Chapter 73 Sun Wucai

In the cave, apart from the kerosene lamps placed in the grooves of the stone wall, there are some solid wooden stools and tables on both sides of the cave. From the point of view of the production process, it is obviously artificial, and it is impossible for a monkey with spirituality to make it, and one of them is The date is also engraved on it, June 1942, 6.

Seeing such words, Li Fan was absolutely certain that this cave was a refuge air-raid shelter during times of crisis in the past, and now it has become a gathering place for these monkeys!


Suddenly, there was a series of coughing sounds, mixed with the familiar hurried cry of the golden monkey king.

Hearing that something was wrong, Li Fan stopped observing these wooden benches and tables, and ran over quickly. He saw a middle-aged white-haired monkey covering its neck with its front paws, with its mouth open, obviously having difficulty breathing. The little white monkey and the golden monkey king both looked anxious.

As a doctor, Li Fan could tell at a glance that the middle-aged white monkey had something stuck in its throat. If it was not treated in time, it would soon lead to suffocation and death!

The simplest and most practical way to deal with this situation is the Heimlich maneuver.

So, Li Fan quickly stepped forward and hugged the middle-aged white monkey's waist, crossed his hands together, pointed his thumbs at the middle-aged white monkey's belly button and began to rescue him!
But the golden-haired monkey king didn't know that Li Fan was rescuing a middle-aged white monkey. He thought Li Fan was going to hurt his "princess", so he yelled angrily, stretched out his front paws, opened his mouth, and rushed toward Li Fan. , wanting to tear Li Fan to pieces!

Li Fan wanted to save the middle-aged white monkey, but he didn't have time to talk to the golden-haired monkey king, so he dodged away with the middle-aged white monkey in his arms, and the golden-haired monkey king was in vain!

At the same time, the middle-aged white monkey spit out a hard object from its mouth with a "poof", coughed twice, and finally recovered, panting heavily!

Li Fan let go of the middle-aged white monkey, picked up the hard object, and took a look in his hand. It turned out to be a peach core!
"Golden Monkey King! Look! Your daughter-in-law almost choked to death on a peach pit! I saved your daughter-in-law, and it's fine if you don't thank me, but you still want to attack me! You deserve a beating!"

As Li Fan said, he threw the peach pit to the golden monkey king.

Monkeys are not plants, how can they be ruthless!
Moreover, the Golden Monkey King is still a very spiritual monkey. He took a look at the peach pit, and then looked at the middle-aged white monkey who had recovered. He immediately knew that Li Fan was not trying to hurt the middle-aged white monkey just now, but was treating it. it!

So, the Golden Monkey King stood up straight, walked up to Li Fan, knelt down, and kowtowed to express his thanks!

"Okay, okay! That's it for your monkey wife! Get up! No need to thank you! I'll talk to you about your group of monkey cubs stealing and destroying the peach trees in our village!"

Li Fandao.

However, after Li Fan finished speaking, the Golden Monkey King still knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Li Fan!
Obviously, no matter how intelligent the Golden Monkey King is, he is still a monkey after all and can't understand human speech at all!
So, Li Fan squatted down, reached out and touched the Golden Monkey King's head, and injected a trace of spiritual energy into the Golden Monkey King's brain, helping it unlock the ability to recognize human language, making its IQ comparable to that of [-] A year old child, but he doesn’t speak human language!

"Golden Monkey King, get up! We will be good friends from now on!"

Li Fan said.

Hearing this, the golden-haired monkey king immediately raised his head, looked at Li Fan and nodded, then tapped his head with his front paws, and barked a few times, as if asking: "How can I understand your voice? "

"Yes! I just helped you unlock the ability to recognize human language, so you can understand what I say in the future!"

Li Fan nodded, and then changed the topic, "Golden Hair Monkey King, let me give you a name first, your first name will be Sun Wucai, and your nickname will be Caicai, how about it?"


