Extraordinary little fairy doctor

Chapter 94 Have fun with your sister-in-law

Chapter 94 Have fun with your sister-in-law
"Yeah! It's still moving in your belly! It's almost five months since I was pregnant! In five more months, you can give birth and become Su's mother!"

Li Fan joked, pinching Su Xiaoxi's belly twice.

"Ouch! Stinky bastard! You feel so itchy! I won't let you touch me anymore!"

Su Xiaoxi scolded coquettishly, knocked Li Fan's hand aside, and asked, "Li Fan, if I give birth to twins, what should their names be?"

"One is called Turtle, and the other is called Bastard!"

Li Fandao.

"What? Then with you, you'll be a stinky turtle bastard!"

Su Xiaoxi joked.

"No way! Who told you to eat the turtle's head!"

Li Fan laughed.

"You let me eat it! Okay! Now you're insulting me, right! I'll strangle you!"

Su Xiaoxi was ashamed and pinched Li Fan's waist.

"Okay, okay! Stop making trouble!"

Li Fan asked seriously, "Su Xiaoxi, I just discovered that there seems to be a gap in the catering market in terms of medicated diet. How about we open a restaurant and also make medicated diet?"

"Okay! As long as you can guarantee the taste just now, we can definitely become the best! The business is booming!"

Su Xiaoxi said.

"With my recipe, it tastes better than just now! I am confident that it will taste better than just now!"

Li Fandao.

"You are amazing! A treasure boy! Nice to meet you!"

Su Xiaoxi gently hugged Li Fandao sideways.

Back at Chenxi Fruit Shop, Li Fan, Su Xiaoxi and Wang Qian decided on the decoration plan for the upcoming Chenxi Hotel.

After that, Li Fan saw that the time was almost up, so he drove the electric car back to Shibali Village first!

When he got home, Li Fan gave Zhao Xueyan a big hug and two kisses, and said in a sweet voice: "Sister Xueyan, I love you so much!"

"Brother Li Fan, I love you too! But, I'm going to Chunhua's house now, so I can't accompany you!"

Zhao Xueyan said.

"What are you doing at Mrs. Chunhua's house?"

Li Fan asked.

"Today, I persuaded Mrs. Chunhua to let her shoot short videos about life in the mountain village with me, so as to increase some fans and lay the foundation for future live broadcasts! My online agricultural assistance plan is about to be officially implemented!"

Zhao Xueyan said happily.

"Okay! Then I wish sister Xueyan's number of fans to exceed [-] million as soon as possible!"

Li Fan nodded.

"My requirements are not high. I will be very happy if the number of fans can exceed one million! Let's not talk about it for now. It's getting late, so I'll go over first! I'll call you later and let's have dinner together at Chunhua's house!"

After speaking, Zhao Xueyan kissed Li Fan on the lips, then took the tripod and mobile phone and left.

Li Fan watched Zhao Xueyan go out of the house, and muttered: "I really want to be more intimate with sister Xueyan! She is also busy with work now!"

Li Fan's heart was sour, but he also had his own work to do, so he put aside the urge to be affectionate for the time being, came to the consultation room, and continued to make Xiantao Nutrient Liquid!

Now that Li Fan's cultivation has reached the seventh level of Qi Refining, the speed and quantity of making Xiantao Nutrient Spiritual Liquid are dozens of times faster than at the beginning!
Therefore, today is Li Fan's last production, so that all villagers who have not finished improving the peach trees will receive enough Xiantao nutritional liquid!
Especially Zhao Fugui, originally he was angry with Li Fan, and none of his peach trees had been improved. Begging Li Fan for the fairy peach nutrient solution!
Zhao Fugui also took the initiative to add Li Fan's WeChat again, and let Li Fan pull him into the WeChat group of "Rural Revitalization of Shibali Village"!

As soon as Li Fan posted the news that he had finally received the Xiantao Nutrient Essence to the group, Zhao Fugui and Huang Xiuying were the first to come to Li Fan's house, and got enough for the entire Taoyuan at one time!
Before leaving, Huang Xiuying asked Li Fan with a dark face: "Where is Xueyan? Why didn't I see Xueyan?"

"Xueyan went to shoot a short video about the mountain village with Mrs. Chunhua!"

Li Fan replied truthfully.

"What? Xueyan actually made a short video with that coquettish Widow Yang? That arrogant broom star has passed on his bad luck to Xueyan! No! I have to go and bring Xueyan back Home!"

Huang Xiuying cursed angrily.

At this time, Zhao Fugui pulled Huang Xiuying and said: "Xiuying, please save it! Give Xueyan a little freedom! Xueyan has lost her memory! Let her do whatever she wants! Let's just do this with Xueyan If you lock a daughter at home, what will happen if she slits her wrists and commits suicide?"

Hearing this, Huang Xiuying sighed and said, "Zhao Fugui, I'm her mother, and I didn't intend to harm her! Xueyan, I'm worried! I'll go to Widow Yang's house to see! This fairy peach nourishing liquid!"

"Then don't force Xueyan to go home! We are demons in Xueyan's eyes now!"

Zhao Fugui said anxiously.

"Got it! I'm just going to check! As long as Xueyan is well, I won't bother her!"

Huang Xiuying said, as if the wind was blowing under her feet, she went towards Yang Chunhua's house.

Zhao Fugui knew that Huang Xiuying was worried about her daughter, so she didn't try to stop her, and went to the peach garden on the mountain alone with a bamboo basket of fairy peach nutrient liquid on her back!

After Li Fan finished distributing the Xiantao Nutrient Liquid, he breathed a sigh of relief. The matter with the peach tree can finally come to an end!
Next, you can start making the coagulation cream in batches!

Chen Xinyi was going crazy, bombarding Li Fan with information on WeChat every day, urging Li Fan to hurry up and supply the goods!
Li Fan came to the vegetable garden in the backyard, dug up some relatively tender ambergris, cleaned them, and planned to make [-] bottles first, and let Chen Xinyi come and take them away tomorrow.

However, when Li Fan was bottled the blood coagulation cream, Zhao Xueyan called!

I thought Zhao Xueyan was asking me to go to Mrs. Chunhua’s house for dinner, but when I got through the phone, Zhao Xueyan’s anxious voice came out: "Brother Li Fan! Mrs. Chunhua is crazy, she’s crazy! She seems to be suffering from some kind of illness! Come and see Look!"

"Ah? Crazy? Nervous? Is it so evil?"

Li Fan asked suspiciously, "Sister Xueyan, don't worry, just describe her symptoms briefly, so I can bring some medicine over there!"

"She...she...her symptoms! She wants you to kill her by force!"

Zhao Xueyan spoke hesitantly.

"What the hell? Sister Xueyan, don't be joking!"

Li Fandao.

"Brother Li Fan, I'm not joking! It's true! Mrs. Chunhua is lying on the ground now, ripping off her clothes, taking off her pants, calling you all the time, and saying that she wants to have a baby with you! Let you hurry up!" Let her be wiped out! If you don't believe me, listen to..."

Zhao Xueyan said, putting the phone close to Yang Chunhua.

Li Fan first heard Yang Chunhua's seductive shouts, and then some vague words:

"Li Fan, is my sister-in-law beautiful? My sister-in-law loves you so much!"

"Sister-in-law wants to give you a baby!"

"Sister-in-law, it's so hot, please take off your clothes quickly!"

"Come on! Have fun with my sister-in-law!"


Afterwards, Zhao Xueyan took back her phone and asked anxiously, "Brother Li Fan, is Mrs. Chunhua suffering from a mental illness?"

(End of this chapter)

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