Extraordinary little fairy doctor

Chapter 68 Hybrid Animals

Chapter 68 Hybrid Animals
"Promise him! Promise him! Promise him!  …"

Huang Qingping, Liu Ziyun, Zhang Lili and Chu Wenjing stood aside, waving light sticks and cheering for help.

Seeing this, Jin Yuting frowned, and said with embarrassment: "Zhu Dabin, are you sick? Tell me your love with a hammer! I already have a date!"

As soon as these words came out, the four people who were cheering for assists instantly shut their mouths and looked at Zhu Dabin blankly, a little at a loss!
In the eyes of the four of them, Zhu Dabin's family owns a mine, he is also the manager of his family's listed company, and he will be the future chairman of Zhu Mining!

If it compares the family's financial resources, Zhu's Mining is much richer than Hanjin Hotel!

Such a rich son is a one-in-a-million existence, and he must be sure to confess his love to anyone!
Unexpectedly, Jin Yuting directly scolded Zhu Dabin for being sick!

"Ah? You have a partner? Haven't you been single?"

Zhu Dabin came back to his senses and asked in surprise.

"I'm physically single! But my heart is full of him!"

Jin Yuting said, looking at Li Fan who was hiding aside and hugging Zhao Xueyan.

Seeing Jin Yuting's affectionate eyes looking at Li Fan, Zhu Dabin asked in surprise: "Yu Ting, the person you are talking about is not Li Fan, right?"

"You're right! The one I miss every night is Li Fan! I wish I could see Li Fan's handsome face next to my pillow every morning when I wake up!"

Jin Yuting said happily.

Hearing this, Zhu Dabin was completely dumbfounded as if he had been struck by lightning!
The four assisters, Huang Qingping, Liu Ziyun, Zhang Lili and Chu Wenjing, also froze in place, watching quietly without saying a word!

It was originally planned to celebrate after Zhu Dabin successfully confessed his love!

But I didn't expect that I would hit the wall at the first step!
Just when the five of them were in a daze, Jin Yuting suddenly took the bouquet of roses from Zhu Dabin's hand and said, "Zhu Dabin! The atmosphere is just right in this situation, don't let it go to waste!"

Zhu Dabin was startled and asked, "Yuting, are you agreeing to my confession?"

"You are overthinking! I will not accept your confession!" Jin Yuting said, "Zhu Dabin, thank you for the flowers! Thank you for the carefully arranged surprise! So I want to take this opportunity to confess to the prince charming in my heart! "

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuting walked up to Li Fan with roses in her hands, knelt down on one knee, and said affectionately: "Oh——! Brother Li Fan! My most favorite boy! My Prince Charming! I am pregnant with incomparable Excited, I want to say three words to you that I have always wanted to say but dare not say, I love you! My love for you is like the rolling Yangtze River, rushing day and night, just to be able to flow into you sooner In the sea of ​​love!"

The confession ended, and there was silence in the private room!
Only the sound of the candles falling as the candles burn!

Li Fan is still holding Zhao Xueyan in his arms!

What is Jin Yuting doing this for?

Didn't Jin Yuting know that Li Fan would reject her?
Just when Li Fan was in trouble, Zhao Xueyan suddenly lay next to Li Fan's ear and whispered: "Promise her!"

Hearing this, Li Fan looked at Zhao Xueyan in confusion, thinking: "Sister Xueyan, are you being sarcastic? How can you make me agree to Jin Yuting? Isn't this nonsense?"

Seeing that Li Fan hesitated, Zhao Xueyan continued to urge softly in Li Fan's ear: "Brother Li Fan, please promise Yuting quickly! Save the situation!"

Hearing the last three words Zhao Xueyan said, Li Fan suddenly understood, quickly took the rose in Jin Yuting's hand, helped Jin Yuting up, and said, "Welcome the river to the sea!"

When Jin Yuting heard this, her face suddenly showed an expression of joy!

"Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one!..."

A booing sound sounded.

However, the booing and assisting person turned out to be Zhao Xueyan!


Li Fan wondered in his heart, he had already picked up the flowers and saved the game, so why did he ask for a kiss?

