first, go to the bank tomorrow and open a new account to deposit it in, don't touch it! If it's really wrong, if we find out about it, we'll hand over the money Save your life!"

Huang Xiuying said.

"Yeah, you're right!"

Zhao Fugui nodded.

When Zhao Fugui and his wife were looking for a hidden place to hide money at home, Li Fan happily took Zhao Xueyan back home, and applied a bottle of blood coagulation ointment to Zhao Xueyan's injured wrist, and the wound healed quickly. The sutures are removed.

"Brother Li Fan, will there be scars on my wrist?"

Zhao Xueyan asked while sitting on the small hospital bed.

"I'll help you prepare some ointment for removing scars and apply it. The scars should not be too obvious!"

Li Fan replied.

"Brother Li Fan, do you still love me?"

Zhao Xueyan looked at Li Fan affectionately and asked seriously.

"Of course I love you. Sister Xueyan is my true love, and I will love you for the rest of my life!"

Li Fan kissed the back of Zhao Xueyan's hand.

However, after hearing Li Fan's answer, Zhao Xueyan was not as happy as before. Instead, she pouted and continued to ask with some displeasure: "Did you say these words to other girls?"

Hearing this, Li Fan felt something was wrong, there was clearly something hidden in Zhao Xueyan's words!
"Xueyan, have you heard what someone said to you? If you want to ask something, you can ask it directly, don't test me, if I say a word of panic in front of you, I will be struck by lightning!"

Li Fan said seriously.

Hearing this, Zhao Xueyan looked at Li Fan flickeringly with her big bright eyes, was silent for a moment, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Actually, I didn't commit suicide by cutting my wrists because my mother and my aunt urged me to go on a blind date, but because Because my mom showed me pictures of you with other girls!

I won’t talk about some girls who hug you and kiss you!Just say that the girl who harvested fruit in the county, you slept with her, and the noise in the middle of the night made the local dogs in the village unable to sleep, and the legs of the bed were all broken!
What annoys me the most is that you let her wear the clothes I bought for you!I think you don't love me anymore, that's why I did something stupid with a fruit knife on impulse!I regret it now!I should have killed you first, and then killed myself! "

As Zhao Xueyan said, she couldn't help but shed tears of sadness.

Li Fan smiled lightly, held Zhao Xueyan's face tenderly, wiped her tears, and sighed: "Sister Xueyan, your mother can really stir up troubles, listening to the wind is rain! Let me tell you the truth Bar!

The girl in that county is Su Xiaoxi, the owner of Chenxi Fruit Shop. She lives in my house to bring honey juice fairy peaches to the city early every day!However, she lives in my house, and I live in the consulting room!As for the cry, it was because she stayed up in the middle of the night and practiced yoga in the courtyard, deliberately making that kind of sound that made people think!There is also the matter of the bed legs. It was the bed at Mrs. Chunhua's house that was broken. I bought him a new bed from the county, and then brought her old bed to my house to have it repaired and continue to use it! "

"Brother Li Fan, you have said so much, but you haven't mentioned the issue I care about the most!"

Zhao Xueyan was still a little unhappy and authentic.

"Sister Xueyan, I know, what you care about most is that I let Su Xiaoxi wear the clothes you bought for me!"

Li Fan held Zhao Xueyan's hand, and said with some guilt, "I did something wrong! That night, Su Xiaoxi took a shower and wanted to change into clean clothes. I didn't wash the rest of my clothes, so I took yours for her." Bought new clothes! I don’t want to wear those clothes, let her wear them first! It’s my fault, I’m sorry, Sister Xueyan!”

After listening to Li Fan's explanation, Zhao Xueyan quietly looked into Li Fan's eyes!
Eyes are the windows of the soul, a person's words can deceive people, but eyes cannot deceive people!

Zhao Xueyan liked to look into Li Fan's eyes since she was a child, and liked the feeling that she could see herself through Li Fan's eyes, and she was quite familiar with Li Fan's eyes. If Li Fan lied, Zhao Xueyan would definitely find out!
However, after a while, Zhao Xueyan only saw three words in Li Fan's eyes: "I love you!"

As always, nothing has changed!
"I don't want to be sorry! I just want you to love me! Brother Li Fan, I love you! I don't want to leave you!"

As Zhao Xueyan said, she hugged Li Fan tightly.

In this hug, Li Fan also felt Zhao Xueyan's strong love, which was completely different from the lukewarm feeling of hugging her just now. It was obvious that Zhao Xueyan had forgiven Li Fan!
Suddenly, Li Fan thought about it and asked suspiciously: "Sister Xueyan, do you remember your mother?"

"Hee hee! I didn't have amnesia in the first place! That's why I pretended not to know them! Otherwise, how could we be together now!"

Zhao Xueyan laughed.

"Oh! So that's the case! You've fooled me! I was still thinking about what kind of medicinal materials I could use to treat your selective amnesia! After a long time of trouble, it turned out to be fake!"

Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Li Fan, you have to keep this secret for me! Don't let my parents know, or they will break us up again and lock me up at home!"

Zhao Xueyan said.

"Okay! No problem! This is our little secret!"

Li Fan laughed.

"However, brother Li Fan, why did you give my parents so much money! I wasn't scared at the time! The bride price of 300 million is a high-priced gift, and the impact is so bad! I also feel a little distressed!"

Zhao Xueyan said.

"It's okay! I don't have parents! From now on your parents will be my parents! Just be filial to our parents! We can earn more in the future! Don't feel bad!"

Li Fandao, "As far as I can tell, although our money-lovers' parents received 300 million yuan, they won't tell the outside world, in case people in the village gossip and ask them to borrow money! So as long as we don't tell the outside world, no one in our village will know!"

"Oh fine!"

Zhao Xueyan let go of Li Fan suddenly, took off the blood-stained clothes and said, "Brother Li Fan, I have blood stains on my body, so dirty! Can you help me take a bath?"

"Okay! Let's wash together! You can rub my back too!"

Li Fandao.

"You bastard! You want to take advantage of me!"

Zhao Xueyan tapped Li Fan lightly, and said shyly.

Li Fan smiled foolishly, boiled hot water, moved the bath tub to the consultation room, and took a bath with Zhao Xueyan!

However, when Li Fan and Zhao Xueyan were happily taking a mandarin duck bath, Su Xiaoxi's voice came from outside the door: "Li Fan, I'm here to sleep with you again!"

As soon as the words were finished, Su Xiaoxi pushed open the door of the consulting room, just in time to see Li Fan and Su Xiaoxi soaking in the wooden tub!
Neither of the two bathers had any clothes on!

(End of this chapter)

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