The golden-haired monkey king nodded, barked twice, and smiled with his teeth bared, as if he was very satisfied with the name!
"Sun Wucai, don't grin with your big teeth! Let me tell you, if those monkey boys under your command dare to go to the peach forest in our village to steal peaches and destroy them, I will never let them go lightly. I will catch one of them. I just beat it to death, set up a fire and roasted it to eat! Do you understand?"

Li Fan said sternly.

The golden-haired monkey king nodded, and then clasped his front paws together and kept bowing in apology.

"As long as you understand! Then I'm leaving!"

After Li Fan finished speaking, he was about to leave.

Suddenly, the golden monkey king grabbed Li Fan's arm and pointed to the burnt hairless area on his body.

Li Fan looked down and found that the hairless area of ​​the Golden Monkey King was pierced deeply with a sharp wooden stick, and blood was still oozing out.

"Oh! You are injured and you want me to help you heal your injury, right?"

Li Fan asked.

The golden monkey king nodded.

"Okay! Then you need to go home with me, and I will help you treat the wound!"

Li Fandao.

The golden-haired monkey king nodded, hugged the middle-aged white monkey, went out of the cave, and called a few times to the monkeys, who put out the torches and the bonfire.

Afterwards, the golden monkey king followed Li Fan away!

On the way back, Li Fan got lost. Thanks to the Golden Monkey King, Li Fan walked out of the depths of Peach Mountain.

Seeing the light of a flashlight in the distance, Li Fan called out, "Sister Chunhua, is that you?"

"It's me! Xiaofan, you are finally back! If you don't come back, we will go into the mountains to find you!"

Yang Chunhua replied.

Li Fan quickened his pace and came to Yang Chunhua, seeing Zhang Dabiao and the others, as well as villagers like Zhao Dacang waiting for him.

With so many people caring, Li Fan feels very happy!

"It's all right! I followed that group of monkeys to their lair deep in Peach Mountain, and beat up their monkey king. From now on, those monkeys won't come to steal peaches and destroy them again!"

As Li Fan said, he rubbed the head of the golden-haired monkey king beside him and said, "It's all your fault for those monkey cubs, who made everyone unable to rest in the middle of the night. Apologize to the villagers!"

Hearing this, the Golden Monkey King held his hands in his hands, nodded and bowed to apologize to everyone.

"Huh? This is the Monkey King? He's so cute and spiritual! He's all golden and wears a crown made of peach branches on his head!"

Yang Chunhua looked at the Golden Monkey King and said.

"Well, I named it Sun Wucai, which means that we will all make a fortune! However, it was injured by me, and I brought it back to treat the wound! Everyone can go home, everything is fine!"

Li Fandao.

On the way back to the village, the villagers kept thanking Li Fan and praised Li Fan as the lucky star of Shibali Village. Zhang Dabiao and the others even touched the Golden Monkey King from time to time.

When Li Fan returned home with the Golden Monkey King, Su Xiaoxi and Zhao Xueyan were very curious when they saw it and kept teasing it.

However, the golden monkey king is a king after all, and he also has dignity, so he was amused soon!

After Li Fan helped the golden monkey king treat the wound, he let him leave.

"Cai Cai, goodbye, come back to play often! You are so cute!"

Zhao Xueyan waved goodbye to the Golden Monkey King.

"Cai Cai, if you find any treasure in the mountains, you can bring it over! You can sell it for money!"

Su Xiaoxi shouted.

"Okay, Sun Wucai, let's go quickly! Remember not to light any more fires in the forest to prevent forest fires!"

Li Fan shouted.

After the three said goodbye to the Golden Monkey King, they took a shower and went to bed.

Li Fan was sleeping soundly, and when he was dreaming of being in love with Zhao Xueyan, a knock on the door woke him up!

"Li Fan! You wild boy! Open the door! Open the door!"

Li Fan opened his eyes drowsily and heard Huang Xiuying's shouting outside.

(End of this chapter)

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