Extraordinary little fairy doctor

Chapter 83 Flying Pants

Chapter 83 Flying Pants

Su Xiaoxi quickly retracted her feet, clutched the hem of the pleated skirt, and said with a serious face: "Who is wearing your flowery pants! These are the anti-wolf safety pants I bought myself! It's just the same color as yours!"

After a pause, Su Xiaoxi stepped forward and grabbed Li Fan's ear, cursing: "You pervert! You even peeped at me! I'll twist your ear off!"

"Don't, don't, don't! It hurts! I saw it by accident! You can't blame me! If you want to blame, you can only blame your legs for lifting too high!"

Li Fan shouted.

While Su Xiaoxi was fighting with Li Fan, Zheng Tianshun lifted the curtain of Chenxi Fruit Shop, poked his head in and said, "Boss Su, can you come out?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi let go of Li Fan's ears, looked at Zheng Tianshun and asked, "Boss Zheng, what do you want from me? You don't want to compete with me for honey peaches again, do you?"

"No! I want to talk to you about the transfer of the fruit shop!"

Zheng Tian followed suit.

"My fruit shop is fine, I won't sell it!"

Su Xiaoxi said angrily.

"Boss Su, you misunderstood! What I said was that I wanted to transfer my Xianhui Fruit Shop to you!"

Zheng Tian followed suit.

"Oh! Didn't Boss Zheng want to buy my fruit shop with great wealth before? It's only been a few days! Now he's reduced to selling his own shop?"

Su Xiaoxi rebuffed with a mocking face, "I don't want it! You can find someone else!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Fanteng stood up from his chair and said hastily, "We want it! We want it! Boss Zheng, please wait outside. I'll discuss it with Boss Su!"


Zheng Tianshun said with an embarrassed look on his face, shrunk his neck, and waited at the door outside.

Su Xiaoxi glanced at Li Fan and said, "Don't even think about borrowing money from me again! It's not the dividend period yet! Anyway, I don't want that Xianhui Fruit Shop, it makes me angry just looking at it!"

"Su Xiaoxi, when doing business, don't be impulsive!"

Li Fan said softly, "The fact that Zheng Tianshun came to us to take over his fruit shop means that he no longer has the money to compete with us! If we take over the storefront of his fruit shop, we can decorate it and open a restaurant! We don't have to pay it back. Sell ​​fruit!”

"Open a restaurant?"

Su Xiaoxi thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay! If the price is right, then take over and open a restaurant!"

Li Fan and Su Xiaoxi reached an agreement and went out to Zheng Tianshun.

Zheng Tianshun, who was hospitalized for more than ten days due to a car accident, lost a whole circle of weight, and his complexion was not as good as before!

Zheng Tianshun first bowed to Su Xiaoxi and Li Fan, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry you two, I apologize to you for the unfair competition I did before!"

"It's okay! It's all over! Boss Zheng, I heard that you were hospitalized in a car accident. As the neighbors across the door, we should visit you, but the store is too busy these days, so we haven't spared time. I hope you can forgive me!"

Li Fan was polite and tried his best to hide the joy in his heart.

Su Xiaoxi glanced at Li Fan, and cursed in her heart: "Li Fan, you are such a hypocrite! It's not that you have someone looting Boss Zheng's honey peach, and you are still pretending to be a good person!"

But Zheng Tianshun didn't know that the reason why he got into a car accident was that the whole car was robbed of honey juice fairy peaches, and he didn't find a single peach tree. It was all thanks to Li Fan!
"Thank you Li Fan for your concern! I deserved what I deserved! After the car accident, the entire truck was gone, the car was broken down, and the fruit store's capital chain was also broken! I have already sold the car to pay off the debt! Now There are more than 100 million bank loans that are due, and they need to be repaid quickly! So, today I came here with the cheek to hope that you can sell Xianhui Fruit Store at a price of 130 million!"

Zheng Tianshun said with a miserable face.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxi asked in surprise: "Zheng Tianshun, are you crazy about money! My fruit shop only cost 100 million when I opened it, and it was luxuriously decorated, with central air-conditioning and refrigerators. It’s dust-free! Just asking for a transfer fee of 130 million for that dilapidated store of yours? Then I might as well open a new one! I’ll give you a maximum of 30!”

"Ah? Boss Su, don't lie to me! Did your Chenxi fruit shop really only cost 100 million?"

Zheng Tianshun is unbelievably authentic, because when he opened Xianhui Fruit Store, the decoration was very ordinary, which was obviously lower than Chenxi Fruit Store, and it cost more than 200 million!
"That's right! If you spend more than me when opening a store, you've been tricked! Anyway, I can only offer 30 yuan to take over. If it doesn't work, whoever you want to find!"

Su Xiaoxi said proudly.

"30 is too low, and now there are fruits worth more than [-] in my store that have not been sold! I am talking with you sincerely, don't be kidding me!"

Zheng Tianshun was wronged and bitter, with an ugly expression of eating shit.

"That's 50! No more!"

Su Xiaoxi said.

Hearing this, Zheng Tianshun was frowning, and seemed very unwilling.

At this time, Li Fan suddenly said: "How about this, Boss Zheng, we won't make it too difficult for you, the price is 88! Businessmen, please be lucky!"

Before the words finished, Su Xiaoxi pinched Li Fan's waist and reprimanded: "Li Fan, do you have such a bargain? You are a buyer! Not a seller! How can a buyer take the initiative to increase the price? You are out of your mind Bar!"

As everyone knows, it is not once or twice that Li Fan takes the initiative to increase the price or raise the other party's request. This has become Li Fan's consistent style!

Li Fan felt that taking the initiative to raise the requirements of the opponent or the enemy, and in the end, it could be easily completed. This way of despising the opponent and the enemy made Li Fan feel very comfortable!
However, Li Fan took the initiative to raise the price this time not to despise Zheng Tianshun, but to sympathize with Zheng Tianshun from the bottom of his heart. After all, they took advantage of Zheng Tianshun's two major trucks, so they couldn't be too picky!
Another reason is that Su Xiaoxi obviously took advantage of Zheng Tianshun's distress and deliberately suppressed the price!

Don't do it too much!
Otherwise, Zheng Tianshun wouldn't feel any sincerity, so he turned around and left, and gave the Xianhui Fruit Shop to someone else, so the bargain he got would be taken by others!

"Su Xiaoxi, I'm not out of my mind! Boss Zheng is in trouble right now, so let's reach out to help! The big deal is that the 38 yuan I raised the price will be deducted from my future dividends!"

Li Fandao.

"Okay! That's what you said!"

Su Xiaoxi was angry and honest on the surface, but she was very happy in her heart.

"Just what I said! Buckle it!"

Li Fan took Zheng Tianshun's hand and asked, "Boss Zheng, do you think 88 is fine?"

Seeing Li Fan's sincerity, Zheng Tianshun, who had suffered a great loss, was a little moved, with hot tears of gratitude streaming from his eyes, and thanked him: "Thank you Li Fan! You are such a good person! Good! 88 88! I sold it!"

(End of this chapter)

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