Has Zhao Xueyan forgotten that Li Fan is her fiancé?
Let your fiancé kiss other girls in front of your face?

Is this a bit too weird?

Zhao Xueyan is too heartless!
You told lies and deliberately made noise to create an atmosphere!
However, Jin Yuting took Zhao Xueyan's words to create an atmosphere seriously. Without any courtesy, she directly held Li Fan's cheeks with both hands, crossed Zhao Xueyan, and kissed Li Fan with a "pop" sound!
Seeing that Jin Yuting really kissed Li Fan mouth-to-mouth, Zhao Xueyan, who was standing in the middle, suddenly made a silly face!
She didn't expect that Jin Yuting would come for real!

But just when Zhao Xueyan was stunned, Jin Yuting suddenly turned her head, held Zhao Xueyan's face with both hands, and kissed Zhao Xueyan's delicate lips again!
Zhao Xueyan was even more confused all of a sudden!
But it wasn't over yet. After Jin Yuting finished doing this, she opened her arms, hugged Li Fan and Zhao Xueyan, and said, "Thank you, brother Li Fan! Thank you, sister Xueyan! From now on, the three of us will be a family that loves each other! We will live a wonderful and happy life together. life!"

Zhao Xueyan was stunned for a moment, and then added: "Sister Yuting, Brother Li Fan will make out with you one-three-five! Two-four-six and me! On Sundays, we can go shopping and watch movies with Brother Li Fan, Open a room in your five-star hotel after that, I'm so happy!"

Li Fan was completely dumbfounded!

I feel like they are calling me a tool!

Girls' minds are too hard to guess!

I do not know!
Li Fan had no choice but to watch the changes silently without saying a word!
When the three of them were hugging each other sweetly, Zhu Dabin was full of anger!

Killing is not terrible, what is terrible is killing one's heart!
Jin Yuting refused Zhu Dabin's confession, but even borrowed the rose carefully prepared by Zhu Dabin to confess to Li Fan, and she succeeded, kissed, and became Li Fan's second girlfriend!

This undoubtedly broke Zhu Dabin's heart!

It can even be said that Jin Yuting dug out Zhu Dabin's sincerity on the spot in front of her old classmates, then fell to the ground with a slap, spit twice, and stepped on her foot with a dog shit shoe!
In front of his friends, Zhu Dabin can't be said to be face-sweeping, it's already face-sweeping shit!

In anger, Zhu Dabin turned on the light in the private room with a "click", stepped on the candles on the floor, pointed at Li Fan and cursed: "Li Fan! You poor dick! Let Yu Ting go! Are you fucking worthy?" Go to Yuting!"

Li Fan didn't say a word, Jin Yuting answered, "Zhu Dabin, why are you crazy! I'm willing to marry Li Fan! I'm willing to be Li Fan's second girlfriend! Can you control me? When you were in school, you sexually harassed Xueyan Don’t think I’ve forgotten about it! Ask yourself, Liu Ziyun, Zhang Lili, and Chu Wenjing, which one of them didn’t come to work in your company after having sex with you! What the hell are you pretending to be in front of me? Bullshit innocent boy! You can save yourself! You are not even as good as the broken slippers on Li Fan's feet!"

As soon as these words came out, Liu Ziyun, Zhang Lili and Chu Wenjing who were standing beside them were all shocked. How did Jin Yuting know about their adulterous affairs with Zhu Dabin in such a secret manner?
"Jin Yuting! Li Fan! Zhao Xueyan! You three! Very good! I remember you all! You wait for me, and if you don't avenge this revenge, I, Zhu Dabin, swear not to be human!"

Zhu Dabin said angrily, the muscles on his face trembled unconsciously.

"Zhu Dabin! You are not human! You are a hybrid animal!"

Jin Yuting scolded.

"Hmph! What a sharp-tongued Jin Yuting! Just wait for me! I will make your Jin family disappear forever in Qingyang County!"

Zhu Dabin sneered.

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the private room rang twice, and then two middle-aged men came in after opening the door!
Seeing the two middle-aged people, Zhu Dabin, who was still arrogant just now, was so frightened that his legs trembled and he almost peed his pants!
(End of this chapter)

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